#FLedchat is a virtual meeting place using Twitter. Educators across the state of Florida come together on Wednesdays at 8pm EST to discuss the topics of the week.
Welcome one and all to a night of diversity, oh I mean community, oh I mean diversimunity. Well we are glad that you stopped by. Say hello. Mingle a little. Questions will begin shortly. #FLEdChat
My name is Dene and I am your moderator on this dry Florida evening. Thinking of the Carolinas though and praying for safe keeping through the storms of life. #FLEdChat
Q1: Diversity is something we have always had in the world, but perhaps never fully embraced. A new school year has begun, and your students want to know what diversity is and how they might identify it? What would you tell him or show them? #FLEdChat
I didn't heart the cold but I am glad you have come regardless of how you feel. I think Michele has a recipe for something with turmeric in it. #FLEdChat
A1: I would show them pictures and videos from Tanzania, and not just the locals, but also of the people who visit there, and those who live there who are not Tanzanian! #FLEdChat
I didn't heart the cold but I am glad you have come regardless of how you feel. I think Michele has a recipe for something with turmeric in it. #FLEdChat
A1: I would show them pictures and videos from Tanzania, and not just the locals, but also of the people who visit there, and those who live there who are not Tanzanian! #FLEdChat
Q2: What would you do if you had a class of 20 students, and each one was from a different country and culture? How would your approach to teaching and learning change, if at all? #FLEdChat
A1: Look around your classroom. Is there anyone here with the same story as you? What differences do we have that make us unique? What similarities do we have? #FLedChat
A1: Look around your classroom. Is there anyone here with the same story as you? What differences do we have that make us unique? What similarities do we have? #FLedChat
A2: It would be a great medium for teaching similarities and differences as well as theme, maybe even main idea, as I look around at all of their faces. #FLEdChat
Here you go! Q2: What would you do if you had a class of 20 students, and each one was from a different country and culture? How would your approach to teaching and learning change, if at all? #FLEdChat
Q3: Imagine you had a classroom of 85 eager students and limited resources. Aside from direct teaching how would you diversify the classroom learning experience? #FLEdChat
Q2: What would you do if you had a class of 20 students, and each one was from a different country and culture? How would your approach to teaching and learning change, if at all? #FLEdChat
A2: Definitely lots of time for class and team building. I think having students record interviews with a family member about their culture to share with the class would be interesting. #FLedChat
Q3: Imagine you had a classroom of 85 eager students and limited resources. Aside from direct teaching how would you diversify the classroom learning experience? #FLEdChat
Oh thats a wonderful idea. The interviews can then be shared in the class with students...I dig it. I wonder if as an extension, a student from another culture could reflect on it. I dont know. Haha. Just thinking. #FLEdChat
A1. Let them create something that is about them and then have them look at each other’s creations. Identify similarities and differences. Talk about how our differences can be strengths. Talk about how we can use them to our collective advantage. #fledchat
Oh thats a wonderful idea. The interviews can then be shared in the class with students...I dig it. I wonder if as an extension, a student from another culture could reflect on it. I dont know. Haha. Just thinking. #FLEdChat
A3: Have them bring in their favorite fruit or vegetable. I bet there would be a variety. Even if the community is low income, there would be differences to compare. Have them exchange and discuss the next day. #FLedChat
Q4: In Tanzania, learning is essential in schools. Teachers work very hard to ensure learning is taking place. If you had to suggest one strategy or tool, technique or resource that would be helpful to them, what would it be and why? #FLEdChat
Teach me your ways! Haha. I saw a few cookbooks in the library when I went with students and felt a lil inspired by the books and the students who checked them out. #FLEdChat
Q4: In Tanzania, learning is essential in schools. Teachers work very hard to ensure learning is taking place. If you had to suggest one strategy or tool, technique or resource that would be helpful to them, what would it be and why? #FLEdChat
I like this idea; I am not sure how limited paper is though most if not all students had access to it. This is something I can suggest to them. #FLEdChat
A2 It is important for Ts to build relationships and help Ss to know that ALL of who they are will be fully embraced. Not all Ss from diff cultures feel comfortable sharing themselves...out of fear, rejection, etc. #FLedChat
A4: I think In order to ensure that students are learning, it is important to give students a hands on approach within the classroom. A lot of students are hands on learners so in order to account for all types of learners, it is important.
I believe this is a good point. So in those instances of students that are fearful...is there a way to encourage this, or do you think that time and relationships will eventually allow them to feel more comfortable? #FLEdChat
Q5: It is not uncommon to see groups of people together in Tanzania, whether working or during leisure time. In this scenario (and maybe many others), what is the essence of community? #FLEdChat
A5: I think community is extremely important whether it be in classrooms or out in leisure time. As humans, we all want to belong and have someone to relate with. In a workplace, it is important to develop positive relationships with each other.
A5: I think community is extremely important whether it be in classrooms or out in leisure time. As humans, we all want to belong and have someone to relate with. In a workplace, it is important to develop positive relationships with each other.
Both! But time won't do it alone. Ts have to be intentional about this. Learning just a little something about the Ss on your own and sharing it with them can start this process. Letting them know you are interested in learning more will help them open up #Fledchat
I can tell you I have felt like I didn't "belong" in so many ways, and I've had kids experience this too at school and in classrooms. Or they felt it anyway #FLEdChat
A5: It takes a village! Working together for the common good, and when one is in need jumping in to help because we will all be in those shoes at some point. #FLedChat
I think this is important to note Celeste. A reminder to me and maybe helpful to many. Sometimes that step to understand something may win that student over. What if we all did that everywhere... wow. #FLEdChat
There have been times in my life that I felt like the "odd one out". Sometimes I was. Sometimes I just read people wrong. Either way, it felt bad. Finding my own community made life easier. #FLedChat
Q6: Music is a powerful tool that makes learning engaging. Have you ever used music in your classroom to celebrate diversity and/or build community? What would be a good song suggestion? #FLEdChat
A5. Community can be the simple act of hanging out together and socializing. This helps build bonds of trust and caring that can carry a people through both good and bad times. #fledchat
Q2: think that I would implement culture Fridays where every week, each student can teach the class something new about their culture whether it be in their family or nationality.
I saw this all over Tanzania. At times you just thought they were all staring at you as foreigners (they were) haha but it was so cool to see groups of people everywhere. Rarely was someone alone. #FLEdChat
A6: I'm not a big music person. I have used music to code by (https://t.co/h52F9Np4qB) however to help my students focus on the task at hand. #FLedChat
Q2: think that I would implement culture Fridays where every week, each student can teach the class something new about their culture whether it be in their family or nationality.
A6 I'm experimenting with drums in my classroom this year. I have djembe drums. One of my class jobs is class drummer. I have 2 class drummers for every class I teach. It's been amazing so far! #FledChat
A6 I'm experimenting with drums in my classroom this year. I have djembe drums. One of my class jobs is class drummer. I have 2 class drummers for every class I teach. It's been amazing so far! #FledChat
Yes. The drummers keep the djembe drums at their seats. They watch me for cues to know when to play a certain rhythm. They have learned 4 rhythms so far. #FledChat
Q7: Tim Berners-Lee stated that “We need diversity of thought in the world to face the new challenges.” What is a challenge we face today that a focus on diversity can help answer? #FLEdChat
A7: Just about every challenge we face today could use a focus on diversity. A diversity of thoughts help us see the challenges from every angle. Generally there is more than one way to solve a problem if we are willing to listen. #FLedChat
All of the above & As a matter of fact yes! There are chants to all 4 rhythms. Chants, songs, drums all a part of the classroom. There are more for them to learn & they have ideas for creating rhythms of their own #FledChat
Q8: Tim Berners-Lee also said “I hope we will use the Net to cross barriers and connect cultures.” The word Net likely identifies the Internet. What is a way that the Net provides this? What other ways can we accomplish this? #FledChat
A7. Any one of the #SDGs could be a focus. Just trying to solve all or part of those world issues will call for us to all bring our strengths. #fledchat
A7. Any one of the #SDGs could be a focus. Just trying to solve all or part of those world issues will call for us to all bring our strengths. #fledchat
A8. Use the power of The Net to meet others from other countries/cultures. Learn about each other. Do a project together. All of this will help kids develop #empathy which is so important. #fledchat
A8: So many ways to bring the world into the classroom now that we have the "net". Between easier live research to video conferences with others, no reason not to open doors. #FLedChat
Q9: For over a year we have joined in conversation on diversity and community. Would you agree that is remains a valid topic of discussion? What would you suggest as a future topic related to this theme? #FLEdChat