#CaringClassroom Archive
The #CaringClassroom Chat explores positive teacher-student relationships, classroom management, and engaging and supportive instruction. Join us on Sundays @ 8:00 PM CST/9:00 PM EST.
Monday October 24, 2016 10:00 PM EDT
Hi! Ashlynn - AP 9-12 from Orlando, FL
students can't learn if they aren't there
Mark here, Religion Teacher from slightly Northeast of Washiington D.C.
A1: Time on task! A student can't learn if the student isn't there
Hi Mark! Glad you could join us!
A2: This is a mighty question. There are so many variables. For younger kids, it could be illness and anxiety.
You are so right. Every student has different life circumstances. https://t.co/ebT7Z6FapH
A2: This is a mighty question. There are so many variables. For younger kids, it could be illness and anxiety.
A2 part 2:For older kids, they lose focus and can't see the value of school. It ceases to be relevant for whatever reasons.
Angie- grad student, current substitute, future math teacher from Richmond Hill, GA
Relevancy is important for students. https://t.co/PicD3lhTzV
A2 part 2:For older kids, they lose focus and can't see the value of school. It ceases to be relevant for whatever reasons.
Parents do play a role in the child's attendance, especially at a younger age
A3: Teachers can stress every morning while taking roll, the importance of consistent punctual attendance.
Good idea. https://t.co/JhGmwkgG0A
A3: Teachers can stress every morning while taking roll, the importance of consistent punctual attendance.
Q4 - Parents are responsible for kids getting to school until they are driving themselves. period.
Q3- call home!Make school more choice-based.Follow up w/ teachers and parents. Have chats with kids. Create data to share.
A4 parents: planning around the school calendar (vacations, etc)
Q$ - Kids who are comfortable at school are going to WANT to be there
Yes https://t.co/g4jb77Zyte
Q4 - Parents are responsible for kids getting to school until they are driving themselves. period.
Great ideas! https://t.co/n3zRqaVXmV
Q3- call home!Make school more choice-based.Follow up w/ teachers and parents. Have chats with kids. Create data to share.
A4: Ts should work with Ps to build the value of daily attendance in the Ss. Ps role is to actively get the Ss to attend
Absolutely!! https://t.co/5cEOS6cabR
A4: Ts should work with Ps to build the value of daily attendance in the Ss. Ps role is to actively get the Ss to attend
A4 - on another note, if an involved parent takes a kid on an educational trip, let them tie in the trip with makeup work
A4 - after all, SEEING DC is better than reading about it
A5: Meaningful and real incentives and rewards.
Good idea https://t.co/lBu6ZnGE8e
A4 - on another note, if an involved parent takes a kid on an educational trip, let them tie in the trip with makeup work
Years ago,when I was a younger man with very long hair, We let the kids shave my head for school wide attendance
Have a great night. Tomorow "try a little harder,make every minute last longer,forgive and forget and make the most of it."
Thanks for the thoughtful words Mark! https://t.co/g2NeYN0SlL
Have a great night. Tomorow "try a little harder,make every minute last longer,forgive and forget and make the most of it."
can't take the credit...its from a song that I was listening to earlier
with our population at that school and at that time, it worked, plus I had a cool new hairdo! Win, win!