This chat will focus on helping educators implement the ISTE Standards for Educators. You can view the standards here:
#ETCoaches A1 - our local district does not. However, I work for a non-profit and we do use the ISTE Standards in our Professional Learning opportunities.
A2: Ts are starting to select technology for their deliberate practice goals. So we help them set goals/reflect, and coach them during the process. #ETCoaches
#ETCoaches Maybe? Although there is a small team of us that always attend ISTE :) I am the Educational Content Manager. We always have a booth too, so it could have been there?
A3 #ETCoaches I really like Collaborators. So important! When businesses and corporations are asked which skills they need in the workforce Collaboration is way up there
A3 #ETCoaches I really like Collaborators. So important! When businesses and corporations are asked which skills they need in the workforce Collaboration is way up there
A4: I think helping them choose one standard to work on. In the earlier chat someone brought up that providing examples of each standard is helpful. #ETCoaches
A5: I think helping Ts realize that it is not another evaluation can be a challenge. Even good things can become a burden when Ts have so much on their plate. #ETCoaches
#ETCoaches A4 - Lead by example, during PD. Also find teachers willing to share with others how they did it. Another option, PD mentoring or partnering to help as they begin.
#ETCoaches A4 - Lead by example, during PD. Also find teachers willing to share with others how they did it. Another option, PD mentoring or partnering to help as they begin.
A5 #ETCoaches As always, the biggest challenge = time, making sure Ts have time during professional learning to get a decent start. There is also more of a focus on content standards than tech.
Joining in a bit late, but happy to chime in on tonight's Chat! Robin @rpencetech from Las Vegas, NV PreK-12 Technology Professional Development Coordinator #ETCoaches
Joining in a bit late, but happy to chime in on tonight's Chat! Robin @rpencetech from Las Vegas, NV PreK-12 Technology Professional Development Coordinator #ETCoaches
A6 - Additional support or resources would include more training and more time to work together, prepare, and implement. Of course support of admin too. #ETCoaches
A1: I use the Standards to focus discussions that I have with educators across the grade levels in 1:1 Sessions, I also use to help drive Professional Learning Opportunities at our school. #ETCoaches
A7: The Learner standard has helped me so much in my role as a coach. It is impossible to know everything, so having others to reach out to is crucial. #ETCoaches