#CFISDchat is a weekly chat run by Cypress-Fairbanks ISD educators and guest moderators. Join us for discussion on various education topics and grow your #PLN!
Casilya Smith! I’m a 7th Grade ELA teacher and Dyslexia Specialist at @kahlams and technology in the classroom helps me empower my 21st century learners! #CFISDchat
A1: With TELPAS upon us and the new TEKS strands around the corner, I’ve found lately I’ve been evaluating a tool’s ability to practice listening, speaking, reading AND writing for Ss. #CFISDchat
A1: My goal is always to make sure the tool has a purpose for my teachers. How can they use it in their classroom for effective teaching. Can it make teaching/grading/classroom management easier for them. #cfisdchat
A2: My goals when I integrate rec into a lesson is to increase engagement, interest, and my ability to assess understanding. If the technology doesn't do those things, I know I need to re-evaluate. #CFISDchat
A1: Student Voice!! @Flipgrid is my go to for student voice because it is super kid friendly! Also, can students and I have reflection and feedback with the tool. #CFISDchat
A1: One of the things I'm looking for, working w/ @CyFairEdTech is to make sure that any web-based tool/app has signed the district's Student Data Privacy Agreement - https://t.co/GtFBLw8IEk#CFISDchat
A1: Can Ss access the tech tool we want to use to achieve our lesson goals? Is the tech tool going to achieve the lesson goal? When thinking about my own role, how can I make life as easy as possible for my Ts, what tech is most useful? #WeAreSalyards#CFISDchat#SwashBengal
A1: When I choose a tech tool, my goal is the learning objective. What tool can make us easier, more collaborative, or more engaging? What tool van give students a choice or a way to share their voice? #cfisdchat
A1: When choosing a new tech tool for my class, I adopt tools that will benefit all types of learners. It also helps if it can connect to Google Classroom so that the students can access it easily #Cfisdchat
#CFISDchat A1: Practicality and usefulness in a concept. Also, how efficient young students can grasp how to use the tool and do it independently. #POPEpride@popepanthers
A1: enhances collaboration, provides choice for students to demonstaste learning in a new way, aligns to the learning target, makes T collection of data for formative assessment possible #cfisdchat
A1: there are so many technology resources available, choose one at a time and master it before learning more! My goal as a first year teacher is to be proficient on every tech tool that I come across. Patience is key! #CFISDchat
A1: Engaging for my students, enhances my lessons, provides greater voice and opportunity for creativity for my students, provides feedback, allows me the opportunity to evaluate their understanding 🙌 #CFISDchat
A1: What can meet the learning goal in a way that’s going to give students more ownership of the learning?...something that isn’t going to hinder the goal, but support it. Sometimes tools can be shiny and fancy but overshadow and we lose focus of the goal #CFISDchat
Right? What’s the purpose of the tool is a great evauluatuve question. Does it enhance the learning, or is it a digital version that could just as easily be done on paper? #cfisdchat
A1: #CFISDchat Is it purposeful? It is more than just replacing a paper activity? I want it to be a way to engage, & allow students to work at their pace in an independent way.
A1: there are so many technology resources available, choose one at a time and master it before learning more! My goal as a first year teacher is to be proficient on every tech tool that I come across. Patience is key! #CFISDchat
I agree- as a campus leader, I have to remind myself not to introduce a thousand tools at once and give staff time to learn a few at a time.... ;) #cfisdchat
A1 it has to have an accessible entry point for myself and my Ss. Most importantly it’s has to be fun to use— I want my kids to WANT to use it. Finally, I need it to allow for creativity and not keep my kids in a box. #cfisdchat
A2: I love Canva and Adobe Spark. We use Canva often in our office to create quick graphics. In my classroom my students used AutoCAD, Inventor, Revit - content based programs but I always made sure they had time to be creative with them. #cfisdchat
A2: I know I’m late to the game but I just saw a really great session at #TCEA where Ts had Ss creating amazing things on @Seesaw. I had no idea what was already on there to modify. And @nearpod, mind blown the possibilities of student-centered classrooms. #CFISDchat
A1- when choosing a tech tool it starts with what do I want Ss to be able to do at the end of this lesson and how will they show me, peers, and themselves their learning. If technology is easily incorporated into that then I usually move forward with the easiest tool! #CFISDChat
#CFISDchat A2: I love using @Seesaw in my classroom. It's in our daily reading rotation. It is used to cover all concepts in ELAR, and you can use it for math concepts. The beauty is that it tracks data, communicates with parents, and increases engagement. #POPEpride
A2 I’ve seen students doing great things on google slides-teams can work collaboratively on one file- and i can pop in and leave comments or ask questions #CFISDchat
A2: @Flipgrid for giving every student a voice and opportunity to reflect on and explain their learning...and for students to respond to each other. @nearpod for engagement during whole group lessons and for 100% student participation! #cfisdchat
A2: Repeat answer...@Flipgrid!! The sts love being creative with their responses and of course the selfie at the end is awesome!! Love google slides too!! Sts put their own creative spin on every assignment with pictures, videos, fun fonts...endless!! #CFISDchat
A2 My kids LOVE @Flipgrid ! They get super creative in their videos on how to explain their math problems. It's so fun seeing their personalities in their videos! #CFISDchat
A2: @Storybird Students researched and created a literary biography picture book to go along with our biography unit. Different genre-related concepts (author’s note, subtitles, main idea, etc.) were requirements. They exceeded my expectations! #CFISDchat
A2: I love having students create with google drawing and google slides. They are easy to use and easy to be creative. @GoogleForEdu for the win! #cfisdchat
A2: #CFISDchat@Flipgrid has been a great tool for our ELAR students to share their thoughts on novels. Sometimes it’s easier for them to articulate their thoughts verbally, instead of journal writing, so it allows them to share more.
A2: There are times I may choose a tool for the Ss to utilize. Flipgrid is used a lot; however, I'm finding that allowing the Ss a choice in how they respond to a prompt encourages the most creativity. #CFISDchat
A3: Plan, Plan, Plan. Make sure the directions are clear and that you have covered things with your students. Also make sure things work with their login! #cfisdchat
A3: Model, model, model. Ss have to know your expectations. In my experience, Ss catch on to tech pretty quickly. It’s up to us to teach them to do it right and safely. #CFISDchat#SwashBengal#WeAreSalyards
A2: I would have to say google classroom. I may be cheating though... I add links to #GoogleClassroom so that students are able to have more choice! This way they can go to @Seesaw@Flipgrid and complete other activities that I assign them weekly #cfisdchat
A1 Does the tool cover/do what we need to meet the TEKS? How can we access it. Do we have to split 30 students among 8 laptops or will we be able to use cell phones as well?! 💗 when they can use their phones! #WeAreSalyards#BengalsTellNoTales#CFISDchat
A2: One of the reasons we started a CFISD giphy account was so students, staff, community members etc could add district- or campus-specific animations in Instagram stories. #CFISDchat
A3 i have to introduce it in small groups and that works. I just need some one on one time & specific instruction for them. Then I find a class expert to help me out! #CFISDchat
A2: I have loved using @Flipgrid. Kids create and tell me things I would have never heard or gotten to in the class. It has extended my learning and teaching day. #cfisdchat
A3: Ss are more prepared than Ts think to use #edtech. I think a better focus would be is the T ready to be #flexible and relinquish a little control. Ss will figure it out!
A3: It depends on if they are using it for practice/review or for publishing. Preteaching and modeling the technology is a must for first time use(s). #CFISDchat
#CFISDchat A3: Great question! Classroom routines and expectations must be clearly set. Also, having a digital citizenship discussion is a must before using any digital platform. @popepanthers We even got our librarian @popereads Mrs. Crites to help us with digital citizenship.
A3: Model first! Provide explicit instructions and lots of support. Make the first assignment with the new tool easy so they’re able to explore the tool. #cfisdchat
A3: with any new type of instruction, always push for comprehension! As teachers we dont rush into something we do not know, so why expect the students to? Always introduce it and then keep their interest and engagement while pushing mastery of the new tech! #CFISDchat
A3: I always demonstrate how to use the new tech tool several times. We also always have 2 Helpers for the day who feel confident in how to use it. They are the "Go To" people while I'm in Small Group! I'm always shocked at how quickly Ss pick up on new tech tools! #CFISDchat
A2- I love #Seesaw, as I believe it’s a one-stop shop for everything you need to allow Ss to create and share their voice.
I also like #Flipgrid and Google Slides.
A3: Model, Practice, and set Expectations! I also love to have experts in the classroom that can help other students out. Honestly they do a better job helping their peers than me! #CFISDChat
A3: #CFISDchat For me it’s all about EXPECTATIONS! Just like every procedure in your classroom, using technology requires the same expectations & practice. The 1st time may be a little crazy, but anticipate the issues that may arise & adjust your own preconceptions about it.
A3: I make sure to model whole group and follow up with a few small group sessions so they get comfortable. I explain some of the basics, but let kids explore. They help me discover so much. #cfisdchat
A3 My Ss are risk takers & they figure it out. I ensure the tech tool is purposeful first then I just dive in & let them figure it out! When I first starting using @Seesaw I didn’t know much abt it but the Ss taught me! They amaze us like that. Transparency is key! #cfisdchat
A3: I have to use the tool first as if I was a student. First time use for tools get taught in small group. @rennellredhawks we have a kids club called Tech Headz and I always rely on them to let me know if this tool is beneficial or not! #CFISDchat
A2: I've been religiously using @Flipgrid the past 2 years to help students showcase their learning. They have become really excited sharing what they know and commenting/encouraging their peers. #CFISDchat
I'm always game to learn more suggestions or ideas . Let's share!!
A3: we plan, then try it out together, and then they try it out. Then sometimes it doesn’t work and we try again! (This is a great learning time!) I love trying out new things with my classes! It shows them you never stop learning and not to give up #cfisdchat
A3: model it and use it instructionally so students have a visual of the purpose and how to use it. Use it together and then wean them to independence..I do, we do, you do! #cfisdchat
So true. Sometimes I go in classes and show Ss how to use tech tools. The Ts will come along once they see how successful the kids are at using those tools. #CFISDChat
A3 I also think teachers, including myself, feel like they have to be the experts & figure it before you give it to the Ss. That is not the case. Pick one tool that you feel is purposeful & just TRY! It’s okay if you fail it’s a great model for kids! #CFISDchat
A3: Model! Model! Model! Even if it is recording via Screencastify so that students can see your screen as you navigate and hear your voice as a guide! #Cfisdchat
A3: I always have to model how to use it and how not to use it. Showing enthusiasm in the tool helps with the student buy in. if you're loving it, they will too! 👍🤗 #CFISDchat
A4: @EdCampGrow and @EdcampKatyTX are in just two weeks. I’ve really been able to implement ideas from the awesome @edcampcyfair! Also, @TCEA has an elementary tech conference in June that’s fabulous. I learn better in person 🤓 #CFISDchat
A3: I like to make sure the students are using them effectively and responsibly before moving on to a new tool that I can give them more of a choice in their tool! #CFISDchat
A4: i love using twitter for this! as i’m scrolling i come across creative, unique, and engaging ways to incorporate ideas and strategies into my classroom. #CFISDchat
A4: @EdCampGrow and @EdcampKatyTX are in just two weeks. I’ve really been able to implement ideas from the awesome @edcampcyfair! Also, @TCEA has an elementary tech conference in June that’s fabulous. I learn better in person 🤓 #CFISDchat
A4: @Twitter has been a great resource for me! I also loved gaining new ideas @edcampcyfair that I could implement right away! Sharing and collaborating with other educators! #bettertogether#CFISDChat
A4: Twitter! Twitter is truly the best professional development at your fingertips! Finding PDs that are geared towards my desires and my Ss are always accessible via Twitter! #CFISDchat
A4: teachers’ classrooms all over @CFISDWells...I can walk into any room and learn a new tool or new way to use a tool! And of course, @Twitter! Always new ways to utilize tech tools in the classroom! #cfisdchat
A4: and on the 7th day...there was Google! I comb through so many blogs to hear about other educators’ experiences using different tools and resources in the classroom! Twitter is also a great place to see tech in action when you have a strong network of educators #Cfisdchat
#CFISDchat A4: The best place is FELLOW EDUCATORS, using digital platforms to their fullest, and creating a technology community through blogs, facebook, and twitter, and for myself recently on #CFISDchat. #POPEpride@popepanthers
A4 #CFISDchat Recently Twitter 🙃🙃 However before that, I've been inspired just brainstorming with my team and other campuses. Learning my students teach styles has guided my lessons to keep them engaged as well.
A5: One of the big things I learned during a chat last year was the idea of a road map for my students. An entire unit/lesson laid out for them to work their way through at their own pace with all the hyperlinks. It worked fantastic! #cfisdchat
Speed catching up..A1 I always make sure my learning is matched with the tech, not the other way around. Make sure the use of tech is not just substitution! #CFISDchat
A5: in the past I've used @tes blendspace where I would have hyper links of resources and students choice which sites they could use to enrich their learning/reteach. #CFISDchat
A5: Flip Grid gives my Ss the opportunity to be authentic in their responses. It gives them the chance to listen, speak, and respond to others. It reaches my EL population very well. #CFISDchat
A5: Well... if you can’t beat them, join them! I saw this Fortnite template https://t.co/nd3KVqmUiR on Twitter and we are using it as a choice menu for the students’ layered curriculum projects! Also, I’m obsessed with Edpuzzle now! #Cfisdchat
A5: I am going to have to say all of #GoogleEDU there are so many extensions you can use in your classroom, and it’s all very user friendly! #cfisdchat
#CFISDchat is poppin' tonight! I can't catch up!
A2 @PearDeck ! Google Draw/Slides is a great blank canvas(but make sure they aren't just PPTs), @Flipgrid , @padlet for .gif vocab, Google Tour Creator, just to name a few 🙂
A6: The easiest way for me is to model, model, model! We use Google Classroom for our team organization so Ts can feel more comfortable using it in their classroom. I go in and model using @GetKahoot and soon @Seesaw for our NF writing unit! #cfisdchat
A5: digital choice boards & playlists...throw some hyperlinks in there and put send it to Ss on Google Classroom. Student choice AND student paced! #cfisdchat
A5: Playlists have become the norm in my room 😍❤️ Students come in on Mondays begging for a Playlist! 😄🤗 Students choose their own path during the week and LOVE it!! I've got some freebies on my blog and a post on how I use them! 😀 #CFISDchat
A6: be open, patient and willing. Everyone is at a different place in their tech journey. Be excited! Passion is contagious. And be honest about the journey. #WeAreSalyards#SwashBengal#CFISDChat
A3 make sure you model at first, but know Ss are capable of learning some tools on their own. They can learn from play as well! I like to make mini tutorials through @Screencastify so Ss can look back! #CFISDchat
A6: Model for them. Help them create content by sharing what we have. There is no need to reinvent the wheel. Co-teach so they feel like they have support with them the first time they do it. #cfisdchat
A6:help them by leading them through it! If you are proficient, why not share the knowledge? Speak at the #CFISDDLC promote tech edu on your campus. Be a front runner because it's not just YOUR kids that matter, but EVERY kid deserves equal opportunity to a better edu.#CFISDchat
A6: We need to share our resources and successes with them! Invite them into your class, so they can see sts in action!! Go above and beyond to help them take the jump to try new tech tools. #kidsdeserveit#CFISDchat
A6: like others said: meaningful planning; maybe a “tech byte” at faculty meetings- quick intros by staff about different tech; and also debriefing after: what worked well and what didn’t work; #CFISDchat
A6: I like to model for them during a training and then offer ways they might use the tool with students. Then I’m available to help plan and see it in action #cfisdchat
A6: #CFISDChat Encourage them to keep working & practicing. For some teachers, using new technology is scary at first. Support one another. 🙌🏻
Collaborate in planning on best practices & troublshoot obstacles.
A4 I love talking to my #pln! @AggiePuckett and I bounce new tools off of each other all of the time. I'm excited to start using @wakelet more. #CFISDchat
A6: Have an open door policy! Invite them in to watch it in action, debrief with them after & help them in the planning process! Encourage them to start small: one class/one period. Then work your way up to more! #CFISDchat
A6: share what you’re doing in your classroom & the student outcomes. Nothing gets teachers to want to try something more than seeing its success with students! #cfisdchat
Join us next week as @NeatlyNoble leads our chat on Social-Emotional Learning. We are excited to learn with and through you on February 18th! #CFISDchat
A6: I tend to try it first, and after several times with success I begin to share starting with my team. I help my colleagues to alleviate any frustration #CFISDchat
A5 Choice boards through Google Slides! They give Ss choice AND time for you to pull small groups. Here's a link to my blog post on iPad choice boards WITH templates! #CFISDchathttps://t.co/kLSy9qk9Oo
A6: More teacher-led learning sessions! Just like scholars sometimes learn best from their peers, I believe it’s the same way with educators! #cfisdchat
A6: Take the time to show them how to use it and be willing and ready to answer questions! I've also created Screencastify videos and shared it with coworkers so they can go back and watch again and again as they learn! #CFISDchat
A6 I have an awesome 6th grade science team! They’re willing to try new things that I bring to them. They might need extra support, but it’s nice they we’re open-minded! 💗 #WeAreSalyards#CFISDchat#BengalsTellNoTales@MrsBanksNotes we need a shorter #! 😬😂
#CFISDchat A6: Offering help to those who have never tried it in their classrooms. Sitting down and setting a fellow educator up for success by walking through each step, and being there in the moment when things go astray! Help each other! @popepanthers
A6 - have someone cover your class, go in and co-teach w Ts willing to take a leap and try something new!
Send Ss over to teach small group lessons.
Have Ss create videos to share w other classes.
A5- for me it depends on the unit and skills I am trying to teach. The choice of Ss tech tools evolves as well! Ss has a choice of how to recommend a book to the class! 📚💕 #CFISDchat
A6 Share! Share your ideas and let Ts in your classroom. Also, show them you can fail...I fail ALL THE TIME. It will happen, just got to push through! Also, just go get coffee with your PLN I'm always open to chat ❤️❤️ #CFISDchat
A6: We can help other educators by sharing our experiences about how Edtech is helping enhance our Ss learning like tools that give immediate feedback to Ss for DOK1 grades. EdTech can help Ts group Ss who are ready to move on or need extra help #CFISDchat
A6: Be passionate about what you do (all you do, actually) and others will follow. I think my excitement and over-the-top atttidue about tech tools creates curiosity! I also think it’s important to take the time to sit down with them and show/model how to use it. #CFISDchat