#bcedchat Archive
This is an edchat for educators, primarily in British Columbia, Canada.
Sunday September 11, 2016
10:00 PM EDT
Please introduce yourself and include your subject, grade level and area of interest. .
and will be our co-moderators for tonight.
Excited about tonight's chat on ADST, as a new admin at element, any ideas are greatly welcome!
Hi Gillian. Was hoping you'd be able to make tonite
Hello Melissa from Katy TX I teach 7th grade science.
Cody Gion University of Oregon SPED doc student/ed consultant
Awesome! Great to have you here. I hope to learn a lot from tonight's chat.
Hi Cody. Great to have you on board, tonight. Looking forward to hearing your perspective.
Hi all. I'm Gillian. I teach @ SFU in faculty of ED I'm all about engagement, imagination & https://t.co/PAhADIZ6ac
Please introduce yourself and include your subject, grade level and area of interest. .
Bonsoir! Carrie, k to 12 Teacher Mentor at SD93, based out of Richmond.
Hi Melissa. So glad you're here tonite
Hi Melissa. Great to have you here, tonight.
Looking forward to learning!
Hi Cody. From my alma mater :) Welcome
Olwen from beautiful, bold Burnaby. Teaching 5/6 at . Love inquiry, stories, and social emotional learning
Hello everyone! Petra from in ! Humanities and IT Secondary teacher.
Yay! Olwen is here! Learning and sharing our inquiry stories always makes my night!
Christine from Sunshine Coast. Sessional instructor & school trustee. Interested in Applied Design Skills & Technologies (ADST)
Awesome mine too! So good I had to go back for more π
Hi Olwen from beautiful Burnaby. So glad you're here to offer your ideas
Hi Petra. Nice to have you here. Looking forward to learning from you around this.
Petra! Awesome to have your voice tonite
Christopher from elem teacher
Hi Christine. Long time! Hope the past week went well!
Hiya Christine so happy youre here
Hi, I'm Denise, a secondary teacher from
We will be using the Q1, A1 format. Please label your responses and use the hashtag
Hi Christopher. Looking forward to hearing your elem perspective!
Bummer, doing dishes π₯ gunna miss
Hi Bryn... glad to be back. Kind of missed last week. Looking forward to tonight's discussion.
Question 1 almost around the corner
Always the archives, Keith! And you can continue the chat over the week!
Hi Janet. I am equally happy to be here as well. Love to see how tonight's convo goes.
My computer decided to shut down. Here's hoping my Samsung doesn't explode during this chat. π
Hi Chris. How's it going in Chillwack? Glad you're here
Q1: When you hear Applied Design, Skills and Technologies (ADST), what does this conjure up for you? https://t.co/sVOwt5wtlk
Hopefully, you can make it through.....
Hello all! High School Science and Social Studies. Looking forward to learning from everyone here tonight
Hi Denise. So glad youre here to lend your HomeEc voice
Well someone has to do them Keith. I have kids
Hello hello!! Happy September everyone! I'm here from
Ian - principal/librarian at in BCs Sunny Shuswap!
Chilliwack, like most of the lower mainland I suspect, is beautiful. Thanks!
A1 I had to look up what ADST was initially, but I immediately think of research and instructional design principles
A1. Truth. ADST caught my attention when the Ministerial Order on Student Progress was released. Intriguing proposition.
So glad youre here to lend your perspective
A1: Strangely, ADST makes me think of a strong ant-acid. And coding. and Design. And fear.
Hi Lisa. Woowee! youre here - so happy
A1 that FINALLY we are considering the technology subject areas NOT as separate, but rather integral
A1. When I hear ADST I think trades skills for some reason.
Me too! So many acronyms...but intriguing for classrooms....
oooh. Can you say more about this connection?
Really??? It makes me think... UGH... another acronym. LOL. This is a great opportunity. Technology not needed.
A1 I think of innovation, creation/creativity, active learning opportunities & IDEA generation https://t.co/D5nY85waNW
Q1: When you hear Applied Design, Skills and Technologies (ADST), what does this conjure up for you? https://t.co/sVOwt5wtlk
A1:Coding, programming, robotics, tools, tinkering + making. Creative + critical thinking. Innovation. Learning by doing. Failing.
exactly. I thought, "shouldn't these skills be embedded in all subjects?"
Yeah...that's all you hear about so no wonder.
YES! I love how it is set up as integrated/integral to learning and not a subject..>
Ok, kids are making their lunches and emptying the dishwasher. I have 5 minutes. Get talking!π
A1 Coding, computer graphic design, programming etc.
Jennifer Delvecchio here. A1: making, design, info tech, science, engagment, construction and deconstrucion = critical thinking
A1: At first I was scared, I was petrified....
Would make sense that these concepts are embedded and still can be. Makes prov. endeavours visible & accountable.
exactly-- see my tweet with almost the same words!! gmta!!
I am very interested to see how other districts/schools/teachers are implementing the ADST curric.
A1 Pops to surface...curiosity, wonder, amazement, problem solving. Not coding
What struck me was "Designs can be improved with prototyping and testing." We use this in developing interventions.
Janie from Prince George. I teach grade 2/3 in francophone school. It's my first so might make mistakes. Know little about ADST.
A1: In all honesty, I thought it was the "applied skills" section with A LOT of tech thrown in
A1 Gillian yes Authentic active problem solving opportunities for Ss. Ss directed activities.
A1: The future and what we can do to make learning current and relevant.
Thinking I couldn't live without you by my side? https://t.co/wis0LQva54
A1: At first I was scared, I was petrified....
A1 makes me think that stand alone subjects aren't enough - need overlap & integrated theme-ing!
We use a architectural framework, the importance of an iterative process
A1. I think of all the cool stuff that has been going on in classes for a while, now with a new acronym
Welcome Jen. Always happy to have your take on things
Salut Janie! Contente de te "voir" ici :)
Anyone wondering where the money will come from to do all the cool things we've just listed in ASDT curriculum?
I love this! I hope it is just the start of that multi-discipline approach!
something something something...I couldn't live without you by my side :) https://t.co/p7mMvgtACv
A1: At first I was scared, I was petrified....
Actually no funny enough. And good for the writers - needs the balance.
A1: I think itβs about breaking free from silo subjects. Breaking down walls between school and community.
yup, that's basically me singing to my computer/phone/all technology. Ha.
You and me both! How do you feel now?
That happens anyway with other subject areas. No difference... except for Grades 8/9 if secondary.
. so true. It's so much more than coding!
Also, I love rapid prototyping as an alternate to "try, try again"
I would highly doubt new money will be allocated to implement ASDT. Lots of potential. No grades tho. Just comments.
Welcome Janie. We're very caring & theres never mistakes just learning. What do you think comes to mind?
better. Need more tech tho. And, selfishly, a bit confused about implications for gr. 6 teachers not in mid. schl
Q2: ADST is organized to (K-5), (6-9), (10-12) https://t.co/Y9dmXI2Yzy. How do you see this continuity in the classroom?
"Oh not I, I will survive"
As am I! We're hoping to giver teacher workshops on the creation process and how to integrate ASDT into their teaching
Hello Tricia from Katy TX I teach 7th grade writing.
Q2(B): particularly around the foundations, explorations, specializations.
THIS! https://t.co/niztbes05p
A1. I think of all the cool stuff that has been going on in classes for a while, now with a new acronym
A1 I think needing to reach out to guests in the community to introduce different topics I know little about..?
Hey Tricia. Great to have you here, tonight!
A2. Continuity in the classroom depends on the discussion and collaboration on staff to create & maintain continuity for ASDT.
Sort of a world invited to your doorstep?
Love to hear about those and how they go!
A2. Well. Are we still as concerned about continuity in a personalized environment?
A2 Depends, I guess on the culture of the school?
I'll be sure to blog about! We are hoping to have the first one at the end of November.
A2: I like continuity patterns in this new crrclm! Still confused what to do as a 5/6 teacher. (all about me tonight)
Providing a makerspace for Ss to build off prior knowledge & design. Integrate ADST into all subjects. https://t.co/J1TqFJWGQ5
Q2: ADST is organized to (K-5), (6-9), (10-12) https://t.co/Y9dmXI2Yzy. How do you see this continuity in the classroom?
A2: Selfishly, I like that it is broken into the K5 level, as I work at and elementary school. Keeps consistency with support.
A2: it is developmental computational thinking across grades.This is brilliant b/c cultures of inquiry can B nurtured among Ss&Trs
but "more" can still be beneficial - esp thinking strategies (think like a mathematician in poetry!)
Ah, the dreaded combined class that crosses different levels.....
YES! Recommend surveying families and see what kind of experts you can get (for free)
A2 use podcasts, imovie, etc. give Ss a choice on how to demo knowledge integrate Ss creation not just using technology
It's all good. We'll just have to be really creative somehow.
A2: So part of my plan is to use the ADST curric to work with 4/5 and 2/3 students during T prep so collaboration can happen.
A2 being a k-8 school, I'm looking forward to getting things dirty during my library/teaching time; coding centers starting soon!
A2: Continuity will be a challenge - as it always is! Good communication will be key between all
i just went on a twitter rant today about the 2 mill for coding. As my masters focused on. We need qoordinated spending
A2: 1/2 Ss experimenting + learning about creative process + how to ask questions + how to think critically to solve problems.
Hi! Liz from sd43 joining late! Interested to see how this area can fit in with "specialized" compartmentalized HS classes
Spoken like a true teacher..."I'll make it work". https://t.co/2jKytnkZGc
It's all good. We'll just have to be really creative somehow.
Thank you for correcting me. ASDT will be graded from Grades 6-9. Comments only for K-5. Provides lots of flexibility
A2: in 6/7 learn simple algorithms that reflect computational thinking,visual representations of problems,data &visual programming
Hi - checking in a bit late tonight. Victoria, Grade 3/4 from Langley.
Hi Liz. Great to have you here, tonight! Great comment on our silos at secondary!
A2: 2/2 then finding a specific passion they can develop in depth as they age + maybe transform that passion into a career
Love that. Mathematical poetry. Nice one https://t.co/kAxfsqkVwq
but "more" can still be beneficial - esp thinking strategies (think like a mathematician in poetry!)
YES. Coding centres sound great. Will you do coding without the tech first?
Reminds me of the mathematicians' lament.....
Part 2 throwing money at districts for them to execute coding as they wish shows a colossal lack of leadership. JMHO
Hey Victoria. Great to see you here, tonight. Hoping to get ideas that I can take back to my school...>
Hi Victoria. Happy youre here tonite
Don't get me started on MATH and . I would be off topic. Another area for lots of potential.
So true. Provide opportunities to roll out genius hour & continue it year after year to elaborate on their topic
why one without the other? mixed centers last year and learned lots. Crome to w many others
I agree. although, I believe most may not really know what coding is, but still throw the money.
A2 Maybe continuity will happen via as it does via . Teachers getting together to create a continuum
Sounds good! Let's make it another topic for
. and when possible, community members. I love chatting up people in store lineups!
A2 Lots of ideas around ideas and moving through testing & prototyping - can be done w/ anything. I see wood in the future
I'm interested in tackling this area from a design thinking perspective. Anyone else tonight say anything about that yet?
A2: Here is the hard part. Can anyone think of ADST activities w/o thinking coding?
A1. Reminded of the effort in in early 90s to introduce Tech curric in elem.After 5 yrs was only one in the school doing it
Agreed! Seems like a heavy focus on coding wihin ASDT
some of the greatest poets were secret math geniuses! Not so many the other way.....
Just wondering if you would do a tech free centre. I like the idea of teaching to...then doing.
Fab! It's like a festival of problemsolving and thinking thru elements of design & creation. Gets deeper.
I love how we are thinking beyond the traditional terms of technology.....not just an ipad...
Tell me more about this "design thinking" in 140 characters or less. Love to know more.
Some. Yes. Also, some of the Qs coming up will help in that.
Not surprised. There are a lot of people are closet math geniuses. This needs to be celebrated.
Q3 just around the corner
this is the problem with the way ministry is run now. No leadership, no coordinated execution. Part 1
Reiterative cyclical thinking, empathy with users, redesign of systems to make improvements
We hope youβre enjoying the chat tonight! Remember, we chat every Sunday at 7pm PST!
Only you would take on challenge of defining DESIGN THINKING in 140 characters or less. https://t.co/3KXMgC3kug
Reiterative cyclical thinking, empathy with users, redesign of systems to make improvements
I also dislike how the media portrays this as the "coding" curriculum. There is so much more to it!
politicians throw money at districts and say "HEY! Look what we did for you!!!" part 3
Haha!! But I haven't DONE it with students. That's the goal... even if they're little.
A3: We do a blue sky project twice a year to drive inquiry and design plus community connection, using https://t.co/vQRDqu4pPm
Love that, but can you use language a parent could understand? (I'm slow tonight...)
We forget the stuff came after all the innovations & built relationships
A3. Good point. I have not considered what parts of my practice reflect ASDT already. Should be like that for as whole.
A3 Makerspace is used for Ss to innovate design create whatever they want to demo knowledge https://t.co/lDTj8G2UCM
A3 introducing SOLEs (self organized learning environments via ) and - blank slates to scaffold learning
A3: Always try to poke at curiosity, students design prototypes b4 they build, makerspace corner (called "tinker table")
Simple CAD 3D like programs, infographics.U shld C how K-2s can blueprint w/stickies.Amazing
Q3 well, my role is a little different. I am helping integrate ADST in my district/supporting teachers
A3: We just did the Marshmallow challenge and now I want to give kids a chance to ideate and prototype with less time limit.
How are you doing that? I'm interested.
Love to hear how that is going. I am working on supporting my teachers through new curric.
A3 In 1st gr math curric development we incorporate the Sci Method. Ask a Q, make a plan, collect data, review data, answer Q
Yes very true. Youre doing things that connect 2creativity, imagination, design, test, retest,build. What R they?
Love how well it works into scientific method.
A3 A growth mindset is reinforced with prob-solv & inquiry- Dyson mini vac deconstruct & explain how like human arm
But should they be able to alter the materials?
Like that "tinker table" Sort of like an ok place to test stuff out
A3. Have been focused on it w/ textiles over the last few years. Design challenges lends itself nicely to the subject area
Love the question. Makes me look at my practice with a critical eye in context to ASDT and . I'm not sure.
Do you have a specific place in your room designated as maker space?
A3 We have integrated design thinking into curriculum.
A3: Our district's science workshops are based on inquiry + building prototypes. Last year I gave workshops in coding for k to 9s
How are you approaching that? Interested!
yup, implications of "make" a bit much for some kids. Maybe I'll have a mistake drawer. :-)
A3 Eg design a shelter to protect a plant from excessive rain.
How have you integrated design thinking into curriculum? Can you give me an example? Interested.
A3 giving Ss only materials & having them design entire lab & hypothesis. Inquiry at its best.
A2 my brain stopped at school culture. ..how do we spread continuity..from labs, to cafeteria, orchestra, ela?
Q4: How might ADST be introduced at Primary? Intermediate? Secondary?
OK... You've answered my question before I even tweeted it. You rock TY https://t.co/bDfr8Kalro
A3 Eg design a shelter to protect a plant from excessive rain.
A3 Or design an adaptation for an animal to make their life easier.
Absolutely, then design is adjusted. As long as they can talk it thru. share thinking
A3: Designing T workshops to model ways to teach, letting them discover for themselves, exploring, experimenting, collaborating
Or a Prototype drawer that some students can use as a starting point?
A3 We did a building a tower challenge as metaphore for talking about collaboration. Same kind of project w/ choice of material?
Great question. How do we move learning out of the silos? Is ADST the conduit for this?
Cool! Home early from dinner with my dad. I usually miss
Parents used playdoh from it at open house to design a model about science for their child. It was awesome.
Hi Karen. Welcome. How have you done that?
with materials inside? hmmm.
OOh love that. did you take a picture of it to showcase?
I see it that way. But having a structured process to collaboration I think is critical
Think I might have Ss use same materials through the 1st ideating session, then offer the switch in a 2nd session
Just gave a few ideas. Others - design a shelter to protect an animal from the sun. They use what they find
A at every level. to get kids interested in their passions.
Then prottype, explain, take questions, feedback, and try again.
Yeah, unfinished projects is what I was thinking.
Q4: I'm not 100% positive that grouping the 'levels' is the best way to go. Found'ns/Explor'ns/Special's seem necc at all levels.
They're familiar with the challenges they faced on Friday. Give them a chance to improve it, then throw em a twist
A1. Sorry I'm still stuck on #1. maybe Ken Keiwitz in has materials he developed in 91-93 & links with
A4. This is making me think how we could use the LC / skills room and challenge "our" kids to experiment & design. hmm
A5. ASDT can be introduced in math or science (or any subject area). Be explicit and describe how it connects to ASDT.
A3 What about ? Thinking about doing this since I realized one of my students is learning gymnastics via youtube!
Yes. I have a create a rotter project where Ss do make adaptations to help existing creatures more successful.
Tonightβs topic was suggested by YOU, ! Please stop by our website to suggest topics for upcoming chats: https://t.co/apNWRbqItJ
Yes very important to replay. Like paper airplanes.
A3 create wonder wall, mold idea w/playdough, create design cycle, fail, try again, share w/community
Great idea! Building on what others do. How can we make this better? Make it different? https://t.co/UqGq97uFeK
Or a Prototype drawer that some students can use as a starting point?
Signing off early tonight, folks. Thanks for the ideas and fun. Have a great week!
That would be awesome, Liz.I think the LC/LEC/Res rooms are perfect for integrating ADST within multi-disciplines.
Critter not rotter darn auto correct
Love that idea. Connecting ASDT with current practice of . Makes sense.
Too funny Ray. We gave them all away as consummables back then.
A4 I think it is critical to think about how to integrate within existing activities, instead of an add on activity "Scaffolding"
I like to have pictures to show progression of my room.
Love Genius hour. Looking to do that with my "prep time" with the 4/5's (but it would be genius 58.3% hour).
You are amazing Tricia share your amazing ideas!
A1. One serious prob in 91-92, tch felt it was 'more' rather than integration of existing. Hope new curric has dispelled notion.
I'm wondering if that is more of an organizational thing. It doesnt stop one from entering othr areas. Developmental
2 main things-- offering workshops on ASTD type strategy and in-class side-by-side coaching
A4: I did a simple Lego activity with new Ts last week to introduce process of identifying a problem, creating a prototype, 1/3
Me, too, Ray. The issue is how we interpret what Technology is, and what it is not.
sharing their model. They had to pick 16 legos, then after I asked them to represent an animal. They then shared what blocks 2/3
It's pretty cool to see what they know, and how thoughtful they are in their design process.
Love the idea of side-by-side coaching. Mentoring and paying it forward. Love the integration. Makes sense.
So getting back to the institutional constraints of what we want to do and what we can do?
over the past 12 years I've seem the power of learning into the learners hands via Geniushour -amazing can happen
they wished they had, what they would do different next time + what ideas they got from others. Many said they'd try it w/ Ss 3/3
Like its harder to do woodwork or HomeEc in elem due 2 equipment
It is, and you can then turn it around for any content area and works with adults too!
Great activity, Carrie! An easy one to try w/ Ss too. And you could switch up the problem each time you revisit.
Got to give shout out to here too. Great stuff for design thinking!
equipment and support/knowledge from staff (including a principal who can only put things up crookedly....)
This is the video that goes with the intro into design thinking pdf I shared. https://t.co/AFUCX5ByyB Doable all ages.
A1. Related challenge. Tchr background knowledge informing instructional choices. Some tchr are adventurous, others?
Thanks, Karen! I really appreciate how much you share.
Yes, the sharing and questioning is key, followed by the redesign or change in next design.
That to me is merely a design engineering thing...rebuild prototypes. Love those bird houses
Q5: How might ideas around βMaker Spacesβ be included? What skills may be addressed at primary, intermediate, secondary?
. that in itself is a good design challenge. How to create a textile/food/wood product w/o equipment!
Thanks! It worked well with little material + started some great discussions amongts Ts
Ha! I support my teachers to keep trying, but I'm not the handyman (or singer, despite trying at assemblies).
Sometimes I wonder if we stuck bunch of food on a table & said go create, wonder what Ss wld do. Reflect
A4 in Primary I've had my students design their own valentine holders. Simple yet ...
My thing with MakerSpace is that it can't just be all glitter glue and Pringles cans, but it also can't JUST be rewiring rockets
i find flying by the seat of yur pants as an instructional strategy eliminates institutional constraints π
A5 There are some amazing Makerspace programs in Key is looking at them as a
A5 Hands on creations, making connections & finding relevance w/student choice & problem-solving. https://t.co/hHSfENkVSA
. or support from middle/secondary students
HAHA i love this post https://t.co/jWrfT34QWp
My thing with MakerSpace is that it can't just be all glitter glue and Pringles cans, but it also can't JUST be rewiring rockets
Not to mention I think kids would love it!
A1. Tchr background knowledge. 'Tinkering' was term in my MA program re temperament to make. Some kids are adventurous, others?
A5 Having a maker space in your classroom gives students access to put their thoughts into reality. Prototyping!
Love. Love. Love makerspace.
Donβt forget to use the hashtag throughout the week to keep the conversation going!
Innovation depends on experential learning. We need to give that to tchrs too
. I do it w/ my students and they love it!
Together we are all stronger . I learn from those who share with me.
How do teachers structure maker spaces? Or is it just a free for all?
I'm gleaning a ton of design and maker resources from tonight's chat - thanks everyone! :)
A5 Brain breaks-create a cell or organ & explain structure/function, how does a joint work- build one
Newby Q: what stuff goes into a "make space"? & Where does one get this stuff?
A5: Makerspaces give space + material for Ss to experiment w/making in all subjects + space to show their learning differently
Not so simple. Lots of skills needed to pull that off so that it works Key is to talk at end and thru
And this is why I love teachers: Collaboration, learning, sharing! https://t.co/NPoNh4NeBS
Together we are all stronger . I learn from those who share with me.
Creation comes in many forms. Perhaps this is more planning? Custodians will love you to not have glitter
A5: Very similar to the need for more unstructured play in a kids life - maker spaces in schools. Freedom to be creative.
me too-- especially as a means to imagine a 3D solution to a problem
I order Dyson kit & Ss take apart vacuum and explain how like human arm-then reassemble. Relevance & prob-solv
A5. Looking at ADST ... Maker Spaces would be a great for drafting, robotics, computers, metal work & wood work modules.
Q6 coming up soon! I love the sharing and am making a huge list for this year for my school. Thank you!
Thanks for asking. Hear a lot about them but would need a beginner kit too!
Yes 3 modules each. For those dist with K-7 that 6/7 group will need to look at the options. Doable.
. Absolutely for the students, but something a teacher could easily do. One small change idea.
yes! So important to vary the material + the challenges
That is one impressive router
I'm about trying to show how it can be done and it doesn't have to be a big overhaul.
A5 maker spaces are showing up in more schools - looking forward to introducing later this year (so good for creativity)
Part of it is letting go of the "every one of them looks the same" idea behind crafts or art ;)
Q6: What types of support do you have/need to help your students with ADST? Who might be included in your resources?
Sorry I had to go earlier and now I have to fully sign-off. I will review the archive! Thanks everyone :)
Yes. The modules are broad. Robotics, media art, food studies... etc. ADST makes me excited for students.
This chat is amazing! Everyone is so creative & innovative
A1.Tchr aptitude & skill. See Meyer Briggs scales: Most workshop leaders (me) = intuitives, focus ideas, future adventure
OOO that's called replication
cardboard can be a very valuable "middle ground" for switches & sparkles in maker spaces!
This is a good question. For those who are running makerspaces in your room, what supplies do you provide? https://t.co/a8NN13IoCE
Newby Q: what stuff goes into a "make space"? & Where does one get this stuff?
Anything & everything. In Vancouver I went to Urban Source (recycled stuff)
A6. Truth. I would LOVE to team teach with one or more teachers on implementing ADST. I would love to collaborate & learn.
. in has been doing great things getting his district up and running
I'm starting to confuse ADST with from .....Must be after the first week of school.
Absolutely! I started questioning why I did certain things. Valentine folders were one of them.
"Drafting" Does anyone consider the process of writing in ADST? TY Christine https://t.co/EkdjCxYrTz
A5. Looking at ADST ... Maker Spaces would be a great for drafting, robotics, computers, metal work & wood work modules.
So many ideas my head is spinning! Thanks everyone
A5 Wonder if an ''expert'' showing Ss what they make, then let Ss loose to explore. Not everything learned from scratch
aboLUTEly!! Caine's Arcade is always/will always be my inspiration....
Thanks for jumping in there, Dan!
A6 An awesome team, librarian, technology specialist, other amazing Ts Collab w/gr8 PLN https://t.co/CwgaAwFkDr
Q6: What types of support do you have/need to help your students with ADST? Who might be included in your resources?
And at k to 5, for science, math + language integration! I want to read 3 little pigs w/ K class + have them 1/2
Or even just adding a little structure can encourage instead of inhibit creativity
Love it. Makes sense to me. I need to learn more about the process of writing. I think that would help me as a learner.
Could have incredible tie-ins to unconventional artists - would be a great guest speaker idea!
A1.Tchr aptitude & skill. See Meyer Briggs scales: But most teachers= Realists, focus growth in a few areas until achieved first
design 'wolf proof" houses w/ a variety of material! Will test with a hair dryer. 2/2
Figured out our 6/7 can do DigiLit, Comp Lit, Food studies yr 1/next yr the others
I have an in class makerspace. I am mindful to collect cardboard, containers etc. We eagerly accept donations too.
I love our chat. I learn every week about some amazing topics. Pushes me out of comfort zone, in a good way.
Nice. Will the 3 modules of ADST be offered like an elective in block rotation? Curious.
A6 need more visitors, people who can tell stories, explain processes and how they apply to our world right now.
I agree. Being uncomfortable sparks learning & a growth mindset
Yes. I think a lot of "Basic Skills" that students are asked to learn can an should be a part of ADST
I put out all my one off craft supplies, glue gun, etc. I'll have led lights and batteries etc.
What's a "Wolf Proof"? Would love to learn more.
A1.Tchr aptitude & skill. Will Design etc. survive the focus on 'I can only can handle so much' & Is this my priority?
I'm curious about that, too. Will it be about courses, or integrated? Left to Drafting/Design teacher?
Rotated but directly connected 2 the othr currics in the same grade. Perfect seamless fit
A6: I am supporting Ts, so workshops, mentorship, having a few key Ts who can be ressources to others, building our prof. library
We need to treat ourselves as learners. Best to learn with others.
If a child knows what they need I try to get it for them if I can. I love seeing them use the glue gun independently.
Donβt forget to follow the people you have met here - you will find they are the resource.
Love this. Get more stories/people into the classroom learning spaces. https://t.co/V0ePKbGiXS
A6 need more visitors, people who can tell stories, explain processes and how they apply to our world right now.
A6: Talk to your TL. They have great resources - like ! Or !
So that the big bad wolf can't blow them down.
We've created ADST curric in a KDU Planner for ppl to use (incl all popups & space 4 your questn https://t.co/DO28GP7qTB
A makerspace is amazing. Sometimes I hide stapler, glue, tape make them think outside the box. Make a tower no glue
Sorry... just put the 2 tweets together. Makes sense. A great way to problem solve with story. ADST as well.
A1.Tchr aptitude & skill. Will Design etc. survive attn to other priorities of Tchrs? I believe that killed it last time.
You guys do amazing work and share. share. share....thank you.
6/7 unless they're in middle school will have themselves & othrs they invite. How about retired folks?
This also gets kids thinking more deeply about purpose and role of their tools.
Problem solving is great!
Thank you Janet for hosting a great chat!
Thank you Bryn for a great chat!
8/9 have a full Tech Ed/HomeEc tchr groups to rotate.
A6 "culture of yes" attitude and patience to let learners go at their-right pace
Thank you for joining tonight!
TY everyone!!! Excellent Chat!
This chat has been amazing. True collaboration and sharing of ideas! woot!
I love the idea of inviting community into the classroom to share expertise. Community of Learners.
BOOM! We need to be learners first https://t.co/5frMw98HLL
We need to treat ourselves as learners. Best to learn with others.
I didn't have much to contribute tonight, but, BOY is my mind spinning with ideas! THANK YOU smart & creative people!
thank you for a great chat tonight!
What a gr8 chat. Thank you for joining in. And a huge thank you to the amazing for co-mod with me! My Friend.
Agreed. I want to learn more. Love and all of the ideas shared (and stolen).
Please join next week on Sept 18th at 7pm PST to discuss the topic New Curriculum: Exploring Samples from New Curric! with
Thank you everyone. You are awesome. I have learned so much from you tonight.
Whew - me too! Absorbing so much. Continue to check in w/ , Liz - would love to see what you do!
Great first for me this year. Looking forward to sharing with you all through the year!
Thanks all. I am so sorry I can't make it most weeks but
Such amazing educators who need to be followed! π€
A1. How to make Design etc priority of tchrs? 1st consider how much attention do bulk of tchrs have for change. 60-90 min max/wk?
Would totally chat about this topic again at some point later in the year!!