#TMchat Archive
Current and relevant education discussions are held every Tuesday in #TMchat. A weekly guest moderator, considered an expert on the the week's topic, joins @conniehamilton to guide the one hour chat and actively engage with participants. Founder and moderator @conniehamilton supplies her responses to the week's questions visually in Thinking Maps.
Tuesday February 23, 2016 9:00 PM EST
I'm Connie Hamilton. Wade Stanford and I are your moderators tonight. Let the introductions begin. https://t.co/oDS8TCaG1H
I am Mary. I teach 2nd in VA
Monica, Special Education Teacher, Texas
Our format will include 7 questions. Use A1 to respond to Q1 & remember to include hashtag in all tweets. https://t.co/1BmUZIfdQZ
Glad to be back at tonight. I was traveling last week. I am Terry 2nd gr T in Fl.
Hello! I'm Jack Griffith. A Social Studies teacher checking in from Central FL
Hi James... long time regular of
Nardi here! Fourth grade teacher from Florida!
Matt Stolz, Curriculum Director, Michigan
Thanks for being here, Monica.
Good evening Glenna! Great to see you!!
Glad Florida is represented!
Welcome Jack! Glad Florida is represented here in
Hello Terry! Great to see you!
Hi Jack. Thanks for returning to
Hello Jack! Great to see you here tonight!
Glad you are here Terry & Florida well represented!
Hi Wade! Excited to see you moderating this week.
We missed you, Terry. Welcome back to
Thanks! Looking forward to the convo!
Thanks for hosting another great session of
Q1 As an educator, how do you define building capacity?
A1: Capacity - development of educational skills and expertise
A1: Building capacity includes EVERYONE in the building & not just one person owning everything! We all have strengths!
A1: Everything that educators do must evolve around the students at our campus/district.
A1 Taking the time to research and learn; troubleshooting; always being reflective; collaboration...
Love that Matt! Building on the expertise!!
A1 improve the abilities, skills, and expertise of educators.
Amen!! We are stronger as a TEAM!! https://t.co/3jNGBOJ2VU
A1: Building capacity includes EVERYONE in the building & not just one person owning everything! We all have strengths!
A1 Efforts that strengthen or enhance specific skills or talents of staff.
Yes!! Students first!! https://t.co/Eut1XU7C5A
A1: Everything that educators do must evolve around the students at our campus/district.
A team can accomplish more! https://t.co/5VxCNNQGUo
A1: Building capacity includes EVERYONE in the building & not just one person owning everything! We all have strengths!
Well, that about covers it, doesn't it? https://t.co/PAgbU04dma
A1 Taking the time to research and learn; troubleshooting; always being reflective; collaboration...
So important to learn before building capacity!
A1: finding your best method of self-reflection and using that reflection to improve yourself and your practices
Building capacity: Improving others' competencies, motivation, access to resources, and ability to solve problems & find answers.
Let's hold each other to that. https://t.co/MJV6MrvsXP
Always, if I reach a point where I can't improve or grow as an educator, it's time for me to leave the profession.
A1: Working at going deeper and always making meaning.
A1: Building capacity is any effort being made to improve the abilities, skills, & expertise of educators. https://t.co/UUmBNJKdqH
A1: building capacity involves taking the time to find strengths of all team members
Hey guys. Sorry I'm late to tonight. Sonya from Texas
Self reflection is key for improvement. https://t.co/NZFDNnAD3l
A1: finding your best method of self-reflection and using that reflection to improve yourself and your practices
And everyone is on the team... https://t.co/Q3WdeAG0Ce
A1: building capacity involves taking the time to find strengths of all team members
Capacity building starts with ourselves. Hard to develop others before we take care of ourselves! https://t.co/7zd01mw9vy
A1: finding your best method of self-reflection and using that reflection to improve yourself and your practices
Not late, Sonya. Just in time. We're still on Q1. https://t.co/XyhvjCbY0B
Hey guys. Sorry I'm late to tonight. Sonya from Texas
A1 Building capacity is about finding strengths, providing support & knowledge, & growing leaders.
A1 Growing my students ability to use critical thinking skills... which allows for more independent thinkers.
Begin with a strength in mind!!
Hi, Wade! I was working on Mark's schedule for next year. Time flies!
Ultimate Capacity Building - Growing Leaders!! https://t.co/rjyx86zNT6
A1 Building capacity is about finding strengths, providing support & knowledge, & growing leaders.
As we develop others, we develop ourselves...it's a recursive process-we all benefit from capacity building. https://t.co/udlLGO8UoG
Capacity building starts with ourselves. Hard to develop others before we take care of ourselves! https://t.co/7zd01mw9vy
A1: finding your best method of self-reflection and using that reflection to improve yourself and your practices
Q2 What are the critical attributes of a person willing to build capacity?
A1 create opportunities for thinking and solutions
What's the best way to create those opportunities? https://t.co/t8m8VF9Q4f
A1 create opportunities for thinking and solutions
A2: In order to build capacity, we need to identify a gap in our learning and embrace the idea of continuous improvement
A2: Leadership, experience, dedication, and love for the craft.
A2 The person must be willing to have a realistic view of their strengths, weaknesses, and potential. Be diligent & motivated
Does it have to be a gap?
The key is embracing the continuous improvement! https://t.co/ooCGotLcIh
A2: In order to build capacity, we need to identify a gap in our learning and embrace the idea of continuous improvement
Hey ... don't see bubble maps in very often, do we?
A2: I heard many mention this and agree...to be reflective. Also, to be goal oriented.
Love that Sonya!! A Realistic View!! That is huge!! https://t.co/p2dnAh8enb
A2 The person must be willing to have a realistic view of their strengths, weaknesses, and potential. Be diligent & motivated
A2 Accept feedback, reflect on your practice, seek perspective, use data
Love it! Open-minded & flexible would be some additional thoughts! https://t.co/8jiRhkJRNj
A2: Leadership, experience, dedication, and love for the craft.
A2: Collaboration and analysis of strengths and opportunities, owning pieces to become better
A2-one critical attribute is embracing a growth mindset and being flexible.
Willingness to take risks, trust in leadership, belief in the vision/goal, S focused, and a reflective practitioner (A2)
A2 A person willing to build capacity is a person with drive, passion for learning, self belief and willing to try new things.
Feedback is the key to growth!! https://t.co/AZ3s00THSQ
A2 Accept feedback, reflect on your practice, seek perspective, use data
Without a goal, there's no direction/purpose. https://t.co/wEXuujdo2u
A2: I heard many mention this and agree...to be reflective. Also, to be goal oriented.
A2 Having a growth mindset. Constant improvement, take risks, challenges, not being afraid to fail, be collaborative
A2 Collaboration, critical thinking, growth-mindset, reflective,
Thinking the same thing! Was going to try & build one quickly in but you probably have! https://t.co/NsRdIQ2oy6
Hey ... don't see bubble maps in very often, do we?
A2: Determination to see the their vision of their classroom success through all obstacles!
Those who build capacity are observant, reflective, supportive, encouraging, knowledgeable...not enough characters...
If a gap in learning isn't identified, buy-in will be difficult.
Absolutely seek perspective. How do you do this? https://t.co/ocL2DXiIJW
A2 Accept feedback, reflect on your practice, seek perspective, use data
All those words describe you https://t.co/kjmyFWGi08
A2 Having a growth mindset. Constant improvement, take risks, challenges, not being afraid to fail, be collaborative
I agree that taking risks and being challenged, challenging others is important.
I agree that collaboration is paramount to building capacity.
I was thinking some of those same things. I'd add collaborative as another biggie.
Allyson, elementary principal from Zeeland, MI jumping in late
Being reflective is one of the most important traits, in my opinion. Those who reflect see reason for growth.
Risk-taking and trust in leadership go hand in hand!! https://t.co/8uT7MMGZuP
Willingness to take risks, trust in leadership, belief in the vision/goal, S focused, and a reflective practitioner (A2)
Reason and a path to growth!!
What about shared leadership to build capacity. Would that be a learning gap?
A2 A person willing to build capacity is a person with drive, passion for learning, self belief and willing to try new things.
Absolutely! Thanks for pointing that out.
A2: growth mindset : Not just a ed buzzword.
...and if you are the leader: Trust your team.
Ego stifles capacity in that the team becomes paralyzed in the wake of the leader.
Q3 What are the barriers to building capacity? How do we overcome them?
I think any acknowledgement that there is more to learn helps build capacity
A2: "Building capacity"=guiding others into growing & learning for benefit of S growth/learning. Have to listen, be learner yourself
Lisa, grade 5/6 learning leader from Alberta, Canada. Good evening!
Ego interferes with ability to build trust too. Critical for building capacity.
A3: If admin or colleagues (or me) are not willing to change
A2: Trust is essential in building capacity.
Barriers: People who do not want/accept changes
Solution: Working together to have them see why something is needed.
A2 a person who wants to improve their practice and wants to learn more
Listening to others is so important in growing!!
Q3: Myoptic vision; Favoritism can be barriers to building capacity!
A3: busywork (is that one word or two? ha ha)
A3 Staff scared to venture out & try new methods.
Overcome by providing safe environment to take risk.
A3: Moving beyond the status quo and establishing an environment where continuous improvement is revered.
A3: Myoptic vision; Favoritism can be barriers to building capacity!
A3 Barriers include time (always), resources, and identifying the talent. You can't train the talent if you don't see it!
Sometimes overwillingness to change is barrier too. Gotta stick with something long enough to get good.
Often w/o trust not much can be accomplished
A3: Lack of support. Others who want to stay and not move. Pride, competition. Fear of mistakes.
A1 - To build capacity is to be in constant evolution; to reflect and recognize that there is no final destination in our learning.
A3: not allowing opportunities for teachers to use their strengths in leadership roles. Waiting for only admin to lead.
Playing favorites can bring down the entire organization!
A3: When the leader allows the team to engage and participate without fear, capacity can only build.
Yes, sometimes we are to focused on latest trends in educ
This is harder than it seems but so very important!
A3:Have answers in your head b4 ask ?s
Not keep Ss needs at forefront.
Avoid conflict.
Weak relationships.
Q3 What are the barriers to building capacity? How do we overcome them?
A3 Barrier: Others who want to "keep things the same", not willing to learn and grow. Solution: Build trust, lead by example
Barriers: Lack of trust, no clear goal or vision, time, ignorance, and a culture where real growth and/or risks can't take place.
A3 Some staff that are resistant to change will hinder others from growing.
Overcome by having growth convo with the resistors.
A3: Another issue is moving targets. We seem to have trouble staying the course in education.
A3: Lack of self confidence
Be patent - change comes easier to some than others. I am not a fan of change in general
Could not agree with you more. How do we change those that don't SEE it that way?
Resistant to change? Read "Who Moved My Cheese" as a staff.
A3: Possible barriers to building capacity:self-doubt, rigid roles, lack of trust, no support network; limited access to resources.
A3 a barrier is feeling uncomfortable or confused and not familiar
that would b *patient lol
A3: When there is only one right way, there is no need to engage in building capacity or allowing for a better way.
You nailed that one! Ultimately we all KNOW the course https://t.co/yBFTOeOyuv
A3: Another issue is moving targets. We seem to have trouble staying the course in education.
A2 - Humility and willingness to admit to our mistakes, to learn from them and move forward are key factors in building capacity.
Our leadership team is starting a book study over this book. I'm excited to read this! https://t.co/ZLWo4pgJVJ
Resistant to change? Read "Who Moved My Cheese" as a staff.
So true!! Must establish the target and stay true!! https://t.co/gKA097EUba
A3: Another issue is moving targets. We seem to have trouble staying the course in education.
Awesome, SUPER fast read. Good reflection tool.
How did they pick the book?
Q4 What supports do you need in place to be empowered to build capacity?
A3: A Barrier to building capacity is difficulty recognizing the quiet, yet effective leaders and relying on the outspoken few
How have you been able to get others to change and grow?
Hoped 2join chat but found out I'll be subbing w/kinders tomorrow. Getting stuff done. Faige retired K teacher in LA
A3: A silent leadership team is the worst kind of barrier. There should be a cacophony at the table.
A4: Culture of trust must be established, often built over time.
Recommendation and the fact that we've had a lot of change on campus recently.
Now that we're on books...my recent favorite is Focus by Schmoker.
A4: Support from all ends (leadership, fellow teachers, etc.)
Wow!! Great thought Dee. We tend to gravitate to the outspoken person while there are other leaders!!
A4: a collaborative spirit
What if there isn't trust established or it's been broken? Then what?
My new favorite, since we are on books is Switch by Heath & Heath!
. A great book to read for insight on this topic...Quiet by Susan Cain
I just finished Quiet. It's a thought-provoking book on this topic.
A4: A leader that is willing to seek to understand then seek to be understood.
Things that matter to Ts and will impact Ss . Building twitter PLN is amazing PD and chats :)
We need to find the strengths in everyone! https://t.co/J7iPIQX833
Wow!! Great thought Dee. We tend to gravitate to the outspoken person while there are other leaders!!
A4: An environment that celebrates creativity, rewards risk, and provides opportunities to share/collaborate.
A4 supportive leaders who stand behind you and under the process of building capacity
Trust may the backbone of capacity building!! https://t.co/6roDOyj9Jb
A4: Culture of trust must be established, often built over time.
Q4: Time. Strong PD that will help people get on same page, and have coaching/collaboration time to follow.
A4 Culture that embraces risk-taking & failure without judgement & punitive consequences.
My admin is good at sending lots of different Ts to training. Very supportive in that area
A4: time to reflect individually and in teams. Support from all even when the process is messy. Leaders with a get better mindset
A4. Permission to try new things, to fail, and to try again
A4: Supports: collaborative spirit, problem-solving approach, openness to new things, great relationships, solid WHY for what we do
I'll have to check it out!
A3 - Fear of the unknown and lack of support can both be barriers to building capacity but where there's a will, there's a way!
The process to rebuild that will need to happen. Trust is often linked to communication breakdown. Strong start.
How are they held accountable for implementing what they've learned when they go away to training.
And stand beside you when it gets hard! Now that is a leader!!
Grace here arts educator. Stopping by.
Often we are asked to share out - sometimes at staff meetings
Always looking for the next great read! Will have to check out your recommendation.
A4: A supportive Admin. That fact has really help me feel more confident as an educator!
That's different. I mean how are they held accountable to apply what they learned, not just share it.
Good night TMchatters! Listen before you lead!
Great PD will have reflection time built in. Learned this lesson from the awesome !!!
A4: Strong PD in best practices and content eliminates admin doubt in whether support staff and teachers will make right decisions.
A4: freedom to choose within a well-developed, ever-improving framework
What were some things you were able to try after you gave yourself permission to try new things?
I'm reading, " Leverage Leadership," by Paul Bamrick-Santoyo
Oh, ok. Not sure there is a specific way. We go to a variety of trainings. Depends on what it is
What a great read for building capacity and leading a school! https://t.co/M7E3BrmdsN
I'm reading, " Leverage Leadership," by Paul Bamrick-Santoyo
Just finished this, good stuff! Parallels what we're doing in our buildings.
Q5 What opportunities is a campus afforded when a culture of building capacity exist?
Are you enjoying the read? Recommend the read?
Are you enjoying the read? Recommend the read?
Retweeting Q5. https://t.co/cjEKLl2RzI
Q5 What opportunities is a campus afforded when a culture of building capacity exist?
A5: Change and growth of the students.
A5: Ultimately, students win.
A5 We can do so much more with more developed talent and more leaders!
A5 A campus has the possibility to see ALL students be successful.
A5 When a school builds capacity in ALL you see it with increased collaboration & a true sense that students are "ours" not "mine."
Capacity building and increased innovative practices go together.
A5 Empowered teachers and students taking on challenges
A5: Effects: Shared growth! Vested interest in growth/success of team, self, students. Team adapts more quickly to change.
A5:Agree w/ -->Ss win with culture of building capacity. Also, risk-taking, creativity, positivity lead to joyful workplace
A4 - To be empowered to build capacity, you need environments where you're permitted to take risks and free to learn from them.
Yes Ben!! That is when we see great progress - Students are "OURS"!!!!!
A5 When a school builds capacity in ALL you see it with increased collaboration & a true sense that students are "ours" not "mine."
A5: Risks will be taken, learning and growth will explode. Strengthen our practice.
So many things this year because I'm in a new position (Instructional coach). Led book studies, reworked PLCs, etc
A5 The culture/climate of the campus will be positive & staff will be striving to make progress each day!
Early out tonight . Thank you for great convo!
Double BAM!!!
A4 - To be empowered to build capacity, you need environments where you're permitted to take risks and free to learn from them.
A5: We > me becomes the standard for all stakeholders. Sky is the limit when that culture is present
Progress each day! That's the way to get students and teachers where they need to go! https://t.co/H6wcEMXsRy
A5 The culture/climate of the campus will be positive & staff will be striving to make progress each day!
And ALL teacher can be successful.
A4 The workload of everyone reduces, trust and risk increase to bring about rapid growth and positive moral
A5 The weeds of fear get choked to death by the wild kudzu of bright vibrant learning!
Thanks James! Enjoyed learning from you!!
A5 - Students will feel the shared culture of trust and as a result, they will take risks that take their learning the next level.
Explode!! Great word to describe the learning and growth! https://t.co/g5548oY2SM
A5: Risks will be taken, learning and growth will explode. Strengthen our practice.
You win the award for most poetic language! Good message, too! I have to go Google kudzu. ;)
That moment when you're sure you typed in a zinger... and the only people paying attention are crickets.
Q6 What structures are in place on your campus to promote capacity building?
A5 - Students will become part of the culture of trust and as a result, take risks that propel their learning to the next level.
. For that, I'm following you. Emphatically!
That is an awesome feeling!! Empowering students to take risk!
A6: Leadership who are willing to listen to voices
Retweeting Q6. https://t.co/nRV9Ab55Qc
Q6 What structures are in place on your campus to promote capacity building?
RT IMD918 RT 123MrsSmith456: quickmuse You win the award for most poetic language! Good message, too! I have to go Google kudzu. ;)
A6: Working at various campuses I see different structures. Ts are more confident in content, raising rigor, demonstrating
A6: Lots of talking, question asking, and listening. Joy, fun, craziness too! https://t.co/exfoahg3ZY
Q6 What structures are in place on your campus to promote capacity building?
Zinger... https://t.co/IRg677tuMm
A5 The weeds of fear get choked to death by the wild kudzu of bright vibrant learning!
Yes!! It's an absolute privilege to be trusted like that, to know your students feel safe around you.
A6: supportive administration; opportunites to attend conferences and training; teacher to teacher PD
A6: Also more Ts facilitating PLC and planning sessions. Scaffolds (sometimes barriers) being removed.
A6: Our campus for the most part truly embraces a We are encouraged to be risk takers.
Never better... thanks for asking. You?
A6 Our principal has used trust and encouragement to empower us to learn and grow.
A6: More campuses embracing & becoming fluent in language/changing their questioning & responses. Transferring to Ss.
Truth!!! Love the job is doing!!! https://t.co/bJM6aQpbYf
A6 Our principal has used trust and encouragement to empower us to learn and grow.
It makes all the difference.
We saw it during the interview process!!
. Not bad. Enjoying . Trying to figure out how to get a LOT of people to like and RT my stuff.
A6 Supportive Administrators, many staff willing to learn and grow, growth mindset, some teachers stepping up to leadership roles
To what do you attribute that growth mindset?
She allows teachers to have input & values their thoughts. They can go to her with concerns & ideas & be trusted.
Q7 What is your next step as you move forward in building your own capacity?
For me, teachers moving to leadership, is when I know we are doing a great job of building capacity,
. Would love to hear what she's doing exactly. Can you say one thing? Would you say one thing?
Just curious. What does the TM stand for in ? I've been following some of the conversation.
It's important to remember that every school has its own culture
Retweeting Q7. https://t.co/9EIQRULCDx
Q7 What is your next step as you move forward in building your own capacity?
A7: Listen and work even more so with stakeholders
I think our admin sees potential and encourages us to reach and grow, try and learn from mistakes. https://t.co/ZT6v4ADoXq
To what do you attribute that growth mindset?
A6 - Not only does our admin promote risk taking, there's also an open door policy where we're free to share any & all of our ideas.
A7: Twitter PLN and chats have led me to many new adventures this year and s supportive online mentor Terry
is Thinking Maps Chat. All my responses are posed in https://t.co/EYbWs4OQLV
Just curious. What does the TM stand for in ? I've been following some of the conversation.
They certainly do! Need to find that balance at each.
A7 Continue to listen, build trust, lead by example, learn and grow
A7 Next step: I want to job shadow instructional coaches at other campuses. I can learn a lot from how they do the job!
What are some strategies your district uses to build teacher leaders?
Thank you, and , for hosting . Checking out early.
How are you supported in trying something new?
A7: UF/CTQ Teacher Leader Fellowship... time to connect to other teacher leaders and kick it up a notch. Right :)
A7: Next steps..exploring Growth Mindset together and how it can apply to staff/students..continuing to model learning, risk-taking
Thanks Monica! Enjoyed learning from you tonight!!
A7 - Furthering the lines of communication between my team and I. Open communication is a key component in building team capacity.
A7: Model self-reflection, , learning from others.
Thank you for a great chat! I'm going to go check out Who Moved My Cheese now. See ya next week
A week from tomorrow we will begin a weekly Please help us by RT and getting the word out! Thanks https://t.co/i3fF17Srd7
Thank you and . Such a great chat tonight!
Thanks for moderating and ! See you next week on !
Thanks Nardi!! Enjoyed learning from you!
A7 Must spend more time & energy working on my damned prose & less time skimming my flat rough thoughts into the Twitter stream.
A7 Continue to read, research, listen, and network
Thanks Sonya! Always enjoy learning from you!
Wait? When did you change days? Yeah! I'm in next week!
You should tag her on these tweets.
Thank you and for a great I always look forward to growing with others. Sets tone for week.
Thanks Allyson! Enjoyed learning from you tonight!
You flatter...I learn so much more from you than vice versa.
So sorry for missing . I was involved n a meeting.