Understood holds this weekly Twitter chat that aims to keep the momentum going and raise awareness of learning and attention issues. Follow along with hashtag #LDCHAT and follow users @understoodchats & @understoodorg. Experts will be available to answer your questions and concerns and share resources from Understood.org.
Welcome to today's #ldchat! This is Dan with the Understood team. We're joined today by #dyslexia advocate @KristinMatzKane, chatting about supporting kids with dyslexia.
Edie, academic therapist from Washington, DC. Building an international tribe of teachers and parents of teens and young adults withADHD. Remember, more than 50% of students with ADHD have reading difficulties/dyslexia. #LDchat
Let's kick things off! We'll use the Q1, Q2… format for questions. Please use the A1, A2… format for answers. First question coming right up... #dyslexia#ldchat
A1: At our HS, we've been looking at decoding skills to identify students that would benefit from further intervention. We have several students that are showing signs of #dyslexia. #LDchat
A1 In Missouri schools, we have never identified dyslexia, only specific learning disability in area of reading. This will be changing effective 2018-2019 school year. Eager to hear your responses #LDchat#edu5213SBU
A1 The latest research shows that preschool students should be the focus for reading problems. My older students have a more difficult time. Diagnose through expressive processes. Use comprehension assessments that extend beyond phonological processing. #LDchat
Q2. When a parent or teacher first notices signs of #dyslexia in her child or student, what are the initial steps she should take to seek help? #ldchat
#ldchat I'm finding that our school doesn't know how to develop an AT plan that follows him from subject to subject to support his dyslexia.. he's 9yrs old
A2: Bring it up to the child's community (teacher, parent, and school support should know). Work together to come up with a plan, and keep records of everything. Follow up with the team on any decisions. #LDchat
A2 Older kids with ADHD and LD have a tougher time being diagnosed with Dyslexia.. They're older so they've gone a long way with a hidden disability. My students typically just get extended time. #LDchat
A2: Discuss with teacher. If the teacher shares the concerns, differentiated instruction/Tier 1 intervention will start. If concerns still there, a reading specialist may be consulted or a meeting will be held to see if Special Education testing is warranted #LDchat#edu5213SBU
It's hard. We're doing targeted reading interventions this year. I've also accompanied some staff to LETRS training last week, and we're working with literacy consultants to build individualized curriculum. #ldchat
A3 Bookshare is an ebook library that makes reading easier for children with reading barriers like dyslexia. Membership is free for qualified U.S. students and schools. Formats like audio + highlighted text are available. https://t.co/baUzd15Vqs
A3 Bookshare is an ebook library that makes reading easier for children with reading barriers like dyslexia. Membership is free for qualified U.S. students and schools. Formats like audio + highlighted text are available. https://t.co/Qn5WrclM5i#ldchat
A3: By the time Ss are in secondary levels, accommodations are life savers. Spell-check, text <-> speech technology, scaffolded materials, and extra time are all some examples. #LDchat
A3: We also find using video (flipping the classroom), audio recording, providing notes ahead of time, and alternate forms of assessment are very useful at the HS. #ldchat
A3 #ldchat text to speech and dictation asst tech is a huge help with productivity and self-esteem. But our experience is classroom teachers unable/unwilling to incorporate.
Smartphones are everywhere. Using reading apps are the best choice for older students. I recommend @Google Text-to-Speech can be used on computers, laptops, and tablets. Easy to use. #LDchat
"I almost feel guilty about what I didn't know about #dyslexia back then. Raising awareness of dyslexia has definitely become my calling in life." https://t.co/Qrk6rUDztg#ldchat