Woah... Look what I found?? A phenomenon around coffee!
Good morning #HackLearning, I'm Connie Hamilton - co-author of Hacking Homework and curriculum director in Saranac, MI.
Woah... Look what I found?? A phenomenon around coffee!
Good morning #HackLearning, I'm Connie Hamilton - co-author of Hacking Homework and curriculum director in Saranac, MI.
Morning, #hacklearning. I'm Brian. I teach middle-school students English in CO where it's dark at the moment. I'm looking forward to days soon lengthening again.
A1. OOOO!!!! My students and I talk about this everyday. The definition they have come up with is.. “Anything and everything that can be observed.” #hacklearning#NGSS
A1: Phenomena are everywhere. Using them to spark curiosity is an effective way to create active learning, not passively being fed facts. #HackLearning
In education, we throw around the phrase "lifelong learners" yet we maintain control of student learning. Curiosity is KEY to fostering learnERS, not just learnING. #HackLearning
A1. OOOO!!!! My students and I talk about this everyday. The definition they have come up with is.. “Anything and everything that can be observed.” #hacklearning#NGSS
A1 Phenomena are unexpected occurrences that make sense once we investigate them. They inspire curiosity and exploration, and they require creative thinking to understand. Perfect jumping-off point for a unit in any subject, not just science. #HackLearning
math and science dove tail, plus math is all about patterns
LA--communicate them
Phenomena are the way the world we live in works, so applies to everything
A1 Phenomena are unexpected occurrences that make sense once we investigate them. They inspire curiosity and exploration, and they require creative thinking to understand. Perfect jumping-off point for a unit in any subject, not just science. #HackLearning
Phenomena resemble essential questions. Stimulates thought and makes connections to previous learning. Lead to more questions than answers. #HackLearning
A1 Phenomena are unexpected occurrences that make sense once we investigate them. They inspire curiosity and exploration, and they require creative thinking to understand. Perfect jumping-off point for a unit in any subject, not just science. #HackLearning
A1: I like the concept of sparking curiosity. Trying to get the students to ask the questions instead of the teacher telling them what is interesting. Let students figure out on their own what is interesting and go from their to figure out why. #hacklearning
math and science dove tail, plus math is all about patterns
LA--communicate them
Phenomena are the way the world we live in works, so applies to everything
A2: Pictures that relate to the learning target for the day. Have the students to do a “Brain Dump” of their schema, their wonderings, and what they’re witnessing. #hacklearning
So many choices, I would use what is in the news or that they bring up or is relevant in the moment or dove tails w/standards
example eclipse earlier this year
A2: Flipping the sequence to show the phenomenon first, then allowing students to explore gives students purpose. It's a change from learn first then see culminating activity. https://t.co/tx1gHhYlxk#HackLearning
A1: I like the concept of sparking curiosity. Trying to get the students to ask the questions instead of the teacher telling them what is interesting. Let students figure out on their own what is interesting and go from their to figure out why. #hacklearning
Completely agree. Well said. We also all need to keep in mind that getting students to ask good questions takes practice. They are so used to answering questions instead of asking them. #hacklearning
A2: Pictures that relate to the learning target for the day. Have the students to do a “Brain Dump” of their schema, their wonderings, and what they’re witnessing. #hacklearning
Always. Modeling posing questions models asking questions. Being asked open-ended questions has helped them become better questioners themselves. #hacklearning
Present a puzzling situation or event. In history class for example, present data on voter turn-out and start a conversation. Why doesn't everyone vote? #HackLearning
Here's an example of a phenomenon one teacher shared on "Ph"riday. How much more interesting is this than:
Let kids discover.
A2) I try to use the phenomena of positive student behavior and characteristics for schoolwide announcements and my daily #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay. #HackLearning
Love this idea - especially with all of @pujaagarwal92 ‘s research on retrieval practice - brain plus phenomena would be very engaging and increase learning! #HackLearning
A2 I’m a fan of pairing texts (including visual texts) that seem unrelated and using deliberately weird writing prompts to help students discover the deeper ideas that connect them. #HackLearning
Here's an example of a phenomenon one teacher shared on "Ph"riday. How much more interesting is this than:
Let kids discover.
Ever wonder why we yawn?
Show this to students and see if they're interested in reading - writing - speaking and listening about it. https://t.co/5Qm4qd4Ds9#HackLearning
Completely agree. Well said. We also all need to keep in mind that getting students to ask good questions takes practice. They are so used to answering questions instead of asking them. #hacklearning
Yes!! You can even have students make connections between more than one image. This allows them to guess what phenomena has in common. They can collect evidence by observation. #hacklearning
A2) Anything that pertains to our unit as I believe in integrating. Currently we are on our seasons unit and exploring the question, "What changes with the seasons?" #HackLearning
When we use a phenomenon to allow students to become curious and give purpose for learning, we're actually activating a different part of the brain and releasing dopamine - pleasure chemical. #HackLearning
A2: Political commentary, net neutrality -- something timely. This is also a great time to help students avoid confirmation bias -- to help them look at multiples sides of an issue. #hacklearning
I like the idea of utilizing 360 images and allow students to explore with probing questions as a start to a lesson. https://t.co/G5rrROXJt6 is a great resource #HackLearning
With my high school students, I have had to regularly practice asking good questions with them. They are so used to passively answering other people's questions by this time. #hacklearning
Students like to figure out most phenomena once the learning is turned over to them - thats why I started https://t.co/Im0kHEnirC to give us all somewhere to start... #hacklearning
A2 Great phenomena to launch learning? How about diversity, entitlement, a developing fetus, transgender populations, being vulnerable, and things that are science-based and evidence-based? #HackLearning
A2.2 On a sober note, war & its impact on refugees is a sadly notable phenomenon at the moment. Reading _Threads_ by @cartoonkate made this point in vivid words/pictures #hacklearning
There are many benefits of using phenomena to kick start any lesson. The idea that it builds curiosity takes learning to a different place. #HackLearning
A2 Great phenomena to launch learning? How about diversity, entitlement, a developing fetus, transgender populations, being vulnerable, and things that are science-based and evidence-based? #HackLearning
#HackLearning--I think I want to learn how to hack into computers and should start attending your seminars. I see all of you pushing it all the time. Is it legal now that the net neutrality laws have passed?
A3: Allow the Ss to create their own Google Maps by pinpointing locations. Ss take their viewers on a Virtual Field Trip by using Screencastify to record. With each location, students make connections to the content the have been studying. #hacklearninghttps://t.co/e7dSbqvWau
#STEAM learning can be a springboard. What the math behind this art work? In what ways does tech support science? Integrated learning is meaningful learning. #hacklearning
Students like to figure out most phenomena once the learning is turned over to them - thats why I started https://t.co/Im0kHEnirC to give us all somewhere to start... #hacklearning
A3: Example: If you observe a business (such as Starbucks) you can observe so many things: Marketing, sociology, economics, design, etc. So much that breaks down specific lines of academic disciplines. #hacklearning
A3 Sites like https://t.co/BrDUO7lZKV or https://t.co/Jjvg5By7vy offer excellent mentor texts (sites?) for how phenomena can lead to interdisciplinary learning. Having seen examples like these, students could eventually create their own. #hacklearning
in math help them derive some of the simplier equations they take for granted. Show the relationships within circles, why area of trap (triangle connection), etc
I look at #STEAM in a differing perspective ... STEAM is how the world functions ... there are no supporting roles as everything is intertwined ... we only separate them in education. #hacklearning
A3: Student-created news programs are a great way to share phenomenon investigation findings with the rest of the school community and the world!
I saw a former student's assignment ... they had to go out in the real world and take pictures of angles and shapes ... explain the why/functionality. #hacklearning
A3: Student-created news programs are a great way to share phenomenon investigation findings with the rest of the school community and the world!
A3: There is a place for #globalef in every content. And teaching together allows us to create more meaning and longer significance for our students #hacklearning