A4: my #CHICAS group where my girls use research skills to study needs in the school, Hispanic Heritage night, resiliency small groups, I’m sure the list could go on #scchat
A4: Sending positive notes or positive phone calls home when I hear about successful moments in the classroom from teachers or other staff members. #scchat
A4: #scchat So much! I get a lot of reminders (graphic organizer use, chunking major assignments approaching, tutors early semester, etc.). Another counselor suggested ideas for a SC week (art therapy, yoga, movement therapy, etc.). Ideas about career week too!
A2: In my building I collaborate with my administration, teachers, SRO, social worker, and school nurse. We’re all “team student” and make sure they have supports all around each and every day. They make all the difference. Everyone has helpful experiences and knowledge. #scchat
Thirty minutes went super fast!!! I haven’t even had the chance to read everything! Feel free to keep answering these questions! December is a busy time, so we are so happy that you could join! Thank you @kiddcounselor15 for leading this chat with me! #scchat
A4. I get ideas from others all the time (and then usuallythink “why didn’t I think of that!”😂). Just today paired up a junior and a 6th grader for mentoring, my boss’ idea because I was worried about the 6th grader. It was great for both kids #scchat
A3. We have over 200 out of 600 students below the 25th percentile in reading. We, the MTSS team consist of, the instructional coach, SPED chair, climate coach, school psychologist, and admin #scchat
Thirty minutes went super fast!!! I haven’t even had the chance to read everything! Feel free to keep answering these questions! December is a busy time, so we are so happy that you could join! Thank you @kiddcounselor15 for leading this chat with me! #scchat
A4: Having students complete a “getting to know you” sheet. A very simple idea, but it helps in learning about my students and their interests, home life, etc. The knowledge is valuable in conversation. #scchat
A3: self-advocacy has been very important in this process. I like to discuss a Ss strengths with Ts. I’m currently running a group to aid is study/success skills. We also have begun grade level meetings to discuss students who may need extra support/what works for them. #scchat
I learned about One Minute Meetings on a Twitter Chat! One of my favorites! I still use so many of my Solution-Focused Therapy techniques as well! #scchat
That is super Fantastic. I once had a grade 12 use @HaikuDeck to illustrate everything she remembered learning in my office while she was in HS. It was fun to reminisce with her- plus she was thrilled when it received 40K+ views #SCCHAT
Yes! Love it! I wrote a social story for a kiddo I was working with and our art students illustrated it and used it for a competition and won 1st place. It’s so cute and they loved doing it and came and read it to his class!
And just like that time is up on tonight’s #scchat! Thanks everyone for sharing their knowledge and experiences. I made mental notes on key take-aways. Shout out to my co-moderator @TromineTonya! Have a great night everyone!
A4 #scchat This August I asked my 8th teachers to consider a team building activity we could do to help the kids to get real and be less judgmental. They jumped right in! We presented together, the kids learned a lot and behaviors improved. It was the best way to collaborate
We did one minute meetings for the first time this year and it was a great experience. I was able to meet with students that are not frequent flyers. #scchat
A4: I’m a first year counselor so I’m still working on this answer, but as a result I have used particular sites, worksheets, and activities from colleagues who are counselors as well as teachers! #scchat
Thank you both for moderating! I enjoyed collaborating with so many school counselors! I look forward to continuing to learn as I attend more #scchat sessions.
And just like that time is up on tonight’s #scchat! Thanks everyone for sharing their knowledge and experiences. I made mental notes on key take-aways. Shout out to my co-moderator @TromineTonya! Have a great night everyone!
Woohoo! First #scchat in the books. I look forward to upcoming chats and utilizing Twitter to make connections with other counselors. Thanks @TromineTonya and @kiddcounselor15 for moderating 🤗
Woohoo! First #scchat in the books. I look forward to upcoming chats and utilizing Twitter to make connections with other counselors. Thanks @TromineTonya and @kiddcounselor15 for moderating 🤗
A4: Having students complete a “getting to know you” sheet. A very simple idea, but it helps in learning about my students and their interests, home life, etc. The knowledge is valuable in conversation. #scchat
I get emails and drop bys from teachers all day Kerri g me know how students are doing. I love how our staff keeps an eye on the mental health of our students at all times. #scchat
A3 #scchat collaboration with teachers is really key as they see kids the most. They are in tune with a child seeming off, depressed, or distracted. Keeping weekly communication and attending meetings is helpful to keep up with what kids need. Teachers are assets.
A4: We established an attendance team this year to monitor absences each week. We collaborated with our district leadership and other schools to create a system that works for us. It’s becoming a well oiled machine but we utilized a ton of advice and support! #scchat