I think most adolescents see these academic reflections as artificial & contrived. Too many journals, free writes and reflections really kill their usefulness. Young people know they're there to learn; demanding self-awareness seems redundant, to say the least. #edchat#bcedchat
HI. It's Christine... currently sitting at YVR Air Canada Lounge. Commuting from the Sunshine Coast back to Prince George. Teacher educator, Math educator, and assessment junkie. Stoked about this topic on #bcedchat.
Oh, my that is spectacular. Can you please add your name and location at the bottom of the digital. If you have a poetic thought about this sunset add that too. Fabulous. #bcedchat
A1 I know both how excited kids are to come into kindergarten...I also know that my daughter commented when building a school in Ecuador how excited those learners were (and the groans of the kids heading back to BC). I asked what textbooks they use, but.... #bcedchat
A1. Wow. Great question. How are we doing this? I would like to believe that we as teachers and educational leaders are as excited when we started the profession to where we are now. That helps. #bcedchat
Yes, the first thing that comes to mind for me is strong relationships with kids - if they're excited about the adults at school, they'll be more excited about the learning we guide them through. #bcedchat
I think we do this when we remember to embrace childhood - when we slow down to follow their lead, and celebrate trial and error and open ended inquiry, and remember their are no ‘right ways’ or ‘right answers’... when we encourage them to be Children & enjoy childhood #bcedchat
I agree. It's about the relationship. It's cliche but so true. Students need to connect with their teacher and feel that they matter (and by feel, I mean that they do matter). #bcedchat
#bcedchat Hi Karen Appleton currently teaching grade 6 with the VSB. love inquiry based learning and interested in figuring out how to teach math differently.
Bingo. We can only control ourselves and how excited we are about teaching and learning. We are lucky that students come to us excited as little learners in Kindergarten. How do we maintain this w/o being equally excited? It's a question for self as educator and leader. #bcedchat
A1: Great question. I know that @rilmcknight is doing great things in high school so that learners are excited. My own son is looking forward to graduating so he can pursue what he is interested in instead of what he has to do. #bcedchat
Q1: Ss are excited when you embrace their voices and choices as part of learning every day-what are they thinking and interested in? Set anticipation at the day's end for tomorrow's learning-generates excitement! #bcedchat
Is this one from you Francois? If so, please send it to me with your name and location at the bottom. If you have a poetic or inspirational thought add that too. The repository is at #WintersEmbrace2019 & invitation at https://t.co/tR58VGXwn5#bcedchat
As I watch students move from that K class through to grade 2 (it's only my third year at elementary), I love how each teacher at each level embraces that learning and love of learning. #bcedchat I feel privileged to be part of this journey.
A1 We need to keep the momentum up way beyond Kindergarten. Passion + relationship building + choice are marks of student centered classrooms-havens of learning. #bcedchat
Lets make sure the fun is evident in schools at all ages. The rigor is there in my classes but I am more concerned with the whole learner and motivating with fun engaging projects and activities or lab finals. If you have fun you will enjoy learning #bcedchat
A2. Indifference. Defiance. Passive aggressive behaviour. Avoidance. Little enthusiasm. Compliant behaviour. #bcedchat
I think about... "what am I getting out of this?" and "what's the point?" Students need to see the purpose and rationale for meaningful learning experiences.
#bcedchat A2 Kids who are turned off and tuned out. Often their reluctance comes out as behaviours such as avoidance, disrupting others, refusal, minimal output
Curiosity is seen in Kinders but as they move on in school those episodes lesson. We need to spark the flame of ignited learning throughout school. #bcedchat
A2: Going to the bathroom/water fountain, avoiding, sitting quietly hoping not to be noticed, losing any type of school supplies, all the way down to challenging behaviours. #bcedchat
My image from my prethink blog..... along with “I’m bored” and a consideration that sometime the student gazing out the window may be more engaged than the student staring straight ahead... #bcedchat
Yes, it's very important to think of ourselves as mentors! Ss would be excited about learning if they can express themselves and have choices -- not just follow what Ts want them to do. #bcedchat
Connection is fundamental. If our learners know we care and are looking forward to seeing them every day, then they will be engaged and excited. Of course we need to unlock their passions through inquiry and student directed learning, but connection is vital. #BCEdChat
A2 Reluctance in high school tends to be shutting down or opting out of a class. I tend to see all students in my small high school so I only see them shutting down. Bringing them back is tough but so worth it #bcedchat
All of this. Bare minimum effort. Scraping by. Sometimes noticeable, but sometimes not. A reluctant learner is not always the kids who demonstrate a low overall performance. #bcedchat
A2: I think it depends on WHY they are reluctant. Fear? Of what? Lack of motivation? Engagment? Some sort of “non typical” behaviour would be a signal? I try to ask myself “what is their unmet need” - If I can answer this I modify. If I can’t, I have work to do.#bcedchat
A2. Definitely the obviously reluctant who don't attend or don't do work. There are also those who just want to get the grade - figure out what the T wants and reproduce it - not interested in deeper learning. #bcedchat
All of this. Bare minimum effort. Scraping by. Sometimes noticeable, but sometimes not. A reluctant learner is not always the kids who demonstrate a low overall performance. #bcedchat
A1. I recently met up with a former student and she said that my enthusiasm for reading and writing helped her to be excited about the written word too!! We have to nourish our fire as teachers and educational leaders!
Look at adults, how important is your PLN and how much doesn't it help you with your work and learning.. It should be the same for our students #bcedchat
Well said! Love the phrase "unlock their passion" -- it's important that we foster an environment to allow Ss to do that and facilitate the learning (not just telling Ss what to do/learn)! #bcedchat
A3 #bcedchat I think it is important to look at ourselves as learners. What makes me reluctance? lack of interest, not being relevant at the time, other things on my mind, no choice, not within my ZPD...
This is where I always look at LEADERSHIP... from teachers, administrators, senior administrators, boards of education... parents and students. This alignment needs to happen (for the right reasons) to build and sustain a "culture of learning" in any school. #bcedchat
A3 a big ponder for me connects with @simonsinek and finding our “why”. Why do we need to memorize times tables (what are they really) or the periodic chart when we have a tool to use...! (And yes some should memorize these, but their why may be different) #bcedchat
A3 lack of central idea, application or value to the subject presented, could also be family issue in which the student cannot fully engage in his learning because his brain his busy with other things #bcedchat
Hey @stellafleming23 I learnt early on that students will only take a course if they are interested and my job requires students. I took this as a goal to change how I teach and keep Ss intrigued or I would have to teach some other classes or courses. #bcedchat
Totally! Those that just want the grade, or pretend to look like they are being good students in class (@pgliljedahl called this "student-ing") can often be missed as reluctant learners. #BCedchat
A3. By the time S's are in HS, there can be SO MANY factors from past learning struggles, to personal / social struggles, to a belief in their own inadequacy. Finding the why is the 1st step to bringing them back. #bcedchat
A1: Learning itself is exciting. If we can keep that spark for learning in our students, they will most likely have it after high school. I think we can do this by focussing on competencies rather than content and highlight their importance. #bcedchat
A3. Lots of factors. It's almost too complex. Content, pedagogy, interest, family life, social life, belonging, sense of efficacy, modes of motivation, relationships, school culture (as mentioned earlier), parental support or encouragement, the one adult in your life... #bcedchat
I’ve been willing to stop a lesson (and even a project) when we have reached a state of “doing it because we started...” but stopping can feel .... strange...did we waste time or learn something unexpected? (I think the latter) #bcedchat
Very nicely said - and how often is the work “too hard” or not fully understood and acting out is easier and safer than showing “weakness” and asking for help... #bcedchat
A3. Lots of factors. It's almost too complex. Content, pedagogy, interest, family life, social life, belonging, sense of efficacy, modes of motivation, relationships, school culture (as mentioned earlier), parental support or encouragement, the one adult in your life... #bcedchat
A3: Some factors that lead to reluctance learners are not interested in what they are learning, not having a choice in what they learn, or have other things on their minds that are more important to them. #bcedchat
A3 Those students with family issues may appear not interested. 1 SHS student (18 yr old) was 1 of those-we found out he was all alone & exhausted from having to support himself. W/ guidance & T help he turned around #bcedchat
So many learners have so many more important issues than “learning” - gotta create the conditions for learning before it can happen - sleep, rest, security. #bcedchat
A3 I would just basically answer as life can cause the reluctant learner. We dont always know why pr what is the cause but we need to find a way or path to get them back. My go to is humour and maybe my adhd ways #bcedchat
A4 It's exhibited in diff ways but reluctance is a universal problem. Ts need to #kidwatch to identify those who need support at any given moment. #bcedchat
Q3: Need ABCs: Acceptance, Belonging and Community - students are reluctant when they aren't connected with solid relationships creating hope
A3 I wonder if Ss R more releuctatnt when they dont feel that their feedback has been heard. How often do we notice reluctance, and not addressed it in the moment? “What’s happening? I can feel some ‘push back’/disinterest and I wonder if we need to make some changes?” #bcedchat
We need to show Ss the WHY - parallelograms can be a cool concept! :) Show them how Pixar uses shapes to make 3D animations! Make it relevant! #bcedchat
A4. Students themselves are different from elementary and secondary due to age, moral development, and social development. Teachers in secondary and elementary are different as well. Aside from those variables, I'd suspect reluctance would look the same. #bcedchat
A4: When I was asked to go through a change in school that I did not like, I just sat down and thought about what to do. I would talk to others to help cope with the change. #bcedchat
I guess that would be different. In BC, you only "have to" attend school until you're 16... but, there are other ways students under 16 who "don't attend school." In the end, it still looks the same for elementary and secondary reluctant learners. #bcedchat
I also worry it used to be more acceptable to leave school (or more often: school kicked me out) in the past - but we are more accepting of mental wellness challenges that too often helped disconnect learners from school and not “quitting on kids” #bcedchat
A4 I believe the reluctance is the same for high school required courses as with elementary classes but I think after that when HS students pick the courses... reluctance is usually from feeling overwhelmed with work or inadequate in ability. #bcedchat
The challenge for formative descriptive feedback loops - sometimes the learners should be able to say “done” with this (even if just “for now”) #bcedchat
A4 That is sad, Ian. I taught juveniles in a detention center when I was in grad school. Under their bravado was the need to learn to read. We need to touch Ss hearts to guide them onward. #bcedchat
#bcedchat A4 Fear of being wrong, fear of failure, “keeping up appearances,” increases as learners age. This is also connected to class climate and culture. How accepting is the class of all its learners?
So how do we get them back involved in the school. What are we not doing to help them. I rushed thru school to get out by 16 because I was bored. Could be an issue for others too. #bcedchat
More like reading the needs of your students! That modelling is soooo important because it shows you're there for THEM and not for the curriculum. #bcedchat
In reply to
@krislidstone, @technolandy, @JenniferWalke10
I can see this... They would also develop better coping skills as well. I think this would be inherent with age and experience. Considering age as context in terms of their development, reluctance to learning would look the same for secondary and elementary. #bcedchat
and things Ss encounter in lives can be more complex too as they become older. But yes overwhelmed with work and lack of confidence are definitely important factors! #BCedchat
FULLY agree! I’m a Montessori teacher, there is a large amount of choice in our learning environment. I encourage kids to “circle back” when they need a break, and to notice patterns/trends when they need to circle back frequently with a particular subject/task- WHY? #bcedchat
A5 I've seen the disconnect so a neat way to intrigue Ss is to engage them in micro-writing digitally so they can find their voice & fire up their writing skills. I use my seasonal galleries as a platform for this. I welcome #stuvoice into #WintersEmbrace2019. #bcedchat
I am not sure if this is just what I encountered or a trend, but for the first time last year I had grade 8s in my class stop coming to school due to the overwhelming amount of work which caused anxiety. #BCedchat
A5 I like that in Lost Connections @johannhari101 wonders if people turn to their devices because they’ve been turned away by social connections... (it’s not about the device until it becomes about the device) #bcedchat
A5. I've heard students say during an edcamp a few years ago... if what's happening in class is interesting, they would not be on their phones. It's like passing notes or doodling (not Stetchnotes). Phones can pre-occupy the mind to pass the time. #bcedchat
Anxiety has really affected many of my students over the years and we are always working on ways to cope. It has a major affect and especially when T dont coordinate major assignment times. #bcedchat
Ongoing connection and communication about learning going on between student, teacher and family. Descriptive in nature to identify what has been done and an area to focus on “next” for ongoing growth/improvement #bcedchat
I've found that there are a lot of things that take advantage of phones, some of the bigger ones being kahoot or menti. Even using a twitter chat in the classroom can be effective. #bcedchat
I really think it is both but mostly the need to be good at everything feeling. It is tough to be a kid or an adult too. #bcedchat Probably why we dont put ourselves first either
I’m @TECHNOlandy for a reason, not @techNOlandy! Greatest differentiation device to disrupt education. My Apple II was good, but my mobile device is so much more.... #bcedchat
In reply to
@SandyBalascak, @technolandy, @technolandy
A5. I think that is an over-simplification. There are lots of reasons kids are on their phones - as mentioned: boredom, need for social connections that are not being met in the classroom. Important to figure out why (my theme for the night!) #bcedchat
#bcedchat It was wonderful chatting with all of you tonight. It is late and so I will say goodnight.
or @CraigMah tag me in next week to remind me to stay up for a short time to converse with all of you. Don't forget to send me #NaturePhotography of winter.
My rules include asking; tool or toy (tools enhance learning, toys distract....but I’m willing to acknowledge there are times even I need a distraction...) #bcedchat
Yes, coordinating major assignments with other colleagues helps - not always easy to do b/c Ss have a lot going on! I usually would ask Ss abt project/test dates and always willing to give extension giving parents' consent. Which hopefully helps a bit. #bcedchat
A6. Some schools have "passion blocks"... I'd say coach a team or run a club (something that you're interested in, of course). Could be curricular with inquiry projects. Basically, we have to find ways for students to make a CONNECTION. #bcedchat
A6: Students need time to build and form relationships with peers, teachers and other grades. Finding things in common is always helpful. A teacher who takes time to find out why the learner is reluctant is invaluable. #bcedchat
It's indeed important to ask the tool vs toy question, technology or not! But occasionally using a toy that can engage Ss in class is okay? Learning can come in surprising ways. #bcedchat
So much scheduling in kids lives. Even the ministry has stated kids (into teen years) should not be unsupervised...even in the backyard... yet we send many students walking home ... except for some https://t.co/bqqRzyrlA8#bcedchat
In reply to
@montessorimice, @msyehuang, @rilmcknight
Or perhaps consider having assignments that cross curricular areas and can show learning and understanding in multiple areas in one project or culminating task. Could make for more meaningful and less stressful learning opportunities. #BCedchat
A5: I think we have a duty to show students how to use technology properly. We just need to show that how, why and when to connect. We should also work with parents to be better role models with their devices. #bcedchat
A6 as a white male teacher, I have always been cognizant to understand my learners as individuals - May have helped being a librarIAN - focus on character not characterizations #bcedchat
If plodding along on a study of astronomy and there is no passion to dig deep... should there not be an opportunity for a learner to say “this ain’t for me”? #bcedchat
A6: Easy answer is play together. Fun answer is dance. My ss love it when we all dance to different types of music. Leads to fun and a feeling of being carefree. #bcedchat
Q7: What are some strategies to build relationships with those who don’t want to - or don’t know how to form - relationships with adults in schools? #bcedchat
Started this with 5ths today. Earth, Moon and Sun. 10 second months. Ss asked great Q’s about rotation directions. I did the ratios. Still adjusting. Gonna hang Merge Cube on ceiling. #ARVRinEDU#5thchat.
A6 I am lucky that I teach a computer class and we have x blocks based on Ss interest areas. I am always working on major student projects. All of these can help find an interest area for many. Right now we are going on a walk twice a week because my Ss need down time. #bcedchat
#bcedchat A6 Making sure that there are community building opportunities so that everyone in the class can learn about everyone else. It’s not always the teacher that notices, sometimes students notice others and try to engage them too. This happens with strong communities.
Yeah. Being mindful of the ‘big idea’ is an important step too. If we are learning about Ancient Egypt, and they dont care about egypt, why couldn’t they investigate another ancient civilization? What is the actual goal of the learning? #bcedchat
I sometimes feel a sense of discouragement when I am trying to find a way to connect with a reluctant student... creating relationship is worth the perseverance and I will keep trying new things! #bcedchat
Hey all I forgot to say Hi I'm April from snowy sunshine coast where I teach STEAM secondary courses. Late arriver and I just started chatting, #bcedchat
Yep - but some units in general science (and all subjects) are more relevant than others. Some great communicators don’t need to struggle with writing a five paragraph essay when there are other methodologies to use! #bcedchat I like your reference to the competencies!
A7. Kindness, genuine interest in them as humans, non-threatening eye contact, laughter, willingness to be a little ridiculous, having food. (a little like taming a wild animal) #bcedchat
It can be challenging because you can only give so much. The student has to come part of the way too. All you can do is keep making yourself available to the connection. #bcedchat
A7. I still think about @tweetsomemoore@TEDxLangleyED Talk about "Under the Table." Relent. Persist. Find a way. Keep trying. Find a peer, a parent, or therapy dog. Find a way to make a connection. Build empathy. #bcedchathttps://t.co/rw3ynBiFnT
Q7: What are some strategies to build relationships with those who don’t want to - or don’t know how to form - relationships with adults in schools? #bcedchat
I have loved using Design Thinking to enhance PBL (Project based learning) - something I am going to try out tomorrow with a multi-age group of reluctant learners tomorrow (they’re often in my office anyways....) #bcedchat
A7 There is an anonymous quote "Maybe you don't get me because you only see MY world through YOUR eyes" I try to see it from their frame of reference if I can. #bcedchat
As we wind things up - thanks again to everybody’s sharing and ...
Q8: What is a strategy you use and can suggest to try to re-engage learners? #bcedchat
A7 Be there. Meet the class at the door. have a routine of checking in. But I find for some you need to just sit near them and give them time to be comfortable with you. They eventually open up or laugh at one of my silly jokes. #bcedchat
I started doing morning meetings. My students now ask when will the meetings start? They give me a rating of 1-10 on how they’re feeling some also give me a why. #bcedchat