#K12ArtChat is an #ArtsEd chat that happens every Thurs 8:30 pm CST founded by #TeamGrundler @ArtGuy76 & @GrundlerArt & share Ss' art on Fridays via #FabArtsFri.
Welcome to #K12ArtChat everyone! So excited to meet and connect with you and talk about creativity as a mindset! Let’s introduce ourselves by sharing our name, role, and a creativity struggle we have recently overcome!
I’m Michael “The Tech Rabbi” Cohen. I'm the Director of Innovation at @Yulaboys H.S. in Los Angeles. My recent creative struggle has been overcoming perfection. I care so much about providing value to others and producing great work that sometimes it keeps me at 0%. #K12ArtChat
Hey everyone! Manuel from St. Louis, MO. Innovation Coordinator. Recent creativity struggle I’ve overcome is moving from strictly paper / pencil / pen art to digital art. I use an iPad Pro now w/ @Procreate#k12ArtChat
A1. Legos are a great way to spark creativity. One of our writers, @thesolothinker is a mechanical engineer and he believes that the most important step towards building something useful is to build something that tries to get work done. Improvements come later. #k12ArtChat (1/2)
Hi ! Jamie - high school #artteacher from Panama City Florida #K12ArtChat I guess the last creative challenge was our end of the year mural final assignment
#k12ArtChat I am Natalie and I am a principal in Toronto. Creative struggle? My need to do everything well. But I am reading a lot of @BreneBrown lately and learning to #DareGreatly@TheTechRabbi
Greetings #k12artchat I'm Holly in Virginia, 6-8 art I think sometimes fear of having our wheels spinning over the same idea can be frustrating. We have to problem solve and find new ways of thinking.
A1. Legos accomplish exactly that purpose. You can make something out of it that gets work done, but how economical, or minimal or simple it is, is an experiment. And that experimentation can spark creativity. #k12ArtChat (2/2)
Hi! I'm Marisa and I teach K-5 in 2 schools in central Ohio. Right now I'm struggling with figuring out how to give my kiddos what the deserve in less time than I've had in the past #K12ArtChat
✨🌟Hi, everyone! I'm Kimberly from NE, and I teach 7th grade ELA. I've been working on overcoming my creative struggle with sidewalk chalk! Inspired by #HiveSummit and a YouTube Channel: https://t.co/cZJ66XZb0U 🌟✨#K12ArtChat
A1 we play improv games, use imagination playground blocks, use provocative prompts to generate discussion & emotion, use thinking routines from project zero. #k12artchat
A1: My hallpass goes on adventures ( @GnomeGnorbert ) tho he has been bad about tweeting lately. He allows for kids to use their imagination & explore just being silly. It has been amazing to see the creativity ooze from this playful activity. #K12ArtChat
Hey #K12ArtChat! I'm Sadie, Innovation Specialist from St. Louis, MO
My creative struggle is letting people see my work before I'm done. Really pushing myself to get feedback along the way!!
#a1 sill builders and creative play are great ways for students to learn skills, experience new techniques and try new mediums while taking away the fear of mistakes #K12ArtChat
Hi everyone! Sorry I’m late. Michelle from Missouri here, k-12 Fine Arts curriculum content leader, artist teacher and have recently overcome a limited definition of what it means to be acting creatively. #k12artchat
Welcome to #K12ArtChat everyone! So excited to meet and connect with you and talk about creativity as a mindset! Let’s introduce ourselves by sharing our name, role, and a creativity struggle we have recently overcome!
A1: We start with a lot of brainstorming and sketching ideas. Generating as many ideas as we can first. Post it notes, index cards, writable surfaces. So much power in simple sketches. You can iterate a sketch much quicker. #k12ArtChat
A1 last year I did some open ended steam activities that gave students opportunities to problem solve,but didn’t necessarily produce a final product. I was surprised how engaged the students were! #K12ArtChat
A1: I love using paint chips to spark creativity with kids and teachers. So much you can do with those free little colorful pieces of cardstock!
Q1: I use drama as a way for students to be creative without there needing to be a final product. I go into role with them as well. #principalshavingfun#K12ArtChat
A1: While I was teaching K-5, my Kinders were doing the Design Thinking circles. where they turned them into something different every time! (They made about 10) #K12ArtChat
"If you consistently ask questions that lead to creative and outside-the-box thinking, your mind will provide you with creative and outside-of-the-box answers." ~@burgessdave#K12ArtChat
A1) I am obsessed with divergent thinking activities right now. 30 circle challenge, combine and innovate object. I have quite a few blog posts recently on the experiences. https://t.co/fi06bYrUef#k12ArtChat
A2 yes... and I am really focusing on creating a brave space 4 ss to find/grow creative mindset. Too often, ss are scared to make/create based on external reactions or internal self-doubt. I think the most important aspect of a creative mindset is confidence, courage #k12artchat
A1 I run a 100% choice classroom. Inherent in this kind of space are lots of unfinished ideas. But I totally believe that exploration and tinkering, trying out ideas are essential to creative practice and creative breakthroughs. #k12artchat
Play is so important in learning! The most successful companies in the world today thrive because play and experimentation is not just encouraged but expected. #k12ArtChat
A1: I allow the Ss to practice a technique with different materials. It helps to spark their creativity while making them comfortable with the materials. #k12ArtChat
A2. Usually, we should focus on exploring all inputs and resources we have at hand as much as we can. That's where creativity really steps in. If you figure out what to do, a creative output is usually less work, and consequentially, less fun too. ;) #k12ArtChat
A1: My Kinders spent the first two classes partnered up, walking around the classroom looking for shapes and letters! ( Taking picts w/ iPads #K12ArtChat#ADEChat
A2: Absolutely! Like anything else, we need to teach kids process before teaching content. Otherwise, it becomes overwhelming. Fostering the mindset sets them up for success when you bring in content later. #k12ArtChat
Thanks for sharing! I am totally going to check this out!
Have you heard of the game Disruptus?
Here are the instructions...
I think it definitely has creative educational potential.
Don't really even need the game, could create your own!
A2 I absolutely do! I can teach anyone to create or mimic others work. If I want to inspire creativity I have teach my Ss to tap own creativity. It can be done while learning the basic skills & once it hits completely Ss blow you out of the water at any age lvl #K12ArtChat
Are you on @participate ? If not please log in and check it out! We have a new feature to keep the connections going all week long #K12ArtChat Community!! @TheTechRabbi
A2 For sure! Most Ss get freaked out when you have them create something that is not prescribed. It’s a different mindset from what they are usually asked to use. #K12ArtChat
A2: I believe these go hand in hand. We’ve all listed exercises that encourage creativity and most of them have some sort of output. It’s from there we can explain how Ss are developing and creative mindset. #k12ArtChat
That is awesome! Did you happen to use the alphabet book that shows letters in a city? (Boy Miller that is super descriptive, lol) I will try to rack my brain for the name. #k12ArtChat
A2 I think they go hand in hand. Creativity is a skill. You get better at creating by creating. Sometimes the mindset can lead the creation or sometimes the creation can drive the mindset. Creativity is an ongoing cycle of exploration, understanding & creation. #k12artchat
My classroom builds off the Studio Habits of Mind. I believe students can jump around the different skills to find their own recipe for creative making. Some might start with reflection or observations while others may be inspired through exploration #k12artchat#a2
Q2: I think developing a creative mindset can be done in conjunction with developing creative output. I don’t believe it’s linear. Creativity is not linear. #K12ArtChat
A2) I shared this during my #ISTE18 Keynote. I believe it through and through. What are your thoughts? I find the most creative people are thinkers before doers but in the end you HAVE to do! #K12ArtChat
Here's another reason we love @participate - the chat stream, resources log and chat transcripts! If you love #K12ArtChat take it to the next level of PLN with @participate
A2 it’s tough to “teach” this especially to older Ss with fixed mindsets but I think pouring on the encouragement , holding judgement , and celebrating failures can help . #NeverGiveUp#K12ArtChat
Absolutely it’s a skill! Such a wonderful thing to vocalize to students as well. I often tell them we are all artists, simply at different skill levels. Which is 100% ok! #k12ArtChat
Using The "Bad Idea Factory" To Help Build Creative Courage https://t.co/d7JLAImbRc - Providing students a space to ideate that doesn't have the pressure of "good" or "A+" can have a huge impact. Credit to @brookhouser & @ewanmcintosh who have developed this activity. #K12ArtChat
A3 intentionality is so important. So many ss fake it by playing game of school. Intentionality inspires ss 2 make connections between self, others & the world we live in. Connections to content become a byproduct of a deeper learning journey & not the destination #k12artchat
This is a great idea! Space impact us a individuals and as a community. Our students need the physical space to promote experimentation and exploration and make failure an acceptable experience. #K12ArtChat
Love this emphasis on unfinished ideas. Computational Design has taught us that its “never really complete”. What version of iOS are we on now? #k12ArtChat
As creatives we understand this so well. Our struggle comes from helping others embrace this thinking. I try to look at it from the other side. I’m not organized/structured. What would it take for me to embrace organization/structure in my process? #k12ArtChat
You know what, that is ok! Knowing you have a need to grow is healthy, we all do. Even better sharing that with your students.. wow the positive impact that can make as you build relationships with them! #k12ArtChat
A3 intentional! Ss need to feel a personal connection with their artmaking, otherwise they don't even want to keep it even when is is aesthetically beautiful #K12ArtChat
A3 Interesting question. I don’t think you can fake it. You can mimic others but that isn’t being creative- exploring ideas & playing with ideas & media lead to creative thinking Sometimes that becomes intentional other times creativity sneaks up in you and bites ya #K12ArtChat
Students need to understand their creative style is as unique as their fingerprint! Help them embrace it & provide opportunities to practice their creativity!
"It's not okay to throw your hands in defeat because you're not naturally creative." ~@burgessdave#K12ArtChat
I love watching those artists paint upside down with glue and in 3 minutes flip it over and throw glitter on it and its a full-on-portrait! #K12ArtChat
I think each person's journey to creative thinking is uniquely their own. Some may need confidence building while others are fearless to push through find their own artistic voice. #a3#k12artchat
A2) I shared this during my #ISTE18 Keynote. I believe it through and through. What are your thoughts? I find the most creative people are thinkers before doers but in the end you HAVE to do! #K12ArtChat
There isn't really a "finished" one, because everyone fills in a different number of circles. Here are a few pics of a class I did this activity with...they got mad at me, then loved it! #k12artchat
A4 creating conditions & constraints 4 creativity empowered ss 2 think critically by making connections b/t big ideas/questions & various perspectives (self, others, and/or world). Ss thinking is amazing when autonomy, constraints & connections are foundational #k12artchat
A3. Different strokes for different folks. There are many paths to success. Believe it’s not always an either or. Creativity can be a winding path, constantly exploring, searching roaming the edges all kinds of ideas, techniques, skills in order to find your voice. #k12artchat
A3: Fake it till you make it is a excellent process. Don’t we all start w/ imitating others we hear/read about. TY @austinkleon#steallikeanartist We all start somewhere. We learn techniques others use. Aren’t we doing that here? Then we fine tune & find our own jam #k12ArtChat
A3) In my early day of art school it was so intimidating. Not until I learned how many artists copied others to build their own style did I realize the power of art. Then I found @austinkleon and it was all over. #k12ArtChat#GreatfulPLN
"Creative genius is something people tend to romanticize, but the reality is not very romantic at all. Like any skill it takes practice and effort." ~@burgessdave#K12ArtChat#TLAP#Creativity
A4 Definitely More capabilities - I also see a change in how they approach life. Suddenly things aren’t so black & white, new things are possible & failing isn’t scary. I teach k-4 to see that decelop so young excites me for my Ss future. #K12ArtChat
A3) In my early day of art school it was so intimidating. Not until I learned how many artists copied others to build their own style did I realize the power of art. Then I found @austinkleon and it was all over. #k12ArtChat#GreatfulPLN
I am going to have so much to go back and read! The ideas are overflowing & creativity oozing out of my brain! I know I am missing awesomeness, I promise to read it all! #K12ArtChat
No problem! When we do this, we talk about frustration and expectations and what it feels like to be "stuck." Then, we move into "designers know what it feels like to be stuck, so then they now how to get unstuck." #K12ArtChat#DesignEDU
A4: the Ss are capable to do so much more when they put an effort into problem solving and critical thinking. Their imagination could be limitless of creativity. #k12ArtChat
A3: Faking allows you try things with out concern of mistakes, but as you learn to be more intentional you can use some of the things that worked while you were faking it! #K12ArtChat Learning through Failure
STEAM based projects help my Ele Ss develope critical thinking skills and they collide with the creative process of designing and making. I hopw to add more to my curriculum this year. #K12ArtChat
A5 begin yr. activity Create a rule we need to break this year to be more creative. Have ss design their rule & post it as a visual cue all yr? When you see many of same thing (using same materials, theme, approach) ask what rule is forming? Who will break this rule? #k12artchat
That’s a great opinion. However, I find creative genius quite romantic. For me practicing and putting forth effort towards developing my own creative fluency and genius is quite lovely! I have a passion for it. Many of us do. We dive deep into it. #k12ArtChat
"Creative genius is something people tend to romanticize, but the reality is not very romantic at all. Like any skill it takes practice and effort." ~@burgessdave#K12ArtChat#TLAP#Creativity
A5 It’s Seriously @GnomeGnorbert it was truly one of my more brilliant of ideas & not only does it spark my Ss, their parents, & the community where I live - it sparks me. If I am creative I find it sparks my students. 1/2 #K12ArtChat
A5 2/2 project wise my 4th grade Marionettes are my fave. I give them the knowlage of the general shape they need - they figurethe rest out on their own. It’s a long project with amazing out comes & the amount of learning & creativity that happens is off the charts! #K12ArtChat
A4 #k12ArtChat - when Ss r at a point in their work that they know it needs something but are afraid 2 mess up -I have them take a picture of it and then get crazy. 95% of the time they are blown away by the result & even if they aren’t they still have a record of their progress
A4: they start to combine ideas in new ways or search out unusual combinations for solutions. They stop asking me what I would do (hooray!) Also much more likely to see themselves as successful. #k12artchat
A5) I love #sketnotes and mind mapping! It help you connect the dots on such a level that the country of Finland might just retweet your work. 😎🤩 #k12artchat
A4. Our editor @_armedwithabook is looking forward to her first lesson, and we are pretty sure she'll be trying to use critical thinking in her classroom since day one. Let's see what's in store for her! #K12ArtChat
I had a student once break down into tears after I photographed his project which was amazing. I asked him what was weong and he told me “I just can’t believe it turned out how I wanted” then I cried so proud. #k12ArtChat
It’s a way to begin talking about originality too. I might see all these cardboard boxes being used. I ask ss what rule is forming. “That we have to use cardboard boxes.” Then the challenge is who will break this rule. Based on Picasso quote. #k12ArtChat
A4: At the beginning of the year Ss ask if this ok or they can do that? By the end of the year I hear them asking others for feedback or say I ran into this problem so I just decided to do that! #K12ArtChat#Owningit
A5) Beside for the 30 circle challenge I love the combine object challenge. Check out my @AdobeSpark challenge on my blog. https://t.co/fi06bYrUef where I break down this beyond just a “fun art project” (which it secretly is too. 🤫) #k12ArtChat
A4: At the beginning of the year Ss ask if this ok or they can do that? By the end of the year I hear them asking others for feedback or say I ran into this problem so I just decided to do that! #K12ArtChat#Owningit
Ok kids. Gotta run! Great chatting and meeting some of you. Have an awesome weekend and go create something cool or something terrible. Then take it apart and try it again. 🤘🏽#k12ArtChat
What a great chat tonight!! But my kids are calling for stories so I gotta go! Can’t wait to read the recap tomorrow — Thanks @TheTechRabbi and #K12ArtChat
A6 I believe relationships are so important & feel I need to continue my focus there and amp it up. With a classroom culture of trust - creativity can flourish. #K12ArtChat
Evan Mosier, Tech integrationist Lead Teacher from Davenport, IA jumping in way late. Love this question -If you instill in students that each one has their own creativity, their confidence will increase. Also knowing that failure is OK and part of process is huge! #K12ArtChat
Creativity takes work,
but do it anyway.
"We have unbelievably talented kids sitting in front of us and many are starving for the opportunity to display their creativity." ~@burgessdave#TLAP#K12ArtChat
It's not about how they look to others it's about your own brain or the kids brains making the visual connections - think in symbols and icons first not complex images #K12ArtChat
Creativity takes work,
but do it anyway.
"We have unbelievably talented kids sitting in front of us and many are starving for the opportunity to display their creativity." ~@burgessdave#TLAP#K12ArtChat
Q5: Create something out of 2 straws and 4 pipe cleaners (they could add other scraps from the art room) #k12artchat then sketch & write in your sketch book for sharing
A6: This is a focus for me this fall, I plan to develop their sketchbook. Teaching how it can help with preplanning and reflection. Peer conversation will be critical as well. #K12ArtChat
A6. This is a huge focus for me all year. I have some picture books, artwork & activities I am going to try. It’s something I need to put at the forefront of every class. It is too big a barrier to focus only on at the beginning of the yr. #k12artchat
A6 #k12ArtChat just listened to the #aoe podcast about this - I plan to monitor the interactions and keep track so I can ensure I’ve given all Ss a fair share of time , encouragement and attention
Big thanks to our host tonight @TheTechRabbi for helping to create an amazing dialog abt this topic & to all of you for sharing & making #K12ArtChat so amazing!
A5 and A6. Suggestions would be sincerely appreciated. What do you guys think is the first skill/activity we can apply in a math classroom? #MTBoS#k12ArtChat#ITeachMath
Endless Options, but...
A few of my favorite tools to cultivate creativity are: #EduGIFs, #BookSnaps, and #Sketchnotes. Play-Doh and Legos are staples too! #K12ArtChat
I like to encourage students to explore big ideas for creative expression. Students use mind maps, sketchbooks and group discussions in a safe circle to process ideas #a5#K12ArtChat
A6 I run a 100% Choice based art room-celebrate exploration, collaboration & communication no matter how simple. I love small steps forward. Super fun 2 roam edges & see what happens. always try 2 say yes to Ss ideas because it usually expands possibility for everyone #k12artchat
So love this podcast! @theartofed and @TimBogatz really bring great conversation and subjects to chew on. Thanks for bringing this up as another resource for our #K12ArtChat
A6 #k12ArtChat just listened to the #aoe podcast about this - I plan to monitor the interactions and keep track so I can ensure I’ve given all Ss a fair share of time , encouragement and attention
Thanks for hosting! Sorry I was so late tonight. I will thumb through the earlier conversations! I appreciate you giving us your time and leading this discussion! #k12artchat
Have you ever heard of A+ Schools? (Arts integrated schools) You would be amazed at the amount of creative processes you can bring into the math room. What is a lesson you know students struggle with? #k12ArtChat
@TheTechRabbi and #K12ArtChat pln - thanks for the awesome chat !!! Really great ideas ! It Helps so much to get to focus on big picture ideas for the year instead of just what to put on my supply list, syllabus and back to school procedures ! Lol
"Creative inspiration is constantly at our disposal, but we will never see it unless we actively and consistently attempt to create." ~@burgessdave#TLAP#K12ArtChat
So glad I made it! After a lot of reflection over my past year & how to improve as an educator and artist the glaring thing I noticed is getting cut off from this amazing PLN hurt me... so it is back to a priority! #k12ArtChat
A5: My 1st Graders Learning abt several different abstract artists. Then worked together to make a design. (Took away a piece, cut up another, then added yellow or white crayon lines) Didn’t think they would turnout, but DID! #K12ArtChat (Moore,Matisse, Laurent)
Go to https://t.co/knIaY7YuZ7 and log in you can connect through/with you twitter handle then join the #K12ArtChat community and start sharing - we are still learning too :)
A6: It really is about developing trust first. We share failures and celebrate Happy Accidents. The “Art Family” reminds each other that if the worst thing that happens is we don’t like a product it’s still a good day #k12artchat
Batcall!!! Here to help!!! :) Our pals at #K12ArtChat have a new community of practice for all community members just like you!!! You can join here: https://t.co/9516T3kRgR They are just getting things kicked off this month with intentions of it to grow organically! Pls Jump in!
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@GrundlerArt, @trevorabryan, @participate