#DevDiscuss Archive

Tuesday March 20, 2018
9:00 PM EDT

  • ThePracticalDev Mar 20 @ 9:05 PM EDT
    Time for #DevDiscuss, an hour long Twitter chat on a software development topic. Tonight's topic is: 🎉 The state of the web 🎉 It's a freeform discussion. Let's kick things off with the question: What are the major issues affecting the web and web development today?
  • ThePracticalDev Mar 20 @ 9:05 PM EDT
    The chat will last about an hour and we use the #DevDiscuss tag. Rules: - Stay on topic - ALWAYS ALWAYS use hashtag #DevDiscuss - Be NICE/POSITIVE ❤️ - Quoting tweets for clarity is encouraged (ALWAYS use the #DevDiscuss, even on replies where appropriate 😄)
  • Tribex_ Mar 20 @ 9:07 PM EDT
    What are your opinions on the state of web API bloat? What do you think are potential solutions? #DevDiscuss
  • ASpittel Mar 20 @ 9:08 PM EDT
    A few big ones: * The awesome improvements to CSS like Grid, Flexbox, and Houdini on the horizon * JavaScript frameworks: which ones have staying power * Web assembly and the ability to use different programming languages on the web. #DevDiscuss
    In reply to @ThePracticalDev
  • gumnos Mar 20 @ 9:09 PM EDT
    My biggest issue: HTML content & CSS style moving to JavaScript. Disable JS for the security benefits and many pages load sans-content (expecting to pull it in onload) or sans-style (changing it onload) or worse (CSS leaves page unreadable without added JS styles) #DevDiscuss
    In reply to @ThePracticalDev
  • davidbrunelle Mar 20 @ 9:10 PM EDT
    Thinking the state of the web is pretty good these days. The platform has allowed us to ship a great product to meet customers where they are: https://t.co/s5vn6wfDBY #DevDiscuss
    • ThePracticalDev Mar 20 @ 9:05 PM EDT
      Time for #DevDiscuss, an hour long Twitter chat on a software development topic. Tonight's topic is: 🎉 The state of the web 🎉 It's a freeform discussion. Let's kick things off with the question: What are the major issues affecting the web and web development today?
  • Nick_Craver Mar 20 @ 9:10 PM EDT
    GDPR. If you look at the UK that pushed for it, the EU approved it, and then Brexit, we're basically dealing with a hit and run situation. #DevDiscuss
    • ThePracticalDev Mar 20 @ 9:05 PM EDT
      Time for #DevDiscuss, an hour long Twitter chat on a software development topic. Tonight's topic is: 🎉 The state of the web 🎉 It's a freeform discussion. Let's kick things off with the question: What are the major issues affecting the web and web development today?
  • kvlly Mar 20 @ 9:10 PM EDT
    Things that are wrong with the web in 2018: 1. Is anything *really* secure? 2. Everyone wants you to enable push notifications on their site 3. I still can't edit my tweets #DevDiscuss
  • philibertdugas Mar 20 @ 9:11 PM EDT
    For the longest time there was no official way to develop web payments. Hopefully the Payment Request API changes this 🤞#DevDiscuss
    • ThePracticalDev Mar 20 @ 9:05 PM EDT
      Time for #DevDiscuss, an hour long Twitter chat on a software development topic. Tonight's topic is: 🎉 The state of the web 🎉 It's a freeform discussion. Let's kick things off with the question: What are the major issues affecting the web and web development today?
  • ASpittel Mar 20 @ 9:11 PM EDT
    Oh also, the future of web components. If they have staying power they will really change the way web development works. JavaScript frameworks will change pretty dramatically too. #DevDiscuss
    In reply to @ThePracticalDev
  • gumnos Mar 20 @ 9:11 PM EDT
    Sites that keep content-structure (HTML), style (CSS), and behavior (JS) separate are far more usable when things go wrong (JS or CSS doesn't load because CDN goes down, user blocks it, enterprise filters it, etc). #DevDiscuss
    In reply to @ThePracticalDev
  • bendhalpern Mar 20 @ 9:11 PM EDT
    I think one of the biggest overall issues with the web is the threat of its overall accessibility for the everyday developer. Big companies are basically forking the web with walled gardens, the APIs are sooooo complex. Then net neutrality repeals to top it off #DevDiscuss
    • ThePracticalDev Mar 20 @ 9:05 PM EDT
      Time for #DevDiscuss, an hour long Twitter chat on a software development topic. Tonight's topic is: 🎉 The state of the web 🎉 It's a freeform discussion. Let's kick things off with the question: What are the major issues affecting the web and web development today?
  • davidbrunelle Mar 20 @ 9:13 PM EDT
    There are certainly some differences and challenges when it comes to developer experience and capabilities for web vs native. Some of my observations here: https://t.co/lBQCcVCuh1 #DevDiscuss
    • davidbrunelle Feb 10 @ 1:50 PM EST
      Building a PWA has made me more aware of some advantages native apps have. A few thoughts come to mind:
  • bendhalpern Mar 20 @ 9:13 PM EDT
    I agree with 1. and 2. but have never understood the pro-tweet-editing perspective. #DevDiscuss
    • kvlly Mar 20 @ 9:10 PM EDT
      Things that are wrong with the web in 2018: 1. Is anything *really* secure? 2. Everyone wants you to enable push notifications on their site 3. I still can't edit my tweets #DevDiscuss
  • davidbrunelle Mar 20 @ 9:14 PM EDT
    But the web has reached the point where, on some platforms, the experiences built on web are indistinguishable from native experiences. #devdiscuss
  • jmdembe Mar 20 @ 9:15 PM EDT
    Things that are keeping me up regarding the web: 1-keeping data as secure as possible 2-the pros/cons of SSO and OAuth (especially in light of what is going on at Facebook) 3-JS frameworks being created at breakneck speeds #DevDiscuss
  • gumnos Mar 20 @ 9:15 PM EDT
    Are you talking *web* API (GET/POST/HEAD/PUT/DELETE and possibly other verbs), browser JS APIs, broader APIs like WebRTC/HTTP2/WebSockets, or the sprawl of site-specific APIs? #DevDiscuss
    In reply to @Tribex_, @ThePracticalDev
  • davidbrunelle Mar 20 @ 9:16 PM EDT
    And that's super exciting. No other platform can match the reach and ubiquity of web. And now that we're getting things like service worker, payment request API, etc...? What's not to love and be excited about? #devdiscuss
  • TheOriginalBPC Mar 20 @ 9:17 PM EDT
    Accessibility, security and the importance of good user experience. A lot of the issues for web today is the impact it has on issues and people especially youth. #DevDiscuss
    In reply to @ThePracticalDev
  • GaryAsh1969 Mar 20 @ 9:17 PM EDT
    If you don’t understand the desire to edit tweets you’re a better typist than I am by far #DevDiscuss
    In reply to @bendhalpern
  • bendhalpern Mar 20 @ 9:17 PM EDT
    I'm a big fan of the concept of PWA and have been working with the associated APIs a fair bit now, but I remain fairly unconvinced and/or frustrated with certain aspects. I wrote about one particular frustration with PWAs a little while back https://t.co/1tPOF4rYag #DevDiscuss
  • jmdembe Mar 20 @ 9:18 PM EDT
    Above: a time when I could have benefitted from an edit button #DevDiscuss
    In reply to @bendhalpern
  • TallBlondeGuy Mar 20 @ 9:18 PM EDT
    Good: 1. CSS is better than ever. Remember when you needed 4 images and a bunch of divs to make round corners? 2. Services like Dropbox, SmugMug, and Figma make it easier to go between devices/OSes and not get locked in 3. Web apps catching up to native performance #DevDiscuss
    • ThePracticalDev Mar 20 @ 9:05 PM EDT
      Time for #DevDiscuss, an hour long Twitter chat on a software development topic. Tonight's topic is: 🎉 The state of the web 🎉 It's a freeform discussion. Let's kick things off with the question: What are the major issues affecting the web and web development today?
  • dangolant Mar 20 @ 9:19 PM EDT
    #DevDiscuss the state of JS and web churn is slowing down but the movement to redefine this as a “JS renaissance” may quell important dissent
    In reply to @ThePracticalDev
  • DanFellini Mar 20 @ 9:20 PM EDT
    Twitter allows you to fix your typos by allowing you to delete your tweet and repost it. Allowing editing is a path I would not want to go down. The consequences are too dire. #devdiscuss
    In reply to @bendhalpern
  • Grantimus9 Mar 20 @ 9:20 PM EDT
    GDPR and copycat data-localization laws around the world. #DevDiscuss
    In reply to @ThePracticalDev
  • bendhalpern Mar 20 @ 9:20 PM EDT
    Can you expand on this? (Could also make a good https://t.co/E4yHRJkeOg post 😄) #devdiscuss
    In reply to @dangolant, @ThePracticalDev
  • davidbrunelle Mar 20 @ 9:21 PM EDT
    One of my hopes for the web? Put PWAs in to all the app stores as installable apps: Google Play, Windows, Apple app store, etc... #devdiscuss
  • gumnos Mar 20 @ 9:22 PM EDT
    I like how FB and some other platforms proceeded: you post "new" edited content that (1) marks that it has been edited and (2) gives you access to see the previous versions with their timestamps. I'd be good for something like that on Twitter #DevDiscuss
    In reply to @DanFellini, @bendhalpern
  • gumnos Mar 20 @ 9:23 PM EDT
    Re. #3, I'm enjoying some of the "get back to Vanilla JS" movement that's been going on. So many frameworks evolving so fast, but the vanilla JS is now pretty stable & cross-platform if targeting modern browsers. #DevDiscuss
    In reply to @jmdembe, @ThePracticalDev
  • TallBlondeGuy Mar 20 @ 9:23 PM EDT
    Bad: 1. More inaccessible than ever for new devs 2. Those "Chrome and/or Mobile Safari is the new IE6" vibes 3. Walled gardens of social media 4. Ads, tracking, and subsequent performance/privacy issues #DevDiscuss
    • ThePracticalDev Mar 20 @ 9:05 PM EDT
      Time for #DevDiscuss, an hour long Twitter chat on a software development topic. Tonight's topic is: 🎉 The state of the web 🎉 It's a freeform discussion. Let's kick things off with the question: What are the major issues affecting the web and web development today?
  • DanFellini Mar 20 @ 9:24 PM EDT
    Twitter is too fast for that, I think. The problem comes if I tweet "I LOVE CATS' and get a thousand likes, then change it to "I LIKE [INSERT SOMETHING AWFUL]" and now, all those that liked it are attached to it. #devdiscuss
    In reply to @gumnos, @bendhalpern
  • JakeWengroff Mar 20 @ 9:24 PM EDT
    Right on w/ #3: too many JS frameworks nowadays. As a (wannabe) junior dev, it's unclear which JS framework I should learn. #DevDiscuss
    • jmdembe Mar 20 @ 9:15 PM EDT
      Things that are keeping me up regarding the web: 1-keeping data as secure as possible 2-the pros/cons of SSO and OAuth (especially in light of what is going on at Facebook) 3-JS frameworks being created at breakneck speeds #DevDiscuss
  • jmdembe Mar 20 @ 9:25 PM EDT
    I agree, but I also see the other side in making sure teams march to the same beat when it comes to writing code. It could get unwieldy once teams get larger #DevDiscuss
    In reply to @gumnos, @ThePracticalDev
  • ASpittel Mar 20 @ 9:26 PM EDT
    Any of them! Moving from one to another is a much lower learning curve than 0-1! Though, React is probably the most marketable right now (IMO), and Vue is probably the easiest to learn from Vanilla JS. #DevDiscuss
    In reply to @JakeWengroff
  • saltnburnem Mar 20 @ 9:27 PM EDT
    There is a huge issue of css being devalued, it needs to stop. #DevDiscuss
    • ThePracticalDev Mar 20 @ 9:05 PM EDT
      Time for #DevDiscuss, an hour long Twitter chat on a software development topic. Tonight's topic is: 🎉 The state of the web 🎉 It's a freeform discussion. Let's kick things off with the question: What are the major issues affecting the web and web development today?
  • IgnoreIntuition Mar 20 @ 9:27 PM EDT
    Some salient points: -We are entrusting more sensitive data to web apps. We must be cognizant of this responsibility -Deeper layers of dependencies can prove unsustainable -Uneven adoption of standards makes developing the best experience for all users daunting #DevDiscuss
    • ThePracticalDev Mar 20 @ 9:05 PM EDT
      Time for #DevDiscuss, an hour long Twitter chat on a software development topic. Tonight's topic is: 🎉 The state of the web 🎉 It's a freeform discussion. Let's kick things off with the question: What are the major issues affecting the web and web development today?
  • jmdembe Mar 20 @ 9:27 PM EDT
    I always tell new devs to study the nuances of JavaScript. That way, someone could throw you in a framework and it will be easier to pick up as opposed to someone who is knee deep in a framework #DevDiscuss
    In reply to @JakeWengroff
  • JakeWengroff Mar 20 @ 9:27 PM EDT
    Re: #4: Ads monetize the Internet, and (fortunately and unfortunately) they're paying my bills right now. #devdiscuss
    • TallBlondeGuy Mar 20 @ 9:23 PM EDT
      Bad: 1. More inaccessible than ever for new devs 2. Those "Chrome and/or Mobile Safari is the new IE6" vibes 3. Walled gardens of social media 4. Ads, tracking, and subsequent performance/privacy issues #DevDiscuss
      • ThePracticalDev Mar 20 @ 9:05 PM EDT
        Time for #DevDiscuss, an hour long Twitter chat on a software development topic. Tonight's topic is: 🎉 The state of the web 🎉 It's a freeform discussion. Let's kick things off with the question: What are the major issues affecting the web and web development today?
  • JakeWengroff Mar 20 @ 9:28 PM EDT
    Thanks @jmdembe! I did take basic JavaScript courses, but got swayed to frameworks and such. You're right: it's always good to get back to basics. #DevDiscuss
    In reply to @jmdembe, @jmdembe
  • gumnos Mar 20 @ 9:29 PM EDT
    Good point! (I always appreciate your #DevDiscuss contributions!) Might also be why I try to steer away from JS to the best of my abilities and stick to back-end Python/SQL development 😉
    In reply to @jmdembe, @ThePracticalDev
  • dangolant Mar 20 @ 9:29 PM EDT
    Also I’ll add, good medium post a few weeks back about a “post HTML” web that brought a good point: we are running a significant amt of the worlds app logic through a document creation/distribution system #DevDiscuss
    In reply to @ThePracticalDev
  • TallBlondeGuy Mar 20 @ 9:29 PM EDT
    It's a weird problem. That stuff does have some benefits but also can really be dangerous if misused - like pretty much any identification system. I love anonymity on the Web but plenty abuse it too. #DevDiscuss
    In reply to @dangolant, @DevDiscussHQ
  • IgnoreIntuition Mar 20 @ 9:29 PM EDT
    I’m actually a fan of the voluminous amounts of Js frameworks and libraries. The cream will rise to the top. #DevDiscuss
    In reply to @jmdembe
  • JakeWengroff Mar 20 @ 9:31 PM EDT
    Good stuff, all 3 of these. As products are developed for a global audience, #3 is tougher than ever. #DevDiscuss
    • IgnoreIntuition Mar 20 @ 9:27 PM EDT
      Some salient points: -We are entrusting more sensitive data to web apps. We must be cognizant of this responsibility -Deeper layers of dependencies can prove unsustainable -Uneven adoption of standards makes developing the best experience for all users daunting #DevDiscuss
      • ThePracticalDev Mar 20 @ 9:05 PM EDT
        Time for #DevDiscuss, an hour long Twitter chat on a software development topic. Tonight's topic is: 🎉 The state of the web 🎉 It's a freeform discussion. Let's kick things off with the question: What are the major issues affecting the web and web development today?
  • IgnoreIntuition Mar 20 @ 9:31 PM EDT
    I’m happy to see that accessibility is getting so much of the spotlight lately. Far more than ever before. Security, on the other hand, ehhhh. We have a ways to go there. #DevDiscuss
    In reply to @TheOriginalBPC, @ThePracticalDev
  • GaryAsh1969 Mar 20 @ 9:32 PM EDT
    Has anyone here used WebGL? Thinking of getting into it and looking for good resources #DevDiscuss
  • jmdembe Mar 20 @ 9:32 PM EDT
    Me personally, I work w/ Angular and know enough React to be dangerous. Know enough about frameworks to be dangerous, but you will get a whole lot more mileage in knowing JS #DevDiscuss
    In reply to @JakeWengroff
  • ASpittel Mar 20 @ 9:32 PM EDT
    I kinda agree, plus the big ones adopt the awesome ideas from the smaller ones. I have been loving @hyperappJS even though its super new! #DevDiscuss
    In reply to @IgnoreIntuition, @jmdembe, @hyperappJS
  • IgnoreIntuition Mar 20 @ 9:33 PM EDT
    Spacer GIFs anyone? #DevDiscuss
    In reply to @TallBlondeGuy, @ThePracticalDev
  • swyx Mar 20 @ 9:33 PM EDT
    #DevDiscuss data privacy data control data storage data security data science data mining data visualization data management data structure data openness data encryption data sets data munging data cleaning data cost data bias meta data data ethics data skeptics data entry = us
    In reply to @ThePracticalDev
  • JakeWengroff Mar 20 @ 9:34 PM EDT
    Thanks @ASpittel! I started learning @reactjs 2 yrs ago but got sidetracked. #DevDiscuss
    In reply to @ASpittel, @ASpittel, @reactjs
  • gumnos Mar 20 @ 9:34 PM EDT
    It's simultaneously become more accessible (can now get free or cheap <$5/month shared hosting where it previously required paying for a server in a data-center) and less accessible as you list. All said, I still think it's a net (pun intended) positive. #DevDiscuss
    In reply to @bendhalpern
  • TallBlondeGuy Mar 20 @ 9:35 PM EDT
    Ha! I just worked on an email project, where spacer GIFs are alive and well. If you're ever feeling nostalgic for the bad old days of CSS adoption and cross-platform compatibility, make some emails :D #DevDiscuss
    In reply to @IgnoreIntuition, @ThePracticalDev
  • IgnoreIntuition Mar 20 @ 9:35 PM EDT
    It’s where we start to splinter off with alternative standards like AMP that I really start to express frustration. #DevDiscuss
    In reply to @JakeWengroff
  • brentalexander Mar 20 @ 9:36 PM EDT
    Performance! Sites must load fast. The fall of server side CMS and the rise static site generators. All for the sake of performance. #DevDiscuss
    In reply to @ThePracticalDev
  • IgnoreIntuition Mar 20 @ 9:36 PM EDT
    Maybe a little table based layout. Why not? Let the good times roll. #DevDiscuss
    In reply to @TallBlondeGuy, @ThePracticalDev
  • gumnos Mar 20 @ 9:37 PM EDT
    Excited? Yes! But it's also daunting for new developers. I have great compassion for anyone trying to cram their heads with the same ~25-30yrs of learning I've enjoyed piecemeal. #DevDiscuss
    In reply to @davidbrunelle
  • TallBlondeGuy Mar 20 @ 9:37 PM EDT
    I understand the struggle. But when there are so many bad actors out there, you tend to throw the good ones out with them. It's unfortunate. I don't mind seeing ads to an extent and I appreciate their place in the ecosystem, but they are abused too often. #DevDiscuss
    In reply to @JakeWengroff
  • IgnoreIntuition Mar 20 @ 9:38 PM EDT
    Being an early adopter can be tough because you never know if it is going to succeed. I think it really just boils down to finding the right tool to get the job done. #DevDiscuss
    In reply to @ASpittel, @jmdembe, @hyperappJS
  • jmdembe Mar 20 @ 9:38 PM EDT
    Can we talk about the Chrome debugger though and how it bad become the standard in web development? #DevDiscuss
  • corsoa Mar 20 @ 9:39 PM EDT
    The default of dev is something that is quickly shippable cloud native via PaaS like #Heroku or #Firebase, not just "works on localhost, figure out how to move it to cloud" #PWA is being pushed heavily and offline support will become the norm rather than exception #DevDiscuss
    In reply to @ThePracticalDev
  • TallBlondeGuy Mar 20 @ 9:39 PM EDT
    Static site generators are fantastic for a lot of use cases. I think it's a nice way to make the modern Web more approachable to newcomers; you can learn one part of the stack without having to get deep into server side languages, databases, devops, etc. #DevDiscuss
    In reply to @brentalexander, @ThePracticalDev
  • davidbrunelle Mar 20 @ 9:39 PM EDT
    100% agreed. I can’t imagine trying to get started as a web developer these days. I’m impressed, more so every day, by junior devs: boot camp grads, career switchers, college grads, self taught developers... They humble me. 💪 #DevDiscuss
    In reply to @gumnos
  • gumnos Mar 20 @ 9:40 PM EDT
    I've seen too many folks try to learn a framework without the vanilla underpinnings, only to struggle. I second the value of learning Vanilla JS before exploring frameworks. #DevDiscuss
    In reply to @ASpittel, @JakeWengroff
  • MrThomasRayner Mar 20 @ 9:40 PM EDT
    I had a whole folder full of round corner .png images of different radius, color, etc... Web dev seems like maybe it's more fun now than when I did it. #DevDiscuss
    • TallBlondeGuy Mar 20 @ 9:18 PM EDT
      Good: 1. CSS is better than ever. Remember when you needed 4 images and a bunch of divs to make round corners? 2. Services like Dropbox, SmugMug, and Figma make it easier to go between devices/OSes and not get locked in 3. Web apps catching up to native performance #DevDiscuss
      • ThePracticalDev Mar 20 @ 9:05 PM EDT
        Time for #DevDiscuss, an hour long Twitter chat on a software development topic. Tonight's topic is: 🎉 The state of the web 🎉 It's a freeform discussion. Let's kick things off with the question: What are the major issues affecting the web and web development today?
  • NAPOLEON_COC Mar 20 @ 9:41 PM EDT
    A good reminder for me to keep learning more basic stuff. After all that's the foundation frameworks are built on😃 #DevDiscuss
    In reply to @jmdembe, @ThePracticalDev, @JakeWengroff
  • ThePracticalDev Mar 20 @ 9:41 PM EDT
    What web topic consistently gets more attention than it deserves? #devdiscuss
  • IgnoreIntuition Mar 20 @ 9:41 PM EDT
    You nailed it. Learn functional programming, prototypal inheritance, scope, all the critical components of Js and build off of that. Learning how to properly build tests and debug is also critical. #DevDiscuss
    In reply to @jmdembe, @bendhalpern, @JakeWengroff
  • NAPOLEON_COC Mar 20 @ 9:42 PM EDT
    @heroku is awesome! I love how I can deploy my @vuejs apps so easily 🤗 #DevDiscuss
    In reply to @corsoa, @ThePracticalDev, @heroku, @vuejs
  • Tribex_ Mar 20 @ 9:42 PM EDT
    JavaScript. #devdiscuss CSS & HTML can often accomplish everything you need, just slightly less fancily.
    In reply to @ThePracticalDev
  • SundayTedium Mar 20 @ 9:43 PM EDT
    Can we just admit that tests of any kind are just a placebo for our chronic fear of failure (devs), lack of performance (business) and security (end user)? The only effective test is letting our babies out on the wild. #DevDiscuss
  • bendhalpern Mar 20 @ 9:43 PM EDT
    I'm gonna say frameworks are discussed at a higher rate than their importance. #DevDiscuss
  • MrThomasRayner Mar 20 @ 9:44 PM EDT
    RE: Number 1 Amazing to see some places that dedicate hundreds of thousands or more to securing the public aspects of a web resource, but the guy who patches servers does it with the same account he's logged in with to browse Reddit and click random links in email... #DevDiscuss
    • kvlly Mar 20 @ 9:10 PM EDT
      Things that are wrong with the web in 2018: 1. Is anything *really* secure? 2. Everyone wants you to enable push notifications on their site 3. I still can't edit my tweets #DevDiscuss
  • AlexCastroR12 Mar 20 @ 9:45 PM EDT
    The semantic Web and linked data are powerful concepts but are rarely implemented :/ #DevDiscuss
  • brentalexander Mar 20 @ 9:45 PM EDT
    Precisely! It brings back the nostalgia of the web dev golden days. With the modern javascript and command lines tools of today. The browser is so much powerful than it once was. Servers will be needed less and less. Decoupling from the server = fast 💨 and secure 🔒 #DevDiscuss
    In reply to @TallBlondeGuy, @ThePracticalDev
  • Programazing Mar 20 @ 9:45 PM EDT
    Check out my website/blog at https://t.co/4DAQVTUa1s #DevDiscuss
  • DanFellini Mar 20 @ 9:45 PM EDT
    I for one have performance anxiety when releasing new code/projects... I'll find any excuse to delay. Hate that about myself. #DevDiscuss
    In reply to @SundayTedium
  • NAPOLEON_COC Mar 20 @ 9:45 PM EDT
    "Using redux efficiently with React". Now before any React peeps come and hunt me down, I'd say something that @kentcdodds has been saying for a while, use it *only* if it suits your usecase. I think forcibly using it is what makes it slightly more difficult to use☺ #DevDiscuss
    In reply to @ThePracticalDev, @kentcdodds
  • IgnoreIntuition Mar 20 @ 9:47 PM EDT
    True but remember they are coming in with a fresh perspective. I know the longer I do this, in as much as I gain knowledge, the more stigma I carry forward. #DevDiscuss
    In reply to @gumnos, @davidbrunelle
  • ASpittel Mar 20 @ 9:47 PM EDT
    From @dan_abramov himself: https://t.co/ZgcMI3p3yw! A lot of the time Redux is not needed, but when its helpful its super helpful! #DevDiscuss
    In reply to @NAPOLEON_COC, @ThePracticalDev, @kentcdodds, @dan_abramov
  • rachelnabors Mar 20 @ 9:48 PM EDT
    #devdiscuss Y’all gonna hate me, but CSS Grids. They’re great! Wish we had ‘em years ago! But now folks have systems in place that work ok. So there’s hype but slow movement and little incentive to adopt for many codebase garekeepers.
    In reply to @ThePracticalDev
  • DanFellini Mar 20 @ 9:49 PM EDT
    Here's one thing I'll say about the state of web development... The more things change, the more comforting it is to open a Linux command line and just know, it's pretty much the same as it was 10 years ago. It's like pizza. #devdiscuss
  • phillipcjohnson Mar 20 @ 9:49 PM EDT
    The lie of developing for one platform! Writing good JS and CSS that works on all browsers is hard. Whenever possible I “outsource” that work to a tool. I’m a fan of frameworks that do the heavy UI lifting for me. (see @vaadin) #DevDiscuss
    • ThePracticalDev Mar 20 @ 9:05 PM EDT
      Time for #DevDiscuss, an hour long Twitter chat on a software development topic. Tonight's topic is: 🎉 The state of the web 🎉 It's a freeform discussion. Let's kick things off with the question: What are the major issues affecting the web and web development today?
  • gumnos Mar 20 @ 9:49 PM EDT
    Though part of what gets lost is the battle-scared knowledge of things that failed. Such as this other thread in the #DevDiscuss conversation where the next generation ends up re-learning mistakes. https://t.co/uotjuwjfKU
    In reply to @IgnoreIntuition, @davidbrunelle
    • dangolant Mar 20 @ 9:21 PM EDT
      The whole “put everything in JS” thing took a humoursly circuitous route all the way out to Node in embedded stuff, back to replacing CSS, and now we’re collectively remembering why we had Domain Langs to start
      In reply to @gumnos, @ThePracticalDev
  • davidbrunelle Mar 20 @ 9:49 PM EDT
    Absolutely. The most fearless web developers I know and work with are often the most junior. #DevDiscuss
    In reply to @IgnoreIntuition, @gumnos
  • IgnoreIntuition Mar 20 @ 9:50 PM EDT
    I have grown more and more fond of Chrome debugger lately. Although far from perfect it has improved pretty steadily. I wish blackboxing code was a bit easier. #DevDiscuss
    In reply to @jmdembe
  • NAPOLEON_COC Mar 20 @ 9:50 PM EDT
    Right?! And I don't even know what Redux does. I'm more of a @vuejs guy😎 #DevDiscuss
    In reply to @ASpittel, @ThePracticalDev, @kentcdodds, @dan_abramov, @vuejs
  • davidbrunelle Mar 20 @ 9:51 PM EDT
    If we let previous failures prevent us from trying again in new ways, with fresh perspectives I fear we'll never move forward. #DevDiscuss
    In reply to @gumnos, @IgnoreIntuition
  • IBeRenascent Mar 20 @ 9:51 PM EDT
    Using new frameworks/libraries (css/js) instead of having good foundational knowledge #devdiscuss
    In reply to @ThePracticalDev
  • IgnoreIntuition Mar 20 @ 9:52 PM EDT
    And with the increase in users accessing over 3G and bandwidth constraints in other countries this becomes imperative. #DevDiscuss
    In reply to @brentalexander, @ThePracticalDev
  • TallBlondeGuy Mar 20 @ 9:52 PM EDT
    If you look at the 5-10 Web sites you visit the most and say "I'd like to make web sites like these!", it's probably an order of magnitude harder to do that now than it was with your most popular sites from a generation ago. 1/4 #DevDiscuss
    • Reelwens Mar 20 @ 9:39 PM EDT
      Why do you find it more inaccessible for new devs ?
      In reply to @TallBlondeGuy
  • phillipcjohnson Mar 20 @ 9:52 PM EDT
    I’ll add a second concern: it’s too easy for people to write unethical code for the web and reach millions. We’re seeing this with ad trackers, bitcoin mining scripts, etc. #DevDiscuss
  • ThePracticalDev Mar 20 @ 9:53 PM EDT
    In the last few minutes of #DevDiscuss, anybody have any news to share, like a project or a personal win, or any other announcement?
  • jmdembe Mar 20 @ 9:54 PM EDT
    My appreciation of it is because I sometimes have to use IE’s debugger as my work supports the government. It’s so annoying to use #DevDiscuss
    In reply to @IgnoreIntuition
  • TallBlondeGuy Mar 20 @ 9:54 PM EDT
    They're not perfect, but I do enjoy them! This would be a good topic to discuss more broadly if it hasn't been done already. #DevDiscuss
    In reply to @brentalexander, @ThePracticalDev
  • IgnoreIntuition Mar 20 @ 9:54 PM EDT
    If only I could. Alas my work laptop is locked down so I am stuck with IE and Chrome. #DevDiscuss
    In reply to @tristandyer, @jmdembe
  • ASpittel Mar 20 @ 9:55 PM EDT
    I rewrote my personal site (again)! https://t.co/Sq8IFf60Ui has been Vue'd! #DevDiscuss
    In reply to @ThePracticalDev
  • DanFellini Mar 20 @ 9:55 PM EDT
    I, personally -- and I'm sure I'm the ONLY one -- have discovered how beautiful Python is. I'm a PHP developer and will not disparage my native language... But my my. I kinda want to live in Python. #devdiscuss
    In reply to @ThePracticalDev
  • jmdembe Mar 20 @ 9:55 PM EDT
    Hmmm I’ll play with this when I get back tomorrow. Especially with the new browser, it will be a worthy experiment #DevDiscuss
    In reply to @tristandyer, @IgnoreIntuition
  • TallBlondeGuy Mar 20 @ 9:56 PM EDT
    I worked really hard to flesh out the UI for @PassitDotIO's new autofill feature! We launched it over the weekend. #DevDiscuss
    In reply to @ThePracticalDev, @PassitDotIO
  • ASpittel Mar 20 @ 9:56 PM EDT
    Python is so amazing, if you could do frontend development with it I would never write in another language! #DevDiscuss
    In reply to @DanFellini, @ThePracticalDev
  • jmdembe Mar 20 @ 9:57 PM EDT
    One more before you guys shut down for tonight-it is interesting to see how IE is doing it’s best to play catch up with Edge. Is it good enough? Doubt it, but it is interesting to see MS try. #DevDiscuss
  • tristandyer Mar 20 @ 9:57 PM EDT
    😔 The old manager on my team was acqui-hired and managed to get us macbook pros. Everyone else has windows and IT doesn’t really know how to lock our machines down. 😀 It makes life a lot easier! #DevDiscuss
    In reply to @IgnoreIntuition, @jmdembe
  • IgnoreIntuition Mar 20 @ 9:57 PM EDT
    The “should I use this framework or that” debates. The solutions are not one size fits all. Don’t look for any one tool, framework, or library to be the end all, be all solution. Find the one that best solves your use case. #DevDiscuss
  • tristandyer Mar 20 @ 9:58 PM EDT
    I liked that it gave me live performance information as opposed to the delayed info from chrome. #DevDiscuss
    In reply to @jmdembe, @IgnoreIntuition
  • ThePracticalDev Mar 20 @ 9:58 PM EDT
    Can confirm, Python beautiful. #DevDiscuss
    In reply to @ASpittel, @DanFellini
  • Pahimar Mar 20 @ 9:59 PM EDT
    I like trains #DevDiscuss
    • ThePracticalDev Mar 20 @ 9:53 PM EDT
      In the last few minutes of #DevDiscuss, anybody have any news to share, like a project or a personal win, or any other announcement?
  • IgnoreIntuition Mar 20 @ 9:59 PM EDT
    The fact that semantic web has taken as long as it has to gain a foothold is truly disheartening. #DevDiscuss
    In reply to @AlexCastroR12, @ThePracticalDev
  • brentalexander Mar 20 @ 9:59 PM EDT
    Seek to understand what you don’t know. In the realm of all possible knowledge the things you know that you know are a fraction of your awareness. Increase the things you realize you don’t know and you will solve the worlds problems. 🔥 #DevDiscuss
    In reply to @ThePracticalDev