#INeLearn Archive
The #INeLearn hashtag is used for both asynchronous sharing and synchronous conversations. Include #INeLearn in your tweets if you want to share resources or questions with Indiana educators and school leaders. Asynchronously, the #INeLearn hashtag provides educators across the state of Indiana a central space for sharing. On Thursday evenings beginning at 8 CST/9 EST when you use the #INeLearn hashtag, you are joining a live conversation--the #INeLearn Twitter Chat. For one hour, we interact in real time having a virtual discussion.
Thursday May 5, 2016 9:00 PM EDT
Welcome to tonight's chat! I'm Diana Gill, Instructional Technology Coach at
AND…I’m Pam O’Risky, eLearning Coach at MSD of MV
Tonight’s topic:
Using technology for celebrating, showcasing, and publicizing classroom successes
Tonight's topic: Using technology for celebrating, showcasing, and publicizing classroom successes. https://t.co/A56Q3gRCtM
Please shout out who you are and where you are from. remember to use
Hey all, Greg from Northwest Indiana. PE teacher and K-5 tech coach. Will be in and out but didn’t want to miss tonights topics.
Hello everyone. John Wells from EVSC keeping 1 eye on the the chat while finishing grades with 2nd eye (& you get my good one!)
Hey ! Thanks for joining us tonight! NWI in the house!
Always great seeing someone from my end of the state!
Hi everyone! Leslie Preddy, school librarian from Indianapolis.
Now all parts of the state are represented!
Amanda, originally from the region but currently teaching high school math in Indy area
Hi friends! Amy, principal from Angola joining for a bit!
Deb Blaz from NE corner of IN, world languages department
Hey Friend! So good to have you!
R1-Everyone is responsible for showcasing successes!
Hi there Christina from Indiana.
R1: I think everyone is responsible for sharing successes. How do we know what works if we keep it hidden. Share it out.
R1: We are all responsible for sharing success. If we don't tell our own story, someone else will do it for us.
R1: The Type A person in me says it's mine, but if our mission is to prepare 21st century learners, then it's everyone's!
We need to model sharing, encourage others, & celebrate it!
A1: Everyone. Success should be celebrated wherever it's found by all of us.
R1 Ts are! Our district has hashtag where anyone can showcase classroom events & view others'
One of my fav quotes from the late Cindy Stergar of CIESC: "The responsibility of knowing is sharing".
Hi ! Kate from Carmel, hopping in a little late. R1: Everyone!!
Yes! I hadn't heard this, but I love it! https://t.co/ewPQbRyYpG
One of my fav quotes from the late Cindy Stergar of CIESC: "The responsibility of knowing is sharing".
Absolutely! I love the idea of modeling it. It should help to build school community.
R1: I would like to think everyone is, but usually those in charge do. I try to tweet as many as I can
Great quote that I'll remember. Thanks!
Q2: Is it possible to change opinions of our school/district with publicizing classroom successes? https://t.co/UzrUprIvwY
1R starts with Ts and should be acknowledged by leadership starting at school level up. By retweets and favs on soc.med.
R2: 100% yes. Sharing it out helps to build our community and helps to build the school’s “brand”
R2-YES! By sharing & modeling what we do in our classrooms & schools, we grab interest from others, sparking ideas!
R2: It's much slower, but yes. Being out in the public and talking with parents can change their opinions of the school/district
That would be terrific to have parents helping also! Thanks
R2: One could argue that it's the best way.
R2: Absolutely. Public needs to know how to get that access into our classrooms. Love the idea of a district hashtag
R2-Build a culture of sharing. Lead by example & others will follow. Builds positivity, innovation. Opens doors.
R2 confused. Are we talking about changing staff/within or opinions of the community toward us?
R2 positive always breeds positive. By sharing we make transparent and show the good schools are doing for kids and community
You "get it" Such a connected leader!
A2: Not only is it possible, it's the only way.
R2: It is a great way to, plus great payoff in this climate of school/teacher-bashing
I see it both ways. We are showcasing the awesome in our classrooms for all to see! Builds up school culture for all.
Q3: Are there considerations to keep in mind when sharing pictures of students and classrooms? https://t.co/VhUgt5x11C
R2: It is absolutely possible! Sharing success builds small wins, which grow over time!
I think sometime we seem isolated by sharing we show the want and need for Ss to be connected beyond the walls.
Sorry I'm late. I'll try to catch up.
and it is so hard for teachers to get out and watch other teachers in action! https://t.co/mQlxpuWVj2
I see it both ways. We are showcasing the awesome in our classrooms for all to see! Builds up school culture for all.
R3 Yes! Have Ps consented? Do Ss want pics shared (always ask!)??
No worries! You'll catch up quickly! Glad you are here!
R3: As with much in education, it’s important that we’re careful about how Ss are showcased. Be knowledgeable about situations.
A3: It is incumbent upon us to protect our students. Kids in foster care, or other situations should be safeguarded.
Chantell from Angola jopping in from the CoSN CTO clinic tonight!
R3: Before posting pics, be sure to check student media releases. When in doubt, post student work rather than pics of them
Welcome! Glad to have you with us!
3R always be sure you have permission and be sure you are presenting Ss and school in positive light.
R3: We have parents sign a form allowing online posts. I also always ask students if they want to be tweeted out. They always do
R3: Oh yes! Making sure no names, other personal info are hidden in plain sight in the background of photos.
I must be blind. I can't seem to find what the third Q was... :)
Hey there friend! Hope all is well! Love the new profile pic!
R3: We do an opt out, and almost everyone consents
R3: We also get parental consent before posting pictures.
Q4: Evaluate your audience. Where are they? How can you get their attention and share successes with them? https://t.co/8R6JiOE51d
A3) As a parent I support parent permission, but I don't want it to be a deterrent. The future is sharing. https://t.co/1LtGyJ2EvX
Q3: Are there considerations to keep in mind when sharing pictures of students and classrooms? https://t.co/VhUgt5x11C
opt-outs are a great way. Usually very few that have issues with it.
That's true. We only have a hand full in each building, but they are there.
R3: Even with parent permission. I try to leave student names off if faces are in the picture. Not always successful, but try to.
R3: Opt-outs are the standard, but something tells me there is a lawyer out there dying to take one on
R4: I have had the most success with Facebook posts and a Smore newsletter. Helps showcase great things happening.
R4 Communicate, often and through as many platfoems as possible. Where will Ps/community see our successes?
R4: Meet your audience where they are by communicating through these mediums!
Oh for sure. I know of a few in our district as well. It happens.
R4: It seems we need several platforms to reach all audiences
R4: One of the reasons we unblocked social media sites (FB, TW, IG, etc.) was so we could meet parents where they were.
R4: Use tools like IFTTT to automate posting. Saturate multiple forms of social media.
R3: I think what you are picturing also matters; TV/Newspapers don't have to get permission 1st. If legit news, the line moves
true - you have to take the showcase message to them, not expect them to be looking for us
R4: I use Buffer to schedule and organize tweets for my school.
IFTTT can have a trigger. When I used the on instagram, it auto posts to FB, Twitter, and tumbler.
R5: Twitter helps me to connect on a broad scale. So many great things happen each day on here.
You can even schedule posts using Google Calendar. Pretty crazy. Addicting too.
R5: Twitter has been the most popular one for my school. A lot of our Ss and their parents use it.
R4I have young kids with young parents, they are on social media, it is the best way to connect, Remind, Twitter, Seesaw, webpages
OK, gotcha! That does make it easy.
R5: Ts on TW, Parents on FB, students on Snapchat, but we aren't quite there yet. :)
R5: As a parent, my daughter's T has a FB group. I like it as parents posts pics of field trips and class events.
Does your school tweet from an account?
I've thought about using a Snapchat at school... I feel like I'd spend too much time building stories.
Snapchat is an awesome app but I would be concerned with its use in education.
R5 Google! Forms for feedback, Sites for info. Slides for showcase, Twitter, Remind, and Ss do Seesaw to communicate to Ss and Ps
Yeah, the admin use to tweet.
Absolutely, sir! Twitter is by far my favorite! Creating a unique Celebratory Hashtag is an awesome avenue!
that's awesome. So wish it were more universal here. Only a parent or teacher here and there.
agreed! Good thing we have GAFE to reach our kiddos!
Sorry to be missing chat! End of the year spring concerts go long! Looking forward to catching up with the discussion.
R5: Our admin feels more comfortable on FB, but I think active parents are also on TW
Same for us. We are slowly getting more on Twitter!
We had Ss tweet their tweets to our twitter and we retweeted them. I made a Storify too. Turned out great
I think the fantastic people of the group would agree!!!
Q6: What possibilities might emerge by using a video newsletter, instagram, periscope, or other new tools? https://t.co/icBk6xC2qC
Have your school start tweeting fun things at school. We've had a lot of parents create an account just to follow
R6: These tools scream student voice!
Multiple means depending on our target audience! Important for educators to be familiar w/multi platforms https://t.co/WlLPiPQrsB
R5: Ts on TW, Parents on FB, students on Snapchat, but we aren't quite there yet. :)
That's right!!! is going to have a great meeting on May 18th!
R6: Are there any principals making video newsletters or broadcasts and blasting them out on Facebook or Twitter?
R6: More parents may engage with the school and be informed with what's going on since they're easy to see/follow
R6 possibilities are endless, for new subs to my room I screencastify lesson plans night before to familiarize with CR procedures
I will be. We're starting a video next week.
R6: Video=more showcasing of Ss! Plus if on YouTube, track engagement
R6: Other platforms just give a diff. medium and can be pushed out to the major ones. Example: https://t.co/XxmP0zpxti
R6 also looking at similar method to introducing
Expectations and welcome before new school year to Ps and Ss. My Ps love video!
just a parent here. How do I get the school to follow along?
R6: Use Google Slides as graphic designer, embed video, then publish - will be my new go-to! (shameless session plug)
I'll be sure to see that session!
Q7: How can our celebrations model ? How can we give Ss opportunities to share their stories? https://t.co/P5it81GJV5
A6) Building relationships. One of my 6th grader's teachers shares his Instagram with his students! https://t.co/5tvOCqh9u6
Q6: What possibilities might emerge by using a video newsletter, instagram, periscope, or other new tools? https://t.co/icBk6xC2qC
R7: It models proper use and gives the students a voice! They see it and then they do it.
Love using slides and recording it on autoplay.
I'm curious- how do you consider the common terms of use and magic age of 13 when communicating on social media?
R7: One of our grade 1 Ts has a Tweet Star of the Day who takes over her Twitter feed. They take the pics and write the captions.
Are you meaning with students having accounts and using?
R7 has been using Snapchat to share positives from our school and dispel the negative connotations it carries
Are you kidding? This is fantastic! 1st grade? https://t.co/DrkEzl5wpH
R7: One of our grade 1 Ts has a Tweet Star of the Day who takes over her Twitter feed. They take the pics and write the captions.
That's part of it, sure. Twitter, Insta, etc. are all 13 and older. https://t.co/0r4AtuZhsi
Are you meaning with students having accounts and using?
Twitter connects us with renowned people like never before. It should be a classroom goldmine.
Yep! It's pretty much the cutest. Give her a follow
R7 My Ss would compose tweets on a spreadsheet (kept on GClassroom about tab) that I tweeted on our class account
You are correct. Ss under 13 should only participate via a teacher and his/her account. The T should do the posts
I definitely will. This ROCKS!
The class pic is pretty precious too!
I understand. Part of is following the legal terms in the privacy policies of the tools we use.
Amen! Nothing gets me more riled up than hearing a presenter talk about flagrantly violating ToS! https://t.co/xZb7kBv1Zt
I understand. Part of is following the legal terms in the privacy policies of the tools we use.
Why can't others see? Tried to explain to newly licensed principal. Much younger than me. He didn't get it https://t.co/T3XtdZ6Uad
Twitter connects us with renowned people like never before. It should be a classroom goldmine.
Do Ts get P permission for each individual site? So thankful for this chat tonight- very current for my district!
Wrap-Up: said earlier. It has been said that “If you don’t tell your story, someone else will” https://t.co/if7rGAnaTO
age doesn't matter. Which means we can't count on the younger generation and still have to push.
R7: EVSC is using to showcase w/ weekly themes
I think you are right, but it is scary to think that others don't see the potential.
Thanks for a great chat. Loved the topic and
Those who would ban: I want to know what in the name of learning is wrong with this. ;) https://t.co/EXl69KZg8a
R7: One of our grade 1 Ts has a Tweet Star of the Day who takes over her Twitter feed. They take the pics and write the captions.
A big thanks to our rockstar moderators & . Follow them & others you connected w/tonight. Building the PLN!
you guys are awesome. you rock! I'm excited to walk into work tomorrow and dive in to this topic further!
: awesome as always, but heading home. Thanks!
Wrap Up: How many of you will tweet or post some positive happenings tomorrow or tonight?
No problem. Let me know if you need anything else or need a GHO on it. I deal with it all the time.
R7 by positive uses being modeled we show Ss uses beyond the negative connotation social media gets, and their world uses it!
A7) Model sharing their stories yourself. Show you're proud and they'll feel pride themselves. https://t.co/q4sKal5d00
Q7: How can our celebrations model ? How can we give Ss opportunities to share their stories? https://t.co/P5it81GJV5
have a happy Friday and a beautiful Mother's Day weekend!
Thanks for being a great partner tonight!
I want to tell my story, not have others assume and translate for me, I also choose HOW my story comes across when I tell it!
ok, thanks. I look forward to discussing his very issue at a tomorrow!
Jeremy Bond, you ROCK! Would you come talk to our parents too?