Join teachers and educationalists for #ukedchat each Thursday between 8-9 pm GMT for Edu chat. Education news, resources, and @UKEdSch website with @UKEdMag
#ukedchat A1 Right after the final exam in GCSE all feels a bit anticlimactic. Time to ramp up the fishing, canoeing and outdoor trips...!
#ukedchat A1. When it gets very busy... being swamped with stuff can tire you and then passion can take a bit of a hit. Deadline times, for example. Doesn’t last long though!
Previous NFER research shows that working-age teachers who leave the profession prioritise their job satisfaction. Focusing on improving teachers’ job satisfaction is vital for increasing teacher retention. Full report here:
A1: Usually about now as the first flush of new students/classes is waning and exhaustion is really kicking in as the body struggles to adjust after the summer. This is the point I choose an external.lroject with the students to boost us all! #ukedchat
A1: Usually about now as the first flush of new students/classes is waning and exhaustion is really kicking in as the body struggles to adjust after the summer. This is the point I choose an external project with the students to boost us all! #ukedchat
#ukedchat A1 November/December - this semester lasts forever, there’s work due at the end of it, it’s dark, it’s cold, and people inexplicably expect you to have the time to buy Christmas presents.
#UkEdChat A1 This term can get harder towards the end with short days and so many activities to organise before Christmas (school and family) resulting in being rather tired and things can get forgotten - need to rely heavily on diary!
Seems dark mornings/evenings is a major factor to levels of teacher enthusiasm, based on the comments from #UKEdChat tonight. Anything that can be done on this front?
#ukedchat A2 Tuesday and Wednesday are good days! Feel in the swing of things. Thursday seems to be the day pastoral issues come out of woodwork so quite stressful.
A2: Thursday night peak as I get my 5 hours working from home on a Fri morning. Trough very much depends on classes on my timetable that are challenging or back to back without sufficient breaks. #ukedchat
#ukedchat A2 Tuesday and Wednesday are good days! Feel in the swing of things. Thursday seems to be the day pastoral issues come out of woodwork so quite stressful.
A1 We have a very busy Lent term with lots in short time but I am often tired in 3rd week from hols. Christmas good for me as RS teach in element of exciting lesson 😁 #ukedchat
The ‘Battle of the Bands’ I’ve set up for my Y6 class on @TTRockStars is the perfect way to refresh those multiplication & division facts after the summer. Boys vs girls. They are so motivated to practise & getting so fast! Important for fluency #PrimaryRocks#UKEdChat#maths
#ukedchat A2 It peaks when my best class has that "Ohhhhh...!" penny has dropped moment when they *get* what it is I'm teaching, usually Wednesday morning....the trough is right before you teach *that* class of y9s you just don't click with....
A2 after lunch and Thursdays - I think due to tiredness. I seem to peak and get the most done in the morning and leave the afternoon for emails! #UKEdChat
#ukedchat I meant it's not so much an "every Tuesday P1 is great" and "Thursday post-lunch is hard" as a "Lessons with that class on this topic are great". So for instance, one week (for me) doing proofs with a class is more energising than doing exam practice with the same
#UkEdChat A2 On days when running after-school activities - great during them until you finish and are faced with a pile of marking and planning that you haven't started yet.
#ukedchat A3. Trust staff, listen to them, encourage and give them time when things are tough. Be positive (but realistic and honest - not fake positivity).
@ukedchat A2 depends on the week and events in it! Wednesdat timetable light so get loads done but then have to remember the teaching bit on Thursday, lol #ukedchat
A3 Funny enough just written well-being proposal idea on my blog...some ideas that SLT coukd take to everyone to use as a document with examples!
A3 bring cake to meetings 🎂🍩🍰but also taking an interest in what the class is doing, getting out the office and into the classroom and taking the time to praise/question the kids during lessons #ukedchat
Possibly consider less directed time on after school activities during these winter terms so that it feels like you have some some of the daytime left when the end of the day comes #ukedchat
A3 make them feel valued, celebrate achievements, listen to staff and be empathetic where relevant. Support staff always be it high quality CPD or behaviour management #UKEdChat
A3 #ukedchat, not necessarily senior leaders, but my enthusiasm gets a boost because of good practices by former teachers, esp. methodologies from teachers who have made a difference in the past, e.g. those who taught me!
#UKEdChat Q4
With research showing parts of the UK with the lowest job satisfaction of comparable countries, what external factors may impact the enthusiasm of the profession as a whole?
Please use the hashtag & A4...
NEWS: Study finds teachers in England have lowest job satisfaction of all English-speaking countries... but you knew that!
Read article at
A3: Make time to listen to staff 1:1. Sometimes just the act of listening to their difficulties helps staff believe they are valued. If they can make even a slight tweak, even better obviously. Create opps for staff socials too-chippy Fridays, games night etc #ukedchat
#UkEdChat I try to get outside as much as possible so that at least we are benefitting from the light that we do get - there are plenty of dry days for working outside even in winter. Even a gate or playground duty can help.
#ukedchat A3 Be genuine and passionate about what you believe in and build a sense of belonging amongst staff. Just as you would with a class you are trying to motivate!
#ukedchat that's the rub - some things can be a chore (like marking) but you know it is for a good ultimate cause; others can be a chore (like having to redo something due to poor IT systems) but have less obvious point. The former is fine, the latter is sapping.
A4 perception. People make assumptions and its hard to keep up with that. I think its a weird professiin and keep meaning to study out of hours working (e.g. twitter users) of teachers against other professions...think it would be interesting! #ukedchat
A2 - Monday afternoon - have PSHCE, Not a fan of teaching it. Peak though on Friday afternoon - love teaching my Year 10s - always give me a boost of the last couple of hours. #ukedchat
#UKEdChat Q4 again
With research showing parts of the UK with the lowest job satisfaction of comparable countries, what external factors may impact the enthusiasm of the profession as a whole?
Please use the hashtag & A4...
NEWS: Study finds teachers in England have lowest job satisfaction of all English-speaking countries... but you knew that!
Read article at
The weekend is a long time for a young person if they don’t feel safe/are worried about something outside of school, for whatever reason that might be - Fridays before holidays even more so...
#UkEdChat A3 When working in industry, surveys always showed that appreciation was high up on everyone's list of factors that affected their motivation at work. Share their enthusiasm for what teachers are doing and give staff space to try new ideas.
A4 that's easy and it's been said before, the media & government constantly running the profession down, needlessly changing things because they're playing politics #ukedchat
A4: Twitter! Twitter is fab when teachers are sharing resources, tips, advice. But conversely all this wonderful stuff can make you feel that what you are doing isn't. An amazing display can cause you to panic that yours needs work etc! #ukedchat
#ukedchat A4 Externally - it has to be the politics of education, or should I say the politics in education! Being tossed around in the political wind of whims and borrowed ideas selected by many who have little or no understanding of teaching.
Salaries, appreciation, constant change of goal posts, admin workload, being constantly assessed and monitored has a negative impact on enthusiasm. Being allowed to improvise, be creative, take initiative has positive impact in my opinion. A4 #UkEdChat
A4 I sometimes find #edutwitter to be a real demoraliser. As fantastic as it can be, the stream of research and findings that contradict previous research and findings makes you constantly question whether you’re doing the right thing in the classroom #ukedchat
#ukedchat A5 By giving them chances, opportunities and esp. by reducing red tape, of course! Core compentences and core tasks should be in balance, so talent can grow an enthusiasm is guaranteed!
A5 again high quality CPD and support, opportunities and constructive feedback. Will help if they are in a school with great leadership and a great ethos #UKEdChat
Sadly likely true...maybe as defensive mechanism too. Sometimes it's easier to just say "yes I finish at 3 and have 6 weeks summer no work" that do THAT debate again...
#ukedchat A4 I'd also love to know what percentage of teachers see this and think "what external factors may *positively* impact the enthusiasm of the profession as a whole.
A4: Negative press, impression that it is an all encompassing career (although not addressing that gradual shift in attitude towards this) and expectations of reproducing paperwork for the same reason a number of times #UKEdChat
You currently have approximately 1:200 chance of getting one 😊👍🏼Got some very special sample pads ready for this Sunday’s draw #SLTchat#UKEdChat#teacher5aday
#ukedchat A5 Don't let the cynical, 6 months from retirement, 35 years in the business despite not really liking children type teacher (you know the one) grind them down.
#ukedchat A5 Maintain and support the ability and concept of lifelong learning in a climate free of fear and administrative burden. Those we invest in, encourage, listen to and offer opportunities reward us with their passion and enthusiasm.
A5: If you are doing what you love, in a school that you love then that is half the battle! If a school isn't working for you, don't quit the profession. Try and find a new school (Sometimes easier said than done) #ukedchat
A5: Having a democratic, open school ethos where ideas are celebrated and shared and teachers feel valued. New NQT blood in any school is an asset. #UKEdChat
Not all retiring teacher's are like that though. I know a couple of teachers, who although retired, still come back to 'help out'! Find those golden oldies #ukedchat
Couldn’t agree more. NQTs are usually armed with great lesson ideas and the latest teaching methods - some of which may be mince but some will be fantastic! #ukedchat
A6: random cake days! It's all great if it's someone's birthday/retirement/maternity but a good cake/fresh pastries/home cooked samosas to share in the staffroom improves enthusiasm like nothing else during a dreary Nov or busy May #ukedchat
#ukedchat A6 Maintain a life and interests outside of teaching in order to keep a balanced perspective. Remember , any day you wake up to is a good day so share the positive energy with a smile and a friendly hello!
a5 - my line managers have always been clear with what has to be done and what is extra etc. This and being able to understand different paperwork like appraisals etc makes me feel less swamped and like everything is manageable #ukedchat
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A4 Not enough time for undertaking quality PD at moment. Look forward to the suggestion of paid sabbaticals but tbh even cover to allow sufficient time for own research in classroom, such as lesson study, would be great. #UkEdChat
A5 Teachers are motivated by making a difference to kids’ life opportunities. High ability or low. If our education system is a partner in helping them make that happen, then people stay. And I bet GCSE results, PISA or whatever scores go up. Making them Hoop jump = bad #ukedchat
I give a crunchie and handwritten card to one member of staff every Friday - always try to find an amazing thing someone has done that they didn’t know I knew about. Goes down well! #UKEdChat
#UKEdChat my point exactly! I don’t believe true change can be dictated, it has to come from within... many new teachers come with a breath of fresh air that must be spread! Just try to convince them to vote for what you want as a leader, that’s true leadership. 🙊
a6 - cheesy but smiling even if i'm not feeling it. If i notice someone else isn't themselves, and I sense it is ok to do so, just asking if they are ok and if there is anything i can do to help. Sometimes just knowing someone has noticed is enough #ukedchat
Cakes, compliments that I mean, cakes, jokes, cakes, banter, cake, being a bit mad and not hiding it, cake....but mostly I smile at people. Try and smile at 10 adults 2mora...see how it goes 😁 #ukedchat
Just arrived (sorry!) A6: relentless positivity. I like to think I’m a voice of optimism in the staffroom and that it rubs off in the same way negativity can do. It’s almost always sincere, but sometimes it’s a bit of an act if I’m having an off day. #ukedchat
A7 | Pupils who are not willing to be curious, enthusiastic, who are not in favour of what you present in the first five minutes of your lesson … #ukedchat they may seem a minority, but unfortunately they exist :-(
A teacher who insists on shouting and telling students they’re lazy, not good enough, below target etc. I still remember the teachers I hated! #UkEdChat
A7: the teacher! If you go in to a lesson with the wrong attitude, those students mirror it. Fake that smile and enthusiasm even if you are hopping mad, crushed or jaded. #ukedchat
#ukedchat A6 It sounds corny, but we have lots of theme days. Shakespeare day, Roald Dahl day, Olympics/Sports days etc. Where we all go in dressed up and have whole school activities....It's a nice change of pace outside of just pushing pure academic progress.
A7 - lack of enthusiasm from the teacher. When I was training I watched @JODAMS42 teach and it was the first time I clearly saw the impact relentless enthusiasm has on students. By his own admission, the subject material was a bit dry that lesson, but the Ss didn’t care #ukedchat
Why do some still think this is motivational? I know it's not all great and wonderful, but this demotivates quicker than a pin and a balloon! And they grow to really hate you and that lesson #ukedchat
#ukedchat That's interesting - think there's a balance to be struck - we have lots too but I think we are beginning to feel it's detracting from plain old well taught interesting lessons.
A5. As a new teacher I feel appreciated when my thoughts, opinions and ideas are taken into account or highlighted. I know that as long as I’m appreciated and considered valuable I will continue to be enthusiastic about teaching 👍🏼 #UKEdChat
I know - and have tried telling this teacher but they just don’t see it! Like most things, you need the person to take a risk, change the norm and see for themselves the benefit for them to change #UKEdChat
Playing devil's advocate, if everyone is doing that and there are genuine reasons/problems, will anything change? Also, how will we know people need support if there is a culture of 'put a brave face on'? #ukedchat
A1 Enthusiasm is a little unpredictable, end of terms usually the lowest due to exhaustion of both teacher and pupils. End of summer or Christmas maybe due to so many changes to schedules and plans. #ukedchat
#ukedchat Completely agree with this. Would add that there are many ways to show enthusiasm - it doesn't have to be all bells and whistles and extraversion - quiet, intent love of a subject and appreciation works too. Students sense both, I think
#ukedchat A7 At the heart of the enthusiasm of pupils is the relationship with the teacher. If you meet their needs for engagement you will have enthusiastic learners - if not merely compliant ones or even disruptive ones.
Everything...anyone find wibd did it today!? But big ones can be teachers (obvs), home life, environment. I try to be overly enthusiastic to combat this. A high and their name, a tilted head saying "are you ok" if they look off can be the thing they need! #ukedchat
A6: try to be open to change, look at the positive aspect of smg, try not to take things personally, remember that kids are little souls that need some enlightenment, try to be that light for them, smile more, exercise, sleep 😀
a7 - at the moment the rain!
(and for some knowing they have to walk home without a coat maybe to a house where there wont be anyone home to greet them)
A8 #UKEdchat entering their world, using their ideas to start lessons, being interested and interesting about what they are in … And fine-tuning your lessons to what they like. Fairly easy, actually … & if not, it's worth the extra mile! #education#onderwijs#lerarenopleiding
A8: Fun little rewards for hard work or a good attitude - smelly stickers always on hand! Encouraging pupils to notice and praise each other when possible #ukedchat
A6. I love the staff room culture and couldn’t cope without the daily entertainment 😂 if my colleagues or I see a funny article/photo/post etc we make sure to share over lunch time. Enthusiasm is ALWAYS high leaving the staff room after lunch 🙌🏼 #UKEdChat
A6 - My school has a martial arts expert who offers free classes. It's a great way to blow off steam, learn new skills, have fun and bring an enjoyable discipline that enforces teamwork. Simple foundations are then built which creates a strong school community of staff #UKEdChat
a7 - thinking they don't want to feel so they wont try anyway, worrying about letting their teacher down, getting an answer wrong - i don't have children myself but i assume a lot bothers them! #ukedchat
Anyone not listening to the ideas of new teachers is a fool. New teachers are always evaluating their lessons and considering ways to improve their teaching. Not all NQT ideas work, but just thinking about improving teaching is something that should be fostered #ukedchat
A5. As a new teacher I feel appreciated when my thoughts, opinions and ideas are taken into account or highlighted. I know that as long as I’m appreciated and considered valuable I will continue to be enthusiastic about teaching 👍🏼 #UKEdChat
A4 Politicians without background or expertise in education changing things while turning a blind eye to expert advise and what research in the field suggests #UKEdChat
a7 - thinking they don't want to fail so they wont try anyway, worrying about letting their teacher down, getting an answer wrong - i don't have children myself but i assume a lot bothers them! #ukedchat
What about those not displaying 'excellence' at that moment. Demotivational? What does excellence look like and does school value and celebrate a range of excellence? #ukedchat
A2 It all depends on the topics or sessions. If I'm particularly into a topic, enthusiasm is high. If it's something I "have to do" then there may be a drop. But aim to hide that as best I can. Still need the children to be engaged and enthusiastic. #ukedchat
A8. Firstly be an inspiring teacher with excellent subject knowledge. Have very high expectations. Secondly, take a genuine interest in your pupils, speak kindly & warmly to them, make them feel important. If you do both these things most students will be motivated #ukedchat
@ukedchat A3. If SLT say they have an open door policy for staff to chat or discuss something... the door needs to be open practically and psychologically 🚪
A8: I try to find a external project that loosely ties in with the syllabus/topic but is beyond just the academic. Allowing students to discover things apart from purely exam focused study has been the privileges of teaching in private schools and on the IB! #ukedchat
A5 Provide new challenges and allow time for learning as well as the sharing of ideas. Also have option for teachers to go on two-year sabbaticals at DFE creating policy or in consulting/advisory/mentoring roles in a range of schools. #UkEdChat
A7. Negative teachers and a boring curriculum. If you involve children in their learning of course they will be more enthusiastic! They love to see that you appreciate their opinion. #UKEdChat
A3 It's important for senior leaders to listen, be empathetic and offer constructive advice. The job is tough and it's important to feel supported. #ukedchat
#ukedchat A7 Doing the same thing all the time. I have a class that have double English before my Chemistry lesson, so finding alternatives to writing e.g. Photos, video reports etc. to record keeps them interested.