Q1: As an educator, what does the term personalized learning mean to you? How does personalized learning help our @jcpsky students fill their “backpacks” for learning? #JCPSChat
Q1: As an educator, what does the term personalized learning mean to you? How does personalized learning help our @jcpsky students fill their “backpacks” for learning? #JCPSChat
A2: I think that google classroom (and similar platforms) had been a game changer in creating personalized learning. It makes it much easier to get content to students when and how they need it. I also think that preassessment is key to personalize learning. #JCPSchat
A1: Personalized Learning means student choice and voice! PBL and culturally responsive teaching are essential to meet these goals. When students choose where they're going and understand its life-long significance, they are motivated! #jcpschat
Q1: As an educator, what does the term personalized learning mean to you? How does personalized learning help our @jcpsky students fill their “backpacks” for learning? #JCPSChat
A2 I've been implementing a flipped classroom this year in literacy & I've seen the benefit of students being able to go back & re-watch videos when they don't understand. It's a small step in personalizing instruction, but it's been helpful! #JCPSChat
A1: The @mikemattos65 phrase “By student, by standard” comes to mind. While also being aware of individual student goals, both present and future. Building those *deep personal relationships* to know how each student really learns in the classroom #JCPSChat
A2: @farnsleymiddles implements Power Hour, where teachers pull a class full of students who all need recovery in a standard while others do enrichment. That way, we meet their needs without holding the other students back who are ready to move on. #JCPSchat
A2 I've been implementing a flipped classroom this year in literacy & I've seen the benefit of students being able to go back & re-watch videos when they don't understand. It's a small step in personalizing instruction, but it's been helpful! #JCPSChat
A2: One way I try to make learning more personalized is planning for all levels and allowing SS to move through at their own pace and by using student choice in most lessons #JCPSChat
A2. @kmastronicola1 and @MsMarstonTeach of @MeyzeekMiddle use "Social Hour" Fridays to provide enrichment experiences in the content areas for those who have met standards that week; others report to a classroom to get the support they need if they didn't meet mastery.
A2: I am the Intermediate Resource teacher so all of my instruction is at a slower pace and more personalized. I only have 4-6 kiddos in a group so we are able to dig deeper and spend more time on each standard. Excited to read the answers on this one 📚 #JCPSChat
A3: I use data to see who has not mastered critical standards so I can tailor classroom experiences for them. I also use assessment data to determine who is ready to move on. #JCPSchat
A3: Data from formative assessments is what shows me where my planning should begin and how quickly Ss may be able to move through concepts. I observe, reflect, and change my lessons accordingly. #JCPSChat
This is where the robust reporting from MAP can aid teachers in planning specific strategies and learning opportunities for Ss. In addition, daily formative strategies should continue to allow Ts to adjust instruction during the day #JCPSChat
A3 In addition to the typical student academic data, student surveys about learning preferences is KEY! Engage them they way they like to learn! I found out that even though online assessments were easier for me, most students preferred the paper. So I gave the option. #jcpschat
A3: Data from formative assessments is what shows me where my planning should begin and how quickly Ss may be able to move through concepts. I observe, reflect, and change my lessons accordingly. #JCPSChat
A3: I, for one, am actually a fan of the data MAP testing provides. I like how it organizes results into categories and subcategories, so I can easily form small groups, or pull students for the Power Hour I mentioned. #JCPSchat
But it's also great as a general guide when students are doing any type of work. I'll remember that this student struggles with finding the main idea of a non-fiction text, so I'll make sure to offer more attention when we're doing that skill, etc. #JCPSchat
A3: Data from formative assessments is what shows me where my planning should begin and how quickly Ss may be able to move through concepts. I observe, reflect, and change my lessons accordingly. #JCPSChat
This can happen in so many frequent, non-stressful ways. "What Stuck With Me" sticky-notes at the door, asking each kid to share something as they dismiss your room, walking around and listening to conversations, the list goes on.
Q3: I created a virtual data wall using Sheets that is color coded based on what we as a grade level have chosen as mastery or needs additional instruction. Looking at the data this way allows us to quickly see trends in both students and standards=personalized learning #JCPSChat
Q4: From @mikepaul - How have you implemented/can you implement personalized learning & differentiation in your classroom? What resources did you found helpful? #JCPSChat
I think it has increased buy in at all levels. 1)Higher Ss know they can move through more quickly and get to challenging tasks. 2)Ss who struggle know they won't be left behind & will receive plenty of practice. 3)Kids appreciate it and complete their work more often. #JCPSChat
Q3 I use a "benchmark, grow, asses" cycle...after direct instruction students demo their beginning skill (benchmark)I display the results of that on the ss standards board then they engage in tasks for their benchmark (work)after they are assessed to check their growth #jcpschat
A4. I think it can be as simple as offering choices in how a student demonstrates mastery. Providing a "menu" of choices reduces the stress of performing.
Q4: From @mikepaul - How have you implemented/can you implement personalized learning & differentiation in your classroom? What resources did you found helpful? #JCPSChat
Q3: I created a virtual data wall using Sheets that is color coded based on what we as a grade level have chosen as mastery or needs additional instruction. Looking at the data this way allows us to quickly see trends in both students and standards=personalized learning #JCPSChat
It's never too late to join, Kelsey! We're talking #personalizedlearning - what does that tern mean to you, and how do you implement it in your room? #JCPSChat
Q4: From @mikepaul - How have you implemented/can you implement personalized learning & differentiation in your classroom? What resources did you found helpful? #JCPSChat
A4: This year I really started utilizing hyperdocs. This has enabled me to link a variety of resources throughout an online document to guide kids in their learning as I can "coach" and work with smaller groups more easily! #JCPSchat
I gave my students a reading interest inventory this year and 1. Was shocked at their choices (I would have never guessed what some of them chose!) 2. Mad at myself that I had never given one before. It has helped so much with student engagement during my lessons!
I've found the number 1 resource is knowing what your students are expected to know and what it looks like when they've reached that level. Then knowing and having resources for when they reach that level quicker/slower than your expected pace. #jcpschat
That last one was A4 my bad. This is also A4: Having manipulatives available, reteaching lessons, choice boards, enrichment lessons, etc available each week #jcpschat
For math, the Van de Walle book has helped me with studying and understanding new standards and connecting standards vertically between grades. #JCPSChat
For reading it really was sitting with other educators (Plc, Twitter) and discussing the standards and what they really mean. Really asking and reflecting on what the standards mean. #JCPSchat
I received it at a math cohort PD the year before I switched to 5th grade and it helped me exponentially with 5th grade math and seeing the 4th/6th grade connections. #JCPSchat
This is a couple screenshots of our data wall. There is a entire 4th grade tab and then a tab for each teacher. When teachers input data on their class tab it will populate to the whole grade tab. Student names are color coded by teacher on the whole grade tab. #JCPSChat
Q6: From @carlakent_1: What advice would you give to a new teacher who would like to implement personalized learning in their classroom? What supports exist to your knowledge at the school level or the district level? #JCPSChat
There are several editions. I used an older one in undergrad then received a newer one a couple years ago. I still pick it up when I need a refresher on understanding a math standard in depth. #JCPSchat
A6: I agree with what @cmudd19 has been saying about knowing standards and students well. Provide student choice as your first step. And remember: tech does not always equal personalization. Be wary. #jcpschat
Q6: From @carlakent_1: What advice would you give to a new teacher who would like to implement personalized learning in their classroom? What supports exist to your knowledge at the school level or the district level? #JCPSChat
There are several editions. I used an older one in undergrad then received a newer one a couple years ago. I still pick it up when I need a refresher on understanding a math standard in depth. #JCPSchat
Q6: From @carlakent_1: What advice would you give to a new teacher who would like to implement personalized learning in their classroom? What supports exist to your knowledge at the school level or the district level? #JCPSChat
A6: @TeacherLadyKY said it. Know your kids, know where they are, know where they need to be and build off that. Go to as many PDs as you can. Edcamps, symposiums, ecet. Having such a large toolbox allows for me to pull all kinds of ideas based on Ss need. #JCPSChat
Q7: From @joshrhodes79 - What resources are you currently utilizing to help drive personalize learning in your classroom? Please list specific websites, hashtags etc in your answer. #JCPSChat
A6: @TeacherLadyKY said it. Know your kids, know where they are, know where they need to be and build off that. Go to as many PDs as you can. Edcamps, symposiums, ecet. Having such a large toolbox allows for me to pull all kinds of ideas based on Ss need. #JCPSChat
A6-there are foundational pedagogical things that must be in place first - belief in student centered classrooms, workshop model of instruction, discourse, community, in-time meaningful feedback #jcpschat
Q6: From @carlakent_1: What advice would you give to a new teacher who would like to implement personalized learning in their classroom? What supports exist to your knowledge at the school level or the district level? #JCPSChat
I've been listening to the #GTtribe podcast by @jmattmiller and @ShakeUpLearning - they give GREAT ideas for personalizing learning using Google tools. Their latest podcast is about dynamic learning in the classroom! #jcpschat
Q7: From @joshrhodes79 - What resources are you currently utilizing to help drive personalize learning in your classroom? Please list specific websites, hashtags etc in your answer. #JCPSChat
I received it at a math cohort PD the year before I switched to 5th grade and it helped me exponentially with 5th grade math and seeing the 4th/6th grade connections. #JCPSchat
We redesigned our schedule to include advisory, a flexible learning block, & students get to redesign their own schedules based upon data every few weeks #jcpschat We learn, visit, learn, visit, read, tweak, and learn some more.
Q6: take time to build relationships! Children don’t learn from people they don’t like!Find a teacher who has a similar teaching style,watch them&ask allll the questions.Know what personalized learning means to you before you can explore options on how to implement #JCPSChat