Melissa, 7th Grade Science, Upstate NY. Going to pop in a out while I am at a writer’s workshop. Currently reading Visible Learning for Literacy, Mathematical Mindsets and Astrophysics for people in a hurry. #bookcamppd
Hi everyone! Dane from Lee County, NC. I’m a 7th grade social studies teacher... currently reading about whatever material I’m teaching next week 🙈😂 #BookCampPD
Curt Slater Proud Principal of the amazing @Wyomingwildcats in MN. Reading several books from the #TLAP collection so many ideas and so little time. Love our Mobile PD Cartbfor Staff. #BookCampPD
Good morning, #bookcamppd
My name is Leigh Anne from Pennsylvania. I'm presently reading The Zen Teacher by @thezenteacher as well as a graphic novel on the Beatles and some Dave Ramsey :-)
Morning, #bookcampPD. I'm Brian. I teach MS students English in CO. I'm stuck in book gridlock at the moment with Learning First, Technology Second; The Fabulous Ribkins; Give & Take; Romeo and/or Juliet - Choosable Path Adventure; Flying Lessons and Other Stories.
Oooops, I forgot too. I recently finished Four O'Clock Faculty and am currently reading "The Woodlanders" by Thomas Hardy. Currently searching for my next PD book. I am strongly looking at "Culturize". #bookcamppd
A1: Both our school and district has expanded our view of what makes students successful upon graduation. Our two themes and areas of focus are academic success and skills for success. #bookcamppd
A1) Ask questions and share your thoughts! Done in less than typical way since I teach entirely online in an asynchronous & rolling enrollment environment. 😜 #BookCampPD
A1) My classroom definitely has an "Every day better" theme. We talk daily about embracing the struggle b/c that is what improves us, and every day we should strive to be a better version of ourselves than the day b4. #bookcamppd
A1: Theme in my classroom has been respect. You are entitled to your own opinion, but you do not get to put others down for theirs. Respect everyone. #bookcamppd
A1: We are all individuals, we come from unique backgrounds, families, and cultures, we experience life differently, which means we learn differently, our learning should be personalized for us, not cookie cutter from a publisher #personalizedlearning#BookCampPD
A1: My districts' big idea is "Engaging Minds. Shaping Futures"! This idea shapes the amazing things happening at all schools in @CabCoSchools#BookCampPD
A1: Right now, I'm seeing a big shift in our @TheKCSD district to strive to be #futureready schools-Ts embracing new challenges, always hungry to learn more, and choosing to innovate for our students #TMGenius#BookCampPD
A1 For my school and distrixt, it’s all about the kids and families. Kids always come first and we are always working to make it better for them. We also believe that all things are possible for each and every one of our kids- same high standards for all #bookcamppd
A1 #BookCampPD A theme I believe to be true in my classroom is that student choice and student responsibility lead the way. We take risks every day and we succeed and fail daily. It's amazing. My district encourages those risks!
A1 We are looking at ways to give teachers choice in their PD this year! When you have a voice in the process you are motivated to change. Also make our lessons REAL #makeitreal#BookCampPD
A1: our school embraces a culture of connectedness...we are as much a family as we are colleagues, teachers and students...we lift each other up and support each other in all ways #BookCampPd
A1 In my classroom, the big theme is we work hard we play hard BUT We do it together. Every part is valuable. "You Can't do Band by Yourself" #BookCampPD
A2: These are found in our mission statement, and they guide all of our work. I don't think we have a meeting with Ts or parents in which these aren't explicitly stated. #BookCampPD
A2: When I taught, I worked w/ classified students who had been unsuccessful in their previous academic environments. We turned that negative attitude about school into a "we're going to shock the world and succeed despite" attitude. They loved it and so did I. #BookCampPD
In my district we believe in being the legacy in all that we do! We work hard to put students first, collaborate across departments, and provide students with unparalleled learning experiences. #bookcamppd
A2 in my classroom I start the year with teaching about growth mindset, and do learning journals throughout the year to have students reflect on their journey. #bookcamppd
A3 #BookCampPD Students hear it daily, in various ways. Almost a mantra. Staff... I don't know... not many people tend to show they care as to what goes on in my room. Families .... it is made known at IEP meetings especially.
A2: I always try to celebrate differences, but beyond that I make sure students understand that we all learn differently because we all need different is a process and we will all have different maps to get to our end destination #bookcamppd
A2: I would say that we all have to model these things ALL THE TIME. Kindness is not something that you can do part way. Negative experiences are so much more powerful so we need more positive. #bookcamppd
A2: @TME_tigers have a shared vision among our staff & we LIVE it. It's visible on our school walls, it's a part of our school's common language among both staff & Ss, and we hold each other accountable to ensure that every decision we make aligns with our mission. #BookCampPD
A2 Every day in every way! Signage in teh classroom, regular newsletters, announcemnts, MOT import in person in the ahllway or #FamilyFriday phone calls home to celebrate students #BookCampPD
A2: At @wmirvinelem we try to make sure our lessons are engaging & promote critical thinking.
With families, we invite them to join us to events where they experience how fun learning is! #BookCampPD
A2 meeting w Ps AND Ss to discuss needs and goals, taking feed back from Ss and PS and making changes, always providing opportunity to choose best way to show learning and create understanding #bookcamppd
A2 My co-teacher and I try to convey the concept of growth mindset by sharing our (frequent!) mistakes, building a culture of tinkering and celebrating individual growth. #bookcamppd
A2 It’s modeled in our interactions and conversations with kids and families. It’s also modeled in our programs and opportunities that we provide for them as well as celebrating their successes with families present! #bookcamppd
A2 if your students/families can’t describe the changes that they see in your school or see the new strategies then we are missing the boat. Proud moment for our school last year students made a prop around our school year! #TLAP@burgessdave and @burgess_shelley#BookCampPD
Hi everyone at #bookcamppd I've been lurking this chat for a few mins and couldn't resist jumping in!
I teach ELA in NC...currently reading Furthermore by Tehereh Mafi.
A1: One big idea that our ALP department believes is that our ELLs need to be immersed in volume reading. We believe students should have access to books that want and can read. If students read & discuss books, they WILL achieve to highest levels. #BookCampPd
A2) We talk about how we are going to work towards our goals daily, and how this is going to help us grow & be a little better than the day before. It's always at the forefront of everything we do. #bookcamppd
In my district we believe in being the legacy in all that we do! We work hard to put students first, collaborate across departments, and provide students with unparalleled learning experiences. #bookcamppd
A2 Tell stories of classroom doings via multiple channels, formats, & in face-to-face conversations. Better yet, equip/encourage students to tell these stories. #bookcamppd
#bookcamppd Has anyone ever read this? Thoughts? Appropriate for high school? I worry that people will hear "Shades of Grey" and think of the not so appropriate title...
A2 We write class workshop contracts in the first week of school. We sign them, and I send them home to parents on my Remind message. We are all about #GrowthMindset and learning to love reading! #bookcamppd
A2 try to get to know students, go to school events, etc. also just try to be honest and authentic to students. Also try to have dialogue with parents. #BookCampPD
A3 I've been focusing on positive feedback more than negative to parents. The neg phone calls home didn't seem to help as much as the positive. #bookcamppd
A3: Our hallways are filled with student writing and projects, some done collaboratively. We value ALL student work, not just the work that fits the mold. #BookCampPD
A3: We are moving into #growthmindset as a school so we have a lot of famous failures posted and slogans up that show failure is the "First attempt in learning" and it is something that happens that we move past #bookcamppd
A3 I think I am always most impressed with how my school custodians make sure everything is clean for each morning. It sets the tone to enter a clean and bright space. #bookcamppd
A2: We organize parent events where our leads and specialist invite families for literacy events, we provide books for familiesto take home and read with their children. We also support campuses by providing supplemental classroom libraries for our #ELLs#BookCampPd
Amazing educators and thoughts this summer! It is obvious you care deeply about your school community! Amazing resources, big ideas, themes, etc. Make sure to follow someone new! #bookcamppd
A3 In my classroom I want it to feel like home. I have had adults comment on how warm my room feels. If I have to spend 6 hours there, I want it to be comfortable for us all. #bookcamppd
A3 We are slowly but surely pushing literacy onto the walls. There are bulletin boards with Ts and Ss recommending books, book ads, and my personal fave right now, life graphs my Ss created. #BookCampPd
It says that this school is a “happy place” where teachers, students, and parents enjoy working together and doing what is best for students. #bookcamppd
They sure do! I strategically place vocabulary, etc so when they are not paying attention or listening hopefully they are reading their environment! #bookcamppd
A3 Intended messages are encouraging & celebratory, spotlighting accomplishments, successes, opportunities. I fret unintended message might be: Do more. You're not good enough. #bookcamppd
Thank you to @emilyfranESL for being an amazing moderator!
Thank you to participants for spending some of your Saturday morning with us!
@mjjohnson1216 and I love and appreciate you more than you know!
A3 We R getting better in all areas of the building ay cummincating values, celebrating kds, engaging community. On the physical & Virtual Walls! @gator284 has students do a picture of positivity and class is covered in them. @laustin686 does 8th grade ceiling tiles. #BookCampPD
A3: our hallways & walls reflect a celebration of student work...from both the past & present...from anchor charts, paintings, individual tiles created in a full-scale pottery mosaic...our walls tell kids THEY MATTER #bookcamppd
A3 can't wait to see what next week brings... School wide door decorating contest to promote reading and the upcoming book announcements on Feb. 12th! #bookcamppd
A3 Great question! Although we do have #thepowerofyet quotes, a #superimproverwall (#wbt) and interactive anchor charts, we could do better at highlighting process along with product to focus on growth! #bookcamppd
A3 We don't use the lockers in our building. 2 years ago, students started to paint them. And they are fabulous. We dont have lots of bulletin boards but teachers often post S work on other walls or unpainted lockers #bookcamppd