#TLAP is a weekly chat for educators who embrace author, keynote speaker, and moderator David Burgess' approach of teaching like a pirate. Burgess is author of Teach Like A PIRATE: Increase Student Engagement, Boost Your Creativity, and Transform Your Life as an Educator and co-author of P is for PIRATE: Inspirational ABC’s for Educators.
Welcome to #tlap! I'm Tamara, a tech integrator from VA and I'm excited to be your host tonight!
Share your name, location, and a gif or pic to show how your day went today!
Kam joining @tamaraletter and the pirate crew for our weekly #tlap chat! I am from Montana where I am a special educator of 20+ years at the middle school level. #alwayslearning
Alexa is great at math and spelling. That’s why if you want spelling homework you have kids predict what the five most common misspellings of a word would be and why. #tlap#learnlap#IMMOOC
Hi everyone! I'm AnnMarie, proud 4th grade teacher from Wisconsin. Today I got two huge packages from Amazon! Robots and coding equipment from a grant I won. It was like Christmas!! #tlap#ILoveMyPublicSchool
Jove MS Principal from MO, been a busy, busy night dropped by our winter sports banquet, then went to a meeting with a learning group and tried to follow #LearnLAP at the same time now trying to settle in for #TLAP
Hello everyone! Ashley from Frisco, TX! Grade 4 teacher. Successful day today with engagement amongst students, as well as empowerment on their blogs! #tlap
Hi everyone! Barbara from Oakland, CA - ed consultant, podcaster and love talking about #kindness w/ @tamaraletter#tlap - ready to dance with all of you!!
Crystal joining in from Virginia! I'm the Elementary English Specialist for the VDOE. Had a super day...and I'm excited to share and learn with everyone! (while also watching the Olympics!!) #tlap
A1: Doing something good for someone because it's the right thing. Like holding the door open for someone or picking up something that someone dropped. #tlap
A1: Kindness is giving without getting. It's seeing something that needs to be done and doing it. It's making someone feel special and amazing. It's why we're here #tlap
A1: Kindness means grace and mercy. Choosing to love others despite their circumstances or the difficulty. Expressing gratitude and servitude in meaningful ways. #tlap
A1 it means being nice even when it’s hard and even with people that aren’t kind to us. It means appreciating people for who they are and making them feel good even when it isn’t required #TLAP
A1: Helping someone without expecting something in return; loving beyond measure especially when its necessary, choosing to be a servant. #tlap#ILoveMyPublicSchool
A1: For me, kindness is listening to the whisper on your heart and doing something to benefit someone else, without expecting anything in return. #tlap
A1: Kindness to me means many things... It is a smile and greeting students at the door. It is holding a door open and always listening to understand vs respond.
A1: Kindness means putting others before myself. There is always someone in more of need than I am. Kindness is the extra step you take to make someone else feel like they matter. #tlap
A1: This week our counselors are asking some of us to record this answer. To steal some of JFK's words and modify them. Kindness is "asking not what others can do for you, but what you can do for others." #tlap
A1: Kindness means loving unconditionally and expecting nothing in return. One of my professors was having heart surgery, and I made him an imprint that students from my university added to. He said it made him cry. Moments like those are what I live for. #tlap
A1 Kindness means being authentic, caring, sharing time, listening, showing empathy, leading with heart. Being kind means supporting, celebrating, encouraging, understanding. It means putting others 1st. Have true intentions; make the world a better place. Smile. #tlap#bekindEDU
A1 Kindness means giving people a break, even if they don’t seem to want it or “deserve” it. That goes for kids and adults. I may need that, too, sometime. #tlap
A1 Kidness is not only about being kind to one another. It’s also about spreading the ❤️ and positivity among others to inspire them. Kidness is more powerful when you’re sharing it together. #tlap
A1: Kindness is more of an attitude than an action. With a kind attitude, you can help others in all sorts of ways, with actions and sometimes non action. It's a mindset. #tlap
Q1: Kindness is truly seeing people. Smiling at them, asking how they are, truly caring and listening for the answer. Paying attention to their needs. Everyone needs something different to get by. And..."We get by with a little help from our friends" #tlap
A1 Kindness is showing compassion thru r words and actions, it's thinking about someone else; It can be a listening ear, smile, or walking away to let the other person find their happy place #tlap
A1: Finding a need a filling it! Maybe a cup of coffee, a listening ear, a dinner out, hug , a snack. I try to think of how I would want someone to treat my child, my elderly mother or anyone else I love in my absence. #tlap
A1: Kindness means to be good to others as you would like to be treated. To model #kindness for kids. #Betheone and throw kindness around like confetti #tlap
Howdy #tlap from Barbara, school counselor and author of What's Under Your Cape? #Kindness gives #empathy its why; it's the behavioral piece! It's free, it's one size fits all, and it's the REAL global warming. It's love with work boots on.
A1: Kindness means showing empathy- really noticing those around us and focusing on what we can do to improve their days. It is a focus on others instead of on self. It is realizing our biggest acts are how we impact others. #tlap
A1: To me, kindness is taking a moment to think of others before you act. Put yourself in their shoes or give them the benefit of the doubt. Treat others even better than the way you'd like to be treated. #tlap
A1: Kindness is truly seeing people. Smiling at them, asking how they are, truly caring and listening for the answer. Paying attention to their needs. Everyone needs something different to get by. And..."We get by with a little help from our friends" #tlap
A1.b We recently had some mouse visitors in our house, and my hubs trapped them and released them into a field on his way to work. "Kindness to creatures, no matter how small." #tlap
A1: also means that if someone is not being kind to you, doesn't mean you can't be kind back..maybe they're having a bad day...it's not an excuse but reach out and ask "what can I do to make you feel better?" #tlap
#tlap A1: Kindness is to yield and not press when you have the advantage. To lift up and not punch down. To remember that there but for the grace of God go I.
A1: Kindness is treating someone for who you think they can become and not for how they appear. Not that you hold this over them but you dream for them. #tlap
A1:Kindness means respect and caring. Kindness means showing decency toward others especially when no one is watching. Kindness is to know the good, love the good, do the good. #tlap
A1: Kindness to me means seeking to understand people and situations, helping how I can, while being respectful and gentle. This is true with my littles too. #tlap
#tlap Listening. Responding not reacting. Embracing the uniqueness of others & being patient & open-minded. Believing in & seeing the good in those around you in order to let others see their strengths.
#tlap Good evening everyone! Melinda from New Mexico, happy to be here to connect and get new ideas about #kindness and how we can empower our studentsn with positivity @kindness_clubs
A1: Wouldn't it be great if #kindness was something all of us start and end our day thinking of others "we just might set the world in the right direction." #tlap
❤️A1: Kindness is helping out JUST BECAUSE. It's making others feel good JUST BECAUSE. It's doing the little things JUST BECAUSE. No strings attached, just making someone's day better, JUST BECAUSE.❤️#TLAP
A1: True kindness is finding ways to put a smile on someone’s face without ever expecting a thank you. You have opportunity to change someone’s day with a simple gesture, take a minute and share some love for those around you #TLAP
A1 having a servant’s ❤️. Being one to share a simple act; a door, a chair, a hug, a smile, a tissue, a grin, a wink, a 🌹... love of mankind - and respect toward one another - ❤️ kindness #tlap
A1 #tlap Kindness to me means looking out for others and intentionally seeking opportunities to help, to be of service. It means being creative with the tools at hand, whether it be paper, markers, chalk, a smile, a thank you to reach out to someone. #RAKWeek2018@tamaraletter
A1: Kindness means showing love unto others regardless of the circumstances. It is a choice one makes makes in the good and the difficult to extend compassion, grace, and care. #tlap
A2: The world needs to see kindness and it's not always visible to our kids, that's why it's necessary to teach kindness and model it for our kids #tlap
A2: With the busy lifestyle of work and social activites, many families aren't together much, kindness may be on the back burner, and EDU puts an emphasis on collaboration, so kindness plays a big role there. Makes your classroom harmonious, and in HS, that's def #goals#tlap
A1 #tlap I tell me children that being kind is a choice, kindness is a part of you- it embodies mindfulness & joy which leads to happiness and generosity of spirit
A2: We assume that most know how to be kind. Some need help acquiring this skill just like any other skill. Ts may be the only example or opportunity for Ss to learn how to be kind. #tlap
A2: its more than just school; its about giving Ss an education beyond the content - we have to integrate those habits of mind to ensure they become successful people and compassionate individuals who give back. #tlap
A2 I always go back to the old stand by treat others as you want to be treated. Nobody wants to be treated poorly but it’s also important because we don’t know the challenges those around us may be facing #TLAP
A2: We are shaping little minds to be successful adults. Standardized curriculum tends to breed competition, frustration, annoyance, & disappointment. Our Ss need to know that we are in this TOGETHER as a TEAM. We will succeed hand in hand with kindness. #tlap
A2. Nowadays educators have become too focused on achievement. Therefore, we are raising children/Ss that are focused on being the best at all cost. As a result, they are becoming desensitized to dealing with others. MOst important thing in life is relationships. #tlap
A2: Kindness helps create a safe learning environment that allows both Ts and Ss to take risks and fail. The risk is rewarded and thus cultivates and growth mindset culture #tlap
A2- We are all different- we learn, react, succeed and fail differently- Ss (and Ts) need to embrace the difference without judgment- support- be intentional with our actions- #ChooseKind#tlap
A2: I can't think of anything you do as an adult that isn't better when there is kindness. It's our responsibility to be sure our Ss know what that looks like. So they can share on the worst days. #tlap
A2 It's important because society doesn't always put it's best foot forward. Ss need to see & experience what the media & others don't put out there enough. #tlap
With the rigor and intensity our Ss go through, there’s inherently going to frustration within themselves and each other -esp in collaboration #kindness is a choice and an often overlooked necessity #tlap
A2: We are teaching humans, not robots. School is so much more than a test score or set curriculum, it’s about preparing our kids for life. They’ll get so much more out of life if they go through it with a kind heart and a helping hand. #tlap
A2: modeling #kindness is as important as our curriculum, IMO. No matter what we have to #teach on a daily basis, showing Ss the right way to be fellow humans is critical to their future #tlap
A2) Just like routines, if it's not purposely taught, it won't be purposely followed. Everyone deserves kindness and school is may be the only place they learn such an important skill. #TLAP
A2: Sometimes we teach standards and that’s it. We have to remember the most important part of our job is sitting inside of our classroom each and everyday. #tlap
A2. Nowadays educators have become too focused on achievement. Therefore, we are raising children/Ss that are focused on being the best at all cost. As a result, they are becoming desensitized to dealing with others. MOst important thing in life is relationships. #tlap
A2 Teaching is so much more than content. No matter the class, we need to teach competencies, character. The heart needs to come before anything else. We need to remember, we have students before us. They need to know they matter; before anything. #tlap
A2: Kindness is an essential component to being a positive force in society. Kindness can resolve conflict, can transform lives, can inspire the future. Why would we withhold that from our students? #tlap
A2: its about teaching #kindness, open mindedness, empathy, compassion, fair mindedness etc through an integrated curriculum, inquiry, #socialjustice and #inquiry#tlap
A2: Teaching kindness is important because, for some students, we may be the only adults who can model that. I always try to teach from the heart and focus on being the teacher my students need. I respond with empathy and try to get to the root of what is going on. #tlap
A2: We are teaching humans, not robots. School is so much more than a test score or set curriculum, it’s about preparing our kids for life. They’ll get so much more out of life if they go through it with a kind heart and a helping hand. #tlap
A2: Kindness doesn't come as naturally as selfishness. We need to explicitly teach the value of kindness. Just like @tamaraletter 's heart impacts us, we can impact others. #KindnessMatters#TLAP
A2 Standardized school doesn't teach students to help each other succeed. They learn to get all they can for themselves. Kindness isn't worth any points on the test. #tlap
A2 "I would much rather my kids leave my class with the strength of character and courage to fight racism when they find it, than have memorized some facts about the Civil Rights Act of 1964." -Dave Burgess #tlap
A2: Students are all over the place and at different paces. It’s important for students to understand that just because someone isn’t good at a particular skill, doesn’t mean they are worthless all together. FISH IN A TREE is such an eye opener 4 this. #tlap
A2 It's impt for Ss & Ts to be kind to each other so that they can trust each other. W/o trust it's hard to have discussions, work in groups, etc. #tlap
When ss/tchr interact with kindness it opens everyone up to being more creative and accepting. Kindness not criticism encourages innovation and risk taking. #TLAP#WATLAP
A2: I always feel the pressure to teach my students skills/content AND how to be decent tiny humans. I want my students to become adults who care about those around them and want to make the world a better place. Things like that must be taught or at least nurtured. #tlap
❤️A2: RELATIONSHIPS. Teaching kindness is important because it is the foundation for positive relationships.❤️
❤️ "Building relationships and rapport with kids is the heart of teaching." ❤️
~ @burgessdave#TLAP
A2: Teaching kids kindness is my mission. It's not only important, it's imperative. Model, model, model. It's something we can have a positive effect on for the future. <3 #tlap#ILoveMyPublicSchool
A2: First and foremost - Relationships. Students learn in an environment where they feel safe and respected. Kindness leads to a classroom where everyone feels protected and willing to take risks & try something new. #tlap
A2 Teaching kindness is a way to show how a simple thing or words, can impact the world. It brings unity, peace, and so much love to welcome respect. #tlap
A2) If you model what you expect for students they will show you kindness right back. Everyone wants to be treated kindly, so model it and show it to our students #TLAP
A2: KINDNESS is a life skill/focus that is TOP priority in my classroom!! It fits into every aspect of life! It supports the classroom culture & helps develop empathy & care for others!! It’s about preparing the whole child! #tlap
A2: I think it is even more important in this age of standardized testing because s.t. remove all humanity from the results. Results don’t care if a child didn’t have breakfast, watched their parents split up, weren’t warm in their house, etc. #tlap
A2 so important to make the world a better place for everyone...kindness breeds kindness., hopefully it will have a snowball effect and make everyone happy #TLAP
A2: a quote from @RJPalacio’s book Wonder, stays with me “When given the choice between being right and being kind, choose kind” great teaching tool #tlap
A2: When you teach and model #kindness, you are helping your Ss build confidence and embrace empathy. All of this creates love and shows Ss that their love and that #KindnessMatters#tlap
A2: I went into teaching to inspire a world of good and have an impact on our future. Kindness matters for our future and shouldn't be overlooked! #tlap
A2. We are called to not only teach to the mind, but most importantly teach and shape hearts. Can you imagine what the world would be if we were all a little kinder. #tlap
#tlap You can never be sure what has been taught to the students that stands in front of you. If you want him to demonstrate a quality, you must teach it! Meet them where they are!
A2b: Keeping kindness in the face of adversity and negativity might be the most difficult thing a person can do. That’s why we have to teach/model it. #TLAP
A2: We need to model those behaviors we want to instill in our students. It is so important to teach the importance of kindness but just as important to walk the talk #TLAP
We must model kindness in all we do each day. Teaching kindness works best when our students are actively involved in the learning and making decisions about how to be sincerely kind to others. #tlap
A2 If you want students and staff to show kindness you need to take the time to teach the skill and honor it when you see it. Social Skills are so important and many forget to teach them. #pbis#tlap
Q2: There is no higher calling than to model, exemplify, and teach students not only why it's important to be kind but HOW to show kindness! It starts with we as adults in the organization being kind to each other and to the students we serve! #tlap
A2. We need to model kindness, because not everyone learns the same in the same way or manner! Some people learn by watching, some by doing , others by involving them when they learn! #tlap
#tlap To me kindness is modeled and reinforced through building a community of trust, respect & cooperation. It can not be learned from a lesson, but rather it is absorbed through consistent, genuine, meaningful interactions
#tlap It does give us a standard to strive for. Kindness comes from helping students fill gaps so that they too can join in conversations with confidence
A2: Kindness is what this world needs more of! We need to not just teach content, but character as well. Like Martin Luther King, Jr. said, "Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education." #tlap
#tlap A2: It's important regardless of the structure of standardized curriculum. None of us are alone. Kindness is the act that makes both the giver and recipient better off.
A2. If we focused on the kids, the results will take cate of themselves. If you just focus on results you will lose the kids. The kids are our curricullum. #tlap
A2 modeling -teaching kindness is important because our actions are watched and repeated by our students and staff. Kindness is contagious- so is courage (but that is for another day.) #tlap
My nine-year-old just said that it's important to teach kindness because it shows kids that kindness effects the world and by being kind they can change the world. #tlap#wordsofbabes
A2: Kindness doesn't come as naturally as selfishness. We need to explicitly teach the value of kindness. Just like @tamaraletter 's heart impacts us, we can impact others. #KindnessMatters#TLAP
I see this with a couple of my students, and it’s a reminder that we truly have to model and practice what we preach. We must set the example, demonstrate what may not always be obvious #tlap
A former teacher @ourNovelJourney wrote this to me on a piece of paper when I said how I wanted to become a teacher. She said I would be great because I am caring. #tlap
A1: kindness is listening, really listening, to hear unspoken needs, then doing something to help. It is also focused attention, without distractions, giving of yourself (time, resources etc) , patience, overlooking the petty stuff and being open #tlap
A2: All of us go into teaching to #makeadifference - we need to focus on each student and help them build the skills they will need to be a human "being" not a human "doing." #tlap
A2: Our students have such wonderful gifts to share with the world. Who will listen if they aren't kind. We may be the only sunshine in our students' day. #tlap
Indeed, Tracy! Ss and Ts need positive examples of how we model kindness in this digital age with social media! We need to keep putting good out in this world! #tlap
A2: I had a new MS Ss go off on me. After school I spoke w/her parent and made sure she knew we started over tomorrow. She said “Why are you being so nice?” I said “That’s who we are”. She thrived. #tlap
A2: Jumping in late! Adam, principal from NC. Kindness is the foundation for so many other pieces of our lives: relationships, happiness, supporting others #tlap
A2: If not us, then who? My goal has always been to help my students survive beyond the school's walls. Teaching kindness will give them survival skills as much as learning to read. #tlap
A2 - We cannot forget about the unwritten curriculum. Teaching AND modeling kindness is imperative to meeting our ultimate goal of guiding our Ss to become successful, contributing members of society. #tlap
A2a: I truly believe that Ss have an innate sense of kindness. I've witnessed it many times. Unfortunately, sometimes our society doesn't promote kindness in a sustainable way, and our Ss suffer because of it. #tlap
A2: Kindness isn't something we are born hard-wired with, like all skills we have to learn how to be kind! It is essential for our students to be good citizens in the world and is just as important as our literacy or math standards #TLAP
A2 Kindness cannot be taught with formal lessons and left at that. It needs to be lived, modeled. Kindness needs to be celebrated and an integral part of how we live and teach. #tlap
A3: Students inspire me through the small acts of kindness that never look for anything in return. Those moments that warm the heart and inspire you to #PayItForward#tlap
A3: notes to their classmates, social change projects, community involvement, food banks, donations, telling me when another student is not doing well, simple as saying "thank you" #tlap
A2 We MUST teach #kindness because it is not just an idea, it is a tangible value. For some students we are all they have. Spreading kindness creates confidence and that translates to acadmics. #tlap
A2 #tlap A citizenship lesson is often shrugged off by students -I hear them say in the halls sometimes- they teach us kindness but do not act kind. It is hypocritical- we have to live & breathe kindness & mindfulness this is how students will embrace it
I agree. I think courage and kindness go hand in hand. Sometimes it takes courage to stand up to bullies/the world and show kindness to someone who needs it. #tlap
A3: My students are amazing. Last week, we had a kindness challenge, and my students put sticky notes on lockers. They even wrote notes to me and the administration. Grateful to work at an amazing school. @ChiddixJHS#tlap
A3: It is simply amazing, all you have to do is give students time and opportunity, and they will show you what the true definition of kindness is. Just ask them. #TLAP
A3: Our students are creating Kindness Passion Projects to complete RAKs and inspire others! Here's what they did last year: https://t.co/CNUG0URPBw#tlap
I once had someone in leadership ask me , " Have you ever known someone who is polite but not a kind person?" That question made a profound impact on me. We should always default to kindness. #tlap
A3: listening to them, talking to them, asking them how their day was, how tryouts went, cheering them on at school events. Being there matters. You might be the only one who asks about their life. #tlap
A3:My 5th graders read Out of My Mind. We invited a student w Cerebral Palsy to be a guest speaker in our classroom. Also invited a paraplegic. Give Ss the opportunity to engage with folks of all backgrounds to perpetuate kindness. #tlap
A3. It varies on the age level of the Ss. Younger Ss may have to be told the types of Acts of Kindness. However, older Ss can be given Kind things to do as community service like volunteer at a senior center. #tlap
A3: our Social Studies dept really creates an emphasis on responsible citizenship. Ss pick a goal such as being more kind, respectful or empathic and create strategies to do that and put evidence of opportunities taken in their student led conference portfolios. #TLAP
A3: One example of kindness that was shown by a student of mine. Thanking me for making their response to their reading fun and for my hard work. Wow. Ss also love to help friends who are still learning and haven't reached mastery YET. #tlap
A3: My Ss show kindness by picking up trash that isn't theirs, teaming up with @hmarrs24 and her 3rd graders to mentor them in kindness, and by raising money for various charities throughout the year. #tlap
A3: has inclusion at its heart. I love seeing our kids grow up thru the years interacting with their peers who have special needs, in class, at recess, and out of school too! Compassion and kindness in action! #tlap
#tlap Jerry Toups coming in late. A2 IMO role modeling the fruits of the spirit is the greatest responsibility a person working with youth has. The greatest way to teach love, kindness, compassion, etc... IS TO WALK THE TALK!
A3: Ss write up shout outs to Ts and classmates that are read over the announcements; Ss donate 📚 to the library in recognition of their bday; Ss deliver Friendship grams to each other in the winter and spring; 4th and 5th graders volunteer in K-2, to set up art and PE #tlap
Q3: One kindness my kids have shown me was when I messed up a recording for my national boards. I was crushed. They were so encouraging & kind & loving. They also made 500 post its with kind sayings on them & we hung them on lockers for kids to find in the morning. #TLAP
A2: Teaching Ss kindness helps create a positive learning environment. Students will begin to see the needs of others and take action to make a difference. #tlap
A1: a simple act that brightens another's day. Could be a smile, helping out without wanting thing in return, a high five, a hug, encouraging words, a note of appreciation #tlap
#tlap A3: Allowing a peer to ask a Q without ridiculing them. Responding to that peer in way that doesn't imply that ", dumbass" follows the response.
Meeting in my classroom during the "free track" to help each other on homework.
A3: YAY! I was hoping you’d ask! 😉 My student MODEL #kindness in their community with our #KindnessCapes program! They put on their capes and spread kindness through acts of love and compassion. It is one of my very favourite things we do. ❤️ #tlap#Kindergarten#ceg3
Students show kindness in big and little ways. Collecting for the food bank, giving birthday gifts back so homeless can eat or just helping each other #tlap@SlackwoodSchool
A3: My class has partnered w/a local senior citizens center as part of adopt-a-grandparent program. We eat, do crafts, read & fellowship once a month w/the senior citizens. #tlap
A2. Speaking as a teacher and parent of a child with Down Syndrome -
Academics/testing will come & go but the kindness & family culture she has with her brothers & sisters this year you can’t get that back! #family#kindness#tlap
A2 Kindness cannot be taught with formal lessons and left at that. It needs to be lived, modeled. Kindness needs to be celebrated and an integral part of how we live and teach. #tlap
A2: Teaching kindness is important because the word needs even more of it than we already have. Kindness is a little thing that can have a huge impact on a person. #tlap
A3. My young children had a month of Kindness at their elementary school in December. So I reinforced their acts each morning to ensure they fulfilled the acts each day. We also discussed the purpose of the acts each night. #tlap
A3: My firsties show the truest form of kindness when anyone is upset. I have quite a few that will stop everything to help or cheer up a friend in need. My favorite part is waiting for a little bit to acknowledge it and see their faces get so surprised that I noticed! #tlap
A3: I am always amazed at how students at my school support each other. Overall our kids are really nice to each other and take care of each other. It is very sweet. #tlap@misskoplin@PHausTech
A3: I love seeing the little things like helping pick up, being there when someone is down, greeting and being excited for others. Our students are so willing to help out even if they have to go out of their way. #tlap
A3 When I walk around campus with some of my students that are in wheelchairs I've noticed kids wait for us so that they can hold the door open. Kindness can come in tiny gestures like that. And their peers see them going out of their way. 🙂 #tlap
A2 We need to teach kindness because we are teaching people, not curriculum. Kind people make the world a better place for us all. Teaching kinds how to spread kindness is a gift we give them for a lifetime. @kindness_clubs#tlap
A3: Every morning, Ss congregate at the windowsill with me, to sing You Are My Sunshine to the students with special needs. It's the BEST to hear those angelic voices serenade those who need that booster shot of inspiration and love. #tlap
A3: When Ss show up to my room with a smile on their face b/c they just shared a laugh on their walk, that is kindness. What a big question though...I like to think I see Ss show kindness in more ways than I can count. #tlap
A3 MS kiddos are often seen as self involved and selfish, but I see kindness. Ss helping each other not bc they get something out of it, but bc they want everyone in the class to succeed. That comes from #culture and #community#tlap
A3 Students show kindness by their daily actions. We are taught to be there for others, to be attentive, to be inclusive. We try to focus less on projects and more on a kindness lifestyle. Kindness is not an activity. Kindness needs to be a way of life. #tlap
A3. Ss show kindness in helping each other do activities or projects in classroom when they are having problems, showing each other how to utilize tech in classroom, pronounce words, spell words. #tlap
A1: Just came over all crazy... It means offering anyone who emails us in the next 10 minutes a free resource from here: https://t.co/hDZ23sVjRW#tlap
mainaccount[at]sparkyteaching[dot]com !!
A3) Ss will clean up (usually) even if it isn't theirs. My favorite is when they make sure no one sits alone at lunch. Lunch was always the most vulnerable part of the school day. #TLAP
A3: At the end of last school yr, I asked Ss to write messages to Ts or staff, and almost all of them wrote messages to one of our custodians. It was beautiful and awesome to deliver almost 100 handwritten words of kindness to him. #tlap
A2. Hitler and MLK were both intelligent, leaders, resourceful, strong communicators. The difference...MLK was driven by love, kindness, humility. Kindness matters. #tlap
A2: Kindness doesn't come as naturally as selfishness. We need to explicitly teach the value of kindness. Just like @tamaraletter 's heart impacts us, we can impact others. #KindnessMatters#TLAP
A3 kids often readily show kindness and compassion to other students who need a little empathy shown toward them: kids are very forgiving -their hearts are open - ❤️ and they are willing to share - honestly #tlap
A3: Love seeing Ss support one other in the learning community we have in our 6th grade house area after adopting #summitlearning this year. True community of learners. #tlap
A3: This is one of my 5th graders. This past weekend she competed in the Ron Clark Academy National Amazing Shake. When her friend was eliminated and she moved on, the first thing she did was console her friend versus celebrating for herself. #tlap
A3: We had a kindness initiative at school two weeks ago. It was great seeing things Ss did for staff and each other. One thing that stuck out to me was two girls in my class that made positive worded rocks for my entire class, including me. #tlap
A3: Our students are creating Kindness Passion Projects to complete RAKs and inspire others! Here's what they did last year: https://t.co/CNUG0URPBw#tlap
A2: We are teaching humans, not robots. School is so much more than a test score or set curriculum, it’s about preparing our kids for life. They’ll get so much more out of life if they go through it with a kind heart and a helping hand. #tlap
A3: I've seen Ss do small things for others that make a huge difference. We have a new student this year that was struggling to make friends. One S reached out and invited her to trick or treat. It changed everything for her, and her mom who was moved to tears. #tlap
A3: After completing a research project on nonprofits my students wrote a letter to my principal asking if they could run a clothing drive and go on a field trip to work at @c2cboston for the day. It got approved and we are going in April #tlap#kindnessmatters#inspirechange
A3 #TLAP kiddos stand up for eachother and for what is right all the time!! We as adults all too often are just too quick to watch for misbehavior and because of this often good behavior goes unnoticed or uncelebrated!
#tlap A3 I am always amazed at the incredible kindness ours students show to our “special students”! They include them, celebrate then and mentor them. It’s heartwarming!
A2 #tlap I believe with all my being- that everyone has the attributes of kindness within them- it blossoms from the warmth of generosity & the nutritients of love- we just need a nudge into the sunlight
A2: when we are teaching and modeling kindness, it may be the only true time some of our students see or experience it- and it may be just one RAK that sparks a real difference in the way a child views his future, or the world #tlap
A3: I have seen kids sit with another student who was all alone. I've seen others give someone their book because they forgot theirs. It's the little things that matter. I've seen kids write thank you notes to other kids at least once a week. #tlap
A3: We created a #KindnessBucketList in November that was EPIC! We’ve hid Kindness rocks and made posters to hang up around campus!! We 💙 showing kindness to others @CaldwellElemen! #tlap
A3: Kindness is infused into our days. I have a “kindness component” written into all of my lesson plans. From dramatic play centres to literacy lessons to global collaborations, our days focus on kindness in all areas of our school life. ❤️ #tlap#kindergarten#RAKWeek2018
❤️A3: KIDS CAN BE THE KINDEST PEOPLE EVER. My English class did a RAK writing project in November. The things that the students did on their own accord melted my heart!❤️ #TLAP
A6: THIS is why I'm thankful.... This student gave $20 today to the library to help cover other students' library fines. My heart melted! Teaching is the best! #NebEdChat
A3~ I continually have the privilege of watching my students give of themselves for the good of the group, partnership or class. Seen them wipe tears, hugs are plentiful and the sharing of a space in less than ideal situations 😊#tlap
A3: Wish I had a picture of the @LakeviewMS I have a dream wall for #BlackHistoryMonth. Our kids wrote some amazing things they dream of for our world. #TLAP
A3 We have our older students work with our younger students and special needs classes. It could be helping with academics or working on social skills. We like to “catch kids being good“ and acknowledging their positive interactions #tlap@DynamicDuda338#WonderTwins
A3- Kindness through athletics. E.g., helping a teammate grow skills and confidence. Students who recognize that through kindness we can all grow stronger and better together. #tlap
A3 Our 6th grade @Jrwildcatsroar stay inside during recess to help our Kindergarten students with lunch(open milk cartoons, read fortune cookies, open LunchAbles and helps them get dressed for outside. #tlap
A3: We show kindness w/a simple sentence stem... "If you really knew me, you would know that..." We empathize with our peers, make connections, and more. #tlap
A3: An entire grade level, that isn’t known in our school as a kind or empathetic bunch, on superhero Day during spirit week, chose one of our autistic students as best costume with a sho of applause. This was the highlight of this student’s day. #tlap
A3: Reading @RJPalacio’s Wonder did wonders (pun totally intended) with our 5th graders’ and their treatment of their classmates. Inclusion v. Exclusion. #tlap
A3: I've had students literally pick another student up off the floor after tripping and ask if they are ok and being very serious about it- kindness is alive and well. #tlap
A3 when I left my last job I asked Ss to do a random act of kindness and write me a note telling me what they did and how did it make them feel and also how did they think the recipient felt..priceless answers ❤️#TLAP
A3: So many ways-on a daily basis I see it. Today, a group of 2nd graders @CreedsES sent me a stack of #thank you notes w/beautiful pics they drew b/c I read to them last month-it really touched my heart❤️#tlap#KindnessMatters
A3) A professor I had last semester told me, when another student was trying to burst my bubble and said I would not earn an A, that the student did not know me or my ability like she did. Every interaction matters. #heartwarming#tlap
A2: Modeling kindness & allowing your students to demonstrate kindness to each other & for each other transforms a classroom & a school for the better. This year I encouraged some 4th-grade girls who wanted to spread kindness plan & run Great Kindness Challenge 4 our school.#tlap
A3 Students are SO excited to spread kindness. For our 1,000 Happy Hearts CHALLENGE, kids create a basket of Happy Hearts and put the basket in the hall for anyone to take! The positivity is contagious! #tlap@tamaraletter For more info: https://t.co/vyBxYD11Gr
A3. I wholeheartedly believe that kids want to have a positive impact on the world. We just need to support them or say yes so they can see the potential they have to change the world. Give them the tools and voice to be great for others. #tlap
We do "PREFERRALS" at school to catch kiddos being good and doing the right thing. We write them down on a certificate and they get called down to the office by our vice principal with the morning announcements and get a academic prize and we also do celebrations monthly #tlap
A4: I am SO grateful for my PLN and fellow teachers in my hallway. They show kindness to me even on my toughest days. I have some great students who can cheer me up as well. #tlap
A3: Kindness is infused into our days. I have a “kindness component” written into all of my lesson plans. From dramatic play centres to literacy lessons to global collaborations, our days focus on kindness in all areas of our school life. ❤️ #tlap#kindergarten#RAKWeek2018
A4: I couldn't of survived this year without @MrsEnglish308 - she is my voice of reason all with humility and grace. I could not of asked for a more genuine, benevolent co-teacher. #tlap
After seeing @DrJStephensVP tweet about a game of TAG, our entire K-12 school is busy tagging others and bragging about the kindness being shown to them. It has been uplifting to read the specific notes in the hallway. #tlap
A3: The 3 4th graders planned & ran the whole show 4 our school's Great Kindness Challenge. It was amazing to watch & support. They made & shared amazing videos, a personalized checklist on kindness, made posters with our student council & ran the announcements. #stuvoice#tlap
A3: In our building, students show kindness by caring for the school environment,(the green team), supporting our younger students, (peer pals), and just understanding that doing something outside of yourself is big! #tlap
A3~ one of my littles just made a valentine for his buddy in our sub separate milestones classroom so as he said, " he wouldn't be lonely on ❤️ day. " #KindnessMatters#tlap
A3: Serving those in the community with joy: creating Christmas decorations for hospice, making place mats for the the local soup kitchen, serving food at a community dinner #tlap
A3b: I really feel like kindness can not be a fake display...by Ts or Ss. Both know when kindness is the real deal...and who doesn't love the real deal? #tlap
A3: It's important to show students that kindness is a way of life . It not an event or something that requires fanfare. At school kindness is : holding the door open for a friend, sitting by the new kid, giving another student school supplies, helping clean up the cafe #tlap
A3 - Meeting up with a friend to walk him to pick up; patiently teaching a classmate how to do something new; consoling a peer who’s having a rough day & offering works of encouragement ❤️ #tlap
A3: they do MANY service learning projects in our class to reach out to people around the globe! They write letters of affirmation to our student of the week, we also just started a Kindness Club in my class , meeting at lunch(through #wholebrainteaching )#tlap
A3: There have been three cases where Ss have approached me because they knew something wasn’t right with a friend and wanted me to talk to the person. I was able to help in all three situations. #tlap
A3: I haven't taught for some time, but last week I got a note from a student I had some time ago who wrote me how much I helped them. I cried. That made my day! Write those notes!! They mean a lot. #tlap
A4 gosh! Times too numerous to mention in a tweet! In this chat alone kindness has come from @tamaraletter@BarbaraGruener@NowakRo ... who else is hiding ❤️❤️❤️❤️‼️#tlap
A4: My assistant principal surprised me a couple weeks ago by getting the entire school into the gym to celebrate my birthday. I was literally speechless (which never happens!) #tlap
#tlap A4 I was out with the flu for three days. AMAZING COWORKERS kept my classes on task, made copies, and did so much for me while I was down and out.
A4 There was a time that was really tough during my first years of teaching. A sweet friend brought me a card that said "Hang in there." I still have it. #tlap
A3 The little gestures melt my heart. I love it when the boy pulls the chair out for the girl who is having a hard day, the Ss applaud the classmate who wrote a song & put it on YouTube, Ss vote for the student who needs a pick-me-up for weekly MVP #tlap
#tlap A4: My department chair is a constant source of kindness. Both his affirmation and constructive scrutiny. Even though we've only been working together for 6 months, our relationship has changed the way I feel about the profession.
A4. When I was going through some struggle, @Jay_Eitner helped me out professionally without any questions. He was kind when he didn’t have to be. I will always consider him a friend. #tlap
A4: coming to MS from elementary was daunting but my campus welcomed me when I needed it the most and with them I’ve found the best educators I’ve ever worked with. They inspire me everyday! #tlap
A4: I have one student who has painted me pictures and made me signs for my classroom. She definitely has made me feel loved. Also, our students are encouraged to write positive notes about teachers in a department of the month. It means a lot to get these sweet notes. #TLAP
a4 I am blessed to witness & receive so much kindness. From an unexpected text to check in, from a care package, to a letter or an email. Some amazing friends who just know when I need an uplifting message and send it. A smile, a thank you. All little things matter. #tlap
A4: The question is when hasn't someone shown kindness to me? I love spreading kindness, and I am always happy to see that it does not end with that. You get what you give. I am grateful for my loving PLN and colleagues along with former teachers and professors. #tlap
A4: I was having a tough time knowing one of my Ss were moving Friday. My AP gave me a pat on the back and then came back later to check on me. I was thankful for the minute alone, but even more so that she came back. #tlap
I have an admin that often stops by just to say "Hi" and ask how I am doing. I don't think he realizes how kind that really is. I should let him know. #tlap
A4 admin walked around with smoothies during our planning period a couple weeks ago! Loved the thought. It was bring the beach to the halls even in the cold! #tlap
A4: It's hard to name in a few symbols. I think the Ts I work with have all done something kind for me. My Ss as well. Last week, one S brought me Girl Scout cookies at conferences. That was amazing! #tlap#eaglespln
I found that teaching students to find joy in serving the community, beyond the required community service hours, has been one of my greatest teaching awards.
A4b: Kindness was often a smile or joke when I was down. As a kid I was quite big and experienced a lot of bullying. Sometimes that smile or kind word made all the difference.
A4 the custodians are always making sure the school is well taken care of , the assistants are always helping at lunch and during recess , the secretary makes sure I’m “on task” and the teachers are always putting the students first @DynamicDuda338#WonderTwins#TLAP
A4 We have a parent at our school that is always looking for ways to show kindness...one day several of us were out for lunch...she happened to be there and payed for all of our lunches. Such a special surprise! #tlap
A4: After #HurricaneHarvey, Ss and Ts from all of these places sent us cards of encouragement, comfort and support. It was supernatural #kindness after a natural disaster, and it has helped us heal. #tlap
#tlap Appreciation recently for me, came from my students- who say thank you and have a good afternoon as they leave my classroom- a few small words means the world
A4: Feel blessed to work with amazing colleagues. Recent time would be when @PHausTech agreed to co-present with me at a conference when he could absolutely crush it on his own! #tlap
A4: @bmilla84 and @NowakRo show me kindness every. single. day. AND they seem to have a special knack for sniffing out the tough days and knowing exactly what to say. I am so grateful for them. ❤️ #tlap
A4 My kiddos show me kindness everyday. I have very less major behavioral issues bc I take the time to show kindness and caring to them above all else. #tlap
A3: High School can be tough but acts of kindness are rampant when you observe the ss. It is encouraging to see their acceptance of all the ss in our school community. #TLAP#WATLAP
A4, I had a Ss ask me if he could help record the results of exp. time testing. While I was counting the weights. :) Yes, I handed the job over to him! #tlap
A4: I try really hard to show myself thankful by personally thanking the person or being there when that person needs a helping hand or listening ear. #tlap
A4) My Principal. Last week she had us complete an activity where we closely looked at results of a math placement test. It was deflating and depressing. She knew it and sent a VERY special email assuring me she was confident in my work and not worry. #TLAP
A4: I just wrote for A3 what someone did for me. A student I had long ago wrote me a note to thank me. This weekend: My granddaughter made me my world in Minecraft with my own castle. Pretty special! #tlap
Sliding in late...had some little guest waiting for me when I got home.
We’ve been building & climbing & doing all things FUN at Aunt T’s house.
Tara- Admin from Kansas (most importantly...Aunt T) ❤️
Are we on A3? A4? 😜
A3: My class has started leaving me a good day message on board when they leave. Today I saw"my best teacher" written by a student who has consistently tested unconditional kindness. BAM!-a knife to the heart. #tlap
A4: For my bday this year, staff left a coffee and balloon on my desk. Ss wrote all over my board and sang to me. I don't normally like a lot of attention, but it made me feel really loved. #tlap
A4: We were a military family for several years. I was always moved by the kind hearts of others that took the time to get to know us. We have made amazing life-long friends turned family. #tlap
A4: All I want in my life is for people to know that I cared. I want to spread as much kindness as possible. I try to be a light in this world, and I hope others use kind hearted to describe me. #tlap
A4: my students show me kindness, patience, & support when im@not so shiny as my Moms battle w breast, liver, hip, & spine cancer draws to a close. #tlap
A4: Every day my secretary and office staff show kindness, checking on me to see if I ate or if I need coffee. They don't have to do that but they do #tlap
A4: also, I’m so blessed to work in a sschool where collaboration and teamwork thrives. And we truly care for each other. Best school ever!@Hopetechschool #tlap
A4: @NowakRo & @lauriesmcintosh are amazing at showing kindness at just the right moment!! Either it’s an encouraging text, card, or special surprise in the mail... this timing is always spot on!! Appreciate their friendship so much! #tlap
A3: I have a new S w/ limited verbal skills. Every morn we have morn mtg & every morn this S wants to share. It takes her an extra minute or 2, but she shares what’s on her mind. The other Ss wait patiently for her, encouraging her, & eagerly wait on response. It’s magic. #tlap
A4: I was upset about a family issue, to the point of crying. I told one of my colleagues about it. The next day, she brought me a rose and chocolate! #tlap
A3: Just today, I sent a letter to @JLSnyder67 via email to uplift her and provide her with encouragement. It was my RAK. I just try to uplift people who need it the most. #tlap
A4: today I was horribly ill and what happened? Other teachers stepped up to the plate to help me out and the students I love. Kindness doesn't have to be a gift it's the everyday choices to help each other. I work with amazing people. #tlap
A4: I have to say that when I'm on Twitter, I always feel the love from everyone in my PLN. But today, a chat on kindness is the best ever. We're spreading #kindness everywhere. This is the best ever! Thanks @tamaraletter#tlap
A4: When my school opened I kept the same class from 2nd to 8th grad’tion. One of my Ss moved into our Voc Ed program. He was essentially nonverbal. He typed to me that he could die fulfilled now that he was able to communicate & thanked me for teaching him. #tlap
A4 #tlap The genuine, thoughtful moments when a student helps another student - when a smile rather than a negative thought is transferred into the world
I love hand written note from Ss. A colleague encouraged me to keep a “blue” folder. A blue folder where I keep student notes to read when I’m feeling blue.
A2: incorporating kindness as part of the classroom community is so important! Students need guidance and lessons on empathy and compassion! #tlap#choosekind
Chris - love that you included the custodians. Maintenance and Custodians probably get the least thanks yet are always there supporting us each and every day. Before during and after our day! #TLAP#WATLAP
A4: Kindness is shown to me in countless ways from encouraging voxes, tweets, & DM’s from friends in my PLN to colleagues stopping by to check in, and a family who is here for me unconditionally. #Grateful for so many amazing people in my life! #tlap
A5: It is my goal to love my neighbor as myself. My hope is to show kindness to strangers by being patient, not assuming the worst intentions, and if I can meet someone's needs then I go out and meet that need. #tlap
A5: Let me call this out --- @TaraMartinEDU was taking leftovers from dinner and meals during the conference in Philly and giving them out to homeless #tlap
A5: I was at subway over winter break, and the person in front of me saw that I was a college student. He paid for my sandwich which warmed my heart. He just told me to pay it forward. Those small moments mean so much. It is amazing to see the ripple effect. #tlap
A4 My best buddy @tishrich bought me a book by SKR, stood in line at FETC, AND had him sign it. Then, sent me the sweetest package in the mail. 😍 #tlap#KindnessSnaps#GratitudeSnaps
A4: I've received thank you notes, an encouraging word on a tough day, been given me a delicious treat (like this morning), listened, told me I was a good parent #tlap
A2 It’s important to teach kindness because not all students are going to learn the same. Students need to know how to build each other up when they are struggling. #tlap
A5: Showing kindness to strangers shouldn't be much different than a friend. Trust even before it is earned. Listen to understand. Be kind without looking for a return.
Always spread the positive!
A4: My first year of teaching my coworkers really guided me and helped me keep it together. My librarian is always so encouraging- which is extremely helpful on rough days. #tlap
A5: By welcoming them, or engaging in a small conversation. It doesn’t have to be anything major, just a small deed that shows they’re accepted and valued. #tlap
A5: Demonstrate how to be kind as often as possible. Sometimes you just have to "let it go."No singing Disney here.:) Sometimes a T being less than kind has other things going on, so I try to respond kindly regardless. Kindness is a light. We need to let it shine. #tlap
And she didn't tell me about this awesome RAK?! Way to go, Tara! Love the kindness shown during the conference! And thanks, Jay, for shining a light on kindness! #tlap
A5: my absolute favorite way to show kindness to strangers is to pay for the order behind me in a drive thru. It brings a thrill to me that I can make someones day with no thanks needed. #tlap
#tlap A5: I gotta be honest. Sometimes it's easier to show kindness to strangers. Partly because there is, for me, no sense of expectation or reciprocity. No fulfillment of debt. Get a door. Return what they drop. Yield in the grocery aisle. Or just smile.
Q4: My AP @jenfairchild and I had birthdays on Jan 25 and Jan 26. We both had the flu and were out! The next Friday she brought a lovely chocolate cake for everyone with January birthdays! She's the best and models kindness daily. #tlap
A4: couple of weeks ago I had a very nice letter from an admin in my box, made my day! And, this week I had gift and wonderful letter from a total stranger (from another city) that follows my class online, thanking me for being a teacher! Wow! #tlap
A5 I'm late to the conversation, but I try to show kindness in the small things like smiling, holding doors, holding conversations in line, doing random acts of kindness #TLAP
A3: I do several different projects w/ my 2nd,4th and 5th grs, where kindness is the priority! My 2nds actually make kindness creatures, inspired by the book the Mischievians #tlap
A4~ yesterday a dear friend of mine reminded me to be kind to myself as I have a tendency to give more to others and have little left for me😊 just this reminder was heartfelt and truly showed kindness comes in many ways ❤️ #tlap
A4: I feel my students and colleagues model kindness for me everyday. In our small school, we are a family and kindness is all around us most of the time. #tlap
A4: For me it is the simplest of acts that mean the most. Like when your son is super sick and you’ve had an awful day...you can’t focus to write sub plans so your teammate says I got this go be Mom! #tlap
A5. Once a week (almost a year now) a few guys and me from church feed the homeless from our own pockets. It has allowed us to be able to minister to them lately because of our persistency and the relationships developed. #tlap
A5: Don’t let them be a stranger. Introduce yourself and tell them your story. Don’t give them the shirt off your back, give them the wardrobe and thank them for the opportunity to serve them. #TLAP
A5: Validating others. Recognizing and affirming the feelings of others and they are TRUE for THAT person. People want to be understood and want to be heard. Give them that. #tlap
A5 I try to just live with kindness and lead with my heart. No matter the difficult day, I always try to smile, send texts, open doors, buy coffees, create pay it forward moments. I let people in front of me, strike up a conversation. Small actions count. Everyone matters. #tlap
A5: Being open to the needs around you. A smile can mean a lot as can opening a door. Sometimes the best thing we can do is just listen to someone’s story. #tlap
A5. Once a week (almost a year now) a few guys and me from church feed the homeless from our own pockets. It has allowed us to be able to minister to them lately because of our persistency and the relationships developed. #tlap
A5: Smiling is the easiest way to show kindness to strangers!!! I also love randomly paying for someone’s food in line at Chick-fil-A!! #PayItForward#tlap
A4 I keep a few ziplock baggies of a granola bar, water, chips, band aid. Etc in my car to hand out the window to homeless asking for $ -not cash- but a healthy bite ❤️‼️#tlap
A5 Show up for those events that are not school related...Attend birthdays, lend a shoulder at funerals...Showing you care means going a little further than the classroom sometimes #tlap
A4 - Last week, my daughter had the flu and my son had strep. Several staff members sent me texts and emails letting me know they were thinking about and praying for me and my kids. It meant the world to me! #tlap
A5: I don’t think about it. I just show kindness like thanking people in customer service. Holding the door open for ppl, which isn’t common here. It’s the little things that matter. #tlap
A5: my students and I are exploring Homer’s “Odyssey.” One motif we’ve encountered is the concept of hospitality. Let’s show kindness to strangers by welcoming them into our spaces.
A5.b I’ve also always wanted to do a “pay it forward” act like paying for the person in line behind me. Perhaps that’ll be my goal this week! #RAKWeek2018#tlap
A5: We showed #kindness to these #military personnel whom we don't know by baking for them and making Valentines. It feels AmAzInG to thank them for their service and send kindness from our kitchens that makes them so happy and eases their burden ever so slightly. #tlap
A5 We make it better by helping others, by leading by example, by treating others as we would like to be treated. At the end of the day as educators we need to make sure the next generation learns from our mistakes and is ready for their future (yes-just copied this reply) #tlap
A5b: I also stand by my door between classes and make sure I greet, high five, or fist bump as many students passing by as I can. Made it a competition with another T across the hall to see how many Ss we can interact with on their way to other classes and our own. #tlap
A5: Being an introvert, this is something I definitely struggle with! But I try to at least smile and say hello to everyone I see. I always think... Maybe that's the first smile they saw today... #tlap
A5: I always talk to someone who looks like they are struggling. I try to actually talk to the homeless. I see people step over them or cross the street so they don't have to be near them. I try to show #kindness and let them know they matter. #tlap
Awwwzers...they were so happy. Loved seeing the one who got the rest of my lemon pound cake and bread pudding. “He was like—this is heavenly. I never get dessert.” 😍 #tlap
A4: 2 weeks ago when my daughter was sick several of my coworkers including several members of our admin team called/texted to check on us and to see if we needed anything ❤ #tlap
A4) My amazing CT @MACKENZ1E_M sent me this email a while ago "You're kind words were exactly what I needed this weekend. Your compassion and thoughtfulness are traits that are often under-appreciated, but they truly make you an awesome human! :)" #tlap
A1: kindness means a warm smile, a listening ear, a shoulder to cry on, encouraging words, placing others needs before your own, compassion, empathy, & a love for others. #tlap
A4: I've got a colleague that brings me leftovers to work. I asked her if it looks like I'm struggling on the outside with work and grad school and she said "no, I know how hard it was to eat right while going to grad school and working full-time." Love my work family! #tlap
A4. I have so many amazing friends, family, students, parents and staff that has shown me kindness during my breast cancer/treatment these past 6 months- They have showed me and continue to show me so much ❤️They continue to check in & be there for me daily! #blessed 💗 #tlap
A5: Ppl deserve smiles, a door held open, a "Good Morning, welcome to....", basically acknowledging they exist. Kindness is fast, easy, and will have a positve effect on those around you and yourself. #tlap
A5: By talking to them. We serve a highly mobile population and I think they get used to folks looking past them. Sometimes sitting with them and talking for a bit helps. Offering them a drink or a snack . Asking them if they are ok. Just be nice. #tlap
A2: I agree, Julia! One of our district norms is "Care for Self and Others". We work to demonstrate that as a community, and kindness is always a way to show it! #tlap
A2: incorporating kindness as part of the classroom community is so important! Students need guidance and lessons on empathy and compassion! #tlap#choosekind
A5 I like to focus on the small things. Smile, say hello, hold the door open for someone. At the grocery store I like to return people's carts for them. #tlap
A5b: This question always makes me think of @ChickfilA and how they say “my pleasure.” Important to remember we serve at the pleasure of others, not ourselves. #TLAP#mypleasure
It is truly the Holy Spirit that inspires us because as people we are naturally self-centered. So I look forward to that specific evening every week because it does humble me. #tlap
#tlap A5 Love to #PayItForward Buy someone's meal at a restaurant, Pay for someone's gasoline, or maybe pay the toll fee for the car behind you. #Kindness = Make the World a Better place
Q3: Random Acts of Kindness are everywhere if we stop and watch our students interact with each other. From helping their classmate find the right page, opening a door for a teacher, walking a friend to the nurse, etc. Kids can teach us a lot about #kindness. #RAKweek2018#tlap
A5: My mother always taught me to treat everyone as I would the garbage man. Smile. Talk to them. Look them in the eye. I live on the best street where everyone knows everybody and waves, shares food from the garden, etc. It takes a community so make a community. #tlap
Q3) I teach kindergarten and I see kindness shown each day by my students. They ask another student to join them when they may be alone. They compliment each other. They use kind words. Kindness and respect for others are at the core of our classroom. #tlap
A5 #tlap I find that kids who are shy are often the ones who want to spread kindness the most! We have @kindness_clubs TAKE a SMILE posters you can put around so everyone can use them to spread kindness, even anonymously. A PDF is online https://t.co/vyBxYD11Gr
A6: Offer a team member my hour off of lunch in exchange for their recess/lunch duty. Costs me zero dollars, yet means so much to a T. Time is valuable. #tlap
A5: I tell my students to give me a smile and a highfive before they leave. If I am busy and forget to do it, they will say "Wait. You have to give me a smile and a highfive". Those interactions matter. #tlap
A5: my 5 year old models it everyday, she starts conversations with EVERYONE she sees and leads in with her name... we’re still working on stranger danger... #tlap