#hpisdtech Archive
#hpisdtech chat is to encourage the teachers of Highland Park ISD in Dallas to connect and share technology tips, tools, lessons, and ideas. All are welcome to join in any of the discussions. Chats are held the 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month from 8-9PM Central Time.
Thursday June 2, 2016
9:00 PM EDT
Welcome to . Introduce yourself, Tell us your Favorite summer activity. End each tweet with https://t.co/386Wa5Z0xC
Welcome to . Introduce yourself, Tell us your Favorite summer activity. End each tweet with https://t.co/386Wa5Z0xC
Hello from Mindy, CIT HPMS. I love to sleep in late...but I stay up late too!
uses the Q# & A# format. Ex: respond to Q1 by starting your tweet with A1 - remember to include hashtag
Q1: Tools that encourage collaboration with...Low or no tech ways for students to collaborate https://t.co/6pqBNV9ou5
A1: Discussions! Let students talk in class, share ideas, and learn from each other
A1: has structures like Think-Pair-Share, RallyRobin, Talking Chips...and many more
A1: PAPER Entrance/Exit Tickets! I know sometimes you have to use paper!
welcome! Glad you could join me
where do you publish the class news paper?
Do you all work off of a template, or do the Ss build it all? Sounds fun
Q3: Tools that encourage collaboration with...Your other classes during or outside of the school day https://t.co/EzWre89d8G
A3: Math Videos on iPads using and a form so all Ss can view them great way to get all classes involved
A3: Google Hangout - Mystery Number...our elems have all done this, really want to use it @ our school
A3: are great ways for Ss to collaborate in asynchronous time
forgot about that! What grade are your Ss? We are trying to make sure that we follow CIPA/COPPA with under 13s
A4: We used to discuss Diary of Anne Frank w/ Ss in Amsterdam & Israel! WOW!
our elms trial ran for dig portfolios this year.
A5: E-mail is the most obvious one at our school.
whoops...wrong image! Oh well...answer either or both!
A5: We use Google Calendar so both Ss and Ps can see all activities and assignments. BEEN GREAT
great way to get Ss or Ts to the right pallet! Will have to try that
A6: Another time that , and GHO would all help to connect our Ss to real-world professionals
A6: Talk to your Ps to see who they are, who they know, and what they do...they are a great resource too!
A7: G+ to connect with communities to know when/where things will be happening.
A7: Twitter Chats! I wouldn't know as much as I do with out my Twitter-Peeps
A7: Connect at conferences to see if there is a way to incorporate what your is teaching you
Remember to follow people from the chat to keep the conversation going