#wischat Archive
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Sunday January 17, 2016
8:00 PM EST
Welcome back for the MLK Day16 edition of . Tonight's topic is Keeping The legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. Alive In Schools
We will be following a Q1, Q2 ... A1, A2 format. Remember to include in all of your tweets.
Please begin by introducing yourself and let us know where you are joining us from tonight.
Rae, Omro, WI art 6-8. I will be off and on doing multiple chats!
John Gunnell, thankful to be the Principal of a great middle school (Jack Young Middle School), in a great community (Baraboo, WI)
Jay, Principal in Merton, WI checking in to tonight. Hope you are staying warm.
Hi All, Tiawana Giles, Assistant Principal from Virginia Checking in
Hello, Chana from Baraboo High School, Alt Ed
- Good evening Jay. Thanks for joining us tonight on
Bill, MS principal in Springfield, MO
- Thanks. I appreciate you joining us tonight on
- Hello Chana, welcome back for once again.
Glad to be hear. Let's not make this chat.
- Thanks for joining us tonight. Glad that you're a part of
Hi. Mike, elem. principal tweeting tonight from Coal Valley, IL. Been a long time, !
- Thanks for jumping back in. great to have you here on
Thanks It's been awhile. Great topic tonight https://t.co/yQv5br1oNn
- Thanks for joining us tonight. Glad that you're a part of
A1. We have been encouraged to make it a point to do activities in our classroom
Q1: How does your school and/or district currently recognize the Dr. Martin Luther King Day holiday?
Hi all, Jason, Ashwaubenon SS teacher
- ThNks for joining us tonight Nd shRing that quote.
A1 . We don't. It is sad really.
A1 nope. between making a meaningful point in classes/honoring with a day. We don't for President's day...
- Welcome Jason, thanks for joining us on tonight.
A1 We have school tomorrow. We need to do more than we do now which is very little. Goal for next year. https://t.co/csoYNHEPMZ
Q1: How does your school and/or district currently recognize the Dr. Martin Luther King Day holiday?
Jori from Baraboo . I believe elem teachers do their own thing but what that is (or isn't!) varies greatly
A1: We strongly encourage our staff to engage in activities related to MLK and we provide some resources for teachers to access.
A1 clarification: we attend school. We do very little in terms of celebration/recognition. During announcements and in SS classes
A1: The truth is we don't do enough. That is on me. I need to provide better leadership in that regard.
A1: we do activities in classrooms and a mix it up at lunch
I don't feel there is much discussion or direction of what/how we can celebrate or engage in meaningful dialog about civil rights
A1: When I was coaching boys bball we paired with The Hope School to play ball on MLK day. Lasted for 8 years. Took them to a farm.
Same. And we get the day off. Would prefer to be in school and use the day to learn about MLK. https://t.co/5F4PeWAmCj
A1: We strongly encourage our staff to engage in activities related to MLK and we provide some resources for teachers to access.
We read books abt MKL, discuss his life and his legacy.
A1: We do provide an activity for our Homeroom teachers and also during intervention time. We do a formal announcement over the PA.
A1: They would have a meal for us after the game when we went there. Would go to a bucks game when we played in Milwaukee as well
A1 I've tried to incorporate lessons in my classroom relating to MLK, Jr. since we don't have school on Moday.
to be honest, I think many educators are uncomfortable (and/or unsure) how to address the topic
much of what we do leads up to as we are out of school.
some regional districts have recently switched to a day off, mainly due to high absences with AA population.
Q2: 1 of 2 - Dr. King envisioned a world in which children were judged by the content of their character not their skin color ..
a1 I feel we R missing out on HUGE teaching opportunities regarding our past and current "histories" regarding civil/ human rights
2 of 2 ... What role does character education currently play in your school/classroom?
I agree but we can Invite guest who are more comfortable sharing about this time in history. Kids deserve to know.
https://t.co/Q3sIA09Zet Retweeted RT pumpkinruff: a1 I feel we R missing out on HUGE teaching opportunit… https://t.co/dAEU08pnNF
a1 I feel we R missing out on HUGE teaching opportunities regarding our past and current "histories" regarding civil/ human rights
A2: it is very important, our goal is help develop a whole child. Character Ed needs to be part of culture.
Looking to start your summer with amazing PD ? Join us at - awesome presenters, workshops, fun! https://t.co/L68hVHnYxX
A1: We are having a completely unrelated assembly on Tuesday, so I'm going to suggest we work in an MLK, Jr. Tribute.
My teaching background was in American history with an emphasis in civil rights, immigration, women's history and labor history.
We have pockets of anti-bullying, GSAs, Diversity council, but lack a full unified effort across the district.
A2: I kick of a diversity/tolerance unit in my eighth grade class in Feb.
A2 we have PBIS and morning meeting and R working to incorporate second step (a curriculum) into morning meeting discussions
A2: Ours GSA does great things, too.
We run a lot of Character Ed (Second Step) through Homerooms as part of our PBIS efforts.
A2. We also talk about race (not a true thing) versus racism (very real) almost daily in our discussions, Ss are open to listening
A2: we have 2nd Step. We also have a school code: The Spartan Code
1st Wednesday of month we have Character Ed lesson. Created by counselor & led by Ps, community members https://t.co/TOcV3QMhV6
A2: We are using Franklin Covey’s The Leader in Me and its seven habits as the basis for “character education” in our school.
Great connections. When educators are not comfortable-Ss may not be comfortable or feel valued in class. https://t.co/jWoePbMB5Y
We run a lot of Character Ed (Second Step) through Homerooms as part of our PBIS efforts.
A2a: “Cultural Competency" is also one of the “big rocks” we are working on across our district.
great tool. However, remember MLK had American values, not just AA. Be sure to help Ss see the connection. https://t.co/8h1TwAB8FM
Q3: What are some of the more immediate race issues that still need to be addressed in our schools?
Kids know if diversity lesson are only present during MLK and February. Make Cultural Competency everyday for ALL kids.
A2 No formal character ed here besides PBIS. I think we need to do more in our discussions when these character traits conflict.
A3. Humans are humans, race isn't category that is useful other than for racism. It exists inherently in our institutions
Q3 staff diversity, Ss seeing themselves in literature (valued in the class) and in school displays/photos etc
A3: Achievement gaps must be addresses.
Q3: There are still a lot of opportunity gaps that need to be addressed. We are not always comfortable having these conversations.
A2 I will play Dr. Kings speech tomorrow during our morning meeting. YouTube is a great tool.
A3: Ts need to be culturally responsive to Ss of different race/ethnicities than their own & undrstd how it affect/effects learning
yes! I couldn't agree more
A3: High expectations for ALL students. No excuses abt home life, Lang., SWD. Believe in every kid, every day in every classroom.
A3: In a predominantly white school (like mine) it is important to listen, give voice to students/parents, listen to understand
A3a: We often want to say “I don’t see race”. But race matters b/c it impacts our perspective on almost everything.
A3 Achievement gaps need focus by all educators. Concern for me even though our school is mostly white. https://t.co/oPKPobogBe
Q3: What are some of the more immediate race issues that still need to be addressed in our schools?
A3b: It is uncomfortable to address differences inherent in race but absolutely essential for understanding.
A3: POVERTY!!! The econ gap is a BIG part of the achievement gap. We must elect officials who address this.
A3. As white middle class teachers, we need to learn from our Ss, ask about their experiences/views/opinions be interested
every kid everyday but understand that they aren't going to reach those expectations or learn in the same way
Even more impt to expose those kids. Otherwise all they have is what they see on TV-Miseducation of AA, Latinos, etc
A3c: Differences, equity & equality are NOT mutually exclusive. Recognizing/appreciating differences can lead to greater equality.
Ts also need to recognize that every person views their own race through different lenses. How does that student identify?
A4: LOVE this question! Yes. Unjust laws/rules must be challenged. The trick is to do it an a way that others will listen.
I attended a lilly white school system, then I worked in the SE side of town. I was a minority then.
A4. As an Alt ed teacher I think there are rules that are unfair and if it is for the best interest of the Ss, I will break them
A4: Prefer that people use their constitutional right to petition for a redress of grievances. Civil disobedience not 1st resort.
A4... As paul gorski said, someone has to be at the table and be brave enuf to acknowledge or identify when a policy is unjust
A4: do no harm, do what's right for the ind. and the group. Ss, Ts, and leaders always recognize this, regardless of rules.
A4: we have the responsibility to change them, however in the spirit of MLK how we go about doing it is just as important.
A4: There are some rules that are unfair and should be challenged. There are a lot of practices that need to be questioned as well.
We must ensure the rules are appropriate and can justify our decisions within the confines of the rules.
A4 we have to at least open the discussion.. How might this rule/policy close a door for a student/family.
A4 clarification: what's right/just doesn't necessarily make one/all parties happy. Chances are everyone is upset about it.
A4: Big change comes with civil disobedience. MLK knew this. Tubman knew this. Chavez knew this. Ghandi knew this.
Everyone needs a little help from time to time.
A4: We have to acknowledge unfair rules before we can change them
Q5: Dr. King advocated for civil rights and social justice, what are some of the injustices you see in schools today?
We must ensure our kids know this. https://t.co/9e2Mjm9JrV
A4: Big change comes with civil disobedience. MLK knew this. Tubman knew this. Chavez knew this. Ghandi knew this.
A5. Lack of equity, fair is not equal, differences in discipline, differences in expectations, lack of knowledge on culture by T's
A5: Punishing schools with a high percentage of struggling learners. Direct link between poverty and performance in many cases.
A5: Minority kids place in Exceptional Education Classes without interventions to help support their learning gaps.
That millions of kids are missing from schools due to abortion.
Yes, esp given WI terrible record & new infringments on voting rights, which affect, you got it...people of color.
A5: learning gaps, disciplinary discrepancies, discussions amongst Ts regarding race/class/lgbt issues. We've all got work to do.
A5 Media focus on negative instead of positive in schools, recognizing and celebrating differences. https://t.co/7xiR4vN5AB
Q5: Dr. King advocated for civil rights and social justice, what are some of the injustices you see in schools today?
Those schools may require additional resources & better instruction. They need tools & hope to guide them, not sanction & shaming.
Wi HS suspend more black Sts than any other state in the nation.
Spot on.. Do we need quality control people school building to ensure Ss are given a fair chance https://t.co/pTdEyRWzhq
A5: learning gaps, disciplinary discrepancies, discussions amongst Ts regarding race/class/lgbt issues. We've all got work to do.
and minority kids places in special services disproportionately and still not getting the support.
Urban schools = No recess. Suburban schools = freetime + recess.
A5: the assumption by so many that we need to go back to "the good old days" of education when in reality there is no such thing
We need our best Ts with our most neediest Ss and school. https://t.co/xeojjUHOks
and minority kids places in special services disproportionately and still not getting the support.
I think we do. people are quick to say "not an issue, we have a great staff", because it's what we're supposed to say.
Q6: King is perhaps most famous for his "I Have A Dream" speech. What is your dream in terms of public education?
Teaching under-resourced Ss in poverty is challenging. Ts will quite Teaching before teach "these" kids. https://t.co/acRXNrI6lr
I think we do. people are quick to say "not an issue, we have a great staff", because it's what we're supposed to say.
A6: Equity and equality. And a focus on teaching and learning rather than standardized assessment.
A6. That we continue to evolve in effective/positive/student centered ways, that we find ways to make it equitable for all
A6: My dream is fair funding and social programs that insure all get enough to eat, healthcare, and decent housing.
A6: I dream of a day when Ss no longer say "I don't feel safe here, that T doesn't like me, and that T isn't like me".
A5 that all schools have the resources N facilities necessary to support students. Detroit news is heartbreaking
A6: A high quality education in a safe and respectable environment for ALL children
A5: A question more than anything-Is homework discriminatory against families from poverty? Sorry this thought is “late”.
Letter from the Birmingham Jail resonate with AA's. A quality education for every child despite of zip code. https://t.co/nXseSK43yN
Q6: King is perhaps most famous for his "I Have A Dream" speech. What is your dream in terms of public education?
A6 Students should have access to schools full of loving & caring staff. The rest will take care of itself. https://t.co/GGd23g9r0d
Q6: King is perhaps most famous for his "I Have A Dream" speech. What is your dream in terms of public education?
Great question!! We currently do not grade homework.
not all teachers. Disadvantaged schools need the flexibility to get THE teachers.
I think it can be...one size fits all homework is not good practice, neither is it equitable when there is no support
A6: Justice! As analysis of economics, incareration rates, access to healthcare & fair policing, shows there is none.
not necessarily. It's punitive if Ts use it that way. Goes back to purposeful Hw.
Q7: Dr. King's legacy is one of courage, what do we need to be more courageous about these days in education?
a6. My biggest dream is that school becomes a place that children want to go & not somewhere they have to go.
Homework does not improve SS learning. Esp when it's done incorrectly or not at all. provide help in-school https://t.co/EUmauNT1Yp
I think it can be...one size fits all homework is not good practice, neither is it equitable when there is no support
Some Ss are able to get more assistance than others. That’s what I worry about when I say “discriminatory”. https://t.co/Ppc8dMH4N2
not necessarily. It's punitive if Ts use it that way. Goes back to purposeful Hw.
A7. Perseverance, advocating for our students and our profession, focus on positives...it's hard, but necessary in today's climate
A7: Honesty. We need to advocate for fair and just policy for WI families. Until we talk about poverty, not much will change.
A7: We need to be more courageous about taking back our profession and advancing equity issues for ALL kids.
A6 Ss aren't represented by a single story.The political climate towards education at least in Wisco changes. Ts feel appreciated
We have to be honest. Keep asking/answering the tough questions. We can fail forward together. https://t.co/HBMM9Tel53
Q7: Dr. King's legacy is one of courage, what do we need to be more courageous about these days in education?
We have to be honest. Keep asking/answering the tough questions. We can fail forward together. https://t.co/HBMM9Tel53
Q7: Dr. King's legacy is one of courage, what do we need to be more courageous about these days in education?
A7: I don’t think we advocate for ourselves very well and become the punching bag for all social ills. That bothers me.
A7 Electing politicians that provides what is necessary for kids in our schools. Each school is different. https://t.co/7u0V2AjC4J
Q7: Dr. King's legacy is one of courage, what do we need to be more courageous about these days in education?
A6: Society respects and celebrates educators. Schools are supported in the effort to educate all children.
We have to be comfortable being UNcomfortable. The future of education depends on it. Bring your Best everyday
We have to be comfortable being UNcomfortable. The future of education depends on it. Bring your Best everyday