#K12ArtChat is an #ArtsEd chat that happens every Thurs 8:30 pm CST founded by #TeamGrundler @ArtGuy76 & @GrundlerArt & share Ss' art on Fridays via #FabArtsFri.
Lissa from CA, I teach Theatre Design. My go to right now is art as protest and encouraging my Ss when designing to find the beauty in anything. #k12artchat
A1: My advice for someone just starting to implement art into #studentchoice is start small! I like to provide a digital and classical art option for projects and non-essay assignments.
Matt (Mr. C) from Shelbyville, Kentucky, teaching Art m, 9-12, at Martha Layne Collins High School #K12ArtChat My go to Art Medium is clay on the Pottery Wheel
#k12artchat A1- When you are using #studentChoice be sure that kids know that their ideas will have an impact on lessons and routines and procedures that happen in their classroom and school.
Q2: Plan for:
Trial and error– you probably wont nail it the first time
Mishaps, struggles, and unforeseen hardships are okay!
A1- Advice I would give someone just starting with Student Choice is to Use Lists, which help gives students Focus, while also allowing for Choice, especially if your lists are Huge #K12ArtChat my examples: 419 National Parks/ Monuments and 529 Phobias !
a2- When using #studentChoice in your classroom, one obstacle might some up might be that students do not always have the same goals as the teacher. It will take some work on the T's part to adjust and compromise. #k12artchat
A1: My advice is for someone who may be just staring with choice, but is a little nervous. I say start small, and always try to add more and more choice to every lesson. #K12ArtChat
A1: The #1 feedback from my Ss last year was more choice, so it's been a real goal this year. I have started small with choice in media, size, and subject matter depending on the unit. #k12artchat
A2- I do alot of student choice in groups, so communication issues and group dynamics can be strained. I care a lot about teaching them life skills too so it can get exhausting but I trek on. #k12artchat
A2: Using #bootcamps helps with #choice so you get some of that teaching in before you cut them loose, let's you make sure they know how to hold that knife or use the saw #k12artchat
A1 If you are just starting #studentchoice I would clearly define/explain what choices they have. Often too many options to begin isn’t the best approach, especially if Ss aren’t used to it #K12ArtChat
@MrNunesteach A2: Students need to realize with Student Choice all the challenges that come along with it. They think they are in control with the knowledge but are not. #K12ArtChat
a3- I feel as those art is all about #studentChoice. When you are teaching an art lesson that involves a lot of directions and less choice, is it is less about creativity and more about a lesson on following directions. Art should be about choice and expression. #k12artchat
Exams? They had to do final presentations of their work. I have a rubric that covers it all. Each class had different requirements...portfolio presentations #k12artchat
A2- One obstacle that will arise with Student Choice is when a student doesn’t have a device to look up images from your List; that’s when a ‘backup/ plan b’, is needed, like having National Geographic Magazines for images comes in handy #K12ArtChat
A3 We do different projects based on vocab themes, Ss can draw or use something like @Buncee , then with drawings I use StoryFab to bring story to life w/characters, also teaching #Sketchnoting now #k12artchat
Q2: An obstacle that arrives with #choicebasedartsed is the misunderstanding that the quality of student work decreases. There is value in students making developmentally appropriate art. It allows them to think more critically than copying a teacher exemplar. #K12ArtChat
A3- In Stagecraft I'm running a Crew Choice series where each crew gets to work on something they've learned but want to dive deeper. Today I had a group doing the "do" and "don'ts" of glam makeup. My boys rocked the "dont" aspect but learned valuable skills as well. #k12artchat
a4- WOW! This is an exciting topic to ponder and I cannot wait to read other Educator's ideas. Personally, I think that the perfect #studentChoice activity is one where the students arrive at the problem and work toward solving it with their own ideas and research. #k12artchat
#k12ArtChat A3 #studentchoice I utilize Google forms 4 art Proposals that identifies artistic target& theme. They add a @Sway that shares their research, progress, process, and written reflections.
@MrNunesteach - I just had a conversation yesterday with my Ss about #StuChoice - They said sometimes I give them too many choices, they’re not used to it. #k12artchat
A3: During genius time Ss wanted to paint. They had access to the supplies I had. I bought an easel kit this yr. I do a Robot Art session. We’re trying to aquascape an aquarium. I’d like to do more. #k12artchat.
A4 Whatever makes the student proud of their work, you can see their engagement while they work, you learn about them as well as the content covered, #stuchoice#stuvoice#k12artchat
A4: It involves Ss led research, journaling about the research and experimentation with proposed media, writing about ideas, linking the writing to sketches and then a beginning and a few fails and then a final result. #k12artchat
@MrNunesteach - My A2 is that I need to be more specific with my choices so that my Ss can tell the Clear difference between them. Be less vague! #k12artchat
A4: I had Ss doing a choice, but guided creativity stretch last week and so many were unwilling to let go of their preconceived vision for their work even though this was just an activity to help them stretch #k12artchat
A3: They range from all sorts of things. During a watercolor skill building ( Color scheme, Organic Shape cutout, patterned Sharpie worked back into it!) #K12ArtChat#middlematters@NAEAMiddleLevel
Q3: I offer as many options for choice as possible. We work from a theme while exploring new materials, generating ideas, communicating our ideas, and connecting to other parts of school/life through discussions and subject matter. Students are in charge of artmaking. #K12ArtChat
@MrNunesteach - I’m just now getting into the art side of things (I’m better with digital) but I ABSOLUTELY want to incorporate @trevorabryan#AoC (Art of Comprehension) HIGHLY recommended BTW. #k12artchat 🤩🤩🤩
Q5: I said it earlier, but I'll say it again, start small then expand! See more of my advice and approach via the presentation I just gave at #techrodeo this weekend here: https://t.co/i5EWcmTZaU#K12ArtChat
A5- My advice for someone who is starting with #studentChoice, would include allowing yourself to give up a little control in your classroom. Teachers must begin to listen to students and teach students to listen, respect and value each other's ideas. #k12artchat
A1: When I 1st started student choice..I only gave 2 choices and I let them switch within the 1st 10 minutes in case they changed their minds. #k12artchat
@MrNunesteach - I’m a no talent hack, so I have soooooooo much appreciation for ability, because I lack it, even when trying very hard. Any S choice project looks awesome to me! I never grade on art ability, just effort! #k12artchat
A5: Be Brave, Be Bold...the best resource you have are your own students and their experiences. If you want cookie cutter art go buy some cookies. #k12artchat
A3- As an Art Teacher, I’m going to Flip Your Question Around, and answer What Other Content Areas/ Classes do I incorporate into Art? #K12ArtChat Calligraphy (Language Arts), Phobias (Psychology), Art Calendars/ Perspective (Math), Pit Fired Pottery (Science). @MLCTitanNation
#k12artchat A5 advice- create systemic methods to maintain studio tools, space, students ideas& process. Plan time for students to present the learn. Make learning visible. Everyone wins!
You are correct about that, but Ss still need to learn the skill to understand how it will work. “First learn the rules before you can break them” #K12ArtCHat
Q5: My advice would be not to expect perfect results. The students are exploring something on their own choice. The results might not be perfect to you, but from their own eyes it might be since they have a passion for it. #studentchoice#K12ArtChat
A5 If you are just starting student choice, really go over routines and expectations. It won’t be perfect at first but I think you’ll find that you get to share your expertise around Art way more! Be prepared to get to know your students better too. #k12artchat
@MrNunesteach! Thank you for leading such a fun, fast paced chat tonight! I loved reading everyone's ideas and learning so much! #StudentChoice#k12artchat
I have a Word doc and a PowerPoint #StuChoice boards that are active now. Word (1st foray) is generic to teach Ss how to do it. PPT (2nd) is the skillzzzzz one that I spent time making - Civil Rights/Social Justice! #k12artchat
In reply to
@CoachKTech1, @MrNunesteach, @MarciaMentor
A4: The perfect #studentchoice project looks like exactly what they S had intended. It will meet my criteria but be uniquely that S's idea realized. #k12artchat
A4: The perfect #studentchoice project would have each student choosing the path/expression perfect for them. Sometimes that requires them to step outside their comfort zone. #K12ArtChat
A5: Be patient. Ss are used to worksheets, read chapter/answer questions, & compliance. #studentchoice requires some practice and encouragement. #K12ArtChat
Looks like a great chat, @MrNunesteach ! Sorry to miss most of it!
A4- For me, the Perfect Student Choice Project is where students make the decision, from initial design concepts, working the process with their classmates, all the way to the finished results #k12ArtChat Just like our New Hallway Murals added this past fall @MLCTitanNation !!
A5 Fear not! Take the leap and just try it. We think it is ok for our Ss to fail, it’s okay for us too. If it doesn’t work the 1st time, try again! #k12ArtChat
Q5: I said it earlier, but I'll say it again, start small then expand! See more of my advice and approach via the presentation I just gave at #techrodeo this weekend here: https://t.co/i5EWcmTZaU#K12ArtChat
I have a rubric that I use for #visualjournals that I developed. It pushes their conceptual development, research and composition plans. They conference with me 1on1 to discuss and propose their plans. I have a lot of collage and other media out for them to use. #k12artchat
Help them co-construct the parameters-end goals, time etc. If they love it, amazing! They can keep exploring on their own. If they hate it, no biggie bc they have an exit plan #k12artchat
Perfect student choice is something that intrigues the student, that they want to explore, push the boundaries and play with. Something that appeals to the heart #k12artchat
A5- The best advice I can give someone Starting Out with Student Choice is to Trust your students #K12ArtChat Example: yesterdays National Handwriting Day, @SimpBobcats my HS Students had the knowledge/ tools to teach calligraphy skills ‘choosing’ How to Teach it. Trust was key!
A5 Relax. IT might be messy and crazy sometimes, but there is method to the madness because the in the chaos there is calm because the enthusiasm, the engagement is authentic. #k12artchat
That’s where Learning Targets written in view for Ss to see, this let’s them know what you want them to learn, but leaves options as to how they get there. #k12ArtChat
And that they actually have a choice and that there isn't one way to do the project. The kids have learned how to "do school". We need them to learn to think for themselves, create, trust their gut and be able to decide if "it's good enough". #k12artchat
A5 having a solid foundation how you wish to run your room... structure. And artist statements are key to seeing how deep students took their choices. #k12artchat
Such a fantastic topic to explore! I honestly believe when we can role model what that exploration looks like, that all process is good, there are no 'mistakes"they will learn it's safe to learn. #k12artchat