#langchat Archive
#LangChat is dedicated to the discussion of topics associated with issues and trends in world language instruction and learning. Educators, administrators, learners, and aficionados of world languages are encouraged to participate and share their experiences and input on various topics such as new ways to teach vocabulary, using music in the language classroom, and making standards-based grading valid. This chat is also unique in that it brings together language educators worldwide and from different contexts (elementary, secondary, higher education, etc.) and languages.
Thursday May 19, 2016 8:00 PM EDT
Good evening, ! Let's introduce ourselves - tell us who you are, where you're from, and what you teach!
Spanish teacher here joining from Seattle!
Melanie in Ohio, HS Spanish in our last week of school!
Buenas tardes, ! I'm Paulo in Memphis teaching Spanish 3,4,AP.
Hi ! I am Allison in Iowa & teach Spanish grades 7-12
I wore my shirt to work today. Obvi.
Bonsoir . Megan, French 2-AP, Detroit. Counting the days until June 17...
I'm Wendy, and I'll be tweeting the questions tonight! I teach French 1 and 2 in NE Ohio! One more week and then we're done.
Buenas Tardes Amanda from WI- Spanish 2 & 4
Counting the days until June 7
We have 2 teacher days next week, but I'm kind of in denial about them
Jennifer. St.Louis, Missouri. French levels 1-4
We're in school until June 21st - craziness!! Feel bad for me and send me COFFEE
Today was a rough day...told my Ss that I was sorry for being a crab.
French 2-AP & Digital Literacy Coach in WA state at the top of the Puget Sound!
Nicole in Vancouver B.C. Teaching French & French Immersion 8/10, on the verge of napping. So tired today.
I know the feeling! I skipped all Thursday for about a year bc I just couldn't stay awake!
We're getting ready for our first question! Don't forget to include the answer number (A1, A2, A3, etc.) and in your answer!
Amy, French in Indiana, and - excited to do a proficiency workshop in Utah and then go to Nicaragua this summer!
Kim from IN...Spanish 1 & Heritage, grades 7&8
A lot of French teachers here tonight, it seems. It'll be good to hear that perspective.
Hey ! Robin from Ohio, saying "Nos vemos en agosto" to some great Spanish 1-3 students TOMORROW. 😁
A1: Choice helps Ss take ownership of learning. Also lets Ss (theoretically) pick what's best for their abilities
A1: Pro of choice in assessment, the teacher gets variety while grading!
A1 Con: I worry about assigning apples & oranges. Maybe I shouldn't, but I do.
A1 A big pro for me is Ss choose what best fits them + their own perspective that might be diff from mine, so I learn, too.
A1. Students can play to their strengths.
A1: I barely know how to assess let alone how to allow for student choice in assessment. I get super anxious about assessment.
A1 Students have sense of autonomy, more confident.
A1 pro: higher student engagement + built-in differentiation
A1 I use rubrics to grade language production (Pres/Interpers mode) from students, but Interpretive varies too much for S choice
A1 Pros: engagement, personalized, and gives Ss a chance to shine at something they're interested in!
Usually try 2 find similar res's/topic. Desc for ss what kind of lang/accent/etc. they have. Some choose challenge
A1- Pros: More fun to grade, students choose what interests them; Con: Different rubrics for different projects
A1 (2/2) con: sometimes difficult to evaluate/grade
A1 Pro: Students will be more invested. Con: May only do what they know they can do and not challenge themselves.
A1 - OWNERSHIP and fun!!!
I grade using the AAPPL rubrics, so whatever they task they choose w/in a mode is the same rubric.
A1 Another con: tough to grade, time consuming... all so different
Fighting off a as we speak. Whoa.
A1: more student buy in, answers where they will perform better, increase confidence
A1 We're able to honor sts' abilities, strengths, &voice. I enjoy the challenge of multiple assessments, but that's my personality
I'm ok with giving a challenge when I intend to. I don't like when I realize AFTER that I gave 2 too-different things.
A1.5 Cons: hard to adapt to all student choices, potentially harder to grade
A1: Con is trying to make assessments equitable in all choices. Am I measuring same skills?
A1 PROs: Students use their abilities to show their learning CONS: not all challenge themselves
Indeed. There's nothing worse than grading and realizing something was more difficult (or way easier) than intended
Opened the current events unit in Spanish 4 this week w/ one a day newscasts featuring news from Mexico. https://t.co/yJeFNLspe8
A1 THAT's what I was trying to say. Not that I need equity every time but...
This month, I used 's portfolio and had my Ss working one a mode at a time-same targets, diff tasks.
I would really appreciate seeing some AATF rubrics. feeling overwhelmed this week regarding assessment
A1: even w/ choice in assessment, I have same performance rubric for all https://t.co/UClab4hXsA
A1- Pros: More fun to grade, students choose what interests them; Con: Different rubrics for different projects
Do any of you have some good rubrics for French writing, like about current events or reflective journaling?
Check out the Keys to Language Assessment by There are rubrics in the back that can get you started https://t.co/laCrozpQuO
I would really appreciate seeing some AATF rubrics. feeling overwhelmed this week regarding assessment
I should really try! When I know where I am at next year, I will plan! Is there a post?
Just a ? to think about: is there really a need for "different" kinds of writing rubrics?
A1 Perhaps a bit sacrilegious, but choice brings out true abilities of sts. They produce at their level & we learn depth/breadth
Keys to Planning book study this summer! Woot!
We're 15 minutes into & I already have 3 new tabs open...
Totally agree. Not constrained by a lack of interest or confidence.
A2 Presentational writing/speaking I think. DEFINITELY anything that is PBL-oriented.
If they don't all challenge themselves, then they can't get a higher rating/grade in the course. The onus is on them.
it is liberating to just focus on the big proficiency picture & not the little details
A2 Offer choice of reading/listening & then req a similar product from all Ss. Graphic organizer, written response/summary, etc.
A2: I've only used choice assignments with writing. Would love ideas for speaking!
I recommend doing Rubrics. The ones by are by mode - so you would have a Writing Rubric for all your assignments.
A2 It's really hard for me to assign choice in Interpretive tasks. Level of difficulty in S-chosen resources can be off the charts.
Anything that let's them show their personality and strengths. Presentationl is easiest for choice, I would think.
A2 I think all, but realistically, interpersonal/presentational. Curating all those interpretive selections would be tough!
Here's 's portfolio post that I use!
Would your writing prompt choices not translate well to (presentational) speaking?
Check out OFLA rubrics! Good resource.
I provide a few (2-5) options
A2 Speaking on a topic that interests them, about an article/song/video they watched or read. Record w/iPod/Phone/Chromebook.
Thats where I get bogged down in"is this worth my time" question.Hard 2 hunt when I could just pick 1 & say do it lol.
A2:easiest is presentational, but Lit Circles help w/ choice in interpersonal & interpretive https://t.co/uXUoIBD2gm
True. I had mine self-select those, too, according to our objectives and put links. How'd you do yours?
Absolutely! Maybe a good stepping stone is creating a menu of options for the lesser motivated kids.
Lol, yeah, I did it recently when I magically found several good resources in very little time. Depends on the topic
A2 I think presentational and interpretive lend themselves to easy choice work because it's independent.
A1 pro: students' enthusiasm! Love to see their faces light up
A2: wi/ choice in interpretive I'd go big picture & allow choice in which novel students read https://t.co/Ih5I5jHZ9A
A2 I think all, but realistically, interpersonal/presentational. Curating all those interpretive selections would be tough!
A2b Interpersonal can be done for independent work, but it just takes more diligence to make it work for feedback.
I have a terribly hard time finding for my Ss ... I can't imagine them finding it themselves, maybe I'm wrong.
A2 interpersonal and presentational writing/speaking
I love doing Lit Circles. That is one time when the Interpretive mode can have S choice.
That's why I started using at 's suggestion--tag w/topic and can send them out.
I haven't read this yet, but do Ss do interpretive listening w/ novels? as an assessment?
A2 going to rebel a bit: not all student choice is for a formal assessment: Free Voluntary Reading
A2: Multiple infographics on topic are a great opt for Int. choice! Relatively easy to find & quick to assess for lvl/sch approp.
I felt the same way until I found Their website has both Spanish and French
I've never done it, but the readers we have came with a CD audio book version - could work?
Int. reading: give diff poems/mini stories by themes so ss pick...can lead to other modes which is based on that first choice
Q3 How can we give students choice in assessment AND measure pre-determined performance targets? https://t.co/ccdUvWAaG8
A2 interpersonal can sometimes be antipersonal when stds are forced to talk about spec topics.
How do you motivate your Ss to do free reading? Do you have a library? What level do you start?
A3 I guess by being manipulative in the "choices" that I offer.
A3 maybe too obvious, but just state them! Tell them what needs to be included
I am thinking more that the entire unit offers choice which thus choice in assessment
A3 Aligning them to the performance targets/I can statements.
A3 Or show rubric. No matter what option, I expect to see complete sentences, connecting words, etc.
A3 Assess using a rubric aligned to proficiency level. Then give the Ss a topic their Prsentation or Conversation must address
A3 Begin the unit with those choice topics and thread throughout
A3: I think the key is to give Ss choice in content, but have generally similar format across the board.
A3 I've found I get more reliable results when my Ss develop their own tasks around the same obj so Ss choose HOW to meet obj.
also an interpretive reading while students reading separate novels could be prompt interpreting setting of novel
This sounds both amazing and impossible.
oohh I like this! do you have an example?
You can do it! It takes patience and time with yourself & your Ss, too. :D
I just clicked on the link and MAN I got sucked in. I'll save that for later. Thanks for the resource!
Someday! Right now I'm thinking "Where would I even *begin* with that!?" lol
A1: Question- If you give Ss choice, how do you have "common assessments?" This is a BIG issue in my district.
IMO- if all Tt have same standard or objective, regardless how Ss show- its common
A3: our performance targets are super broad - communicating & moving up proficiency levels
A1 We don't give choice for the common assessments, although those topics are very open-ended.
Read 's High Leverage Leadership Strategies
That's one of the things I love about --you have support at every turn!
I can get behind that. So then how does your PLC share and analyze data?
So well said - one of my very favorite parts about this community! https://t.co/fEZ20qHD7J
That's one of the things I love about --you have support at every turn!
on that post I had weekly convo/writing prompts for lit circle - characters, setting, theme, plot, climax, eval
by looking how Ss did on that objective or standard. If all agree what prof, adv, etc is...then all can be compared
So then you must all use the same rubric and calibrate your expectations, right? That is my goal for my PLC right now.
A4 Both! At the end of the day, I don't really care HOW you show me what you learned - just show me!
A4 both, but maybe if classes are structured w/ diff activities, Ss will have more ideas for summative ?!?
Those of us who are allowed this "freedom" in assessment are quite lucky. Not everyone is allowed this luxury.
A4 I've been working more with student choice in formative assessment. It can vary so widely, but I want a set summative to rate.
That would be the goal! My dept doesn't do this- but this is what my masters research is
Can be both, tho I'm most comfortable with formative. Do include some choice in summative (choose 1 article to interpret)
A4: Both! Reality: right now it's mostly formative. Summative is harder w/o going to the "multiple test version" model.
A4b Next year I want to work with possibly having student choice on summative. I have plans.
A4 Making all the choice options takes time, so I tend to save it for summative.
I want to know more about this!
So true https://t.co/kAsYBNBuDd
Those of us who are allowed this "freedom" in assessment are quite lucky. Not everyone is allowed this luxury.
A4 I've been doing S Choice on FormAs. Give them 15 ideas and they choose 8. Mostly cultural research, then they produce something
We'll talk when it's more than 140. ;)
A4: the more you go to profiency, the easier choice becomes. Also, can split up tests into mini sum. assess. to ease grdng
YASSSSS!!!! https://t.co/6HaSWBNDN0
A4: the more you go to profiency, the easier choice becomes. Also, can split up tests into mini sum. assess. to ease grdng
Is everyone here assessing by Mode?
Yes! Yes! A thousand times yes! This right here is the question to ask, brother...er sister! https://t.co/Jd7NiWyfXl
Is everyone here assessing by Mode?
How do you mean? I want to ease grading for sure. I've got two stacks staring me in the face right now...
Mostly. But I get stuck on assessing all Can-Dos across modes. So I have a pres. writing back-up system for that.
YES! And I wouldn't go back to the traditional way if you paid me 100x my salary.
A5 Today I decided it was by saying "What's another way to say that?" When kids asked me for vocab
I assess by mode too. So, how do you "test" Ss on specific vocab/grammar covered per unit?
A5 In the case of PBL, you have to supply them the problem.
A5: throw in an unexpected twist or complication in interpersonal
A5 Part of me wants to say that negotiate the meaning & how to communicate the task solves a problem.
A5 Otherwise super hard to do with Ss who are obsessed to point of anxiety needing 2 know EXACTLY what's coming.
I don't anymore https://t.co/lh7YLitWPP
I assess by mode too. So, how do you "test" Ss on specific vocab/grammar covered per unit?
I don't. I give prompts/resources that req Ss to understand/use targets. Sometimes it doesn't work
I give ungraded check-ins where Ss need to show skills. Track skills over term. % of grade.
If performance task is set up right, will demand natural use of grammar targets.
ACTFL says this is an Int. Mid skill, how do you do with novices?
You test the function. Can they USE the vocab/grammar to answer prompt. Can they produce original lang?
A5 I believe Essential Qs should should let you know self, community and world better.
A5: Use a word students don't know. Ask them to guess what a new word means. Make them negotiate meaning.
Great idea for Intermediate levels. How do you do that for level 1 or 2?
T: What is your name? S: Says name. T: Can you spell that? Surprise!
A5 Valuing skills like circumlocution. On a thematic scale, I'm curious what things like social studies's C3 framework might offer
I have been doing this for almost ALL interp. lately. By lately I mean, like, May.
Situations à la: You ask for a pizza. The waiter brings you a hotdog. What do you say?
A5.2 Interpersonally, I like OPI-style, where we "warm up" and then I push them to the next level! I try to personalize this part.
Really?! Then how do you know they're "getting it?" Mini-quizzes or something? "Requirements" on SumAs?
I am so not good at this...
I feel your pain, Piper. Still not able to 100% let go.
to be honest I don't usually with novices, but these ladies have some good ideas!
I LOVE that idea. How do you keep kids motivated to develop those skills if they can "circumlocute" them?
Talk to them in the TL! They'll show you exactly what they know. :)
Litigation is real. NO. -But I'm really saddened by this reality.
If they can DO the SKILL, I don't really care HOW they do it. Would dance if they circumlocuted!
Wow, it's that time, ! What are your takeaways?!
I do not have set vocabulary except a few target structures for each story unit or novel chapter. Perks of
I want to. I USED to. But then I switched districts... It's like a dif world here.
Looks like I missed again. :( Maybe see you Saturday.
I've noticed after all that effort to work around kids are excited to acquire a faster way!
TA Remember to throw my parrots some curveballs. I know how to, but don't do it often enough.
takeaway: I want to offer more student choice in OUTPUT!
Wait...what?! Already?!!!
I think you just have to go for it! I always keep one or two in mind, but it develops naturally!
I could only "Like" this one, y'all. https://t.co/hzTKt1QB82
takeaway: I want to offer more student choice in OUTPUT!
TA: General inspiration for giving more student choice