#2PencilChat Archive
The #2PencilChat is a weekly conversation about educational technology. As we enter a more student-centered age, let's talk about using all the tools in our toolboxes to be innovative and dynamic teachers.
Tuesday July 12, 2016 7:00 PM EDT
I think my anarchist tendencies are being reinforced tonight... :)
I am looking for same answer!!! just a little review at home to solidify work in class.
If you can find or create the relevance, you shouldn't ask students to do it. Great point https://t.co/4LUmltNHha
A4...and can they relate it to their own lives or culture?
A5 my Ss have choices each day with how they want to do HW. Spelling - traditional or sidewalk chalk. https://t.co/3Ot4uvgwH6
A5 By not assigning any. Best thing is Ss telling me about what they found b/cse they wanted to know more.
Reading is good. Reteaching after imperfect home practice is maddening. (Math. Oh, CCSS math.)
Try it! And ask Ss & Ps what they think. We need to change belief that hwk shows Ts are teaching & Ss are learning
A5 I helped my kids with HW lots, at least early-on. Most parents hit a Peter Principle-like place where they can’t anymore tho
A5 Great PLC discussion...I'm sure Ts & Ss have great ideas that can keep growing. It's all in the purpose & planning!
That kind of thing SHOULD be done at middle school level but not mine. It's more like jr high school
Allowing them the option of doing front row or Raz kids at home but not requiring it
mounting evidence shows that review isn't solidifying anything but a distaste for school. ask how Ss feel.
Independent reading & building stamina are crucial.
I just saw that unicorn on Amazon prime day today!!
A4. If it doesn't have a purpose I don't send it home. Finding wh, ch, th words in the pantry is always a hit.
I taught elem so I don't know realistic secondary limitations. Any ideas could Ts make it happen?
A5 I'm scared of student "choice" that's like "Would you like to be spanked with a 2x4 or a belt?" Choices don't fix bad ideas.
Our Freshman Academy teachers do communicate when major tasks are being assigned within depts.
A5: give a choice - read and do a character sketch or journal entry or make up a crossword with this chapters vocabulary
"Yay! Let's ingrain some errors with 30 at-home math problems!!"
A5 When a student gets to that point HW’s the tipping point to lamentation. I suppose that’s what brought us here today? +
my Ss love raz kids! They do IXL and Moby max too
A5- Redo's & Retake opportunities also...
and having Ss send pics to a shared doc for all can help others see them too.
. Yes, that is why Ss teaching Ps is such a great method. Ss explain/show what they know to reinforce what they learn.
I think any misconceptions would apply in this case. I work w/Ss from poverty & many struggle.
I know, that's why my team is making change this year. I will continue math fact game & read at home.
Well some admin leadership would be nice start :) We Ts have several initiatives to implement at once
Anyone mention Alfie Kohn's book The Homework Myth?
As a principal, I love this question and the responses so many gave!! I'm going to retweet! https://t.co/9xgCZS4wrn
what do you do when administration and parents expect HW and the teacher doesn't approve?
A5 What would happen if teachers threw a homework and nobody came? https://t.co/IFDGsHkX6Q .. provide alternatives.. up to them
I always ask my former parents each yr things I should change or keep the same. The ones I value their op & trust
games are fun. not graded, and Ss stop when they want to. perfect hwk
AMEN- don't want parents to "teach".
Student misconceptions about knowledge/skills required in HW. Practicing wrong makes it worse.
I work with many in poverty as well. Build their confidence by focusing on what they know.
Please let a Pokemon tweet. I want to see what happens.
Q6 What about projects? I had a friend ask once, "How come teachers assign homework for ME?" https://t.co/0rjHCQmQnF
Yes! Stamina, strategies, & structures need almost daily practice. Kids need guidelines & guidance. https://t.co/wUsM5iEFAU
Independent reading & building stamina are crucial.
I've used a "Keeper of the Day" for years.Kiddoes write the 1 thing they "keep" from their day. And I don't let them say lunch!
On occasion, I did have Ss and parents who didn't like the choice menu...preferred to be told exactly what to do.
A5 To me, if SS spend xtra time on something they care about, or U show them rabbit holes that they want to go down, it's good.
A6 If you're not doing them in class, don't do projects. End of story.
Wait, back up. If it never got mentioned in class, then why it is being assigned for HW?
Ooh! Or, a regarding plot, character, setting, etc. See if it helps them comprehend what they are reading.
. That's why HW should focus on reinforcing what they know + not on concepts they are learning.
A5 Tell me one thing you liked and didn't like about last night HW. I adjust my homework.
In the middle of a freeway through a no trespassing acre next to a dead body
Problem is that they can't necessarily get timely feedback at home about what they do & don't know.
A5 Speaking of voices, a little one in my head in September '13 got me to go to .. +
I really dislike home projects, when they take the place of PBL in the classroom.
OMG that was awful. And amazing. No more Pokemon chat. Katie wins.
Definitely tell the T. We have to have uncomfortable chats sometimes.
It's really bad when that tipping point happens in 4th or 5th grade
Poverty is a barrier, but I can't let myself or my Ss see that as an barrier to their education.
I think we should have this topic again 1 month after school starts. Check in w/everyone.
A6. Projects have their place, but don't overdo it. Kids can find too many to be overwhelming. So can their parents.
I let the parents and my Ss if they need occasional help with a specific assignment I will help before/after school
A5 Sometimes they have to pick one game from my website and tell we what they learned.
A6: Ts think "Teach content, then apply with project." Change this to "Teach THROUGH the Project" then do it in class
A6. I used to do projects at home, but stopped because the Ps did it all. Now it's collaboration projects if any.
Nono, like "I gave you 20 minutes to write in class and you spent them talking to Julio, so you have homework."
Hate that I've missed so many days recently. Hopefully I can start being around again soon!
A5 It's really when I got to thinking about learning as a life experience rather than discrete events (HW).
A6 I will do some fun and creative home projects for my Ss to share with us. 1st grade so they love it https://t.co/JeYQ4Nnd4C
Q6 What about projects? I had a friend ask once, "How come teachers assign homework for ME?" https://t.co/0rjHCQmQnF
That's sad, but it's that achievement mindset, isn't it?
I would be kinda proud if NONE of my students did a certain HW asst.
Easier for the parent to do haha
That's why they should explain / reflect on what they know at home. Work on other stuff at school
love it! Might have to "steal" it. ;)
What draws 4th & 5th graders (or their teachers) away from The Force?
Not a barrier, but should they be punsihed w/meaningless work because of it?
Q6: Yes, projects count as HW!!! And . . . it's not for the parents to do!
Executive functioning begins ~ age 12. If child says: Can I do (continue, usually tech) this at home? Of course.
Students of color across the country don't get a lot of choices. Are Ts going to talk about that in edchats?
This seems like a life skill worth fostering, especially when your first job is a rung https://t.co/DwPbjrjCwo
A5 To me, if SS spend xtra time on something they care about, or U show them rabbit holes that they want to go down, it's good.
Or (my fave) "You chose to expand this project into something cool, but grades are due Monday, so you have HW"
Yay, you! Growth mindset. : )
A6 yes, at-hone projects are homework. In some ways they are the worst kind (said the parent)
I let students work together on any assignment, teaching each other is the best way to learn
A6 If projects are a part of the class SAE in FFA then of course. Others should get class time
I really admire the entrepreneurial work of .. Talk about engaging..
the majority of the students taking my class are there because they don't have the choice.
projects can be fun when kids are allowed to have some say in the projects outcome. Don't be the dictator let them shine
Love it! What have some responses been?
fair point, I know our union cautions us about guaranteeing after school contact time
I don't assign meaningless work. You have the power to create meaningful HW. Wield it.
Yes, absolutely. That is a thing
If I'm that kid, I just got 20 minutes to talk to Julio and I'm still not going to do your assignment. Just sayin.
A6b Open ended projects lets gets that want to...dig deep....explore...engage...enjoy..while not penalizing those that don't
Home work should be about finding authentic connections to content when given https://t.co/ax61QEg51h
Traditional HW is archaic and Ts and schools use it to control and conform.
I want this on a bumper sticker.
Alternatively, strive for equity w adaptive tech- gives immediate feedback, at student's exact level
What about Special Needs students?
Showed Ss this. They asked How big, how much red paint, volume? They found and used formulas by selves https://t.co/EP45CM77sW
no, but if you are doing your class right all projects can be done in class
They need to know that they have the power to break barriers.
I know it. I just hate the pressure of making things due at the end of the hour.
A6 I think that progress on a home project might be hw if checking in on project management skills, such as goal setting
A6 Mrs occasionally asks me to do stuff around the house. I sweat, therefore I (home)work. Should work that way for kids, too..
A6 I think LETTING them take something home is better than HAVING them take something home...
I have seen some great tweets!
Whatever the circumstance, believe in Ss and their ability to succeed. Works wonders.
Now we've come full circle ;) back to "what is meaningful HW?"
any by ascd and of course
Have you ever tried making them write in pairs?
Q7 Detail your homework (or NON-homework) policy for the coming year. Best answer gets used in my room. https://t.co/lySSm8Xy7s
then don't. let it flow into the next class. Why end just because bell rang.
Yeah, but when Ts don't believe their Ss have that power...welp.
I gotta either get dinner started or go fly my for a bit. Which is more rewarding long-term? Ask Ss similar Q..
Summah is busy dude, we'll always have a table setting for you. :)
Yes, and just like what we do w/Ss who don't do it, we now have to decide what is meaningful.
They need to reexamine in same was as racist cops need to reexamine career choices.
I happen to be the coolest person on the internets, so bravo.
You're correct. There is no wrong or right answer.
What if we treated HW like Genius Hour?
On my mind: How do I continuously cr8 an environment that combines the energy of and ?
Sounds like standards based goodness to me! https://t.co/bGLSJSJrNh
Alternatively, strive for equity w adaptive tech- gives immediate feedback, at student's exact level
While I have a minute: I like HW that's optional, extra practice w/what we did in class.
___________ (insert your own word) homework
you could video or present your lessons from the day especially in math and make it available for them to extend or understand
I'm sorry, I don't believe that giving HW will help them break those barriers.
Agreed! Let's dig here. What type of HW can empower students to break down barriers to their education? https://t.co/XePeAzuMlF
They need to know that they have the power to break barriers.
Yes, but collaboration (that isn't cheating) is so new to my Dominican Ss. I need to structure it better.
Thank you all for an engaging .. still mulling: start dinner or fly
And I always say, "If this is taking a long time & you're frustrated, then stop."
Yes, we do talk about this in our PLC. We do same thing as a team.
The HW issue ties in with the grading debate: Is compliance a desirable S quality & should it be assessed? No easy answers here
A7 I enjoyed my HW last yr. Fav was writing what they learned that wk. Fun to read it from their minds. https://t.co/qFAXDgATq6
Q7 Detail your homework (or NON-homework) policy for the coming year. Best answer gets used in my room. https://t.co/lySSm8Xy7s
A7 I flip all my HW: Watch/absorb vid lesson. Take quiz. If not proficient, retake key parts. If yes, proceed to choice prjcts.
Ss had an art portion. Create a constellation. Make a landmark in the NE region. Draw, build, paint, etc.
how do you do that in only 100 words?
It's an overrated, American skill. Teach them in a way that works for them.
I'd love to! Working in that direction. Must overhaul grading system first though, I think. Need admin support
they loved that portion every week. I loved seeing what they created. They were hung up or displayed.
If they already know it, why do they need HW? https://t.co/dSzeYqLSqD
But what do they know? How can you connect what they know + their interests? Focus on that for HW success.
Extra time for those that want it honors Ss that process more slowly and those that want to go beyond https://t.co/jBEDvKMuOP
A6 I think LETTING them take something home is better than HAVING them take something home...
You could do annoying (read: effective but loud) Kagan strategies where they can talk to each other.
'16-'17 = freedom to see what Ss assign themselves , if anything. Diving off the S-designed plans! https://t.co/09Qmh79msi
Q7 Detail your homework (or NON-homework) policy for the coming year. Best answer gets used in my room. https://t.co/lySSm8Xy7s
Something that allows them to create, stretch their thinking, maybe even that makes them uncomfortable (older).
love it! Don't think I have a picture of mine right now.
. I've seen the positive effects of HW, so I have to disagree. I respect your right to think differently.
I say I don't assign HW and make myself available for those Ps that need resources for their kiddoes. Ps love it.
Boom. That's why this is a tangled/complex topic for teachers.
If you've built in writing time, then allow talking instead, Ss see you don't value the writing time.
That's been a useful debrief for me as well - what they did/didn't learn often surprises me!
Don't assign projects. Just don't. They all get made by parents and go in the garbage anyway.
A7 There'll be no homework in my class. You will have to study for tests, but that's called studying.
Push on that. What out of school activities can we encourage/provide that may do this?
freedom to write doesn't mean total freedom. Manage the conversation, refocus on the writing.
Reinforcement. We don't expect athletes to stop practicing, why should we expect Ss to stop learning?