One of my goals for 2018 is to attend more conferences/weekend PD. Saturday will be my 2nd #Edcamp for the year as I attend #edcampstaug, and I'm deep in planning my own @edcampworlando. Not a bad start on my goal!
Encara no t'has inscrits als tallers territorials del moviment #edcampCAT? Vols viure en primera persona una experiència vibrant on aprendre a compartir aprenentatges i organitzar el teu #edcamp? Vine a Terres de l'Ebre, Girona, Tarragona i Lleida! + info!
A4 Possibly pool $ to have trainers come to you. Create DIY PD events like #edcamp. Free MOOCs like those offered by @FridayInstitute and other online resources. Check out Teach 100.
Q4: Going to conferences is very expensive, especially for rural educators where travel to large cities may be cost prohibitive. How can rural educators stay informed about the latest trends? (Let’s not say Twitter, as we are already here.) #edtechchat