#2ndaryELA Archive
#2ndaryELA is a group of middle and high school English Language Arts teachers looking to share ideas and best practices. We chat every Tuesday night at 8 pm EST using #2ndaryELA. We'd love for you to join us!
Tuesday August 9, 2016 8:00 PM EDT
Welcome to tonight’s chat! Please introduce yourself. Tell what & where you teach. Share your blog link if you have one.
At the cottage with my niece and nephew, so TweetDecking this week. I’m Jennifer, Grades 7&8 ELA in SW Ontario, Canada.
My name is Amy. I teach 7th grade ELA, and I have scheduled these tweets. Can't wait to catch up tomorrow!
Don't forget: use on responses & replies to others, label your responses w/A1, A2, & follow anyone chatting with us
I teach 6th ELA first year at RS Middle I did 7th last year!
Hi everyone! 😊 I teach 7th & 8th grade ELA at a private Christian school in metro-Detroit. No blog (yet😉).
I'm Brynn Allison, chat co-host. 8 yrs teaching HS English & reading interventions in Philly. Blog: https://t.co/cyx1WlfdS8
Afternoon! Green Bay, WI teacher to Writing and IB students. Glad to be back!
Abby from Indiana: high school ELA, journalism, & newspaper // blog: https://t.co/sVVvTONQry (it's new--only one post in)
Hello Evelyn From California! 🌻 I teach Eng 11 & Avid 11 ❤️
A2: no theme. Student work, anchor/success criteria. Some areas are bare until Ss create media/writing/reading pieces.
Amy, I teach 7th grade ELA. 1st year after 18 years at 1st grade. Mansfield, Ohio. Very excited! Start Monday!
OOPS! Didn’t time that one. :)
What a transition! Brava to you!
I'm Jen, a 6th grade teacher from IN
That is a big jump - but lots of fun! I went from Grade 3 to 7/8 and love it. This group will be great.
Julie from Kansas: 9th grade English & one class of 9th gr struggling readers
Q1: How do arrange the seating in your classroom? Is it flexible or permanent?
My seating rotates every 3 weeks so they can all experience each other! I love to see how they can learn and also interact!
A1 Kids sit in assigned groups, but I have lots of pillows for them to move around w/during ind work. Changed at my discretion
A1a: Permanent seating for me. Right now they are in 3 rows facing each other to facilitate discussion
Q1 flexible! I love groups of 4. Gets tricky with big classes tho. Had 36 last year!
A1b: My district has not adopted or supported flexible seating yet. No $$.
A1 In the past arranged tables in groups leaving as much room as possible in middle for creating circles w/chairs
A1 seating in my room is flexible; students can choose every day and I shake it up often based on what we're doing
A1: Not much alternate seating- no space. I allow movement in learning & promote Ss becoming self-aware of best learning spots.
A1: I changed seating arrangement about once a month, depending on management issues, activities in the unit, etc.
A1) Seating is a mixture of both! I am implementing more flexible seating like a Starbucks environment this year 🍎🍂
A1-Past position seating was permanent and in rows. This year I'm planning on groups b/c I will have triangle desks!
A1 cont. Students some choices of where to work: desks, standing desks, tables
A1 I change every 4 weeks and kids move around all period. Beanbags are awesome!
A1: My seating plan changes regularly to get students working together.
A1: I like U-shape for discussion, I've also done a few other minor variations, but I'm also looking for new ideas!!
Wendy from Nj. A1: I change seating depending on unit. But looking to add more options. Yoga balls, comfy chairs.
A1: Flexible to the nth degree! Have a 'home base' for each Ss, but they are free to move about and sit in many different areas.
A1 I have flexible seating in my room including a couch, exercise balls, wobble stools, and floor seats
A2a: My theme this year is movies. I have a "Readbox" for a classroom library. Lots of book covers.
Rob from Wisconsin hopping in for a bit...
A1: I use pillows, comfy charis, carpeted areas, corners, etc as seats. Looking to get low tables so they can work on the floor.
Hey- Donna from Texas... I was playing with my desks today. Had them in rows facing, but opted for L-shaped small groups.
A1: I have clipboards and carpets for students who want to work in other spots.
A1: Unless students are in small groups, 12 desks are in columns of 2 on ea. side of the room, facing the middle for discussion
A1: I am a strong believer in flexible seating. The seating arrangement supports the learning task that day.
A2b: Film strip outlines for bellwork and targets. Marquee and theater curtains for BBs.
Clipboards are underrated, IMO!
A1 We have bulky chair-desk attached desks that are difficult to arrange. We have assigned seats but I try to switch it up often
I don't have a in my classroom but I would love some suggestions!
A1: cont. Besides desks I have tables & pillows 4 group work & reading around the room. I'm hoping2have area rug w/more pillows
I made cheapo pillows by stuffing them with grocery sacks! Batting is expensive :D
A1: Always had desks and changed seats every week. Gives new turn and talk prtnr often -changing things up a bit
A1: Always rearranging round tables that seat 4; students pick own seats. Added two bungee chairs last year for extra fun - a hit!
Q2: Does your classroom decor have a theme or is it all about functionality?
oooh, didn't think of DG when looking for clipboards! Good to keep in mind...
OK, I need to jump in a lake with my niece because I promised. :) Looking forward to catching up later tonight!
A1: I tried using reading pillows w/my 9th graders and they just weren't interested in them during SSR :(
A1) Definitely flexible, and that includes my desk! I'm guilty of rearranging where I sit when I start getting bored.
A2: My theme is "all about Ss work," haha! Lots of blank spaces w purpose of having Ss fill up with thoughts, work, ideas.
A2- No real theme, but I do love chevron and bright colors! I'm not sure what I'll do this year. Can't wait to see my new room!
A2 have a little bit of color theme but mostly function. Have lots of Harry Potter stuff b/c students give it to me
A1: Now have 15 student desks, two tables, and four work stations(pods)
A2) My classrooms theme is modern with lots of Astro bright colors, along with pops of chalkboard 🤗💕 https://t.co/MGPrIVL9aS
A2: I set up my classroom to foster student independence so I can work with small groups. My classroom https://t.co/MKJcxsXvER
A2: My room is surrounded by books. I want a literary mood and books speak to that end.
Loretta, 8th Gr Pre-AP ELAR, Rockwall, Texas. Starting 12th yr. 1st time here!
This will be my first year w flex seating. Any suggestions to start off the year? https://t.co/ECST34Zm7p
A1: I am a strong believer in flexible seating. The seating arrangement supports the learning task that day.
I have the idea of "Dream" all around my room. I even made my own dreamcatcher this summer.
A2: The only theme in my room is the color teal. My long window shades became word walls last yr: writing proc, parts of sp.
Create 'spaces' in your classroom. Cheapo throw rugs and Goodwill pillows can do the trick.
A2: Theme with colors and little touches (ex: all permanent letters r cut out of Shakespeare plays) (Hope that's not blasphemy!)
A2: I have YA lit pendant banner hanging forefront in my room. Best TPT purchase I made last yr!
I'd also suggest surveying your Ss and ask what they like for seating. How do they work best?
A1: in groups of 2; have 29-30 kids in ea class-6 periods a day. Moves easily to 4 St grouping.
A2 Bright colors + anything from the Target dollar spot is my theme 😂 I just want it to feel welcoming! https://t.co/axPtCYgx4T
A2: cont. No "theme" necessarily...just a lot of purple (my fave color ;) ) and an MSU flag!
That dollar spot is dangerous...
A2: No theme - just trying to apply design principles. little clutter, art on walls, calming bboard background for anchor charts.
Q2 I wish I had a theme! Other than wtf I can scrounge up! I guess my theme is "organization" cuz I label everything!
Q3: Explain how you keep classroom supplies and materials organized.
A2: no theme; have a world map that covers back wall-I refer to it for background/history of lit we read
A3 I keep supplies and materials labeled for kids to be able to help themselves. Classroom tour at beginning of yr to intro.
A3: labels, labels, labels, bins, drawers & dedicated spaces for Ss supplies and my own. I’ve been planning a LOT this summer.
A2 plus a little bit of excessive patriotic decor because I teach American literature 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
A3: lots of cupboards and drawers (I'm lucky) and lots of tubs and tubs and crates and labels.
I like that you mention 'no clutter'--so important. Space should feel clean and open for possibilities.
A2: No theme but I display 6 word memoirs written by ss, pics of my summer reading, student college acceptance letters, etc.
A2 I keep it student themed every year. What I mean by that is the students bring one item to decorate the room
A2: would love to paint my walls but district buildings and grounds says no. Annoying.
A3 Materials for students are out on tables/bookshelves for easy access. Extra supplies in closet
A3 Having designated spaces and keeping those consistent so students & staff can always find what they need
HAHA I'm an enabler... let's start a 12 step program
I have a shelf where they go back to, label them and leave time for the students to clean before they leave!
Q2: I am working on 9 week themese. I want to start with "The Power of Story." Imagine, e.g., the Olympics without the stories!
A3: I utilize lots of containers to corral supplies, tubs for books sorted by genre, & maintain 2 supply carts for easy movement
A3: I label areas of the classroom and keep it consistent so students can find supplies they might need.
A3) Organize everything by labeling I have an obsession! I even label things outside of class 😂 https://t.co/XYaQzttxQE
A3- organized by type in the closet, but since I'll have groups this year, I'm thinking about a group supply solution.
A3: I have a student resource cabinet for all materials and text books when we actually use them.
I like the way you think...maybe Target will recognize our initiative w some gift cards! LOL
A3: Dollar store buckets! Used bookcases perpendicular to walls to create student spaces
I label EVERYTHING! Harp on placement w/Sts for 1st 3 weeks; helps w/transitions.
Q2: I am working on 9 week themes. I want to start with "The Power of Story." Imagine, e.g., the Olympics without the stories!
I am looking for group bins that I can put items in to make group work easier i.e. markers, sticky notes, etc
WICOR`are you an AVID teacher, too?
wow wish I was that organized!
A3: I have a 15 drawer craft cart for most materials, pockets on bulletin bd for bkmarks, letter trays 4 graded papers to return
A3 I used to use file folders & binders to organize class materials but now I'm 100% Google drive...love digital organization :)
I use plastic shoeboxes with lids, and clear labels for what's inside!
A3: Still working on that! Always looking4ideas. has been so helpful in this tho! Wrking on paper system idea now
A3: I try to have a place for everything and put everything in its place (in theory), lots of bins and folders
A4 We are 1:1 district so most of our work is digital. I displayed posters, etc last yr, but I'm interested to read others' ideas
Q4: What is your favorite way to display student work and evidence of learning?
A4: I use boards in the class, if Ss are willing to let me display (I always ask) & this year hoping to post on internal website.
Me too! When my kids were learning to read at home, I labeled EVERYTHING!
A3: Have class set of chromebooks this year, YEA! new cabinets for them - have determine processes. Classroom Library = mess.
A3: plastic bins and totes for bks w/genre labeled on bin
I'm in the same boat! https://t.co/J91wHwOUJy
A4 We are 1:1 district so most of our work is digital. I displayed posters, etc last yr, but I'm interested to read others' ideas
I taught AVID for 2 yrs & on team now; WICOR has made a big difference!
A4- Student work on bulletin boards both inside and outside of the classroom.
A4: I use clothespins so Ss work is easy to swap & taken down to read. Plan on having picture slideshows on my blog of Ss writing
I have just started this, but found this link: https://t.co/B2k1oEtxpy I'd like to include stories other than Olympics.
A4 I had a huge bulletin board in the back of my room covered w/black paper. Hung student work there. Nothing fancy.
A4: I hang up student work on the bulletin boards in my classroom.
A3 I use plastic bins with labels for art supplies, magazine holders for notebooks, small plastic boxes for group supplies
A3: cont. Thinking of having a "Grand Central Station" -- bucket for tardy slips, pencils/paper/scissors, etc.
A4: I usually put work on a BB or blank wall marked w the CCSS. Not sure how I'm going to do it in 7th little hallway wall space
I like the QR codes idea! Did you find they were used?
A4:post in hallways, Twitter to district, IG. We do gallery walks fir days!
Yea! for AVID. It is my favorite class. I've taught/run program for 8 years! 7/8/9 https://t.co/rastSpDTmG
I taught AVID for 2 yrs & on team now; WICOR has made a big difference!
Love the QR code idea. Can you explain it more?
A4: if anyone has a creative way to display student work other than a bulletin board, I'm all ears . . . .
A4) I love to put some in the hallway so students can show off to everyone.
Q4) Using accounts! Parents can see what work were doing. Use barcode for a trial to try it out! https://t.co/TEq7BdiUQj
A4: A student designed a fridge decal 4 me. I laminated it and made a "The Fridge" bulletin board -- displayed Ss poems.
Q3: I'm new to 8th ELA so will learn about organizing! I have a lit sorter (cubbies) behind my desk to avoid piles ON my desk.
A4 black butcher paper on back wall, rotating work w/signs to ID. Hang string loops from roof rafters to hang mobiles
A4: I have a magnetic whitebd for displaying student work, I've glued magnets blinged out closepins to use for this (teal bling)
A4 I have some cute glitter clothespins on some thin rope (from dollar spot, of course) where I hang up exemplary work!
That's adorable! Love it.
I want to try using QR codes for missing homework, linking to Google Form!
Q4: I always used blogs to showcase work in elementary. Is anyone using a blog in
A4: Honestly I don't display student work. I sometimes display previous student work without names as models but that's about it.
A4: We have district postcards for sending home remarks/praise. Students are so surprised when they receive these at home!
Q5: Share a picture of your classroom or one that inspires you.
Q5: I don’t have one yet & won’t until after the 22nd. You all inspire me, though, with your beautiful rooms!
A4 I have an "A" wall where AVID kids hang work they're proud of - they love it!
A5: I'll have to tweet mine out tomorrow! Mostly done, but I'm going to work on a blog post w my rationale for this yr's setup
A4: I have a wall in the back of the room that I save for student work. It's nothing special, but it works.
A5: Agh, not yet! My room isn't nearly done. A lot of work to do in the next 2 weeks! (I LOVE seeing all of yours though!!)
A5 - not yet - haven't gone back in the classroom yet! Maybe next week!
A5: No classroom until late August. We start later in Ontario than most of you.
A5:from last year- summer reading, college letters, before I graduate strips, 6 word memoirs, mentor text https://t.co/lBSGh4xMqD
A5: Coming soon! Thanks for your beautiful inspirations!
Thinking of setting a class iPad next to the QR code to ensure there are 0 excuses .... ?
We do six-word memoirs too! Love using those to get to know my Ss.
A5: Room's not ready yet...
A5: This something new I want to do this year so students are more aware of my reading & to discuss it https://t.co/sIvTZYCff4
Might be a good solution! :)
, your room is looking great! You are going to be a star at "moving on up!" LOL
A5 Wish I had more pics but here are a few other pieces of my room. I got into hand lettering this year https://t.co/jLgFCA6Nwl
A5: Mine isn't ready either...we have a state law that prohibits public schools from starting prior to Sept. 1!
Thanks for chatting with us tonight. Next week's chat: learning stations. See you on 8/16 at 8pm EST
LOVE! Especially the door. Great way to incorporate summer reading and start the conversation!
displaying student work is special for them - that's what counts, right??
Wisconsin. Don't be jealous. Most of us hate it. It causes us to go until mid-June.
Good idea! Any ideas for absent work are so helpful!
Okay, no longer jealous! :D But do enjoy your extra few weeks!
My Missouri soul weeps for you both.
Totally missed tonight's chat! First week back
+ workshops+no time in classroom=too busy! Be back next week!