#whatisschool is an award winning edchat space where people can express an unbiased response to questions about schooling, where educators have a voice in shaping the future through their experience, recommendations and interests. Join us Thursdays 7pm ET / 11pm GMT / Friday 7am SGT/WA (Perth) / Friday 9am AEDT / Friday 11am NZT.
#Whatisschool Our science department has a wiki we use for pacing guides, TEKs, suggested activities- on line access. My class accesses a lot on-line too on @CanvasLMS our district platform
A5 #whatisschool We assess curriculum at department meetings- we provide critiques of lessons and help revamp- I have my Ss help assess and revamp lessons all the time. Investment means more engagement
Students are assessed on understanding and demonstration of knowledge -curriculum is assessed based on similar things and how well they help Ss learn #whatisschool
#Whatisschool Provide students with TEKS (standards) and objectives and unpack them by discussing verbs and purpose-get them involved in the lesson planning process
A6 #whatisschool The more we discuss purpose and relevancy the more students connect to their learning. The more ownership they have over their acquisition of knowledge
A3 This action definitely does! We are in this process right now but we are looking at ways to use the CSM integrated into an LMS to have this transparency of #curriculum to #parents and #students#whatisschool
A4 #portfolios is a big piece here but there are is a lot to reflect on it, brainstorm different ways to improve visibility and access to produces fairness #transparency#whatisschool