TNedchat is a way for educators in Tennessee to share thoughts, resources, and information. The weekly chat is moderated by Jessica Warner (@jessawarner) and Samantha Bates (@sjsbates).
Welcome to #TnEdChat! Tonight let’s play Twitter Tag you're it where we ask educators a question and you have to tag someone or a place to answer the question.
A2 I recommend checking out @MontourSD , definitely has great programs, #futureready and if you got the NEA Today magazine, there is a great article in there about it too. #tnedchat
#tnedchat Check our school out @NWhiteSchools. We have worked to take our Ss beyond the classroom walls. We have visited Russia, Canada, France, Israel, Denmark, Sweden, Mexico and Spain. Ss enjoy the chance to converse and learn from their peers.
It’s on my short list as soon as I can. But I recently watched a documentary on their process and structure. VERY focused on personalized learning that is driven by students. So much more 21st focused. #TNEdChat
Same here...literally follow these folks on #TNEdchat and questions will be answered when you need it. Perfect example how @Twitter has flattened the edu world.
In reply to
@juliedavisEDU, @Gregbagby, @web20classroom, @jmattmiller, @Twitter
A3: @juliedavisEDU who has an answer or will find the answer @CoachStone12 who will give great philosophical answers @tonydonen who gives answers that lead to more questions Sorry, I had to break the rules on this one...these 3 amazing educators had to be listed #TnEdChat
A4: @MarshaKGreen & @LitCoachCCIS -- these ladies sparkle in more ways than one!! They shine brightly, inspire those around them, & truly love what they do! ✨💖#TnEdChat