#kyedchat Archive
#KyEdChat is a weekly and Kentucky-specific conversation about all things education, from the nuts and bolts of curriculum and instruction, to the challenges of leadership and the politics of accountability. #KyEdChat draws educators from throughout Kentucky and beyond, engaging in a fast and lively hour of discussion, thoughtful questions and candid responses.
Thursday March 24, 2016 8:00 PM EDT
Welcome to - tonight’s chat will be led by members of Thank you so much for joining us!
We will be using the traditional Q1, Q2; A1, A2 format. Please use the hashtag in each tweet.
Roll Call! Please tell us your name, district, edu role, and your spring break plans
Gerald brashear 4th grade writing teacher
perry county
(Jerry) Michael Combs, HCTC, professor, MtWP leadership, Cincy shopping trip!!
Deanna Mascle, Morehead State University, writing instructor, director
Adam Watson, Shelby County, Digital Learning Coordinator. I break for no spring.
Donnie Piercey, 5th Grade teacher at !
Maggie Brewer, Scott Co, HS social studies teacher, working on National Board renewal. woo hoo.
Q1:You don't miss water til the well runs dry.What would we miss if KY Writing P "wells"ran dry? https://t.co/CMJSvmeO7d
Revised spring break plans: will get my Level 1 Google certificate.
Shelby, JCPS, Assistant Principal. Headed to see family and regroup for the road ahead!
here but lost on the twittering thing....trying to figure it out
(sorry...I have spotty cell service ATM.) Chris, Jenkins, Spanish Teacher, KEA DA in Louisville.
A1: collaboration, leadership training, pd by real teachers instead of prof. speakers
Heather - VP culture/innovation TNHS Bardstown
A1: support and encouraging teachers to practice skills we expect from kids
A1 The communion and cameraderie
Missy, Goal Clarity Coach, JCPS. Jumping in a hair late!
I like the "PD by real teachers" part! So true.
A1:Quality PD would be a big loss.
A1 all the camaraderie that we have, great ideas about everything, PD that is worthwhile!
A1 The best of teacher of teachers is a teacher. If the KWP well ran dry...many of us would, too.
Vickie Moriarity, 7th Grade ELA Teacher, MWP Leadership Team - glad to be here!
Fayette, teacher, headed to DC to see the cherry blossoms
A1: The networking, leadership opportunities, and creative lessons!
When I think about the biggest benefit for me personally, this would be it.
Shelby, JCPS, Assistant Principal, Love my writing life
Next question coming up You folks are rocking this chat! should follow!
Q2: Do you see yourself as a teacher who writes or a writer who happens to be a teacher? What is the difference?
A1 being connected to teachers across the state (and Nation!!)
A2: Writer who teaches - the difference is understanding the struggle and victories, knowing how to feed the writer
Hello my friend! Glad to see you here tonight!
Jeremy - Bardstown Middle School
A1: I am a writer. I write to figure things out, to express myself, and to teach. Try to get Ss to view writing the same
No writing! No KWP! I wouldn't know what to do with ME! It allows me to connect, fly, and breathe!
A2: In ELA, one can't exist without the other.
A2: Hmm. I'm a teacher, who writes....I would like to be more of a writer who writes about teaching, though.
Katie, Library Media Specialist, middle school!!
A2: Writer who teaches. The difference is I know what it feels like to struggle to find my voice.
A2: Both. Ts know you must model strong work and have Ss read like a writer before asking them to write.
It's great to see all of the folks from Bardstown. I'm going to be there next month for the boot camp
I'm both teacher and writer at heart. Whichever order the two rank...passion must be high in both vocations.
A1 We would lose valuable professional writing and literacy resources for our state
A2 Definitely a teacher who writes. Teaching has allowed/forced that to happen.
Do you try to get Ss to view writing as a tool for problem solving?
A2 What a great question! I don't think one is first or second. To be a teacher I must be a writer.
Hey you! Long time no see!
A1 Our students will suffer if the well ran dry
Oldham County High School
Jennifer, Goal Clarity Coach, hey all!
RT A1 Our students will suffer if the well ran dry - Yes They Would!
Agreed! And those passions feed one another as well.
Hey, hey, hey! Now the party can start!
A2: You are so right! Modeling is paramount as a teacher, so writers we must be!
Couldn't agree more! KWP is integral to teaching teachers about the writing process!
I love your writing about teaching
I am right there with you. Full time coach, full time doctoral student. Living the dream!
Yes! We must PUSH our young people to understand the Power of the Pen!
Q3:KY WritingP provides content literacy training. How can writing show Ss content knowledge? https://t.co/jjLwQ7WK1G
A2 Communicator, who has the ability to write and speak with clarity and intentionality, that loves to teach.
A2 Writing is important in all we do and all professions.
A3: My students use writing to explore what they know, share what they learn
William in Berea. Back after long hiatus. Interested in writing topic.
Jumping into late - what question are we on? :)
A2 I love to write, but I'm definitely a teacher who writes.
A3: writing helps Ss figure out what they already know and how they feel about a subject
A3 Reading and Writing are the tools of thinking and learning. Wtg. in content allows Ss to process, think critically.
A3: Writing should be throughout the curriculum and allows kids to express their understanding in their own words.
A3: By synthesizing, by prioritizing....Ss can demonstrate their knowledge.
Agreed! Shouldn't be just contained to one classroom.
A3: My students write to find out what content they know and use writing to explore what they don't know as well.
Q3. Glad you can join us!
A3 What better way to demonstrate knowledge than to write about it?!
A3 Through reflective writing, student surveys, and explaining their reasoning.
A3 One goal as an ELA teacher was to give my Ss authentic audiences where they could show their work & get feedback
A3: My students are demonstrating their knowledge of Social Studies by retelling events from history through Google My Maps.
A3:My students write to show what they know, express what they don't, & create
Ts must allow Ss to tell their stories of tragedy, loss, pain, victory and hope. It matters to them!
I use a math autobiography writing to help students work through their feelings about learning math
A3: Ss should also write to be heard, to reach beyond a teacher. Don't be content with just content.
A3: Without question, writing as processing/synthesizing/questioning content is powerful stuff. Metacognition at it's finest
A3 I use writing everyday in my arts and humanities and social studies classes.
That's one of my favorite tools too. My Ss would tell you family's history through the tool
A3 Would love to share classes w/ good SS T's & write while learning history.
A3: Writing about any content helps students personally connect, understand, and own that content.
A3 Writing as a teacher and writing instruction goes hand in hand
Yes it does! Ts must allow Ss to tell their stories ... It matters to them!
Wisdom in your words. Writing is so profound! https://t.co/7GMx5bnr9y
A3 Writing is one of the 5 basic modes of learning. for many its more powerful than simply reading, listening/speaking or making.
So true! A3: Writing about any content helps students personally connect, understand, and own that content.
And what better way to honor our Ss and meet them where they are! Power in story.
Q4:KWP promotes writing as a tool for learning content. How
does KWP training inform/improve instructional decisions?
A3: Because of my creative wrtg elective, many who never touched a pen write for fun!Literacy in action
I push Ss to explore topics - political, cultural, social- 2generate questions they don't necessarily have the answer
A4: Understanding that writing is not just about the finished product - tool for thinking, reflection, learning
A3 we make glogs, use evidence to support arguments, write letters and stories, create theater reviews, and critique art
A4 KWP training promotes T reflection on practice--grounded in S work. Responsive Teaching at its best.
The exit slips reveal what they do and don't know & what they are confused about.
A4 It gives me resources that have been through trial & error.
A3: Students can show what they know through reflections, journals, opinion pieces, etc. The options are endless.
Hello. It's me. Glad to see you here.
WPSI gave me confidence in my decision making as a newer T.
A4: My instructional decisions are based mostly on their written reflections
A4 The state dept. works with writing project fellows to insure high quality resources for KY students .
Stefanie Stubblefield Erlanger Elsmere 4th Grade ELA..Spending SB with my 4 yr old daughter.
It's time for legislators to understand what we DO! We create leaders and architects of the future.
A4: Ts reflection through protocols & analyzing Ss work to determine next steps. Its
KWP Conference last Sept reenergized. Came across arg writing mini unit yesterday I will use in a couple of weeks.
A4: To express knowledge well in writing, you must know the content. Misconceptions, vagueness in writing reveals it.
Nice!! Way to go! New role?
A4 When I get stuck, need a new strategy, I think back to WP demos & conferences. Great vocab ideas, student engagement
Q5:Assessing writing takes time. How can training, such as KWP, help teachers assess quickly and accurately? Ideas?
A4: Haven't been to the training, but after catching up on tweets, I'm highly intrigued!
A4 Presenting as TC after SI prompted desire for leadership on WP, school, etc.
A5:Tech might help. Assess smaller chunks of writing, perhaps in real time. Use audio/video feedback to be more engaging.
A3:Teaching Math this yr. Had to pull in more writing.Ss reflect on content what master/still struggling.
A5: Maybe by providing rubrics, work samples, and teaching us how to craft this type of writing?
A4: I still have my original notebook and the one from my year as a returning fellow! Use all the time!
A5: Community scores and student-built rubrics. It's no longer a single assessment, just like in the real world
Often return to Holocaust materials you shared!
A5 KWP training helps Ts use effective protocols to assess Ss wtg.--and to help Ss assess themselves.
Hello All! Just getting in.
A2: I'm a combo of both, depending on what's going on in my life. I feel better when I'm a writer who teaches.
That is key! Refection of learning builds those dendrites and synapses in the brain!
Yes!! SO much investment on the part of the Ss & they understand the means by which they will be assessed!
A5: Assessing writing takes practice in what to consider "tight" & "loose" We burn out when we assess every aspect
A5: Live scoring has been a powerful tool for me; Also, grading sections as a class. Thanks
A5: Training has taught me that I can use quick assessments & teach students assessment to build an assessment community
and turn Ss off when we assess everything, no?
You said it! Break down the classroom walls. Real world=real writing! Too much going on today, not to.
Haha! Hey, Missy. I'm glad to "see" you!
A5 I learned so much about this! Writing Fix resources. Conferencing strategies. Writer's agenda. Peer revision.
Definitely. Not every Ss wtg has to be a huge assessment.
A5: Training has taught me how to build assessments with Ss so we all understand success traits for specific task
Same! I'll have my Ed.S in Instructional Leadership in August. My start the program Mentoring now
What you said, dear sweet sister! What you said!
...anybody else singing the Batman theme? Nanananana...
give them a fish, eat for a day. Teach them to fish, eat forever. leads to ownership
A5: most of the tools I learned to assess effectively came from KWP.
A5 Concept of low stakes writing to develop skills. Good materials from on this!
I am a KRP "alum" and gain tons! Would love to attend KWP soon to help guide my writing instruction more!
Q6: KY Writing Project embeds regular teacher reflection in all our work. How do you reflect on your work?
A5 The right rubric makes the difference. I'm in love with the LDC rubric. An LDC social studies rubric is in the works!
I just write about things that stick -Glue, gum, hope, love, good friends and LWP. Writing is my best friend!
Same with questioning. Leveled variety is an important balance.
A6:blogging has become deep work reflection- true belief analysis; and I love my LWP/GCC leadership peeps!
A6 Mentoring pre-service teachers has made me more reflective.
A6: I journal and blog! I also talk it out, well sometimes, but writing it down makes me feel better and make better changes.
A6: I reflect a lot on my blog.
A6: I sometimes write in a reflection journal, but a debriefing with peers also helps me a great deal.
A6 I have an unhealthy relationship with Post-its. So, I use them. Makes me hone in on what to remember.
A6: Reflection is like breathing & just as necessary! I do: in the car, shower, hall; eating whatever, grading whatever!
A5: I would love some more feedback/guidance on student guided rubrics and more self assessment. https://t.co/rEdj6qksQA
Q5:Assessing writing takes time. How can training, such as KWP, help teachers assess quickly and accurately? Ideas?
So true I journal and blog! I also talk it out, but writing it down makes me feel better and make better changes.
Yup. Power and synergy in the conversation.
A6:24/7After instruction, after class/day,weekends.Teacher reflection process is just like my writing process
A6 Keep saying I will blog.
A6 I write blog posts full of reflection in my head... need to work on actually doing it.
A6 As a reflective learner I do it often. I also discuss this process with my Ss to model reflective actions for self-improvement
I completely agree best reflection tool yet! Also being a peer observer has helped me fine tune my practices.
I find myself reflecting alongside my coachees when I facilitate their coaching conversations; I also ask for feedback from them
A6: I have critical conversations with colleagues.
It's addicting! Do you have summer plans? Do it!!
A6: I love reflecting on my drive home over Pine Mt. It's automatic.
Final question coming up. Thank you to all for a fabulous and ! This party needs to happen again https://t.co/pKGIlPxhtD
A6: My blog is a great source of reflection, and a terrific release at times! Allows me to write more often!
Q6 - I re-read it, squeeze it through friends' critiques, pray over it and then let it sit for awhile.
A5 KWP has changed my instruction and helped me grow as an educator
I keep a journal where I reflect on my teaching. Reflection is important for PGES & National Boards!
No big plans! My first post could be about my procrastination in starting!
A6 My dept eats lunch together. It's a good time to talk over what's working and what isn't
Whatever happened to protocols? People just want writing without the investment, the mess, the thinking. Sad!☹
A6 I'm a blog follower, and my favorites always move me to reflection.
A7: I'll be looking further into the KWP and quite possibly applying. It seems awesome.
Nothing happened to them in my house...still alive and iterating!
Ahem. Definitely applying.
Takeaway: KWP is a vital asset to teachers who want to improve their writing instruction!
Thanks for letting me lurk tonight!! I had not heard of KWP but you can bet convos will begin with my writing teachers tomorrow!
You have no idea! A7: I'll be looking further into the KWP and quite possibly applying. It seems awesome kwpchat.
Hands-down best PD and graduate work Ive done!
Amen! I couldn't do what I do without it. We are difference makers. KWP, LWP and all who follow!
Haha, okay! I may be asking for help/information.
Everything good in my professional life started in an summer institute...a long time ago.
Reflection: Again, I enjoy the exchange. I learn best in the company of other educators, especially my WP peeps.
Final question: and legislators need to examine the quality work done by
. I teach Kindergarten, so I would love to learn how to better build the foundation.
Takeaway: Always great to meet and talk to new KWP peeps. Thanks for hanging out tonight!
As great and resourceful as my KRP time was KWP is something I'm definitely going to pursue soon!
That's wonderful! I am going to be reading up!
Reading these mini-reflections on the intersection of teaching and writing...powerful!
Mad Props to for organizing and for letting us share this space. Much love and peace to all.
We must continue to fund the writing projects!