#2ndaryELA Archive
#2ndaryELA is a group of middle and high school English Language Arts teachers looking to share ideas and best practices. We chat every Tuesday night at 8 pm EST using #2ndaryELA. We'd love for you to join us!
Tuesday April 26, 2016 8:00 PM EDT
Welcome to tonight’s chat! Please introduce yourself. Tell what & where you teach. Share your blog link if you have one.
Hi from Lisa in Florida who is in the 3rd week of state testing, but will hopefully teach MS ELA & Inclusion again soon!
Welcome! Tell us about yourself
Don't forget: use on responses & replies 2 others, label yr responses w/A1, A2, & follow anyone chatting w/us 2night
I'm Erin from upstate NY. I teach high school English/special ed.
Hello from Kim and Jill. We are K-12 literacy coordinators joining from NB Canada.
I'm Brynn Allison, chat co-host. 7 yrs teaching HS English & reading interventions in Philly. Blog: https://t.co/cyx1WlfdS8
Misty, Instructional Literacy Coach for 6-8 in VA checking in for
Hello! Shannon, 8th grade ELA in RI!
Middle school teacher Bronx NY -Science and Math
Q1: Have you tried small group instruction in your ELA classroom? For what purpose?
A1: I use small group instruction regularly after my whole group lesson. I meet with students at my guided reading table
A1: Small group used for guided groups and remediation.
A1 Right now as a Response to Intervention (RTI) specialist, small group instruction is all I do, some pull out, some push in
A1: My classes *are* small group instruction... they've ranged in size from 2 students to 8 students
Q1: Small group instruction is at the core of my workshop classroom. Groups are always flexible and changing based on Ss need.
A1: I have tried small group instruction when I needed to re-teach. I did this during centers time.
A1: I use it to re-teach, conference or work on guided writing/reading
HI Everyone! Tracy 8th grade ELA from RI here! :)
Yes with blended learning! Nice way to see all Ss in a small setting
Yes, so much easier to formatively assess in small setting.
Q1: I usually use, but not always, the gradual release of responsibility. I DO, WE DO, YOU DO.
A1 Small group inst works well for short targeted lessons w Ss who share a learning goal or need the same info at the same time.
Same here. Formatively assess during the "you do" and those that can't I place in guided group for remediation.
I made room for my guided reading table by giving up my teacher desk. It has really fostered good collaboration.
Q2: How does small group reading/writing fit into your ELA instruction? Do you use reading/writing conferences instead?
A1 Part I Small instruction can be a little challenging because some kids don't like to seen as the "don't know kids"
A1: I love using small group instruction!Esp. w/ writing & grammar. Blended learning is the magic wand that helps it happen!
and always flexible based on needs. I love it that way.
A1: I was using small group today to work on opening paragraphs of essays.
A2 I use a program called w/grades 3-6. Each S works independently on iPad. I check in w/them on fluency, comp
Love it! When Formative Assessment really Forms instruction!
A1 Part II. I carefully select students for small instruction, that way kids feel more comfortable
Small group reading works in my BL centers. I do writing conferences.
A2 cont. writing instruction is more tailored to Ss individual needs/weaknesses. Some work on organization, others on mechanics
it just can't be any other way. We must use data appropriately, but not become data obsessed, ya know.
A2: Small group reading is not part of my MS repetoire and I have only dabbled in small group writing...
I call everyone back to meet at the guided reading table. I also bought fun chairs. Students now like small group
A2: Conferences - 1:1 Small group great for scaffolding skills when Ss are at different places. Groups change depending on skill.
A2: I like the idea of doing writing conferences but am not sure how that would look in a group -
I like that https://t.co/Sbj1ENSsfA
Q1: I usually use, but not always, the gradual release of responsibility. I DO, WE DO, YOU DO.
A2: I use individualized writing goals for each student and group them accordingly during writing workshop. Editing & Crafting
A2: my classes are multi-grade so sometimes I split up based on grade level
Good idea- conference https://t.co/jdXIhVlLVJ
A1: I use it to re-teach, conference or work on guided writing/reading
It's been very valuable for me as a framework when needed. Ever use it?
YES! Everyone meets in the small group as part of their centers rotation so no one knows the difference. https://t.co/vPkU1Wd4Sx
I call everyone back to meet at the guided reading table. I also bought fun chairs. Students now like small group
I'm about to start Dystopian Literature book clubs in a couple of weeks! Super excited! Lots of student choice!
A2: Conferences are also at the heart and soul of my workshop. Valuable way to gain so much information.
Students ask me all the time if they can work at the table and for my feedback on their writing.
Q3: How do you plan your small group lessons? Can you share your lesson template?
I use "I do, WE do, You do" all the time! I even put that on the board/in our books or on worksheets!
Hey guys! I am jumping in late. I can't wait to see all of the amazing ideas ya'll share...
A3 Work with Ss in 8 wk cycles, set a goal and frequency of intervention for those 8 wks, then plan lessons for each meeting
A3: After I have taught a skill then I see who needs more time and direct teaching. Then make my groups.
A3: I'd gladly share my template, but it's a district template and very involved - not exactly user friendly.
A3: I also work in small group conferences so the students sign up for a time.
A3: So instead I make lists. Each class has it's own clipboard with my lists & rubrics/checklists.
I love clipboard organization!
A2 Small instruction is useful to work with very low readers and writers in 7th and 8th grade regardless of subject
Q4: How do you assess students during these lessons or conferences?
A4 each wk Ss take a mini-assessment that aligns with set goal to measure progress toward that goal
A4: I formally assess using anecdotal notes, checklists, checkbrics and rubrics. All depends on the task we are working on.
A3. Looking at student work at the end of the day and have the students revisit the objectives during small instruction
Hi everyone! Very late to the game, but am enjoying reading the conversation so far!
I like that. Having them sign up for a time so both are committed to the conversation.
A4: Not all small group instruction needs to be formally assessed each time. We KNOW our learners and what they need.
A4: This is where tech comes into play. I use as their digital portfolio, provide feedback, and next steps.
A4 Checklists and anecdotal notes on post its make it easy to collect observations during small groups and conferences.
A4. Sometimes through a short writing prompt or give them picture scenarios linked to content taught/ objectives
I wish administration & stakeholders believed this. We're ALWAYS being reminded to have evidence
A4: Using my checklists and/or rubrics. Later, I like to use for assessment.
A4: I've found it helpful to have both me and Ss come up with goals for our conference too. That way, we both are accountable.
I use indiv. revision goals for blended writing units. I'll share a doc w some activities. It is so helpful to have it all ready.
You can never have too many post its!
Q5: Share any tips, ideas or resources you have for small group instruction.
YES! Everyone meets in the small group as part of their centers rotation so no one knows the difference. https://t.co/vPkU1Wd4Sx
I call everyone back to meet at the guided reading table. I also bought fun chairs. Students now like small group
Here is the link to some individualized activies https://t.co/h28Ci5jxDI Love grouping them together @ that point to collaborate
A5: My favorite small group ideas are manipulatives or games - anything to make it fun to be with me! :)
For highschoolers, be very clear with what you expect them to do and hold them accountable so it isn't just chatty time.
Then what's the point! You don't fatten a pig by weighing it! (My fav farm comparison!)
Thanks for chatting with us tonight. Next week's chat: Publishing Student Work. See you on May 3 at 8pm EST
We’re already planning for next year. could you take a few minutes to give us some feedback? https://t.co/jQDAPXVAs7
Thanks and hosting . Lots of great ideas shared tonight. https://t.co/oxmRseamej
Thanks for chatting with us tonight. Next week's chat: Publishing Student Work. See you on May 3 at 8pm EST