A1: B.E.L.I.E.V.E! Strongest word that’s also an acronym: Be the Educators who Lead to Inspire & Empower Via Empathy!!!! Can’t wait to read the archives and see y’alls’ words because I know y’all #bELieve ! #saskedchat
Curtis Bourassa, @secpsd Instructional Technology Consultant. I am hoping to be taking my masters degree this year! That is my big hairy audacious goal this year. #saskedchat
A2: Since the focus after the winter break always turns “Testing Season”... I will be working with ELL Ss on phrases of Fixed Mindset about Testing and asking them to change them to Growth...then they will listen, speak, read and write those new phrases of positivity! #saskedchat
It's a new year and #saskedchat is looking for your input for upcoming chat topics. Please take a moment to add to our growing list of suggestions for topics to explore this year! https://t.co/llmmD3ZgNI
A1 Michelle from Estevan here tonight. My #OneWord2019 is Renew. I chose it because I need to get my focus on my passions and renew my drive. #saskedchat
A3: This is a vulnerable one for me so I’ll let legend & God to me as a New York Ranger fan ...hockey coach Herb Brooks...say it for me.... #saskedchat ...as this is one the door of a third grade teacher in Robbinsdale Minnesota....so kids learn it early one....
Meant to say A1: My #OneWord2019 is Empower. As an administrator, I believe if I can empower my team to be risk takers, learners, leaders & engaged team members, our students win! #saskedchat
A1 Sorry I’m a bit late. I’m Jenn from Regina. My #OneWord2019 is gratitude. I chose this as I am working on shifting my mindset into one of the thankfulness #saskedchat
A2 In my success class (tutorial) students choose their goal and skill to work on. Learning the importance of persistence, resilience, and determination while conquering kingdoms with a catan-esque #gamification#saskedchat
A2: I myself need to model an open mind set. I myself need to remain positive and not let a problematic student or difficult situation deter the classroom. #saskedchat
A4: I will catch myself when I want to “complain” about the education system or anything about education for that matter. l will be the example...and practice what I preach.... “Be a concerner...not a complainer.” #saskedchat Concerners call out concerns and find solutions!! :-)
A2. Luckily apart of a school that discusses growth mindset in our monthly meetings to share ideas. @ClassDojo has some awesome videos and lessons! #saskedchat
Q5: A wise friend @AlexKajitani once told me... Dorina, stop working IN your consulting/biz/teaching & start working ON it! Sometimes I can the Taz Devil on a double espresso in schools. I need 2step back & work ON things, not IN them! Does that make sense friends? #saskedchat
A2 I hope to work on a growth mindset with ss as we learn together. I am going out of my comfort zone and trying to teach cree words of the day and bringing an elder into our class for language lessons. #saskedchat
A6: @AlexKajitani ‘s book Owning It @Larryferlazzo ELL Toolbox @ShannaPeeples Think Like Socrates ! One for personal growth, one for teaching growth and coaching and the last for inspiration and information o EXCELLENT TEACHING of ALL with empathy. #saskedchat
A3. Daily intentional PD of even 10 mins a day. Could be reading, watching videos, checking in on some of my great follows, etc! Staying inspired :) #saskedchat
A3 my professional goal for 2019 is to step out of my comfort zone and try teaching new things. I’ve had some units and ideas I’ve been sitting on and I think it’s time. Also wanting a grade switch for the fall. Time to switch things up. #saskedchat
A3. Part 2. Continue to grow in praising and applauding Ss’ efforts in their successes... it goes so far in building their confidence and trust in education. #saskedchat
A7: No joke, I’d love to observe schools in your province! I think we should do a “leadership exchange program” where teachers/admin experience ed in different states,regions in Canada, Mexico & US! Let’s make North American Ed the BEST! UR welcome in Florida anytime! #saskedchat
A4 removing the thought of what I “should be doing” and focusing on what I am doing. There is only so much I can do and I want to do it well....both professionally and personally #saskedchat
A8: I want to learn to barrel race!!! Wooohoooo! I’ll do it...slowly...but I’ll get there! #saskedchat Have a great weekend y’all!!!!! Cheers from the air! Gotta fly!
It's a new year and #saskedchat is looking for your input for upcoming chat topics. Please take a moment to add to our growing list of suggestions for topics to explore this year! https://t.co/llmmD3ZgNI
A4: I’m removing the ‘extraneous noise’. So much of what consumes our energy and time is filled with stuff that does not matter and veers us off our true north!! #saskedchat
A4 - As much as possible I am trying to remove negative thinking. Some days it’s tough but I know that it’s important for growth, relationships and my own well being! #saskedchat
That is a good choice. I have followed the work of Mr. @AlexKajitani. I like his hip hop math CDs and how he's made math cool. How work on what effective school leadership entails, and importance of relationships in educational outcomes is always very refreshing #saskedchat
In reply to
@2014FloridaTOY, @AlexKajitani, @Larryferlazzo, @ShannaPeeples, @AlexKajitani
I know a number of barrel racers and it’s much harder than it looks - as is most things in life! Good luck! And thank you for taking time be share with us this evening! We appreciate you taking the time to join #saskedchat
A5: I definitely want to connect with other educators more whether it be through twitter or in person. Joining late here, had some stuff to get done! #saskedchat
It’s sometimes overwhelming when we move into something new even when we want it! It’s a chance for growth and learning which is always good! #saskedchat
A5: Being in a new school, in a position that requires much collaboration with colleagues, my main focus is to build trusting relationships with them so that we can do the best we can for our students. Lots of relationship building with students, too! #saskedchat
A5. I want to open opportunities for students to connect their learning to the real world. It has been my goal to work with @SkypeClassroom ... 2019 is the year! #saskedchat
A5: to continue collaborating with a colleague for our tech buddy teaching time. Letting go of the control to allow the students to take the reigns on their own learning (for research/genius hour) using the tech and digital citizenship skills we’ve taught them. #saskedchat
A5). Got to make peace with the fact that sometimes there will be a student who repeatedly asks to use the washroom, even when they don’t need to! #saskedchat
In reply to
@HeculuckDave, @hayastusa, @BlaisNblais, @pattersonaubrey, @AndrewBasaraba, @cumby_l, @rorquisttoyes, @jacquiewilson99, @gkary, @AshleyWachira, @scottyoung204, @MmeFallscheer
A6. Crucial Conversations was a great workshop ... would like to read the entire work... also would like to compare the new Art & Science of Teaching with the first from Marzano. #saskedchat
A6 One reading I am doing right now is by @BreneBrown Daring Greatly and the power of being vulnerable - which isn’t necessarily something I like to explore but I know is important! #saskedchat
My 7/8 social studies class is collaborating on some things with a class in Wisconsin. They are so motivated to write and communicate well when it's with people outside the school! #saskedchat
We are using a blog based format. Just started as a school this year. We have had successes and struggles but I still think it will be worth it. #saskedchat
A7 Not this year but in 2018 I went to the federally funded free computational thinking workshop CodeCreate Teach. Highly recommend it to all if you get a chance #saskedchat
A6: I’m just about to start reading All our relations : finding the path forward by Tanya Talaga. I’ve been utilizing the Public library well as school library resources to assist with my professional goal. I look for Facebook groups and online resources as well. #saskedchat
A7: I am very fortunate to be collaborating with some edu-peeps all over North America this year, but am most excited about some personalized learning of new communications tools and Adobe Spark - doing a bit of building and need the learning first. #saskedchat
It's a new year and #saskedchat is looking for your input for upcoming chat topics. Please take a moment to add to our growing list of suggestions for topics to explore this year! https://t.co/llmmD3ZgNI
A7: I’ve applied to go to an aboriginal awareness workshop and am waiting to hear if I got approved. I’m looking to learn how to better incorporate an ed teachings and work with elders. https://t.co/2f3bFzlFeh#saskedchat
A8: I definitely want to explore a variety of different skills and hobbies. One in particular is writing, which I have always enjoyed but I want to develop it further. #saskedchat
A8 - I’m going to work more on developing a podcast/blog this year - hoping to explore some of the ideas I’ve come across in my research and readings #saskedchat
A8: continuing to step outside of the comfort zone & try new things. My friend & I signed up for a PD on how to play ukalele as well as learn to cross country ski with saskoutdoors. Going to my first barre class (w/puppies of course). The possibilities are endless #saskedchat