Understood holds this weekly Twitter chat that aims to keep the momentum going and raise awareness of learning and attention issues. Follow along with hashtag #LDCHAT and follow users @understoodchats & @understoodorg. Experts will be available to answer your questions and concerns and share resources from Understood.org.
A1 The holidays can be challenging in all kinds of ways! Routines get turned upside down, there’s a lot more excitement and noise + our schedules may be jam-packed with social obligations. None of this is easy for kids with learning/attention issues. #parenting#ldchat
It can also be a tough time for parents who have kids with those issues. So parents will want to take the best possible care of themselves + really pace themselves. (There are always more social obligations than time.) #ldchat
And don't forget gift giving and receiving--another stressful component for many kids with #LD and #ADHD. Here are 7 ways to reduce your child’s frustrations about gifts: https://t.co/0zDIjTyxzS#ldchat
A2 Kids who are sensitive to touch, smell, sound, taste, and movement may find the holiday season overwhelming. So pace yourself: pick and choose from what can feel like an endless list of holiday obligations. #parenting#ldchat
A2 Also: schedule in plenty of downtime. Your child will need time to balance out the busier times with quieter times. Make a point of providing that place and opportunity for calm. #parenting#ldchat
Zero in on the ones that are particularly meaningful for your family. Some traditions provide the "glue" that makes your family feel connected and whole. Others are merely frustrating/annoying! Know the difference! :-) #ldchat#parenting
A3 Family gatherings are both stressful + an opportunity for learning and growth because they shake up the usual routine. Reduce the stress by helping your child to anticipate how things are likely to play out at grandma’s house and how he might respond. #ldchat
A3 Provide support and encouragement ahead of time. (Express your confidence in your child’s ability to manage the situation.) And offer positive reinforcement after the fact. (Acknowledge the things your child handled well.) #ldchat
A3 Family gatherings are both stressful + an opportunity for learning and growth because they shake up the usual routine. Reduce the stress by helping your child to anticipate how things are likely to play out at grandma’s house and how he might respond. #ldchat
#ldchat A3 They might feel uncomfortable with people they don't really know. And because they aren't comfortable making small talk. Or will say the wrong thing
LOVE THIS: "He’s doing his own thing, he says, and comparing himself to others is just a big waste of his time and energy. That’s a lesson he’s learned. But one I’m still trying to learn myself." #ldchat
#ldchat A2 So many things going can overwhelmed us all, especially those that have this. Just all the lights and sounds that seem to be everywhere you go can be too much
Long and late family events and dinners are a challenge - we keep things pretty low-key over the holidays if we can help it and avoid booking multiple events over the weekends leading up to the holidays. Also, we bring Lego so our guy can take some quiet space away from noise.
Thanks for joining! You're just in time for our final question, though you can answer any of the previous questions. Please use A1, A2... with your responses. #ldchat
A4 Help the child to identify strategies for managing the unique challenges of the holiday season: for example, bringing headphones to a family get-together so he/she can take a break from the chaos/noise. #ldchat#parenting
So much stimulation! The stores, crowds, music, lights, the sense of urgency - it can be sensory overload for neuro-typical folks, and can make life miserable for the neuro-diverse!
A4 Role play social situations to give kids some advance practice with navigating standard holiday chit chat (the types of questions she might expect and the types of answers she might choose to provide). #ldchat