Catherine from Fresno CA. Recent college grad who is looking to get even more inspired. That’s why I’m here. My PLN makes me a better person for ppl. #PLN365
A1 Have a tremendous source of support and knowledge, become more confident and willing to take risks, definitely know about more learning opps, #pln365
A1: I’m pretty knew to Twitter still, but already I have felt a huge sense of affirmation! We need to be able to connect with those who will recharge us on our worst days. 💜 my pln! #pln365
A1: Since getting connected I have had the pleasure of meeting, and more importantly learning from educators I would not normally have met. It's been a game-changer! #pln365#4OCF
A1: I have grown immensely in that I started writing on social media two years ago and have learned that passionate educators do still exist all over the world! #pln365
A1: I've taken tremendous strides since becoming a connected educator by blogging, engaging in Twitter chats, book studies, Voxer groups, etc. I've changed my mind about the amount of things I should control in my classroom. Flexible seating being just one example. #pln365
A1: Most: I had no idea that there are so many amazing, kind, and sharing educators out there! Least: I don't know why I put up such a fight about joining Twitter-World! #pln365
A1 I have an amazing PLN that is my cheering section. I see things differently, am out of my comfort zone, and am trying to do more for my Ss, staff, and self! #pln365
#pln365 Since I have been connected I have become a better writer and improved my craft by collaborating with my amazing community of eduheroes, my PLN
A1 I’ve grown tremendously by having courage to take risks, to put myself out there and see how others love my work. It reminds me that education is all about coming together & learning from each other. #PLN365
A1 I travel more to conferences or try new things because of their encouragement, have so many different backgrounds and perspectives to learn from, benefit my Ss too #pln365
A1: My mind has been opened to limitless possibilities. No longer do I feel contained by artificial boundaries. Also, my mind has been changed about waiting for the right opportunity to pursue PD. With @Twitter and my #PLN professional development is available 24/7/365 #pln365
A1: I have grown tremendously in becoming a connected educator, mainly in confidence! My fantastic #pln has the ability to give me that push I need or that reassurance I desire! #pln365
A1: I have been introduced to an excellent group of educators that are always willing to share their opinion and expertise! It’s through these connections that I am able to grow as an educator and share my knowledge with others. #PLN365
A2: How can I get my classes and Ss going more in the direction of S driven learning, S self assessment, etc. To get us there, I'm driving my own PD. #pln365
A1 I have grown tremendously by networking with teachers via social media. Gives validation for strategies I already use plus teaches me new ones. #PLN365
a1 Courage. My PLN gives me hundreds of perspectives w/rationale. When it makes sense there & jives w/what I see in class, it's worth advocating.#pln365
DrKia late from MO! A1) I have changed my mind about what is possible as a result of my #PLN I learn SO MUCH from my interactions here that I now no longer believe I have to 1. Go to a physical locale for PD 2. Pay for it 3. Limit my learning to my position #PLN365
A2: most- what’s the best way to do.... least-reading all related books, research available. Anyone have anything they can send my way about vocabulary instruction? #pln365
A2: There are so many questions that drive my professional learning! Top of the list right now is how to create and sustain high functioning PLCs - through hiring, philosophy changes, and new state mandates. #pln365
A1: I am fascinated by some of the ideas that are shared. It is very encouraging to see people experiencing some of the same events I am/have and ideas of reaching higher limits and becoming better! #pln365
A2: What my true strengths are and the reality of the weaknesses not allowing me to advance. Asking and searching for new opportunities and removing things I've done for so long #pln365
A2 How can I communicate ideas more effectively so that they resonate with my intended audience? Reading, reading, reading. Asking more questions. #PLN365
After a year of writing every day- #blog365 I got more focused and concise as a writer. Plus it spawned me to write more personal reflections and start my book #pln365
A2 How to help our school and district move forward in technology...Not only by having access, but how can we use it to best position our Ss for success #pln365
A2 Driving my Learning now is: what else can I do to help my students be successful even with their challenges and difficulties. I want to give them the world each day! #pln365
A2 What other resources are available to enhance learning? How can we as educators maintain commitment and positivity even through those challenges? #PLN365
A2: How can I better assist others by leading transparently? This has become my recent driving question. By pushing out video reflections, I've been better able to personalize my voice through authentic sharing of my story. #pln365
A2: my own learning is focused on why college students do not want to enter the profession and can the influx of more minorities going to college help fill the void.
A2) What will I do to ensure that every student no matter their race, socioeconomic status, disability status, gender, or any other label that could limit their capacity be guaranteed success in school? #pln365
I feel like I’m in the same boat!! I know it’s expensive, but our students rely on us to show them the path to success. In 2018, that is a digital path! #pln365
Also, reading the amazing blogs of my PLN- I am so Inspired and motivated to keep writing, continuing my chats and starting a podcast #pln365 this is why everyone should network on Twitter
A3 This year I am focusing more on encouraging growth mindset and reflection in my class. I want to use Flipgrid in my class, just have to figure out how. #pln365
A3: New: Lots of new for me all the time, but recently I'm doing: Flexible Seating and intentionally using brain science to devise lesson activities: brain dumps, think/pair/share to refine brain dump, followed by #sketchnotes organizer of refined braindump. #pln365
A3: I am excited to turn optional PD in our building to social media so that all staff can participate, instead of being restrained by their schedules. #pln365
A2) I want to know what tech levers can be pulled no matter the place to increase Ss learning. A2b) I am antalking to teachers and listening to their feedback #pln365
Q3: I joined Twitter-World!! Less traveled-I want to learn more about the technology practices I'm hearing about on Twitter, like flipgrid and sketchnotes. #pln365
Kimberly, Dropping in for Q3!
A3 I am wanting to explore using #buncee . Learned more about #Seesaw and #flipgrid this year, put #buncee on the back burner until now. #pln365
A3 Sharing my personal experiences through the power of social media such as my YouTube Channel, has helped me understand more the importance of REFLECTION. It has shown me how far I’ve come and what I still want to accomplish. #PLN365
A3: I am trying to improve my practice by drowning out some of the negative that tends to get to me at this time of year. Writing in my gratitude journal is a great way to end my day. #pln365
A3: Daily video reflection has been new. Eventually this will lead to other forms of video reflection. Maybe an all-video chat? The possibilities are limitless. #pln365
No doubt! Our district has made tremendous strides but now they are thinking of cutting technology funding...Hopefully we can convince them to act differently #pln365
Agree, Tyler. As we consider the relevant topics that we teach to nurture student motivation, we are constantly asking ourselves how to assist our students with making this switch #pln365
A3: Working closely with Instructional Coaches & Department Chairs to become a better instructional leader. Still would like to truly shadow a principal from beginning to end of the school year #pln365
A3 have been reading about the writer’s workshop and creativity in order to support my students in a 100% choice based art room. Here is what I came up with regarding art and the workshop model #PLN365
A3B: Looking to gamify PD. Looking at building it around March Madness with Ts on teams to compete. Inspired by some other coaches at the #PIICplo#pln365
Awesome! I cannot say enough how that has changed some of my crankiest Ss! I don't force them to do it, but I allow them to use on tests, but now they find they already know the material and DON'T need the #sketchnotes for tests. #pln365
#pln365 How can I balance my teacher world and mother realm? How can I continue to improve and grow as a teacher while balancing both aspects of my life? - I read a lot and stay collaborative on Twitter but get off -line more frequently to spend time w/ family
Reflection is so important bc it makes you really dig deep to examine how you, your Ts, or Ss are progressing towards your goals. It provides ownership to the learning process! #PLN365
Start Ss with a #sketchnotes graphic organizer (I made several) when teaching your class. Tons of research will back the use of both #sketchnotes and graphic organizers. I will share or you can make your own. #pln365
A3: I have added more pbl and constructive learning practices to be more student centered. I want to start adding centers to bring more haptic and movement aspects into the class. #PLN365
A4: I would love to build a mini #pln at my school/district. Getting more of them on Twitter and learning new tools and techniques together! Starting with a PD on tech tools soon!! #pln365
#pln365 I have tried presenting at Edcamps and a conference, also at district PD. I want to try presenting at larger venues. Also jumping in to podcasting with @PegGrafwallner
Here's a pan of my room: Camping chairs, a wooden electric wire spool, small easily moved tables, and 10 desks for those Ss who can't give it up. Oh, and one floor pillow. #pln365
A3 I want to create a better and welcoming environment for learning. I want every person out there to feel belonged. For that you need a wonderful positive attitude to engage and impact lives. #PLN365
A4 With my Ss, I’ve created a learning community built on trust and encouragement. With my PLN, I’m not afraid to do someone by myself. I have a cheering section a click away! #PLN365
A4 I want to create a better and welcoming environment for learning. I want every person out there to feel belonged. For that you need a positive attitude to engage ppl and be a leader to those who want to be like you. #PLN365#PLN365
A4: My goal right now is to create a global audience so that my Ss can create and share with an authentic audience. I already do that with my own blog, so they have a model and support. #pln365
Pretty well! Some videos I record myself (especially for sub plans!) and others I borrow from @edpuzzle The students like it, and I can assess and move to differentiated tasks almost immediately! #pln365
In reply to
@mlarson_nj, @edpuzzle, @Flipgrid, @edpuzzle
A4 Hoping to create a shareable series of artifacts that shows students that they can do this by reflecting on their own videos and artifacts. Self Advocacy through reflection. #pln365
A4 A community of tech integration stakeholders on our campus...regardless of knowledge, tenure, or demographic...Technology levels the playing field for everyone #pln365
A4: I’m creating a @CanvasLMS for each of my schools to provide technology resources that are readily available. It’s a huge work in progress and I’m also learning as I go. #PLN365
A4: A freshman crash course called high school 101.We find a large number of middle schoolers come to school not fully understanding the importance that high school & put themselves into a hugh hole. r goal is to get them on track & monitor from the jump to offer support.
I tried #sketchnotes for the first time yesterday! I’ve also recently started blogging and created a digital breakout edu a few weeks ago. All thanks to my PLN!
A4 I would love to one day write a book about Twitter stories. Have different people share on how Twitter made an impact in their lives and why should we continue in getting connected. One day🤔😌. #PLN365
The most important thing for me as an educator is to keep growing- reflect, improve, repeat - I soak up new ideas like a sponge- so many amazing books and as many awesome conferences as I can. Reflect, absorb, innovate, repeat. #pln365
A3 have been reading about the writer’s workshop and creativity in order to support my students in a 100% choice based art room. Here is what I came up with regarding art and the workshop model #PLN365
A4: I desire to create a positive form of “discipline” where students, teachers, and parents are active partners and there is no need take drastic punitive measures #pln365
A4: I want to create an acceptance (not just awareness or tolerance of) different cultures and languages. There are so many similarities among languages. I want students to share their knowledge of their peers' language and culture #pln365
A4 I am creating a blog/podcast to document what I find about edtech and student learning. A4b) PLEASE read and tell me what you think! I ALWAYS welcome feedback
Is it offered in the summer? We do something similar at my middle school. It's called Shifting Gears. What topics do you cover? As a middle school teacher, I am all ears. #pln365
Sure! Make a simpler one that they can draw in/on. It just has to make sense to them. Here's a pic of one I made for my HS Ss. They fill it in with what they think is important, color, and make notes all over it. #pln365
A4: I want to create an acceptance (not just awareness or tolerance of) different cultures and languages. There are so many similarities among languages. I want students to share their knowledge of their peers' language and culture #pln365
Yes, though we haven't opened that up outside of the district yet. I recently figured out how to use Google Sites with Google Classroom to allow easy commenting on posts. Now to connect to another HS sophomore class. :) #pln365
A4 I want to create access for all students to meaningful arts education. Learning to think about, discuss, explore, share and communicate ideas effectively is what great arts education is about. These are skills that all students can use. The arts teach them wonderfully. #pln365
Breaks my heart! I’ve written numerous technology grants over the past few years, because kids deserve this!!! They may or may not have these devices, but using them gives them an advantage in education and life #pln365
I need to separate faster/slower processors in S teams so they don't frustrate each other. Often the slower processors have great ideas but the faster want to get into deeper material at the end of each lesson
Pretty well! Some videos I record myself (especially for sub plans!) and others I borrow from @edpuzzle The students like it, and I can assess and move to differentiated tasks almost immediately! #pln365
In reply to
@mlarson_nj, @edpuzzle, @Flipgrid, @edpuzzle
So interesting! It would be great to get a list of all the things HS teachers wish MS students knew as a way for MS teachers to help them along... we try but am sure we miss the mark sometimes! #pln365
Here are my cranky students who are now happy students creating #sketchnotes with the #sketchnotes organizers I've created and blogged about. Great tool for all. These are juniors. #pln365
Changing a campus or district to one where technology is embedded rather than just a rarely used resource is challenging...With planning and dedicated Ts and stakeholders, anything is possible...This issue is a non-negotiable for the impact it can have on Ss learning...#pln365
Great job tonight @mlarson_nj and #pln365 gang! Join me tomorrow in a MARVEL-ous chat with the #MakeItReal crew and @MathDenisNJ , author of Instant Relevance. It'll be my debut for hosting a chat, AND it'll be heroic!
mindset shift for parents more so than kids i feel like...somebody "needs to pay" for wrongdoings instead of learning the right way...for some reason? #pln365
A1 #PLN365 I never imagined Twitter could change me as a teacher, but it has. I feel connected. I feel more reflective. I feel more "in the know" and confident in my craft. I am eternally grateful.
LOVE the idea of Art Workshop! I miraculously landed in a schl 20 years ago & have taught Writing Workshops since. A fav mini-lesson idea: using a S piece to start off the next day's workshop. When they share their piece & then others '? & comment,' all are inspired! #PLN365