Q1: We can agree there is a strong relationship between intelligence and success...but Perseverance and Persistence are bigger predictors.
Agree or Disagree? Why? #PLN365
A1: I definitely agree! Intelligence might be “testable” but if you’ve not got a growth mindset, you’ll find yourself stumped on every single trying task. #pln365
Q1: We can agree there is a strong relationship between intelligence and success...but Perseverance and Persistence are bigger predictors.
Agree or Disagree? Why? #PLN365
A1: Agree. This pertains to mindset. Being positive and persevering play a large role in success and goal attainment. If you believe in yourself, you are more likely to achieve what you seek #pln365
A1: Agreed. Perseverance and persistence when applied consistently are character traits that lead to success which is a variable. Intelligence alone doesn't always lead to success. #pln365
A1: I agree on perseverance and persistence being the biggest predictors for success.
No matter how much you know intellectually, if you don't stick to it and/or maintain your passion, there's no success. #PLN365
A1 Unrealized potential... we hear it all the time. Students who dig in and make it a way of life anecdotally do better. The know how to deal with the bumps and dips in life. #pln365
A1) Agree, persistence and perseverance show a growth mindset and an ability to have GRIT in tough moments. These two qualities are better than the first two in my opinion #pln365
A1: I agree that perseverance and persistence are 🚀.Life is often full of hurdles; If sb does not have these traits, there is no way s/he can overcome difficulties and succeed. #PLN365
A1: Yes, I think that perseverance and persistence are huge factors. I know people who are smart but do not apply themselves and thus have less success than people who work hard to get to where they want to be. Hard work does pay off. #pln365
A1: Agree! It takes perseverance (or grit) to continue to struggle so you can achieve growth. Growth, and the ability/desire to grow, is intelligence. #pln365
A1: Unless a student is preparing for a life working in a factory, where they will screw in the same bolt all day, perseverance is a must; they can expect that, in their future career, they will fail as they seek solutions. Does them no good if they give up! #pln365
A1: Agree! Anything I've personally had to persevere or persist through was a success regardless the outcome, because in hindsight I learned something and increased those soft-skills. #pln365
Q1: We can agree there is a strong relationship between intelligence and success...but Perseverance and Persistence are bigger predictors.
Agree or Disagree? Why? #PLN365
A1: Agree! Intelligent people who don’t persevere and persist will not succeed. But if you never give up even after many failures, you will eventually have success. #PLN365
A1: Yes, I think that perseverance and persistence are huge factors. I know people who are smart but do not apply themselves and thus have less success than people who work hard to get to where they want to be. Hard work does pay off. #pln365
Q1: We can agree there is a strong relationship between intelligence and success...but Perseverance and Persistence are bigger predictors.
Agree or Disagree? Why? #PLN365
A2: Depends on the student and the situation. It might be a smile, a nonverbal gesture of approval or a verbal reinforcement. However, seeing a student stick to a task always makes my heart smile. #pln365
A1: AGREE!! One of the most intelligent students on our high school campus has NO interest in education now. He is it being successful. Students with a fraction of his ability are SHOWING much more success. #pln365
A1: I agree. So many times I have seen intelligent people who don't reach the same levels as other people who simply refuse to be discouraged and continue to push through. #pln365
A1. That depends on your definition of success. What persists exists! A lot of intelligent people aren't successful because they aren't persistent consistently. #pln365
A1: I strongly believe that through preserving we can help our brain 🧠 grow and thus become “smarter” I’m a strong believer and practitioner of #GrowthMindset#PLN365
A1 #PLN365 Agree. We often don’t see all the “failures “ of successful people. They’re noticed/ famous because of their success. The owner/ inventor of Honda started out making lawnmower motors. Any pro athlete has spent many more hours practicing than actually playing the game.
Q1: We can agree there is a strong relationship between intelligence and success...but Perseverance and Persistence are bigger predictors.
Agree or Disagree? Why? #PLN365
Q1. 100% agree. The concept of achieving what would seem the impossible doesn’t come from how intellectual you are, it comes from ones determination and willingness to embrace failure yet rise above it. There must be failure in achieving success. That’s perseverance. #PLN365
A2) No that I know more abt #GrowthMindset, I like to praise the student not only for the effort but also remind him that effort leads to better outcomes. You can get smarter, better, with effort. #pln365
A2 I try to talk about perseverance often, not just when I see an example of it. When I do acknowledge it, I try to ask questions to see how the student feels as a result.
A2 depends, sometimes a side conversation with student, sometimes ask Ss to share in smaller groups, definitely no specific answer for this one ;) #pln365
A2: The words we use toward our students when they are sticking to a task are very important. They need for us to highlight their hard work...but also, support them when they fail...
Just. Keep. Trying!! #pln365
A2) Students that persevere often have many of these characteristics and skills that can not necessarily be measured by a standardized assessment. However, they will be equipped for the #GameOfLife#PLN365
A2 often more of a statement in class about pushing through, not pointing out a specific student, but relating through stages of learning that I see #pln365
A2: I make comments on their hard work and ask what their next steps are, instead of telling them they’re doing a good job or saying they’re on the right track. I want Ss to continue working until they think they’re finished. #PLN365
A2: I always try to encourage them to continue trying, give them time & maybe ask them to search for a different approach/path to find a solution. #PLN365
A2: Say “I admire your persistence! You are being a great role model by demonstrating to others that they should never give up.” #PLN365 Encourage the student to ask for help if needed.
A2: I love seeing students keep trying, We did an escape room, and I loved seeing the students work through a task without giving up. I model a growth mindset and celebrate their victories. #pln365
I might shout the student out or give them an points to help them rank up in my classroom. I hope that would encourage other students to do the same. #gamification#pln365
A2: when a kid is sticking to a task, I ask them how they're doing, acknowledge that what they're doing is hard; I offer help if they want it, but will back off if that's what they want, too. #pln365
A2) I love giving shoutouts for seeing a student work through a problem. Teaching and modeling that the process is important goes a long way to help them show grit and perseverance #pln365
A2: when I see a Ss preserver I tell them specifically what I like about their hard work and #GRIT through the hard stuff. I also try to comment on Strategies I see them using. “I know this math problem was hard using the tens frame was a great idea” #PLN365
A1: Desire, dedication, accountability and commitment will succeed in the long run. Being able to take risks, fail, and learn are attributes that are the driving force of success. Never give up. Strive for your goals. #pln365
A2: I try to give the praise but not so much that they start to question if it should be as hard as it seems to be haha. Teaching JH Praise while secretly is wanted outwardly they are not always about it. #pln365 Brent from ALberta :)
A2: As an IC when I'm walking classrooms and I see a student going through a productive struggle... I ask them if I can give them a compliment, then I praise them. #pln365
A2 Point out what makes it so great (be specific) and help them realize that follow through is a huge key to success in the here and now and going forward #pln365
Sometimes kids just want the easy grade, pat on the head, high five, atta girl/boy
Others continually get knocked down and brush off and move on even when no one is looking #pln365
A3: I view encouragement as support. To that end, I believe that we must support students unconditionally regardless of their results. Rarely does success occur on the first try for any of us. #pln365
A3: Absolutely. One of my students complains about my belief in participation ribbons but for some participation is all they are going to do and for them it is an accomplishment. #pln365
A2) I remember that people used to call me crazy for showing my excitement when my students went from a F to a D in class. They did not know that my energy fueled their #persistence and #perseverance to achieve new heights in the future. #PLN365
A2 By inquiring into their thought process, showing value in their learning, then starting a dialogue on how to push further... The Power of listening and questions in cycle. #pln365
A2. Words are the very powerful. We should encourage our children everyday to try something new and look and if they fail our words should be there to lift them up #PLN365
A3: Yes. I have students who are struggling, and I want them to ask for help because I want to help them. I think a little encouragement can go a long way. I have a student who works so hard but struggles. I drop everything and help her because I see that she cares. #pln365
A3: We should always encourage our students and ourselves when things don't go as planned! NO ONE likes to feel like a failure...so even if you have crawl...KEEP at it! Even if you FAIL...stick to it! #pln365
A3: Yes! Results can be where the reflection and problem-solving take place. Regardless of outcome, there is something to learn. Learning is always encouraged! #PLN365
A3: encouragement doesn't look the same for all kids. Having an honest conversation with a student about their work, their process, their results, is often perceived as encouragement. If a student sees that we care about what they care about, it yields great dividends. #pln365
A3 encouragements always important no matter where the student is on their journey. We all need encouraging words to help move us in the right direction #PLN365
A3. Yes. We need to encourage our Ss. We also need to encourage our Ts. Encourage (build the climate) and Coach (work on the skills) = path to growth for everyone. #pln365
A3) Encouragement is a form of feedback, and we should always be giving feedback. This teaches students that learning isn’t “one and done” but that it’s a process #pln365
A3: We shouldn't just encourage those who are "getting the results" we look for but encouragement can be the words that help kids dig a little deeper. #pln365
A3: I tend to encourage mainly Ss who fail in sth because I would never like them to give up! They need our support to foster their perseverance. #PLN365
A3 YES! Because it is the human thing to do. Otherwise we tie our belief of a students worth to our expectations for where they shoud be AND THE KNOW IT! #pln365
A3: If it were not for my teachers encouragement even when I struggled, I would have felt like I could not amount to much. Thankfully, I had an amazing college professor who encouraged me even when I struggled and said that she would never give up on me. #pln365
A3: Encouragement should be given for overcoming obstacles (working through problems). Sometimes we can Google the answer, praise for the strategy/work. #pln365
A3: Recognition of hard work is necessary. If students make errors, it is important to show them what they did wrong so they can learn from their mistakes...this leads to perseverance #pln365
A3 #PLN365 Encouragement and praise are only valued if it’s sincere and authentic. It helps if it’s accompanied with feedback on how to move forward. “Try harder” is not helpful to a student with a learning disability, for example. They’re often giving 110% and frustrated.
A3: DEFINITELY! How can we expect students to be successful if we always seem disappointed in their work? Push students- sometimes they just need a little motivation. #pln365
A3 I think we should always encourage EFFORT. Some students work really hard and still don't receive the best grades/results. Perhaps because they are still learning how to apply their knowledge. It's crucial to encourage them so they continue trying #pln365
A:1 when I see Ss accomplish something so difficult, I give them a “shout out” and if there not afraid, I asked them to share with everyone. I always preface it with “we all have different learning styles, one may not work for another.” #PLN365
A3: Everyone loves a comeback story, so encouragement should always be given. Even if it is just encouragement to grow even a small degree, that encouragement could be all that student needs to make their comeback story! #pln365
A3b: encouragement doesn't always mean saying, "Good job" Sometimes it can just be, "how are you doing?" Kids derive huge value simply from being seen. #pln365
A3: Encouragement should be given at all times. I think about my own journey; I need encouragement the most when I’ve failed multiple times. Our Ss need the same support whether they reached their goal or not #PLN365
A3) Yes, encouragement is the root of a growth mindset. Perseverance takes time and the journey of short races seem unending, however, success is over the next Hill. #PLN365
A3: Encouragement and praise are two different things. I can encourage anyone to do their best or to keep at it. Praise should be sincere. Kids know when praise is false. Never, ever do that. #pln365
A3 definitely, I always think of Rita Pierson's TED Talk about how she wrote a +2 on the Ss test and what kind of message that sends, that he is on his way :) #pln365
A3: Encouragement should definitely be given regardless of results. For those that are struggling, encourage them to persist. For those that are being successful, encourage them to find different solutions to the problem. Challenge them. #pln365
A4: It feels like a fire that continues to burn hotter with each attempt. The fire never extinguishes but the flames do rise and fall based on the time/topic/event/theme. #pln365
#PLN365 Yesss! 100% Sometimes students need to sit with it and talk through how they might figure it out. Offer guideposts along the way. Scaffolding. Let them know they’re on the right path.
A4: Perseverance:
"I can do this!"
"Everything is possible!"
"I got this!"
Perseverance is a burning fire within you that wont let go UNTIL the goal is met!
A3b athletes get encouragement and feedback on their practice. Game play falls in line with the practice work; can’t just focus on the final score #pln365
A4: I am a perfect example. I struggled with math for a long time, but I was inspired by a hs math teacher and a professor who showed me my value. Because of them, I go into the future with my head held high and want to help struggling students. I have more patience. #pln365
This is something on our district walk-through forms, whether or not the affirmations towards students were specific. "Gave Specific Affirmation" is one of the check boxes. #pln365
A4: Perseverance can sound like frustration or elation... it can feel like struggling or overcoming. It is so much of the process- and sticking to it to move forward. #PLN365
A4: For me perseverance is associated with a growth mindset and is the key to reach a goal. I love A. Duckworth’s talk on the topic esp. on grit #PLN365https://t.co/yK82DpLfY0.
A4: I had a dream to become a teacher, and I have been working towards this dream for the past 22 years. That is a perfect example of persistence. My professor said I am paving the way for other teachers through my usage of Twitter. #pln365
A4: It is like a mosquito but without the blood sucking. You can try to ignore it but if you have perseverance it will just keep buzzing until you do something. Sometimes it feels like that healthy anxious feeling...or maybe it is just me. #pln365
A:3 Encouragement should always be given. Even when a child may not know the correct answer, there are so many ways we can positively reinforce them and let them now they’re on the right track. That’s encouragement. #pln365
A3: I think that when encouragement and/or praise are given they MUST be genuine and specific in order to be benefiticial. I also think we MUST try to do this for all Ss even (and mostly) when there is no success Ss don’t give up #PLN365
A1: Angela Duckworth, professor of psychology at @Penn has done extensive research linking grit and perseverance to success in all fields, including teaching. There is evidence that grit can be measured and predict a candidates ability to teach long term. @angeladuckw#PLN365
A3: Praise should be given in any circumstance. We need to show students that it is okay to embrace failure as much as success. We need to take the stigma off of failure. We learn best from when we fail. Praise those students and help them grow. #pln365
A4: starts with the pit in your stomach. It's a struggle and feels like you'll never over come. However, it's the voice in your head that says keep going. When you don't give up it's the uncontrollable smile and pride when you overcome.
#PLN365 Right. It’s not just the final product. Have they learned a new strategy, how to problem solve, self advocated, self regulated, tweak and try again, ask for and accept the help of others, learned how to collaborate on a project or problem, recognize & use their strengths?
A3: remind those high fliers that can’t accept failure that when it happens to look for what they’ve learned. Struggling Ss NEED meaning encouragement so they will keep persisting #PLN365
A3 I push my 11 & 12 grade students HARD! Life is not easier after graduation. Lots of love, support, praise- but we don't settle for "good enough" #pln365
A4) If you want to feel perseverance, as a teacher... watch the first 5 min of this keynote. It's s @nancymotleyTRTW being brave. You'll be fired up, ready to try something new and ready to help your Ss do it too! https://t.co/2cSxGUqxvr#pln365#ellchat
A4: Perseverance as an end result is an awesome feeling. Working through the struggle doesn't always feel wonderful, though. We have to help kids focus on that end result. #pln365
a4. Perseverance sounds different for everyone. For some this is a roar of a lion, the resounding words of a mentor or the gentle grip of a childs hand on your finger. #PLN365
Perseverance sounds like a big word for our children, but to let them know that when they succeed it will be like the fireworks of the 4th of July in the sky 🌌 or like The wonderful feeling of Christmas morning everyday they will keep on trying. #PLN365
A3b: encouragement doesn't always mean saying, "Good job" Sometimes it can just be, "how are you doing?" Kids derive huge value simply from being seen. #pln365
A4: perservearance for me was getting my #NBCT it was a long journey and at first I didn’t succeed. My Ss and kids cheered me on years later and the reward was much sweeter. #PLN365
A4: Perseverance for me also is working on ME believing in MYSELF because I’m extra critical of myself. My hubby bought me a bracelet to help remember “she believed she could so she did” i need to keep that close #PLN365
Sorry for the late entry. Was doing Flipgrid webinar. Wanted to answer Q3 - Giving praise and encouragement is always good. We never know if that’s the first positive thing a student has heard. #pln365
Teaching about perseverance is part of our jobs. When we allow mediocrity to set in, all that happens is a sense of entitlement and laziness. We should inspire students to want challenges not avoid them. Passion and love of your job will make that possible. #pln365
A3) Yes encouragement should be given. Feedback should be immediate and specific to be constructive. If one cannot deliver encouragement when there is failure, when would you! #pln365
A2) I point it out in a few ways. 1) I can give them @ClassDojo points. 2) Verbally out loud in front to the whole class, and 3) Quietly, and in their ear, if that is where we are at in the classroom. #pln365