Hey, #TECHtalkGA! I'm Angela your host, and also Dist ITS for MS/HS in Forsyth Co!
I'm headed to London for Spring Break & am most excited to get to sit on the 3rd row of HAMILTON while there!!
I've imagined it so much it's like a memory...
A1: Hi everyone! I am a library media specialist currently in Bryan County. Spring break starts Friday afternoon and that means sleep, reading, and quality time with my kiddos. #TECHtalkGA
A1: Sarah, 6th grade ELA teacher in Forsyth County. I am looking most forward to not setting an alarm clock and playing on the beach with my boys! #TECHtalkGA
A2: Google Classroom artifacts, 1:1 personal session, or whatever they choose. People are pretty different in how they like to make up sessions. #techtalkGA
A2: I really love using Hyperdoc game boards to present presentations on what I learned at conferences and collaboratives. It helps teachers self-pace with what they may be interested in. Tweeting is redelivering too! #TECHtalkGA
A2: Screencasts are a great way to redliver content. I have also see some teachers do some creative things with Google Classroom for relearn and recovery activities. #TECHtalkGA
#TECHTalkGA A1: Hello, all! I'm Cat, Director of Personalized Learning & Innovation with Jackson County Schools. My Spring Break is next week, and when I will not be working, I will be reading, spending time with la familia, and visiting friends.
A2. I post key materials but nothing interactive. Part of that is the goal to have students talk to me.
Never underestimate the power of face-to-face.
A2: I try to make the information interactive for those who missed it the first time live. I use @Screencastify or @Camtasia to create videos that are informative and concise. #TECHtalkGA#gwinchat
A2: I've made screencasts or used @nearpod to redeliver instruction. Or students will post something on a @padlet wall that we worked on that day and anyone absent can read all of their classmates' examples #TECHtalkGA
#TECHTalkGA A2: I love synchronous virtual meetings using Hangouts on Air, so I can record that redelivery for even more redelivery purposes in the future.
I have also plain ole recorded myself with my iPhone to share with others if they missed a session, then follow up F2F.
A3: With the ease of access to screencasting/video tools, there's no reason teachers can't record content for redelivery every time they teach a lesson. Stick your laptop in front of you and hit record! #TECHtalkGA
A3: I encourage them to put things in Google CR and use topics. I also keep reminding them about the "about" tab, where anchor charts and artifacts can be stored. #techtalkGA
#TECHTalkGA A3: I have #VeryStrongFeelings about a few things in life, and that includes #RTI / #MTSS using highly effective and appropriate interventions for students in need. I start with that encouragement alongside introducing "digital differentiation" as a teaching tool.
A2: Thanks to @JakeMillerTech Lately I have found value in creating short instructional GIFs so those that missed it or want to review can go back and look on their own time. I usually post it to my website, send a message, or tweet it out. #TECHtalkGA#EduGIFs
A3. Teachers can post almost anything online (in an LMS, on their website) for review, remediation, enhancement. I encourage to get outside the worksheet & explore ways to turn in mat'l. How Ss turn it in may set tone.
A3: using if, then activities. If a student does/likes/chooses x, then they do/create y. If feedback is immediate with tech, speeds up process and removes downtime. #TECHTalkGA
A1: Justin Keith Instructional Technology Specialist reassigned to Media Center next year in Effingham County. I will use spring break to catch up on my Twitter feed and #GoogleTeacherTribe#TECHtalkGA
A3: The LMS @D2L that our Ts use allows content material to be delivered based on scores on an assessment. This feature, known as Release Conditions, allows personalized learning that targets specific areas of need for Ss. #TECHtalkGA#gwinchat
Google Forms natively allows this and there is a new addon (automastery) that will push students to a specific website based on their performance. #TECHtalkGA
A3: using if, then activities. If a student does/likes/chooses x, then they do/create y. If feedback is immediate with tech, speeds up process and removes downtime. #TECHTalkGA
A3: Google Classroom is a great place for remediation or enrichment. Also, branching Google Forms with feedback. Even peeking in on their workflow in a Doc or Slide to provide comments or encouragement. #TECHtalkGA
A3: we've collected lots of videos & games to use 4 remediation. In the last unit struggling students met w/ me 4 reteaching/practice in small groups & then chose other activities 4 xtra practice. Students who mastered content were peer tutors. F2F is so important. #TECHtalkGA
So many assessment tools out there that give teachers different ways to reassess. Its all about picking the one that fits their needs and collects good data. #TECHtalkGA
A4: I love the comment/reply/resolve structure in Google Docs. It creates a digital conversation instead of a one-way assessment. Also, the collaborative nature allows for easy peer assessment. #TechTalkGA
#TECHTalkGA A4: Technology makes it possible to completely negate the concept of failing a formative assessment. Let the students retake their assessments over and over until they show mastery! Technology makes that not only possible, but programmable and EASY to do!
A4: Letting kids show WHAT they know in a way that fits the STUDENT! Some write, some speak, some draw and label, some narrate over artifacts. We assess learning, not tech when the tool is secondary. #techtalkga
Q2: Email links to videos, step-by-step directions and Gifs. As many various forms as possible. Also link to items/presentations in #googledrive#TECHtalkGA
A4 Teachers are required to use a lot of testing platforms as it is. It's important to show them tools that are time efficient and engaging for students #TECHtalkGA
I have a math teacher who wrote a visual basic program so that every time some takes the test, it does a random number generator for the test - every answer is different. Take it again and again.
A4: Oh, so many tools to give great feedback from students. One I recently shared is @padlet which with with some of the new features it can do so much. Reflection on instruction is super important! #TECHtalkGA
YES! I would love to chat about this! We call this problem "Digital Babysitting," and it's painfully evident when I see Chromebook daily usage averaging around 80-90 minutes. This is something we are actively working on and about which I push hard for improvement! #TECHTalkGA
A4: I love using @Newsela quizzes and write prompts to assess student progress on reading standards. I'm giving voice comments on student writing in google docs-they take the feedback and revise before submitting final drafts #TECHtalkGA
This is something that I haven't learned yet but I need to! I saw it in your presentations at Southern Summit...how do I do it?? #helpme#teachme#TECHtalkGA
A4: I’m old school when it come to reassessing learning, so the best technology tool involves teacher participation too. I’m talking clickers/student response systems!! Don’t just use technology to reassess student learning if there isn’t some feedback too #TECHtalkGA
HA! And I don't joke! I have many unlisted/private videos sitting hidden in my YouTube channel for this exact purpose!
(It's also a superb way of watching yourself and cringing at those subconscious habits you have, but, hey, I'll put up with that for my teachers!) #TECHTalkGA
And yet I am constantly amazed at the number of teachers who are against that!
If the goal is to learn, why would you NOT allow as many times as possible?
Apologies for the intermittent/sparse response, #techtalkga. The boy just didn't want to cooperate with dad doin a chat. Been reading and appreciating!
A5: I am a fan of @noisli and I use @GooglePlayMusic playlists to help me relax or recharge. Chats like this and @Coffee_EDU meetups help me reconnect, something I find I must ACTIVELY do now that I don't have a "home" school. #techtalkGA
A5: I definitely use Twitter to connect with my #PLN. Sometimes reading ebooks keeps me recharged (although I love a real book in my hands at the beach). #TECHtalkGA
A5: Using technology to recharge is my go to! I am always amazed at the multitude of ideas everyone is willing to share. If only all of this was around when I first began teaching - over 30 years ago! #techtalkga
#TECHTalkGA A5: I love how technology is a tool to help me connect to my #PLN and the important people in my life.
And I apologize to all of you to whom I use a bazillion means of connecting digitally in one day (email, Voxer, text message, phone call, Twitter DM, Facebook...)
That's what I'm trying for! I already wrote it for Southern Summit. It wasn't accepted there, but I'll try again for #GaETC18!!
If nothing else, we'll for sure do the meet-up again on Tues PM!
Great chat tonight, #TECHtalkGA! Thanks to everyone who participated!
If you’ve been reading along and lurking, consider joining in next time!
No chat next week due to Spring Break! See you all back again on April 9!
A5: I'm typically off technology to relax & recharge unless I'm catching up on Twitter. I'm usually with my boys playing games, reading books, playing outside, or coloring. Or maybe taking a nap. #TECHtalkGA
A5: Using technology to recharge is my go to! I am always amazed at the multitude of ideas everyone is willing to share. If only all of this was around when I first began teaching - over 30 years ago! #techtalkga
I am grateful to Twitter and the Twitter #PLN for connecting you and I! I can't wait to find an excuse to get together and chat more in the future #TECHTalkGA
That is awesome! #techtalkGA folk are a special group! I am SO humbled when I think about what you guys mean to me and how you have helped me. I try to pay it forward -- often! #gratitude
FOLLOW UP: What would you like to see from the #TECHtalkGA chat in the future?
Would you like to moderate next time PLEASE? (I have a dance show!)
I'm pleased to see someone else obsessed with Spotify and music in general. I am starting to be known for always wearing my headphones when I'm hard at work! I can't live without my playlists. #TECHTalkGA
#TECHtalkGA don't forget to SAVE the DATE! First District RESA will host a Google Summer Institute on June 5th @GeoSouthernCOE on the Statesboro campus. You won't find a day of #GSuiteEdu#PD at this low price. Includes breakfast and lunch. #1stRESA_SI#1stRESA