Meet and chat with colleagues about Universal Design for Learning (UDL) on Twitter! The best hour of professional learning you'll get in 30 minutes. Held the first and third Wednesdays of the month from 9-9:30PM ET.
Hi all! I'm Katie Novak. Today, I hail from the frozen tundra of Massachusetts in April... but I got my nails done in lilac purple... they will match my sequin pants at UDL-IRN next week. (; #UDLchat#UDL
Hi all! I'm Katie Novak. Today, I hail from the frozen tundra of Massachusetts in April... but I got my nails done in lilac purple... they will match my sequin pants at UDL-IRN next week. (; #UDLchat#UDL
New to Universal Design for Learning? Join other #UDL newbies and #UDLrockstars at the #UDLIRN Summit next week in Orlando! Can't make it? Sign up for the live stream! So many ways to participate.
A1: Ummm... because they are learning. They are the consumers. When you go to a restaurant, you expect to be involved in the ordering process. Same thing in classrooms. Show them a fabulous menu, ask for feedback, and make it rain, #UDL style! #udlchat
A1: Asked a middle school student why choice is important in learning - his response: I feel like the teacher is trying to bond with us when she gives us choice. #smartkid#udlchat
A1 Involving Ss in designing learning experiences increases engagement, supports us in meeting varied needs of Ss, creates a positive, safe learning environment, supports in building relationships #UDLChat
A1: How else will we know what parts of a learning experience “work” for different learners if we don’t ask them and involve them in the design of that experience? #UDLchat
A1: It allows students to be active agents in their learning, motivation and engagement increases and most importantly it build relationships! #udlchat
A1: I’m always so much happier with the guidelines and the finished product when I remember that it’s not all about me. Learners do the learning everyday, we should too! #udlchat
A1: involving learners in co- designing lessons is the only way to cultivate a community of authentic learning experiences. It becomes an organic unfolding of reciprocal teaching and learning beyond the moments! #UDLchat
A2: I teach teachers, so I just share that baby straight out and every time there is a break, I ask them to reflect, identify one place where I'm not optimizing choice and then filling in the blank, "It would be cool if you....[did more of this...less of this.] #udlchat
A2: I keep my head in that variability space knowing that my learners need to recognize and value their own variability. With that focus, we can co-construct all sorts of learning experiences! #UDLchat
A2: When coaching teachers towards #UDL change in practice, I always ask three questions: What are you inspired to try (engagement)? How can I help you learn more about the strategy/idea (representation)? When do you plan to implement and how can I support (action/exp)? #udlchat
#udlchat A1: my dad told me my first year to try going to school and learning from my Ss instead of the other way around. 15 years ago, pre-UDL. Still. Rings. True. Julie, HS English, Columbus, IN
A2 Provide multiple means for engagement, representation, and expression-opportunities for choice, goal setting, give specific feedback, make learning relevant #UDLChat
A2 students are familiarwith the Guidelines which allows them to feel that their voice is valued and they love choice of all kinds and in all ways. #udlchat
A1: Because otherwise we judge learning on how well students comply & presume that teachers should have power over students. The power of the classroom should come from students & teachers co-designing authentic learning experiences that value the lives of the students. #udlchat
A2: Having adult learners look at the guidelines and find where they want to start- identifying what they are good at (lowest hanging fruit as @KatieNovakUDLsays) and build from there... small bites #UDLchat
A2 my favorite way to design with my users in mind is share the goal and ask them what they need to understand it! Also have them come up with a goal to accomplish in our time together related to the goal. #UDLchat
A2: Co-designing helps build students' feelings of self-efficacy, and recognizes the value of the student voice as valid and powerful. I especially like having Ss help design rubrics! #udlchat
A2: to use the UDL guidelines to engage learners...we must plan for ways for each to feel a sense of purpose and belonging...know where and how to seek resources--and have strategies to choose from to reach their goals....and BAM! that's how its done! #UDLchat
A2: I'm using the UDL framework to rethink how I engage teachers in PD. I love a good pre-session google form where I ask 'what matters & what's important about professional learning for you?' #udlchat
A2: I'm using the UDL framework to rethink how I engage teachers in PD. I love a good pre-session google form where I ask 'what matters & what's important about professional learning for you?' #udlchat
Definitely a challenge. But customize where you can. You’d be surprised how powerful the #UDL framework can be in making even small changes where you can. #UDLchat
A2. Ask them to anticipate what may be a barrier for them in the learning process. Then we think about solutions for when those barriers arise. Collaborating to make planful choices. #udlchat
A2: I try to provide a “why” and let Ss work on framing a goal for a bigger unit/project/assessment. They walk through some of the framework. I want to be more intentional next year by putting it in their hot little hands. #udlchat
A3 That changes daily for us. In 6th grade they are constantly filling out forms letting me know likes/disliked and suggesting things. If they want it to happen, it most likely happens. New project ideas, seating/standing (balance boards) options, tech tools, etc. #udlchat
A2. Ask them to anticipate what may be a barrier for them in the learning process. Then we think about solutions for when those barriers arise. Collaborating to make planful choices. #udlchat
A3. I've been working this semester to minimize industry jargon and common slag that EL and international students may not understand. I've been checking for understand often too #UDLchat
Nathan from Wisconsin, also recovering shoveler.
A3: Student input on representation enables the process for students to learn from each other, which by its nature is much more compelling to other students than anything we can offer. #udlchat
A3: Since I'm always in a new environment, the framework (not just Representation) helps me ask quality prep questions about the environment and begin establishing the most flexible environment I can. #1000Balloons#UDLchat
A3: My learners are a bit different now that I’m not in a classroom… but I certainly depend heavily on feedback from my learners before, during, and after a learning experience. #UDLchat
A3: I work with adult learners, so allowing them to construct their own knowledge through curated resources and share it with their colleagues has been most powerful #UDLchat
A3: So many ways...conversation last night with a student got me thinking about the feedback I provide in written format...need to think of other ways to represent...ideas? My provided tool is very limited but that’s not an excuse!#udlchat
A3:I know it's ALWAYS BETTER when you ask for input. We try our best, but can't possibly know everything our learners will need or resources they will use unless we ask them. Asking for input helps prevent our assumptions from driving the bus. #udlchat
A3 One of my favorite protocols is #QFT#QuestionFormulationTechnique@RightQuestion because it engages the learner in their own questioning and formulating their own learning, leading to richness of ideas and resources for all Ss #UDLChat
A1: Because otherwise we judge learning on how well students comply & presume that teachers should have power over students. The power of the classroom should come from students & teachers co-designing authentic learning experiences that value the lives of the students. #udlchat
A3: Part of my UDL pilot included a student survey. Ss were asked tons of questions like, "What do you wish your teacher knew about you as a learner?" Ss responded with awesome answers about their learning needs (esp. representation). Ts found it very powerful! #udlchat
A3 Overall I think it makes the learning more fun! We did a lesson study where our 9th grade ed pathway kiddos contributed to the teachers' lesson designing. So much more engagement! #udlchat
Great way to set up the learning session! I've also started to give them resources ahead of time in case they want to build their background knowledge! #udlchat
A2: I'm using the UDL framework to rethink how I engage teachers in PD. I love a good pre-session google form where I ask 'what matters & what's important about professional learning for you?' #udlchat
A3: The teachers I work with are the best teachers I've ever had. They push me daily to question my practice, dig deep to foster more choice, and create more opportunities for distributed leadership. Listening is sometimes the greatest method of PD. #udlchat
#udlchat a:2 I am currently supporting higher ed faculty implement the UDL framework within their own classrooms so that next gen educators know what it looks like. Pre-service educators give their professors feedback on how to improve UDL and truly experience UDLs power!
A3: I work with adult learners, so allowing them to construct their own knowledge through curated resources and share it with their colleagues has been most powerful #UDLchat
A3 Listening is the easiest (no cost) way we can welcome our learners (and their teachers) into the school community, and in the end we are giving so many gifts as a results #UDLChat
A3: The teachers I work with are the best teachers I've ever had. They push me daily to question my practice, dig deep to foster more choice, and create more opportunities for distributed leadership. Listening is sometimes the greatest method of PD. #udlchat
A4 In the little bit we've done, we really feel like we've tapped into a gold mine! Teachers are much more motivated & it is much easier to keep them student focused. #udlchat
A4: Higher levels of sustained engagement, more learners exploring the topic after the learning experience has ended, more participation (in varied ways). #UDLchat
A4 Ss are more engaged, all students have multiple entry points into the learning, we are developing #SEL skills, creating safe, caring learning environments #UDLChat
Q4. Earlier today, I reviewed exam questions with my class before they are launched on Friday. They raised questions for clarity and even suggested timing for the exam. They left more confident and hopefully better positioned for success. #UDLchat
Check this: . multiple resources and ideas for the principles and for collaborative problem solving (I’m using it for AT Evals as well) #UDLChat
Kids designing rubrics= It's funny because they often hold themselves to a much higher standard than we would have if we designed it ourselves. So, it's a win-win! They are pushing themselves, AND they are motivated because they had a say in their learning! #udlchat#udlky
Q4. Earlier today, I reviewed exam questions with my class before they are launched on Friday. They raised questions for clarity and even suggested timing for the exam. They left more confident and hopefully better positioned for success. #UDLchat
Co-designing with our learners is another fabulous way to go deeper into the #UDL Framework and Guidelines. Thank you @DegnerJoni for another fantastic #UDLchat. Stay tuned for details on a special edition of #UDLchat live from the #UDLIRN Summit!
A4: The greatest outcome of #UDL is a culture of open communication and voice. We are ALL in this together. If people can't speak their truth and take risks, you will never have expert learning. #udlchat
A4: variety of products that inherently show S passion - from spoken word to baked goods to things i could never imagine... (one may have involved a replica of Vietcong tunnels in a fish tank)...#udlchat
A4. Learners will create a plan that works for them. Put the wheels in motion, provide timely prompts, feedback and coaching, then get out of the way and watch the magic of expert learning. #udlchat
A good rule of thumb someone shared with me in my first year of teaching: you might be the only adult who smiles at a kid, and you migh be the only adult who listens. I always remembered after that to be both. #udlchat
Kids designing rubrics= It's funny because they often hold themselves to a much higher standard than we would have if we designed it ourselves. So, it's a win-win! They are pushing themselves, AND they are motivated because they had a say in their learning! #udlchat#udlky
A4: A few: Remix a story —they even made a movie trailer & filmed a class movie w/ winning project (student-led), social issue project-a student took his topic & protested against school violence, they debated importance of chili dogs vs. endangered animals. Chili won. #udlchat
That’s right, #UDLchat fans… @drrevdean & I will be hosting a special LIVE #UDLchat from the #UDLrockstar Twitter Bootcamp at the #UDLIRN Summit next week! Look for more details coming soon.
Co-designing with our learners is another fabulous way to go deeper into the #UDL Framework and Guidelines. Thank you @DegnerJoni for another fantastic #UDLchat. Stay tuned for details on a special edition of #UDLchat live from the #UDLIRN Summit!
A4: Using the @YaleEmotion@rulerapproach#moodmeter to help adult learners monitor & reflect on their learning&emotional state has helped reduce frustration, encourage reflection& promote empathy, better learning&self regulation- helped my most resistant adults engage #udlchat
A3: My use of pre & post feedback has increased which parallels
increased engagement. I'm also using this info. to offer choice around tools to get live feedback during a session (e.g padlet, post its, twitter & hashtags) #udlchat
#udlchat a:2 I am currently supporting higher ed faculty implement the UDL framework within their own classrooms so that next gen educators know what it looks like. Pre-service educators give their professors feedback on how to improve UDL and truly experience UDLs power!
and the design of your PD approaches, environmental design, systems, processes, products and services (physical and virtual), events, parent\student\teachers catch ups, staff meetings .... #udlchat
We are working on it--this amazing work is happening in your state! I'll share more details soon! #udlchat#implementationscience and higher ed=passionate faculty and passionate students.
I got lost in the Twittersphere during this chat. But I laughed a lot so my brain is prime for learning! Bout to go read through all the amazing responses in #udlchat
I’m so bummed that I won’t be with you all this year but there are some amazing #ohUDL Rockstars that are joining in the fun this year! @Ronbrogers@Smith43326#udlchat
In reply to
@min_d_j, @drrevdean, @Ronbrogers, @Smith43326
Stupendous chat @DegnerJoni an everyone! Love the learning. Looking forward to more at @UDLIRN next week (and for the reminder @KatieNovakUDL to get that mani/pedi) #UDLChat
The #udlchat hashtag is always open but we officially chat every 1st & 3rd Wednesday of the month at 9 PM. I leave every chat with such excitement and enthusiasm to stay engaged in this deeply important work!
Thanks for your kind words @lindsayjoslater .There's some really neat #UDL work evolving at this university & we are collecting data on the process. Faculty and students are immediatley experiencing the benefits of their professors modelling UDL. Keep in touch. #udlchat