#edchat Archive
#Edchat is a hashtag, a movement—it is a weekly organized Twitter discussion of educators and people interested in education that meet virtually from all over the world. #Edchat serves as a conversation thread on Twitter and is also used for organized weekly discussions.
Tuesday October 4, 2016 7:00 PM EDT
I am pumped for and I don't even now the topic ...
Feedback Trap: Rescuing people during your feedback diminishes your ability to hold people accountable
WELCOME Topic: Many educators are dissatisfied with PD. What are the specific shortcomings of PD as you know it?
Today's Topic: Many educators are dissatisfied with PD. What are the specific shortcomings of PD as you know it? Lets Chat!
So to miss tonight. Other commitments conflict. Should be back next week. Carry on...
Ready to participate in ! friends join me!
Join us for in 1 hour to chat about Gifted Role Models in Literature and Film!
tomwhitby: Today's Topic: Many educators are dissatisfied with PD. What are the specific shortcomings of PD as you know it? Lets Ch…
tomwhitby: DennisDill Many do not even know what a chat or is, so we do what we must to keep on doing it.
Today's Topic:Many educators are dissatisfied with PD. What are the specific shortcomings of PD as you know it? Let's begin the chat
Hello ... Mark, a co-moderator, here from Estes Park CO. Where are you from?
Most dissatisfying part for me: sometimes irrelevant to my job as ESOL T.
Not pertaining to my position.
Now join Topic: Many educators are dissatisfied with PD. What are the specific shortcomings of PD as you know it?
. content delivery not being engaging enough for staff members
not always consistent follow through. start one topic and will jump around.
Making sure that there is choice in PD so teachers can choose topics relevant to their needs!
Hi Mark! I'm in northeast GA!
Hello! My first , happy to be here, from Cleveland. Im an SLP working on my BCBA
Hi I am Dennis ... I teach Middle School and on most days I question my sanity, but because I question it I must be sane.
Kevin in Ireland a Teaching Principal
I find the most useful info when I hear real strategies and concrete evidence of how PD works in a classroom & have time to process
Not having opportunities to complete work that needs to be done in the classroom on PD days.
PD has never been prioritized as it should be. Change happens too fast today for PD to be left up to a haphazard way of directing it.
So excited to be joining this evening!
Welcome all!! So excited to have you OneNote Avengers in our evening tweetmeet!
So often PD sessions throw a bunch of strategies at you without leaving time to think about how to implement them
That's also another huge problem. We don't get a chance to see if it's actually working before we switch
Hi Mark! I'm from Southern California.
Join Topic: Many educators are dissatisfied with PD. What are the specific shortcomings of PD as you know it?
IF WE AS EDUCATORS can't handle our own PD then who is to blame?
I completely agree with this! I love when they are useful strategies that can be implemented right away.
Hi everyone, I'm Ally - a high school marketing teacher from Nebraska
lack of differentiation to make it poignant and meaningful for all
Andrea, Oz Prof Learning Coach. PD needs 2 be differentiated if not individualised. Long term sustainable growth of tchrs w'autonomy
Hi Meagan... welcome to We're chatting about PD... the good, bad, and ugly. Thoughts please...
Now underway -- Topic: Many educators are dissatisfied with PD. What are the specific shortcomings of PD as you know it?
Yes! Too often though sessions leave out the important processing stage though.
Attending a PD and then not discussing or implementing what was discussed.
Welcome to Juliana ... have you met ???
PD ... we love to hate on it, but can we (as teachers) do better? If they stopped would we (the teachers) do it on our own?
tomwhitby: Today's Topic:Many educators are dissatisfied with PD. What are the specific shortcomings of PD as you know it? Let's be…
PD's either do not relate to my content area or it is not engaging enough to hold my attention
Welcome to So how's your PD working for you? Give us one wish...
Biggest PD Prob: It is taught through Pedagogy, teaching of kids. Adults require learning through Andragogy teaching of adults.
Hi Juliana! Shawn in GA here! I'm an ESOL teacher for 2-5 grades
Yes! Immediacy is foundation of adult learning. "How can this impact teaching and learning tomorrow?"
Seriously, I do PD on Twitter ... by myself ... I don't have to have follow up or have someone pat me on the back for doing it.
. agreed! Many awesome PD opportunities, especially via social media, but where to begin?!
It's my first time doing a Twitter chat. I love this experience!
I hear you.... too often PD is disconnected from the real needs of teachers. What to do?
I gave a TechTraining session after school ... no one came ... the students who were there to help wondered why?
If we support & encourage-create collaborative culture of learners & safe 2 take risks https://t.co/1HezaCAWcT
PD ... we love to hate on it, but can we (as teachers) do better? If they stopped would we (the teachers) do it on our own?
I sought opportunities on my own because I wanted to keep learning. High five brotha
Follow up trainings aren't always offered so new ways/curriculum are implemented and there isn't a chance to ask follow up questions
Get the input of the teachers. Input from teachers increases buy-in, which creates good PD.
The best PD is just in time all the time...
I think biggest problem is structure. Adult learners, like younger learners, need choice/ creativity/autonomy to learn
Adults have diffrnt goals & motivations than kids & they must be respected for that.They also have life experience to be recognized
Or heutagogy - self-determined learning https://t.co/VkvdKxHIhK
Biggest PD Prob: It is taught through Pedagogy, teaching of kids. Adults require learning through Andragogy teaching of adults.
tchr PD is often do as I say not as I do - strategies being taught not applied in PD
It's not that I can't handle the PD. It's that it isn't well done, imo
, , agree there are too many things to try, not enough follow through, most programs req more than just a day PD
Good to remember it's like reading lists..we'll never be caught up so seize permission to relax
Today the role of Belligerent Teacher is played by me. We are professionals ... if want to learn something we should do it.
So true!!!! https://t.co/gG19IEpu4d
Follow up trainings aren't always offered so new ways/curriculum are implemented and there isn't a chance to ask follow up questions
Agreed! I have to focus myself so I don't try too much. I heard a quote today: "We can do anything, but not everything."
Many times we attend the PD and then afterwards are told it can't be used in our setting.
So many options for PD... too little time... where to start? How to grow?
A1 Seems like so often w/ PD, there is not room for failure for Ts like we espouse for Ss. If it doesn't work the 1st time, it's out
I think that is a good point - the "follow through". Sometimes I worry too many things are started and not finished.
I tell my students this all the time!
In an age of 24/7 access to knowledge if we don't know something it is our own fault ...
I once coordinated a PD series by asking Ts "what do you want to learn? What do you want to teach?" Then they did the rest.
Teachers already have so much on their plates. PD is just One. More. Thing.
A1 Why can't Admins see the value in prototyping rapid iterations of implementation strategies...does it have to be all or nothing?
Hey, when it comes to PD... do you have VOICE about what happens?
I have to lead PD as part of my job as Lead ESOL T. I try to do what I wanted as a classroom T.
agree. Meaningful and being able to be utilized for all contents is the key.
Start with what the teachers want/need, make it visually engaging, and stay up to date
True except so many of us don't know what we don't know, in which case it is helpful to have others guiding us.
i'm good without it ... my kids don't care if I get credit or not ... they only care about what happens in class.
I'd like to think with better PD, maybe some of the banality could be more efficiently done w/ clearer intent
Here is an example of tchr PD from Chicago at a cost of hundreds of thousands of $ I would have walked out. https://t.co/8vqQxWEY9B
yes! The most useful PD I ever went to gave us time to work with presenter to personalize strategies to our classrooms
IMHO provide time 2disseminate info-chat, discuss, debate implementation or application to ur context is vital + coach 2 follow up
Hey perhaps PD should focus on helping to lower, not add to the cognitive overload of Teachers? Thoughts?
Isn't that the PLN that has caused your "borderline arrogance"? LOL
and PD never addresses this ... there is too much out there for our weekly/monthly PD to cover it all.
I think if the PD was something that we find helpful we would be okay with adding one more thing to our plates.
I am forced to sit through a lot of irrelevant stuff because of my subject
, so true. there is little excuse to not know these days. im ok with belligerent teacher :),
School instruments of learning turn children into outcomes to be bartered and turn Blackness into a deficit to be intervened.
Occasionally PD lacks variety; especially, when more experienced teachers go through the same (types of) trainings multiple times
Too often PD is an example of educational malpractice...
My in-house PD is more useful than the random speakers we pay. I work with what the teachers need.
TeachMeets allow you in & out of workshops. https://t.co/J7FmgyF9P0
Hey, when it comes to PD... do you have VOICE about what happens?
I am of the type that ... I do PD by my dang self ... don't make me go to your PD.
So, wave a magic wand... what would PD be like for you?
I am very fortunate that our site does take our opinion on the PD that we implement.
In addition to being T led, should also be centered around student need. Essential question is: what do I need to learn FOR them?"
. wow! I bet they didn't learn much from that.
Please join Tonight at 7pm Central for to discuss "Mystery Skype" All grades welcome!
Perhaps PD should assess T needs before planning and implementation?
YES, YES it is ... I blame my for filling my head full of this knowledge ... I wish more would join me. :)
effectiveness might hinge if designed PD on an Edcamp model
How might we trust plump innovation in the 21st Century?
this is so true. I plan our prek3-12 PDs and we can't fit in 1/100 of it
Best adult learning method for PD is collaboration & conversation is the best tool for that Hence the massive success of
So Mackenzie... do we need DIFFERENTIATED PD? If so what would that be like?
Progressive, maybe year (or multiple years) long. Checkpoints for implementation.
People don't want to do one.more.thing. that isn't required because they feel like they already do more than they should.
Interesting idea! How would this be done?
I try to make an effort to show how whatever we are doing lessens the load... try! :) Is that normal?
Mark, you're looking at it. There is very little I will learn from school PD
The Academic Industrial Complex barters with currency in the form of:
student identity, agency, expression & resistance.
PD is helpful when it complements what is already happening in the classroom.
I agree,but the stuff we are doing here actually makes our school life better.
Got here late -- what's the current question??
Yes! Collaboration and conversation is the best tool!
Wouldn't be too hard:google form ahead of time with choices ranked. simple!
who better decide what's needed? And who better to provide it? Teachers know what teachers need.
Our PD model is T-driven. We host 3-6 sessions each PD time and Ts choose what they find valuable. :)
That's great... building connections between PD and real work of teachers. Start there... then what?
We do something similar to that at our site! It does help focus it.
Obviously I agree, but most Ts in my school don't even know what I mean when I mention
One of the very few things that a majority of educators agree on is their dissatisfaction with Professional Development
We use Sched for same purpose.
that sounds like it would be a great method. Have you had good feedback?
Interesting idea to differentiate PD for teachers. We do it for students, why not teachers?
tomwhitby: One of the very few things that a majority of educators agree on is their dissatisfaction with Professional Development
The reality is our plates are full ... when a teacher walks into PD they are only seeing time lost, not knowledge gained.
We do. Specifically, as many have pointed out, being able to sign up for PD instead of mandated PD would be one way
Can you tell us more about what characterizes your in-house PD? https://t.co/iMPcjw7JFU
My in-house PD is more useful than the random speakers we pay. I work with what the teachers need.
How might we paste envious rejuvenation in the next decade?
True. Nothing worse than "sit and get" PD about differentiation
But first, there's the learning curve, & that takes time before they realize the new thing is helpful.
HMW scale district personal growth?
PD needs to be individualized. Everyone following same PD plan will not lead 2school change
How often is the PD available? I also love the idea of differentiated PD.
PD should be designed the same as any instruction. Needs to be relevant. Should be active, engaging etc. Bad PD is just bad teaching
We do the same - and the teachers propose (and often lead) the PD.
Learned engagement strategies from other teachers & had the choice of which sessions to attend. It was very beneficial!
yes! Our Ts love it. We poll for interests & needs, use our experts, & allow choice. It's really working! This is yr 2
1)Identifying problem 2)Listening to solution by someone who has discovered one 3)Time to create plan for implementation
Until PD becomes embedded in the job and supported by a system which respects tchrs as adult learners change will be slow in coming.
Please join us LIVE on https://t.co/afnC9hTs9z tonight as we talk about and How we can better communicate with our students
My take away in adult learning sessions is often "damn, it's hard to sit this long. I feel bad for kids!"
we ask for lots of feedback and have a PD team of Ts to guide decisions!
Is it dissatisfaction or resentment? What if it is not the PD, but rather the loss of time that could be spent working?
Differentiated PD would be a great way to get teachers excited about it.
I know -- I try to sympathize -- but how do you get around that as a PD leader?
It could also look like collaboration among staff to determine what PD topics/trainings their school needs
so, in ed terms... self-directed, peer involved, real-time...what else Dennis?
Can it be that restructuring a teacher's day (for time to plan, collaborate, ...) is more important than PD?
PD using teaching strategies would be welcome instead of all the data. Just for a nice change every now and then.
I agree 100%. Our teachers lead the best PD.
When every teacher is overloaded...one more thing is one thing too much. Including PD...
once a month sessions and an implementation day. As PD Coordinator, I host sess. during planning periods. Any day!
I have to get my pitchfork out again for all of these spammers
I'm looking at you!
Where there is a will there is a way ... sometimes you need to get out of the teacher's way so they can learn.
Conversely -- GOOD PD is the perfect opportunity to model what we'd like the teachers to do.
IMO, it's 2 top down.Maybe PD should b organized from bottom up instead. A grassroots PD design. Ss/tchrs working 2gether
Love the comments coming in on what Ts need for PD! https://t.co/A5yHYq8moX
so, in ed terms... self-directed, peer involved, real-time...what else Dennis?
Do well on an as a junior? You are on your way to a British degree!
Read Primary Education Daily ▸ today's top stories via #'children
works: "75% of students w/teachers using PD met or exceeded their academic growth goals"
the whole issue of time is such a significant one
I'm from Brazil and following for the 1st time. Do you have benchmarks to share?
Agreed! Our district has instructional coaches that are Ts on assignment - embedded coaching makes tremendous gains!
Sounds so simple and obvious! Why aren't more schools doing this? https://t.co/eanE8MOtLE
yes! Our Ts love it. We poll for interests & needs, use our experts, & allow choice. It's really working! This is yr 2
Amen! That's what I described earlier. Teachers determine what they want/need, and what they want to lead.
Let me be a professional ... give me expectations and let me meet/exceed them.
PD is necessary to keep up with rapid change. Time must be balanced between work and relevance. No choice there!
That's awesome! I've never heard of a "PD Coordinator". Would that be similar to educational coaches?
Oh, yes, POWERPOINT... on student engagement no less...
tomwhitby: PD is necessary to keep up with rapid change. Time must be balanced between work and relevance. No choice there! DennisD…
Data can help the focus. Save at least two-thirds of the time for strategies https://t.co/M8scaCuWm8
PD using teaching strategies would be welcome instead of all the data. Just for a nice change every now and then.
impacts PD, teaching styles, preparation, space to feel inspired and more
Sometimes Ts don't even know where to begin. Can be so overwhelming when you don't have a strong lead
Agree PD takes many forms - allowing space is just another one
Pretty special! People just want to be seen and know they are appreciated. Way to go, teachers :)
Video shows teachers telling students how special they are. "You're the reason I get out of bed and come here."… https://t.co/CT3Ml9zIEI
let me dream ... Admin/PD leaders help me meet my vision.
that's where time to talk with each other is important ... sharing ideas
I've heard "one more thing" a lot this year. PD should be enjoyable and rewarding, not one more thing.
PD does offer the opportunity to keep up with the changes.
IMHO genuine COLLABORATION is one of the most misunderstood concepts/practices in education... --
Telling, isn't it? We can all agree on this. I think if we were asked WHAT we wanted for PD and weren't "talked down to"
. very nice! Do you find your PDs beneficial?
in theory, but when PD is set up a year are they really keeping up with "change"
They certainly must direct their learning, but too often they don't know what they don't know. Others may.
Almost always. Our Ts have a stake in what we are doing. This is important! https://t.co/wYBHYQ2f2D
. very nice! Do you find your PDs beneficial?
Ending the evening on a reflective note. Thinking about the impact of our leadership and our leadership goals
I spend hours on PD every week through the inspiring knowledge of my PLN on Twitter. I can then choose what to explore further.
If we can't agree about PD then we'll keep getting what we've been getting
I have a great Admin ... too bad Ts at my school think I am a "Butt Kisser" because I usually get what I want/need.
Is there any digital platform to support PD? What's the recommendation?
Fully agree enjoyment is the key to learning even when it is
Some great PD out there - Research for Better Teaching (Jon Saphier) and some if the best I've had.
That is great that Ts have stake in the PDs.
Every sch needs a Team to think about what learning is really abt & how to make it fun to learn, joy to teach.
Similar. I wrote the position w/ my headmaster 2 yrs ago. I absolutely love it. Plus, I can host sessions all day!
I always think that teachers aren't much different than students. The same strategies work and engage.
What role do EXTRINSIC PD "rewards" (credits/pay/badges...) play? Or is it a combination of Extrinsic and Intrinsic (to learn!)
tomwhitby: They certainly must direct their learning, but too often they don't know what they don't know. Others may. mitchcenter m…
Respect is a large part of adult learning as is adults contributing their own life experiences.
Our PD is usually mandated and decided the summer before school even starts. How is that effective for Ts? https://t.co/jUyl9Rlrgx
If we can't agree about PD then we'll keep getting what we've been getting
Sometime all it takes is a good teacher willing to be videoed and publicly discussed. The value is public - not perfect - practice.
tchr PD needs time & space to go from developing & sharing ideas that apply to schl context thru to faculty & clssrm implementation
No that is why we can no longer use the model of a yearly PD Day as many schools still do.
I have given up trying to change the paradigm ...I'm doing my own thing Here I am
Too often there seems to be little respect for Ts as professionals both in and outside of the building
Confession time: I dislike attending forced PD. Makes me grouchy. Hate giant stickie pads. Like workshop-style, networking, EdCamps
Is it effective for you? Ask yourself, who benefits from doing PD that way?
I think restructuring the day would be more beneficial in many cases
or on-line PD with multiple choice questions. Just ticking the box and moving on to the next.
Sometimes PD isn't cohesive. One year we need to incorporate one strategy, another we need to do something totally different
Twiiter is great way to expand your PLN & PD, as you can interact w/ other Ts. Its so important all of D4 focuses on PD!
Calendar needs to be turned on head. We need a few weeks in summer and a couple hours/week. The best schools devote 100s of hours/yr
We try to avoid all "sit n get" and "spray & pray" (spray it on and pray it sticks).
Any of your schools participating in programs such as Kagan or Marzano? Thoughts?
I agree that teachers were easily scapegoated over the last decade. It was & is a political agenda to limit public Edu
It isn't effective for me usually. It benefits our admin team to have the schedule, esp. if they are leading sessions
Education in the Apple Orchard, a daily harvest of teaching and learning shared by ADE's, is now available. https://t.co/JGgemOMWOh
We can't educate our kids for 1,000 hours / year and ourselves for 20. Doesn't work.
from this viewpoint we are both learners & those engaged in delivering seem to forget this :))
We used EdCamp as our model. We do announce available sess. ahead but we follow many other of the ideas https://t.co/MbKBGMYlQW
Confession time: I dislike attending forced PD. Makes me grouchy. Hate giant stickie pads. Like workshop-style, networking, EdCamps
so... have a longer trajectory? Make stronger connection to the real work you do? What else?
tomwhitby: Respect is a large part of adult learning as is adults contributing their own life experiences. sgthomas1973
tomwhitby: No that is why we can no longer use the model of a yearly PD Day as many schools still do. DennisDill
tomwhitby: I agree that teachers were easily scapegoated over the last decade. It was & is a political agenda to limit public Edu s…
The desire to learn starts with ourself ... our passion. Every passionate Teacher I know strives to learn more ... on their own
true but teachers that are lifelong learners will need less of that.Maybe motivation is a key 2all this.
PD should empower teachers to want more; the problem is there is often no follow through.
Anyone got some great ideas for ? https://t.co/RFThgy9bBb
I'm hosting Twitter PLC at school. Please suggest advice, links, resources, follows. Help me show them the best of Twitter!
fuck that! Students have to earn it. Education is the only way. Some nations keep people stupid & uneducated
So many Ts show up wishing they were grading, but leave with new ideas and strategies (and usually smiling)!
I couldn't agree more. There needs to be follow through with the PD.
Agreed! Opportunities for Ts and Ss to learn together are the best. It's good for them to see that we keep growing
Large districts have to set up their stuff long term and it usually matches the products they purchased.
This is so important! We have an implementation time once a month. This was a T demand! :) https://t.co/w1RT9NkwzH
tchr PD needs time & space to go from developing & sharing ideas that apply to schl context thru to faculty & clssrm implementation
One word: change. Many in education don't embrace change well https://t.co/545Fb0DGpw
Sounds so simple and obvious! Why aren't more schools doing this? https://t.co/eanE8MOtLE
yes! Our Ts love it. We poll for interests & needs, use our experts, & allow choice. It's really working! This is yr 2
This is my way forward too
Quite a few. Always worries me as a math teacher since math is so progressive.
Yes! Hard to invest in one strategy if the next year you have to teach new process/vocab/etc.
What's "Sched?" trying to keep up w new tech
Agreed. That's what I love about instructional coaches - they can carry through on what was done in PD
Egads! Dennis... so true... painfully true!
PD is definitely key & Ts can be enriched in many different ways! I love using SM , but seminars/confrs are a close 2nd
It's important for Ts to learn to use that 1000 hours w/Ss as ongoing PD via feedback through Ss.
Provide opportunities for Ts to seek out their passions & needs. Lots of polls and feedback!
Agreed. If we don't love learning, why would our students? We have to model the passion for learning.
PD that's decided by admin w/out surveying or asking for feedback from educators often misses the mark.
I have no problem working with any teacher, but but I get SUPER excited when I work with teachers who are passionate and dream.
You are right. That's why motivation is key. Possibly more choice will lead to more engagement and motivation.
While I agree with that statement - our Ts are all about having choice in PD. Feedback surveys always praising
Make PD scalable! We do it for learners, why not educators.
However sometimes these changes are external to the organisation
We need to set PD aside for a bit and find that fire within our teachers ... where is that PASSION. not some BS cheer, but PASSION
Another T demand was that PDs are long term proj. We did a lot of "1 and done" in the past.
...or the tests in the queue. https://t.co/qSmQuvi570
Large districts have to set up their stuff long term and it usually matches the products they purchased.
, , having a say will always impact interest
The goal Ss become teachers of their own learning, Ts become students of their teaching (Hattie) - PD should inform this
How do your schools commit to PD and how often are Ts expected to attend?
-Curious Pre-service teacher
I agree. I think motivation cannot be under appreciated when it to PD and success. https://t.co/B0sujmlp69
We need to set PD aside for a bit and find that fire within our teachers ... where is that PASSION. not some BS cheer, but PASSION
To often the necessary PD that companies provide for their products is dropped off as a money saving method.
It allows you to set up sessions and the max participants - Ts can read descriptions and sign up for what they want!
If possible, Ts should put together PD teams. If not to make decisions, to help guide those mandates and make them palatable.
Or go your own way for write articles for learned societies magazines
. designated days throughout the school year, usually once a month
This is where a pre-PD survey can come in to play. "Hmm...what is that?" once take survey
I can see this. A PD team could help relay info and train other faculty. Get the Ts to help present.
I have to Storify this chat - such good ideas. Thank you all.
Our PD includes faculty meetings, early dismissals and in-service days.
PD is too important to be left up to others... each us us must own our PD!
have you used it (and how?)
Some of our best PD was conducted by teachers - practical applications over vendor products are always more helpful.
Very few are life long learners. Most are so tired they don't care to learn more on their own time
Spot on Dennis ... each of us must start by examining the fire /passion within us, then grow from there...
not if they only do the choice with most votes. Need many opportunities
Absolutely - It can extend beyond your classroom and site.
Hey what's your answer to her question?
I don't mean Ts don't want choice in PD. I mean SCHOOLS don't want to change how they have set up PD
tomwhitby: To often the necessary PD that companies provide for their products is dropped off as a money saving method. DennisDill n…
Agree communication is key as is the time to process changes
To some change means they were doing something wrong. It is easier to stay with the known.
Another strategy is to make trainings availble on web. Offer incentives! We have monthly forum, drawing, & giftcard winner!
I used to lead PD with students explaining and doing so teachers could see it in action. Put $ where my mouth was.
Ha! Got it. You're right about that. It definitely takes open-minded As to try something new!
We have an all-staff PD once a month, as well as other PD opportunities offered throughout the year. Everyone attends.
This type of chat seems to equate to a sit and get but is much more. Do multiple voices make it more effective?
Love this! How do you do people get put into the drawing?
Our school promotes PD. It realizes that the more we grow as learners, the more we can impart new ideas on our learners.
Enough to hire PD Coord. Ts expected to attend every sess.
My school has weekly PLCs ... -1 plan period in the eyes of Ts
As long as PD is a voluntary action, most ppl will stay with what is comfortable more than what is really needed. Comfort vs Change
This is super super awesome!
We have maybe 1 PD a year. It is not enough.
I'm actually leading a PD on blended learning next week this way. Hoping it turns out well.
Letting students see us learn helps model what we want for them.
I've seen it, but not sure how it works. Is it something that is also approved by LPDC committees?
get Ts excited to learn. Engage. Same strat that we use with Ss :)
We have mandatory PD 1/wk. Classroom Ts have an additional Collab. planning 1/wk. Additional planning meetings, too
, , those are the types of things that get people motivated to begin - often after they are in it they enjoy it
it is an exchange of ideas ... not just listening and taking notes.
I have been delighted to see my articles in print for & -
Best PD is about takeaway, application, and reflection. Repeat as needed!
You think? I think of it as sessions where you never get to open your mouth, to stretch your brain or to move your body.
Are they successful? Who leads PLCs? T-driven or admin-driven? (I'm curious!) https://t.co/6KPRHjNj1n
My school has weekly PLCs ... -1 plan period in the eyes of Ts
What if instead of:"My child is a 4.0 student!" bumperstickers said: "My child loves exploring the world without fear of failing!"
Any app on my Pro 4. I can work w/Ss individually & still project.
You have to be comfortable being uncomfortable. It's the only way we can grow.
1 of 2: Struggling right now. How to best advocate that MS Ss be "allowed" to read "even" low lvl picture books?
Nice. How do the teachers like it?
Oh, wow. That's crazy. We have days every month. Multiple days sometimes.
Admin/Trainer/Outsider dependent on what is being covered ... sometimes district mandated stuff
My thanks to for moderating our chat. Thanks too to all who participated.
It's sales! oh, and good teaching. My friends dubbed me: Educational Cheerleader bc I use my cheer experience to lead :)
tomwhitby: My thanks to ShiftParadigm for moderating our chat. Thanks too to all who participated.
tomwhitby: RT weisburghm: Interactive on Privacy, Security, and Innovation in w ideaguy42 start… https://t.co/ZPrHcQ50mb
Girls should turn to Shakespeare for role models rather than Kim Kardashian, private school head says https://t.co/PUwK2lXXMe
Set up "centers" so Ts can go learn based on their interests, not "majority rules".
Let students lead PD on technology for teachers; it would be an eye-opener for many.
It is hit and miss ... if it applies it is good if not then you are thinking you could be grading
2 of 2: Not as their ONLY reading, or to fulfill class requirements, but as personal, indy reading choices.
here is different Fostering whiners afraid of pop quizzes
Your end product is not par 2 other nation's graduates
Some love it; some, giftcard. I use a TED or other video as the topic. Some share these with Ss. Big impact.
We have a rolling prog of events & allocate the last few days of the academic year to activities 1/2
, , thanks all, that was a great first chat experience:)
Tonight's topic: "Questions We Should be Asking this Election Season" RT & JOIN at 8 PM MT … https://t.co/ThMuGcvgws
I agree. I'm just trying to see the differences and that's significant We're not trapped here.
strangely ... the stuff that is hands on is better than just listening ... wow ... just like in the classroom.
That sounds amazing! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for the great first chat experience.
I think multiple voices with different schema makes it better. Too often there is no voice except for leader in PD.
If you want to know more, feel free to message me. :) I'd be happy to share.
2/2 Plus if there are specific events relating to your area time off to attend is granted
-- And we have the freedom to take the conversation in a direction other than where we started.
Thank you for all of the great ideas! Can't wait to pass them along to our PD coordinators.
Yup! I do the station rotation model for PD so they can learn AND experience the model at the same time.
What if PD could be done through small group rotations of training through application?
cheerleader quality: lead by "getting ppl to do what they aren't sure they can" or "don't know they want to"
Great on PD. Love hearing and learning from everyone. :)
Thanks everyone for a great !
In Business speed up with a turtle Mindest.. Learning everything bit by bit
The arts are just as important as math & science
...or having so much energy and passion that it's contagious! Really being excited (not just saying you are).
Well Jeanie... you are not alone.
Thanks for all these amazing tools. It´s great to share. I believe this is the beginning of shari… https://t.co/bky7b7bgCD
The floor is yours now! Let's hear how you are using Learning Tools for with special-needs students. Keep… https://t.co/7NV2fHuOJq
You can't improve, what you don't measure. Use ConquerED to help S's visualize progress & start improving.
Okay, I was going to refrain, but I, too, was a cheerleader in HS!