Ian educating in BCs soggy Shuswap - find it interesting to get different opinions on tonight’s #bcedchat topic of Homework
Even blogged about it: https://t.co/oVVVzgYTJs
Hi. Christine from the Sunshine Coast. Math educator and sessional instructor. Interested in assessment and student learning. Great topic tonight. Can't wait. #bcedchat#homework
A1: Tough call. Do Ss with learning disabilities need practice on basic skills? Yes. Do they have the bandwidth? Probably not. Do they need other things to look forward to? Yes. #bcedchat
A1: I stopped giving h/w in Math 8 this semester. That being said, there are still "check your understanding" Qs and projects that help Ss and me assess learning #bcedchat
A1 I teach gr1/2 so my kids don't really need homework. I often give out a question at the end of the day that requires thinking so that they know what is happening the following day. #bcedchat
A1 We run a flex model so my Ss see me twice a week and work in seminar twice a week. Projects are usually completed at school with extrainvestigation at home if they wish. #bcedchat
A1: I teach ESL, and I'm really into skill-based homework, and giving different homework to each kid depending on their needs and goals. It sounds harder than it is. I wrote about it here: https://t.co/cOMHGhDtlT#bcedchat
A1 “need” is complex - some need to read more but parents admit reading a struggle for them - so do I add to the anxiety?
Are 50 of the same type of math Qs helpful or harmful?
I hope to get my learners to want to work at home but also want them to have family time #bcedchat
A1: I don’t think my students “need” hwk. 99% of the hwk I assign is work they haven’t finished in class when they’ve had ample time to do so #bcedchat - short answer: no, it’s not a need
A1. At the university, I assign "homework"... meaning that my students do work outside of the classroom to meet the learning intentions of the course. I did assign homework to senior math Ss, when I taught it. No so much for the junior grades. #bcedchat
Lynda from PoCo. Secondary learning support teacher with a block a day of math. Always love #bcedchat. Interesting topic as both an educator and a parent!
#bcedchat A1: I teach ELL so students are immersed in language all day. I often give suggestions for follow up practice but don’t call it homework. Also I think it is important for my students to rest from English and the stress it brings
A1: I don’t think my students “need” hwk. 99% of the hwk I assign is work they haven’t finished in class when they’ve had ample time to do so #bcedchat - short answer: no, it’s not a need
Love saying: here’s your homework: think about _____ because we’re gonna explore it in __ days
Groans become quickly intrigued (and ideas are harder than repetitions
Great share on homework - and don’t forget those who are using core competencies to “collaborate” by taking turns doing the homework and sharing the questions. If the homework is all looking for the same answer.... #bcedchat
A1: I teach ESL, and I'm really into skill-based homework, and giving different homework to each kid depending on their needs and goals. It sounds harder than it is. I wrote about it here: https://t.co/cOMHGhDtlT#bcedchat
A1: We ask parents to read to their children every night & to have their children read their leveled books every night. Also, a few times a year homework is, “Please enjoy a hike in the mountains and take a picture and send it to school. We will use it on Monday”. #bcedchat
A1: When teaching area & perimeter I did tell my students to measure something in their house using anything but a ruler. One student asked if he could use his sister to measure the length of their couch 😂👌🏻 #bcedchat
A2 When I taught electricity I had Ss show how they would take a common item, car for example, and had them design a way for that to work only using magnets or static electricity They really understood after that hw assignment #bcedchat
A2 My daughter was given optional family craft homework in Kindergarten. I loved it because it forced me to make time to have fun and do it with her. #bcedchat
A2. Great question. You need to assess the value of homework with students to really understand if it helped them or not. I wonder how many of us do that. At the university, we treat "homework" like an ongoing formative conversation of learning... so that's worthwhile. #bcedchat
Hmmmm and I’m kinda sad that stops at middle/secondary years when the reading starts getting more interesting!! Although I know someone who needed the book read to her into G12 to fully understand it - great mom to help out each night! #bcedchat
A2: I started using Khan Academy to make up some time when teaching Pre-Algebra. 1 struggling student started using it at home & coming in ahead of us. His mom just texted me. He is going to St Mary's to study kinesiology! #bcedchat
A2(a): I teach newcomer ELLs at the high school level. One time a few kids begged me to teach them cursive. I made it optional homework. Other kids chose their own skills to focus on. They started writing in cursive in every single class after that. #bcedchat
I think we should reevaluate what homework is... Letting Ss and parents do math games or reading should not be considered homework and more as family growth time. #bcedchat
A2: a student staying up too late to complete an assignment after a siblings’ extracurricular activity, only to be tired the next day as well as not being able to concentrate on the task at the time #bcedchat
A2: Reading benefits children every day in every way. Also the “homework” to go out and enjoy nature or to cook a meal that comes from a family recipe with their parents benefits kids and parents in many ways. #bcedchat
A1: I teach 6/7 and haven't given homework in years. I do ask that students read (anything of their choice) for 20 minutes a night and also to try do a math game. #bcedchat
A2 when I was a beginner teacher I used to give spelling tests and homework was to study them. One student who suffered from FAS never got higher than 2/10 and of course restored to cheating. 😢 #bcedchat
A2(b): I helped the same kids with HW from other classes and the assignments they got made me sick. Read 4 pages to answer 2 MC questions that they could just Google. Really? Or define 30 words. Really? Or do a worksheet of MC questions; it counts as a quiz. Really? #bcedchat
A2 worked with a G12 boy who was transitioning away from foster to looking after himself - which meant working after school till late at night; homework was just an added stress - smart kid who could show what he knew during class. That was enough. #bcedchat
A2: I'm a developmentalist turned special educator. It's more the nature vs nurture process. Do you cram stuff in at 6 yrs or wait until later when it goes in easily? If reading were developmental we wouldn't have illiteracy. #bcedchat
A2: I should just re-post this as the answer for h/w that benefits Ss: https://t.co/Kdyv8VOsRP
(And I'm suppose to finish marking them this wkend) #bcedchat
Meet Pinky the Uni-Cone, Earl the Uni-Chicken Party Plane, the Gravy Train, the Nate Bass Bot, etc. 3D solids projects are always fun. :) #bcedchat#imaginEdChat#iteachmath#MTBoS
A2 Last week we did an experiment with balloons and flight. A student then sent me a video of her repeating the experiment at home with her mom saying she really had to persevere to get it all to work. More about work done at home rather than homework. #bcedchat
A2: I’ve assigned extra Math hwk before w/ vague instructions thinking 💭 this will be quick & easy extra practice...only to have Ss & Ps tell me that it took over an hour to complete w/ many tears at home 😢 not a good feeling #bcedchat
I am always willing to let parents explore the games I have curated on my Virtual Assignments page: https://t.co/rNKxP0Rzge with a new ADST “game” each #t(ec)hursday
If it is a desire by the Ss to continue their learning than I don't think its homework. I don't consider practicing golf as homework.. it's an interest I like to continue. #lifelonglearning. #bcedchat
A3: Many of my Ss who have disabilities do extensive work with parents at home. I think the research says it takes twice as long to acquire math... Who am I to tell a parent don't do that?! Yet, I do not do that with my child. Time will tell. #bcedchat
A3: I really believe kids should be reading @ home - out loud & with their parents a several times a week (if not everyday). Huge benefits enhancing reading strategies & a way to spend quality time together #bcedchat
A2-Favourite Hmwk assignment 4 my gr1s- take pics of domesticated/wild living creatures in your environment. Helped Ss connect w environment & involved families in their learning. #bcedchat
A3. It depends on the intention of the homework. If it's about compliance, then no... it isn't as fruitful. If it's about exploring what you are interested in, then yes... student engagement is on!!! My class at the university leans on being student led. It's awesome. #bcedchat
A3: Ehh. A kid has 7 classes, homework from each class, a full-time job on nights/weekends, and domestic responsibilities... makes me think before I assign something just for the sake of giving homework. #bcedchat
A3. Time lost with family..,,parents work instead of kids....major excuses, anxiety, and guilt if it’s not done......more negatives then I can justify to assign it. 🤪 #bcedchat
Especially when another sibling has early morning practice so there is even less time to recharge - some of my mornings have become “more chill” than others to respond to my kiddos worlds #bcedchat
Ahhh...I appreciate your honesty. This has also happened to me. Good intentions, but the result was not awesome.
I think it is really valuable Ss were able to give feedback. #bcedchat
A3: Negatives- those that don't have parents/adults who can support at home fall behind. With busy lives homework adds stress to families. Spending time as a family- game, walk, meal is way higher on my priority list for my students. #bcedchat
A3 homework negatives:
Causes stress when:
-there is no time to do it with after school lessons and events.
-no teacher at home to help.
-no supplies at home to complete it
-no quiet spot at home.....
A3. Many students need more practice to aster the skills we work on in class. And some need the extra support from parents, tutors or Learning centre teachers to tackle the assignment. However, it still needs to be purposeful; 35 fill in the blanks don't really help. #bcedchat
A3 always benefits for continuing to learn at home. My graduating girl probably spends way too much time, but in the game of school, bonus tasks get you closer to a perfect score....
Along with fights. Tears. Sleeplessness. Etc always a yin to the yang #bcedchat
A3. I also don't penalize when homework isn't done. Try to have a chat with the student to find out why and find a way to support getting it done. #BCEdChat
Yay! Trig can be a lot of fun indeed!!! And as a math tchr I had brought in languages b4 as well. Did a readers' theatre with novel "Flatland" and a session on math and poetry. :) #bcedchat
A3b. Homework, if assigned, needs to immediately connect back to what's happening in the classroom. It has to be purposeful and accessible. If it's perceived disconnected, not relevant, or extraneous... why bother? #bcedchat
A4 my youngest daughter is starting to enjoy math less and less as she can predict “8 pages of homework all repeating the same stupid question” - she’d rather dig deeper #bcedchat
A4 I am against any formula that applies to all students. Different students have different needs and abilities. Learning should be personalized, not formulated. #bcedchat
A3: Denise Pope from Stanford shares research on homework. One finding, “Young people are spending more time alone,” they wrote, “which means less time for family and fewer opportunities to engage in their communities.” https://t.co/vArPZUK9pP#bcedchat
A4. I saw that tweet/article post before. If teaching and learning was so easy and formulaic, then we all be doing it. I truly believe that it depends. Can't stick to a linear relationship to learning. It's not possible. #bcedchat
A4- Are formulas ever the answer when we're talking about complex human beings doing what should be a challenging, enriching, and powerful thing like learning? #bcedchat
This gets me thinking...sometimes work takes so long that it does impact time of bed. Then, how well can Ss focus on new learning the next day? Build up of depleted sleep isn’t a great thing. #Bcedchat
A4. Also in high school, many teachers apply that formula to THEIR class, or say, "this is 30 minutes of work" but students have 3-4 classes! which works out to MUCH more time! #bcedchat
A4 I hate that formula. It means grade 10s need 100 minutes. Ss are all different learners and not all do homework because they always finish quick and some need way more time. No formula if we are all different learners #bcedchat
A4 I don’t like it because listing time limits is not a good enough guideline. 20 minutes of reading is way different from 20 minutes of memorizing spelling words. #bcedchat
Let me play devil's advocate. What about a situation where a family insists on homework..perhaps an unreasonable amount of homework. Could this rule help guide a conversation? #bcedchat
A4: Used to be our school policy but times have changed. PBL in higher grades can lead to way more work but it doesn't have the same connotation as homework because it is based on interest. #bcedchat
A4: Oh man, that formula 👌🏻😂 I remember sticking to that in my 1st year of teaching. I do think kids need to read a solid 15-20 min. Since most of the hwk I assign is what wasn’t finished in class, most of my Ss end up with no hwk beyond that #bcedchat
A4. Ugh. In that case just take minutes away from recess and do the mandated homework then - reminds me of year one for me and a P who wanted every student to have a weekly homework book - even though the school ran out of photocopy paper #bcedchat
A4: I like the 10 minute per grade level idea BUT for many children, especially those with learning differences, those 30 minutes turn into 1.5 hours. Also 70 minutes in middle school, so with 6 classes that means 11 minutes per class. It doesn’t happen like that. #bcedchat
Sharing learning with home is definite positive. I love it when I get a glimpse into my own kids’ school life.
Looking for healthy/proactive strategies to avoid “I did nothing at school today...” #Bcedchat
A4. Also in high school, many teachers apply that formula to THEIR class, or say, "this is 30 minutes of work" but students have 3-4 classes! which works out to MUCH more time! #bcedchat
A4. I like the formula as a place to start a conversation with parents. Either when the student is not doing any work, or when they are doing way too much. Also a way to bring in what "homework" could look like: reading, math games, #bcedchat
I recall someone mentioning that teachers should also complete the same amount of homework that they send home (wasn’t me but it led to some fun discussion!) #bcedchat
A8 Homework should only be linked to what is being done in class, a continuum. Homework is not homework in itself, it is a review of what is being done in class #bcedchat
#bcedchat as a parent I like my kids to have homework once in a while, but not useless worksheets, I like projects, speeches, songs, scenes, debates, videos etc.
A5: I often share websites with reading or writing activities that students could use to improve if/when they have time. I let parents know they can be submitted anytime for feedback. #Bcedchat
A5: I direct Ps to using IXL for extra Math & LA support. If they really want it, I’ll usually give them a textbook and tag some pages since I rarely use a textbook to teach #bcedchat
So real world @CraigMah, but I think this argument can be compared to something like, Traditional Schools are better b/c we-the parents- recognise the systems and expectations. #bcedchat
Part of the solution is seeking to understand why there is a demand for homework. Often, I find that parents are trying to replicate their own school experiences. #bcedchat
I had a lightbulb moment a few years ago. Remember telling my grades 8s they were not allowed to spend longer than x minutes on an assignment. Whatever was accomplished in that time was enough! Had some bewildered faces. :)
A5. Context matters. Ss can self-direct their learning & I am guided by the Ss. If the parent asks for "more homework" I can refer them to places online or strategies Ss can take to enrich their learning. Hopefully for intrinsic reasons. #bcedchat
A5 I just say no and I encourage them to spend time together as a family, and if they still insist... which rarely happens, I suggest getting a workbook or hiring a tutor because I won’t give homework. #bcedchat
A5: Hey! Just joining the #bcedchat Parents & Ss choose a goal you would like to focus on- literacy, numeracy, leadership, community involvement- and track & reflect on how it’s going. Personalized homework. Offer help with the resources to get there.
I made a “homework corner” for students to choose either review work, sheets that connect to what we are doing and some that extend thinking. Rarely used but always offered. More delve back to our Virtual Assignments https://t.co/rNKxP0Rzge#bcedchat
A5: I let parents know at Parent Night that we ask that they read with their children every night. I also let them know that aside from nature time and learning about and and spending time with family, that’s it. No homework is going home. #bcedchat
A5- I let them know all projects are open ended so if they would like to go further or do something different they are welcome to. I also talk about how hard Ss are working all day and that rest is important. Reading and math games are also great nightly activities. #bcedchat
A5 I usually try to find recent research and discuss it. I will also talk about life demands and research on the impacts of downtime on the brain. I kind Of make the conversation fit the kid. #bcedchat
Haha, totally agree!! Even as a math tchr I don't like the formula in this case. So all grade 12s should do 2 hrs of h/w everyday? It's definitely not as simple as a linear relationship! #bcedchat
I think location has some to do with it. I'm in the Silicon Valley. Years ago I had parents wanting report cards from my play based preschool. #bcedchat
A5 I have literally never had a family want more homework. In alternate, we are far more likely to have to deal with why the family won't let them do homework, or won't create a safe space for them to do it. #bcedchat
I also recommend Ss following their interests further and not just doing homework. Online learning.. joining a club...doing a craft. following interests. #bcedchat
"Letting Ss & parents..."?
How powerful of you.
"family growth time"?
How many families request you to control THEIR personal time? Your authority over Ss exists from bell to bell each school day; optimize schooltime & respect boundaries/rights/freedoms of others.
In reply to
@rilmcknight, @msyehuang, @Mrs_M_Salter
A5. When I teach English, I say "Read something; anything. It is the best way to improve in English." and for Social Studies "Read the paper, watch the news, think about what is happening in the world." And Khan Academy for math. :-) #bcedchat
The biggest math frustration around Math Makes Sense is people using it the same way Jouneys et al were meant to be used - best value I got from it, the kids never opened the text!
#BCEdChat sidebar
I think it is important for kids (and adults) to have more to their life than only work.
For our students, school is their work. If we can help them have time to engage in other activities, I feel that is going to be a ‘win’ for them (and society) in the long term. #BCEdChat
A5- I would take the request as an invitation for understanding what's important to this family, what are they hoping their child will learn/achieve/explore/understand? #bcedchat
That's awesome! I had a great co-teacher who would write her own problems each and every time. She had kids make board games, teach each other new topics, and learn math terms in both languages. I miss that experience! #bcedchat
Multiple ways of learning/showing learning so important not just for homework. Often students who have written output challenges and/or are very slow workers are penalized by having more homework than others who are able to complete work in class. #bcedchat
My friend now lives in China. He said the study habits there are muc more intense. His take is "how are you going to get a job if you don't excel? #bcedchat
A5: I find clearly communicating your reasons for not assigning homework helps. Many parents are relieved not to have the pressure of homework taking away their family time. For those that request, I try and find some resources that extend class learning goals. #bcedchat
I still use that strategy frequently - often pointing out that a challenging assignment is given to be worked out before a break so that we can be saved by the bell and get a physical break after tough mental work!
In reply to
@lyndasuelew, @stellafleming23, @ChristineYH
A5: "Here is a website I created with dozens of links to enrichment activities that I personally created. I'll give extra credit if your child picks something she really enjoys and submits something of quality. Extra credit for passion projects." #bcedchat
A6: Say that the missing part of the equation here is me - the teacher, and I will spend time with the student when they come back reviewing the work missed. #bcedchat
A6: I can't tell you how many times I've done it and it's not done. Now I print out the lessons, print out, fold & staple the Tr lessons and send the envelope home. #bcedchat
Q6: Very common in my school community. I communicate clearly that I do not give hwk if the student is away for an extended period of time. It’s about the learning, not playing catch up or completing meaningless worksheets #bcedchat
A6- I ask students to bring books to read on their trip, and if they would like to journal. Some Ss have come back and shared information on where they have been but totally optional. Travel is also learning in my opinion and can be incredible family time. #bcedchat
A6 I tell them to have a great holiday! Honestly, most of the time I have given homework it never came back done. I encourage reading and journaling. Maybe make a video of your trip. #bcedchat
A6 I try to come up with a project they can do based on the experience after the trip. Ex Collect images of species not found here. Make a photo journal after you return explaining the environmental adaptations. #bcedchat
A5 con’t. I also usually ask why? Asking a parent why they want extra work/homework, I find it helps guide my discussion. You are worried about literacy? Read with your kid! Worried about mental math? When your shopping, ask for quick mental math based on real values #bcedchat
A6: I send books for the child to read on the trip. I also suggest that the child gets her own disposable camera so she can share pictures with us. #bcedchat
I always have more relieved sighs than agitations because our lives are continuing to stay busy and hyper scheduled. Hmmm I’ve been doing some “boredom breaks” - maybe I’ll give some homework: set a timer for five minutes and do absolutely nothing. No tv. No reading...#bcedchat
A6: Instead, Ss are encouraged to journal about their trip, take pictures, enjoy the experience & share with the class when they return. Again, nothing mandatory #bcedchat
A6: I teach ESL, so this often means someone's visa is expiring. It's actually NOT a vacation. "Do you want to follow along with us online, or do you want to create your own project that you can do from [country] and present it when you get back?" #bcedchat
A6: This one is so hard because while I may know the trajectory of a unit, it’s progress is based on student understanding so may move at different pace. I really like class blogs, google classroom etc for this as students can check in periodically.#Bcedchat
Actually if you have the time to do this, try not to give them textbook pages either. Research shows that the text can turn kids off. Even the same Qs on a worksheet works better (slightly) #bcedchat
A4 In the same way most adults would find it unreasonable if we applied this formula to their work/life, we need to respect student’s personal and family time. So much learning happens when students have time to play, reflect and spend time with family and friends. #bcedchat
A6 take photos and tell us about where you went! Enjoy the family time (esp since I can’t replicate much of what we do during the day on any worksheet)....hmmm maybe a common FaceTime connection? #bcedchat
A4 - This cookie cutter formula is problematic for me. As teachers, we know that activity X can take 5 minutes for one student and 2 hours for another. Unless homework is differentiated, this formula simply does not work. #bcedchat
Yes, yes, yes. This strikes a nerve.
I am honoured to work with such diligent students...often atypical learners. I am inspired by them. And, I feel frustrated for them when they have to spend sooooo long on pen and paper work. #bcedchat
A4: That is the national PTA guidelines. I think 8 min/GL is probably better. I have my own guidelines on HW loads based on DOK. https://t.co/fchrgfGqd6#bcedchat
A4 - This cookie cutter formula is problematic for me. As teachers, we know that activity X can take 5 minutes for one student and 2 hours for another. Unless homework is differentiated, this formula simply does not work. #bcedchat
A& when I teach I focus on passion and learning, We can go very far with many ideas but we must think of balance and the social life of our students #bcedchat
Here is an example of Math 8 Check Your Understanding Qs :https://t.co/HgRSju3keo (credits go to my colleague Jen Morrison in Bby - she created the 3 stars template and some Qs) #bcedchat
A7: I explained at back to school night that we have a wide range of needs in the rm. Some Ss travel across the city to go to horseback therapy, they don't get home till late & they're done. Others went Ivy League & want that for their kids. I try to say yes to it all. #bcedchat
As I have gotten older, and become a mama, I have also had awareness of this. Really appreciate the educators who recognize this and play to students’ strengths! #BCEdChat
A7: Because I do personalized homework as needed, I haven't really had to convince anyone to "buy in". Parents never question it because their kids are getting what they need, and kids never question it because they usually ASKED to practice whatever I've given them. #bcedchat
A7: I explain my researched based practice about homework to parents at Parent Night. I share it again at parent conferences if necessary. Read, read, read with your child, play board games, teach your child to ride a bike, go fishing, take a hike.... #BCEdChat
A7 Because we are self-paced, we have to explain to parents in the intake meeting what that means and what to expect. Homework is dictated according to student needs, not standardized or formulaic. #bcedchat
A7 This chart has helped me explain my intentions and views toward homework. Practice, checking in, summative assessment all can be done at school. #bcedchat
A7: I am up front with my homework policy and address it in a welcome/info letter I send/email out in September. I invite parents to ask questions if they have any. Granted most parents are really pleased that I don't assign anything other than reading and math games. #bcedchat
Q6 I ask the student to journal about the trip. How ever many days they will be gone, I divide in half and subtract one for number of entries.
It has been a real gift for students to give themselves to have record of their travels. #bcedchat
Ugh - first article supporting high stakes exams - which affluent do better on because they practice how to do the test and work out “cheating” strategies that are complex to catch (my summary of more detailed and complex @YongZhaoEd shares) #bcedchat
A7. Homework is a work habit. It does have some benefits with fluency in math and experiencing the nuances of some math concepts via doing questions. Also, if it is integrated to the learning in class, that needs to be explained as well. What's the WHY of homework. #bcedchat
If Teachers feel the need to spin-doctor this, perhaps that is an alarm bell that something is wrong. Beware of Control Issues. I suggest Teachers focus on optimizing their school contact time with Ss & respecting S personal time, boundaries, rights & freedoms.
In reply to
@msyehuang, @rilmcknight, @Mrs_M_Salter
Yep - share early via “welcome” letter and via face to face times - the more social the better to keep discussion friendly as opposed to saying “teacher x shouldn’t be sending out homework” #bcedchat
A7: I explain my researched based practice about homework to parents at Parent Night. I share it again at parent conferences if necessary. Read, read, read with your child, play board games, teach your child to ride a bike, go fishing, take a hike.... #BCEdChat
#bcedchat A7: HW is reading/researching, making notes, practicing Qus, writing a report, etc. HW is checked 4 completion in gr8-10; not checked in gr11/12. Do HW quizzes instead.
A7 Because we are self-paced, we have to explain to parents in the intake meeting what that means and what to expect. Homework is dictated according to student needs, not standardized or formulaic. #bcedchat
A8: For some, being busy is a necessary distraction from stress, anxiety, depression, etc. For others, it's a contributing factor. For some, being busy is fulfilling. For others, it's an obstacle. We will never know how our kids feel unless we ask them. #bcedchat
A8. ABSOLUTELY!!! I see this A LOT!! Sports, music, job, high personal and family expectations for grades. Kids are staying up late to jump through the hoops - not always very successfully. Which is why HW needs to be purposeful! #bcedchat
A8. Students do get overloaded and homework can definitely add to it. Priorities, time management, and perceived value. My kid tries to get her homework done during school hours so that she does not have to worry about it at home. She's got a lot on the go. #bcedchat
A8: Definitely possible to overload a student - especially in middle and high school. I would much rather my students engaged in school rather than be worried about homework. #bcedchat