Not a big fan of the Livescibe, what note taking apps are people using and why? What are people using for students struggling to get down notes in time who have slow processing speed or handwriting? #atchat#OpenMic
Not a big fan of the Livescibe, what note taking apps are people using and why? What are people using for students struggling to get down notes in time who have slow processing speed or handwriting? #atchat#OpenMic
I have not found one I really like yet which let's you go quickly between drawing and writting sentences, like in chemistry drawing molecules and writing their names . #ATchat
Good, we have our first ever snow days at the moment due to storm Emma, country is in lock down. I like those two, particularly the former, haven’t played with the latter properly yet #atchat
Anyone have suggestions on how fast I should put the speed on text-to speech for students in 3rd-6th grade? I need to set the speed for an experiment. I am thinking about 200 words per min but I don't know. Suggestions? #ATchat
Anyone have suggestions on how fast I should put the speed on text-to speech for students in 3rd-6th grade? I need to set the speed for an experiment. I am thinking about 200 words per min but I don't know. Suggestions? #ATchat
I have not found one I really like yet which let's you go quickly between drawing and writting sentences, like in chemistry drawing molecules and writing their names . #ATchat
I agree with Karen, but of you need a measure for validity, look at grade level reading fluency and use that as a measure?
I also love Notability on iOS. I use it for all of my meetings and do a cloud back up on it. I can organize my notes easily and I love the built in tools #atchat
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@JamesNorthridge, @tjoshaughnessy, @KarenJan
#ATchat I am really leaning towards that but there are experimental reasons to uniformly set the speed across students. What is the range of speeds students like? Is it really wide?
I am obsessed with Google Keep! I use that all the time for my own note taking. For Ss - it lets them add notes in from voice, type, write, add pix. Color code, organize by labels, grab image text. I could go on but running out of space.....#Atchat
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@lrdichiara, @JamesNorthridge, @tjoshaughnessy, @KarenJan
Cost, practicality, user friendlyness compared with iOS apps like notability, ClaroPDF but more i find it only works with a particular type of student - a lot of the time not the student I’m working with #atchat
Yes!!! - especially when thinking about the three grade levels. In my experience, it could be anywhere from 110 - 175 wpm. It also depends on what voice students choice. #ATchat
#ATchat I am really leaning towards that but there are experimental reasons to uniformly set the speed across students. What is the range of speeds students like? Is it really wide?
#atchat it depends on processing speed, level of reading ability, level of auditory listening skills. 110-175 is about what I find in my evaluations. So many favorite factors.
Yes, I am using it more and more for my own notetaking. I am also hoping to order a Rocket notebook soon--I have situations where I am needing to take handwritten notes, but I want them ultimately to be digital! #atchat
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@mmatp, @lrdichiara, @JamesNorthridge, @tjoshaughnessy, @KarenJan
We have the same issue with Learning Tools for Microsoft Word/OneNote/Outlook/Edge .. folks don't know the free tools that exist to help all readers.
I would love to hear what everyone’s “go-to” web based (FREE) tools you absolutely love! One of mine is an oldie but a goodie...rewordify! Please share yours (ELA and/or math based) #ATchat
I would love to hear what everyone’s “go-to” web based (FREE) tools you absolutely love! One of mine is an oldie but a goodie...rewordify! Please share yours (ELA and/or math based) #ATchat
I am conducting a course on this and wanted to make sure I wasn’t missing any of the must haves....the list is very hard to pair down. It keeps growing by the day. #ATchat
If the rate is set it could be an independent variable instead of a dependent variable depending on how the overall experiment is set up. That is the short answer for tonight, but I would like to talk about it more later #ATchat
If the rate is set it could be an independent variable instead of a dependent variable depending on how the overall experiment is set up. That is the short answer for tonight, but I would like to talk about it more later #ATchat
Joining late! Apple has arranged to use one of my schools for a photo-shoot to demonstrate the use of accessibility features with children with disabilities! I'm super excited about this opportunity. #atchat
Joining late! Apple has arranged to use one of my schools for a photo-shoot to demonstrate the use of accessibility features with children with disabilities! I'm super excited about this opportunity. #atchat
Can help but notice that nearly every tool mentioned today should be a mainstream tool if it isn’t already -most are just about individual preferences #atchat#udl
Yes, free listening to what you wrote tools has also helped improve grad student writing. (And I wish a few more admissions applicants had used it for their essays!) #ATchat
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@jlfahlbush, @tjoshaughnessy, @lrdichiara
Highlighting the use of the iPad and apps to access curriculum. A break through moment using apple products for a student in our K-2 multiple disabilities class. The photo will tell the story! #atchat#Apple
Can help but notice that nearly every tool mentioned today should be a mainstream tool if it isn’t already -most are just about individual preferences #atchat#udl
This week I had the pleasure of working with two VI students. Does anyone have resources to support VI students in the community? I've played around with vocal eyes and the snap and read app to take pictures and OCR text. Also built in magnifier in iOS. #ATchat
Some of it is that districts don’t want to pay for subscription based tools and try to get around it with the free stuff. Many more know about it than use it #atchat
As the saying goes: You don’t know, what you don’t know...If people don’t know the tools exist, they won’t be used with all students. It’s about exposure & education to get the right tools into the hands of our teachers so they can empower ALL students. #ATchat
As the saying goes: You don’t know, what you don’t know...If people don’t know the tools exist, they won’t be used with all students. It’s about exposure & education to get the right tools into the hands of our teachers so they can empower ALL students. #ATchat