Q1: Tell us about your role in your school, district, or organization: are you the instructional technology or assistive technology person, or both? How are your departments structured? #ATchat
A1: Rhianon, Digital Learning (Instructional Technology) Specialist for @BostonSchools. I provide PD and support Ts, depts. Our district serves over 120 schools. I work in the tech department (@BPSTechnology). Our AT team is part of Special Ed dept. #ATchat
A1: I'm in many districts as an AT Consultant/Facilitator. Love it when the Instructional Technology Specialist attend the coaching I provide. They help with the implementation. #ATchat
A1: Mary, AT Coordinator for @BostonSchools and Speech language pathologist, coordinate all AT cases in Boston and do a lot of professional development on increasing competence in our district #atchat
#ATchat A1: primarily AT Specialist but both really. Learned long ago to "cross the aisle" knowing it brings more work but better relationships. Paying dividends now.
A1: I research assistive techology, text-to-speech, and dyslexia. I am a grad student at Florida State and the Florida Center for Reading Research. I interact with schools and students during my research. #atchat
Q1: Tell us about your role in your school, district, or organization: are you the instructional technology or assistive technology person, or both? How are your departments structured? #ATchat
I NEED YOUR HELP! I am preparing for an upcoming session on Building AT Capacity. Leave a @flipgrid video and tell us about your team: https://t.co/iyBVpoGPG8#ATchat
A1: I'm the AT Coordinator at a K-12 district in Seattle area. AT does PD and training along with curriculum leaders who are building based and instructional technology staff AT does coaching and consulting with teams and students across the district #ATChat.
A1: I'm half time SLP and half time AT facilitator for K-12 district. We have a technology integration teachers at each secondary school and one more for all of the elementary schools. #ATchat
I agree that relationships can be everything! However sometimes we find parents/advocates and even teachers will take an outside opinion over someone in district which can be a challenge #atchat
A1: I am an Assistive Technology Specialist in K-12 for our district, I work collaboratively with teams to empower learner accessibility leveraging 1:1 and various AT for curricular access. #ATChat
Q1: Tell us about your role in your school, district, or organization: are you the instructional technology or assistive technology person, or both? How are your departments structured? #ATchat
Q2: A new tool has been introduced to your school or district that has potential as both a UDL and AT tool. How would you go about introducing it to students and staff? #ATchat
Q2: A new tool has been introduced to your school or district that has potential as both a UDL and AT tool. How would you go about introducing it to students and staff? #ATchat
Tools can be siloed across schools and not everyone is as aware of the tools out there, or the benefits of them. We work to share the tools as much as possible; one way is sharing tools through our digital backpack, hosted by @clever. Another is through our online courses #atchat
A1: AT team leader for Katy ISD TX. We working in collaboration w our ET and IT team members. Districtwide universal digital tools brought us together. #ATchat
Could not agree more. @RhianonElan and I have been so lucky that admin has seen the value of collaboration between our departments! It was not always there and we are so happy it is now #ATchat
In reply to
@VictoriaToni3, @KarenJan, @RhianonElan
A2: I would think some way of producing broad buy in across both students and staff would be good. I am not sure how to do it spefically. Also I would make sure the school has enough bandwidth capacity. #atchat
Q2: A new tool has been introduced to your school or district that has potential as both a UDL and AT tool. How would you go about introducing it to students and staff? #ATchat
A2: Do others have better success when going out to buildings to work with teams, making sure they know how to use new tools rather than expecting them to come to an after school PD session? #ATChat
Information / implementation strategies can also be siloed in schools. Teams need to communicate to share knowledge. No time to reinvent the wheel! #ATchat
A2: Multiple means: Teacher training, in class lessons, individual consults, tutorial site for refresher, support teachers using the tools by being there. Many ways. Refining too as tools change #ATChat
Q2: A new tool has been introduced to your school or district that has potential as both a UDL and AT tool. How would you go about introducing it to students and staff? #ATchat
Hi all- Vicki chiming in late as usual. I used to work with Mary & Rhiannon but am now an SLP prof in Memphis but thanks to a grant will be getting back into schools to work with AT teams this fall. #ATchat
A2 I do professional development in my district. I also support assistive technology. Training and supporting technology are what is needed to get a new technology to work. Also helping others to overcome technical issues. #atchat
#ATchat A2 I make sure the tech support at district and school level have seen it and had access before staff and Ss. they need to know what it does and how to support it for it to fly
Oh, it's hard. We have few districtwide tools. We promote through many avenues; sometimes being in schools is most powerful to share the tools. #atchat
I'm a special education teacher for an ASD classroom...It's a shame that I do not know who our AT person is. When I asked around, no one seemed to have an answer as to who to contact. I wish we had an AT team....but we won't have them in CT
A1 My new title is Specialized Instructional Facilitator-AT coined by school district last year. I view myself as listener, communicator, coach, & helper. While there are definitely cracks in the silos, & more collaboration in the past, not all are comfortable w/overlap #ATchat
A2 I do professional development in my district. I also support assistive technology. Training and supporting technology are what is needed to get a new technology to work. Also helping others to overcome technical issues. #atchat
A2: Having 1:1 devices has been a game changer in our district. Much better use of UDL AT because for our students it is the same tools peers are using. Also more collaboration among departments- IS, IT, Curriculum as a result. #ATchat
A1 My new title is Specialized Instructional Facilitator-AT coined by school district last year. I view myself as listener, communicator, coach, & helper. While there are definitely cracks in the silos, & more collaboration in the past, not all are comfortable w/overlap #ATchat
Have you tried asking your SLP or OT? Many times, like in our district, AT is housed within special education and more specifically Related Services. May be worth a try? #ATchat
A2: When a new tool comes out in our district, I always seek collaborators to roll it out. Teachers, our AT team, my IT team, academics. In a large district, we need more people. One way we built capacity in BPS was through a centralized resource to access. #atchat
A2 I do professional development in my district. I also support assistive technology. Training and supporting technology are what is needed to get a new technology to work. Also helping others to overcome technical issues. #atchat
A2 model, model, model in the classroom with practical applications and scaffolds and ask others how they would use as opposed to just tell how I would use #ATchat
Yes, they use outside consultants. They are great, but from what I have learned and experienced, there needs to be AT teams within the building with professionals from different areas of expertise to make AT effective. #ATchat
In reply to
@MarySLPBoston, @RhianonElan, @BostonSchools, @BPSTechnology
A3: any large scale tech, major needs, even small scale but important Ss need.. proud that my IT director can tell you how eye gaze AAC works. #allmeansall#victory#ATchat
A2: Collaboration is key! On the AT side of things we actually found new tools are easier to get adopted sometimes by marketing them heavy on the UDL side. Instead of convincing a teacher to learn a tool for one student, they can learn it to benefit ALL students! #ATchat
We are going to start using HELP Desk ticketing system. The requests can be filtered and delegated. There are some things that we can hand off to IT that we are doing now. Anyone using a service ticket system to track requests for support? #ATchat
#atchat While we need AT specialists we have to think about better models to get to all students who need tools and to build the capacity so everyone doesn't WAIT for the AT expert! There just are not enough AT peeps to serve all the students!
We have adults who work at the district level in our Help Desk. Students in middle and high schools also serve as tech teams helping their own schools; some help other schools. We are building this capacity- which I encourage! #atchat
A3: any large scale tech, major needs, even small scale but important Ss need.. proud that my IT director can tell you how eye gaze AAC works. #allmeansall#victory#ATchat
I would not disagree with that! Those working day to day with the students have to be invested and trained! Do the consultants do training for staff or just evals? We have been building capcity in each school by targeting a few teachers or related services #atchat
In reply to
@VictoriaToni3, @RhianonElan, @BostonSchools, @BPSTechnology
A3: the best tools (low or high tech) to implement. I think it's also important to focus on specific targets, rather than a broad range of skills.#atchat
#atchat While we need AT specialists we have to think about better models to get to all students who need tools and to build the capacity so everyone doesn't WAIT for the AT expert! There just are not enough AT peeps to serve all the students!
#atchat While we need AT specialists we have to think about better models to get to all students who need tools and to build the capacity so everyone doesn't WAIT for the AT expert! There just are not enough AT peeps to serve all the students!
So true! All team members can work to solve AT needs. Not only the AT Specialist. We need to continue to build capacity in our teams. Build knowledge/expertise>>solve issues! #ATchat
One of my students did a project that involved interviewing admins in rural TN districts. I read the transcripts today. Small sample, but most didn’t recognize a distinction between AT & IT, & not in a UDL way either. I have some concerns. #ATchat
They often talk about their content areas, but they model the use of the tool within their content area. For example, showing TTS with RW4GC when doing writing; using Google Classroom. #atchat
That can certainly be tough! I think your the second person from CT in this chat to mention that struggle. Is there anyway to advocate for some training or PD from an AT consultant or someone with expertise? Maybe build some capacity? #ATchat
Plus we need all hands on deck. With more emphasis on interdisciplinary collaboration, it’s important to tap into strengths and perspectives; related services offer much in terms of access #ATchat
In reply to
@MarySLPBoston, @marycake55, @RhianonElan
We have a very robust IT Services department to address issues. Sometimes we overlap, help, and support each other. VERY fortunate to be where I am. #ATChat
So well said! When everyone brings what they have to the table amazing things can happen! When we work in silos we all suffer especially the kiddos that miss out #ATchat
In reply to
@JudithSchoonov1, @marycake55, @RhianonElan
#atchat While we need AT specialists we have to think about better models to get to all students who need tools and to build the capacity so everyone doesn't WAIT for the AT expert! There just are not enough AT peeps to serve all the students!
That sounds pretty awesome! Our team has a similar makeup with a consulting TVI and PT as needed. Most of my team is part time AT though so many still have to balance small caseloads which can be a lot! #ATchat
In reply to
@PattyATP, @VictoriaToni3, @RhianonElan, @BostonSchools, @BPSTechnology
Join us! "Empower Every Person: Reimagining Accessibility" is a short film premiering May 17 with our customers and partners in celebration of Global Accessibility Awareness Day. Registration is open now for on-demand viewing: https://t.co/wjOd4hT7NO#GAAD
It was just a class project so she didn’t do a separate IRB so we could share specific results publicly. She did uncover a good article on AT in rural TX districts I could pass along if you’re interested. #ATchat
Great chat but I have to leave. My son just picked up my mom at the airport from LA and they are stopping here now. Will catch the Wakelet later thanks to @mmatp. #ATchat
Budget is the worst! Somewhat luckily there are a fair amount of online resources for building AT competence. If your district is like mine they cant serve as "official PD" but its a place to start! #ATchat
In reply to
@marycake55, @RhianonElan, @VictoriaToni3
Q2: A new tool has been introduced to your school or district that has potential as both a UDL and AT tool. How would you go about introducing it to students and staff? #ATchat
A4: My 2 favorite stratgies I've heard from AT professionals 1) put a brownie and a thank you note on their desk and 2) share out the amazing stories of change AT professionals see with individual students! #atchat
A4 I teach a blended learning class with several technology integration specialists. A group of teacher and specialists have taught Google Suite. I have led book groups on technology. #atchat
I love this conversation because building capacity has been one of the absolute top goals of our team for several years now @VickiBostonSLP could tell you all about where she had to start in our schools and sometimes I cannot believe how far we have come! #ATchat
In reply to
@KarenJan, @rziolkowski, @mmatp, @VickiBostonSLP
I was fortunate to work with a consultant who got me interested in AT. She is amazing and I have learned so much. In my opinion, Connecticut does not promote the need or value for AT for students. The approach is reactive not proactive. #ATchat
This seems to happen more and more. Since many of our AT tools use "consumer electronics" as the hardware-I can see where the confusion comes in. More opportunities for us to educate about increasing function with tech=AT #ATchat
#atchat What is cool is you can change that as a single person! I am seeing this happen daily! The AT expert model has also been a reactive/failure model because of a lack of staff so while I would still advocate for AT, lets all help you get started!
It changes right every year. This year it is G Suite. In the past, I taught a class on technology with UDL. We also have a class right now on blended learning and the teacher that signed up get grad credit. #atchat
Q5: What challenges might you face in collaborating with instructional or assistive technology professionals or departments? Who do you ask for support? #ATchat
I felt that way for so long! And just in the last few years I feel like a strong focus on teacher and related service professional development, office hours, collaboration with IT and intense training for SLPs has finally put us in a place where we are being proactive #ATchat
A5: I think a major challenge is how some people are hyperfocused on what the district has access too without necessarily putting the individual student needs first. I see this a lot. #atchat
I keep telling myself this as I’m starting from a similar place once again. Capacity can be built, it takes time & training. (And then it keeps going even when I leave when great people are in place!) #ATchat
In reply to
@MarySLPBoston, @KarenJan, @rziolkowski, @mmatp
A5: Many challenges can be reduced by increasing communication. We are all there to support kids & promote student success. We are on the same team! #ATchat
A5: Sometimes miscommunications happen because of each department having different terms and acronyms. Once a common language is established it can go better. #atchat
Q5: What challenges might you face in collaborating with instructional or assistive technology professionals or departments? Who do you ask for support? #ATchat
Honestly I think even those with training are having difficulties labeling some things at this point! As you said it just means more chances to educate #atchat
A5: Silos can be a challenge. I try to go to as many department meetings and events when and where I can and talk about the importance of UDL and AEM - making digital materials accessible. I have to MODEL. #atchat
It was specifically used for this, but I believe in a classroom pear deck could be easier and assist students in order to use just a hand held device to view the presentation and participate in the class
We invited some our students using iPads for AAC to come to a AT/IT monthly meeting and interact with the administrators- including IT Director. It was a hit and they really "got" it. #ATchat
In reply to
@VictoriaToni3, @RhianonElan, @rziolkowski, @mmatp
yikes! Sad but not totally surprising I still got a lot of blank stares from teachers when I say that I am not there to replace their classroom computer #ATchat
A5: I agree with @marycake55 I can see the struggles that some students may have in particular districts when the focus is solely on what is available. Student need should be pushed to the forefront in situations such as these #ATChat
A5 We have meetings about the PD we are doing. We have challenges, but I don't face those challenges alone. Communication and planning are essential. #atchat
People still are not aware of the value of a device when you are creating with it. They still see it as a consumption device. Do you record video of how they are using the iPads (if they are)? Seeing it in action is so powerful. #atchat
Yes, but when the question is what kind of AT would be available for students with difficulty communicating & the answer is about the school board providing Chromebooks to the IT department, I think that’s more than boundary blurring. #ATchat
Ha I am never above bribing! My goal is to always make things as easy as I can. I understand how hard teachers are working and I want my rec to make their job easier not harder. Sometimes that means times upfront but try to sell the better result in the long run #ATchat
It has been so challenging because when I asked about creating an AT team a few months ago, I was told there was no money. I have work with an excellent SPL and we have tried to help out in other classes, but the resistance is disheartening. #ATchat
In reply to
@hillarygfphdatp, @RhianonElan, @rziolkowski, @mmatp
Yes this can be frustrating. Look for a small victory>>promote that success>>> find your champions>>then repeat. You will be successful + build capacity #Atchat
In reply to
@VictoriaToni3, @hillarygfphdatp, @RhianonElan, @rziolkowski
A5: I think it would be very hard for me now because I am not very familiar with AT and the equipment that goes with it. I would like to get more educated so that I don't have to wait on help and intern limit a students learning #atchat
A6: There are so many great examples out there. Mary and I have found that documenting our work has helped people see what we do, what our Ts do. Admin is supportive. Of course, there is always room for improvement! #atchat
Save May 15 10am PDT for TweetMeet on Inclusive Classrooms and Accessibility. Would love to have a strong turnout from #assistiveTech peeps and #ATchat Use #MSFTEduChat to join us
A6: Demonstration to other faculty i think would be very important. Sharing with other teachers from your school and schools around the district using a page to talk about experiences to get feedback and learn from one another.
That’s it- willingness to learn- which is the hallmark of an educator as a model of learning IMO. Need to get back to this curiosity and love of learning for ALL. #ATChat
#atchat I think this is a typical response because AT is often done because we "have to do it" For an administrator, that about exciting as driving the speed limit! That is why we have to talk about educational outcomes. There is always a need for academic outcomes!
In reply to
@VictoriaToni3, @hillarygfphdatp, @RhianonElan, @mmatp
This is a must watch! I could listen to @RhianonElan & @MarySLPBoston talk all day about their collaboration. Thx for sharing tonight & leading our discussion #ATchat
The SLPs graduating here this weekend all leave w/basics of AT & AAC & know about UDL. Some leave with a lot more knowledge in AAC. We’re working on it. #ATchat
A6: @asheetsroom14 harnesses the power of inviting admin into her classroom to get down and dirty with her kids and their devices. A great strategy to spread the word & gain support! #ATchat