Ben, currently reside in the Chicago area, teach 6th grade science/social studies, originally from the Buckeye State - Go Browns! Please win a game! #teachwriting
So happy to be back with my #TeachWriting friends! Tardy to the Back-to-School party...but excited to have read the archives! Lisa, from RI...Special Ed Admin!
A1: A text is a mentor text when we think of specific students who would love it. Another way to tell is if we can think of several ways to apply it to our own writing. #TeachWriting
A1 - I think almost any text can become a useful lesson for students. A lot depends on what you want to teach, and how you want to teach it. I think "high quality" is a common descriptor, but that's really subjective. So maybe it's just "it works, so I use it." #TeachWriting
A1 Mentor text can be any text that moves writers. I love when mentor text is from the writers in the class! What a beautiful way to spotlight the power of voice! #TeachWriting
Aloha! My name is Kalei Stern, I teach 8th gr ELA and 7th/8th gr #digitalstorytelling. I'm joining #teachwriting chat before #ASL class starts (teacher by day, student by night!)
A1 - My best use of mentor texts happens when I choose something that resonates with me - student-written, personal, from a poem or book that means something to me, etc. #TeachWriting
A2: Ask Ss: What do you notice? Why does that move work for you as an audience member? How might you improve or emulate the writing move you admire?#TeachWriting
A2 Building a sense of noticing the writing...studying the writing moves that the author makes, reflecting as a writing community on the author's craft=powerful #TeachWriting
A2 Ask Ss what they think the author is trying to say? Is there a way you could say that in your own words? I've been encouraging the use of metaphor, and mentor texts help with great examples. #teachwriting
#teachwriting A3 - Tracking happens mostly through discussion. How did the write make us think, feel, react, like that? Rereading, noticing, identifying moves.
A2 Building a sense of noticing the writing...studying the writing moves that the author makes, reflecting as a writing community on the author's craft=powerful #TeachWriting
A3: I like when students use highlighters to track argument writing moves. They look for illustrating, authorizing, extending, and countering moments in a piece. #TeachWriting
A3: I like to do the grammar talk without the grammar pressure. I use the AcadVoc and they follow along and try their hand at it as well. #teachwriting
A3 A Writer's Notebook serves as a fluid and timely collection of the writing happenings! Whether this is in a notebook or a digital platform! It needs to work for the writer! #TeachWriting
A4 Reading like a writer helps students develop an eye and ear for writing that touches them in a meaningful way. Investigating and studying the writing! #TeachWriting
A4: Asking why writers use specific craft moves could lead to conversations and revelations about genre, text structure, author’s purpose, etc. #TeachWriting
A4: Student as investigator of a text requires them to consider writing moves and ask why. More importantly, so what? Why does it matter? #TeachWriting
A4: Student as investigator of a text requires them to consider writing moves and ask why. More importantly, so what? Why does it matter? #TeachWriting
#teachwriting A4 - All reading is inquiry to some extent. Focussed inquiry - thinking like a writer - helps Ss to study the process, the tools, strategies, etc.
A4 I'm very honest & sometimes say "I understand X and Y here but I'm confused about Z...what do you see here? What do you think?" and Ss answers are so revealing & insightful! #teachwriting
A5: I love to let students learn from TED Talk experts about Storytelling and share what they found. It helps there digital storytelling projects.
A5 - THIS I BELIEVE is an audio essay series from NPR, going back a long ways, and including tons of models, including from famous people. You can read or listen to them, then compose and share one. Digital works b/c audio adds so much to this. #TeachWriting
YES! Revision is key for students to reconsider - not simply revise - but reconsider their understandings! And, doing so in stations allows students to focus on small elements (topic sentences, transitions, thesis)
A5 (cont.): Here are a few student examples of Pecha Kucha presentations from my classroom. I used them today as mentor texts.
I also LOVE! Such memorable storytelling that can serve as a starting point. Listening to rich, authentic stories from real people=AMAZING #TeachWriting
#6. Students are able to demonstrate their newly generated understandings through writing! It is essential for every discipline, especially history.
It's hard to get them to take it seriously, but when they do - it was pretty cool. Not every kid loved it, but it was a good experience for many. #TeachWriting
A6 (cont.): Multimodal Digital Text - Assignment --> contains ideas directly from the various authors of the NY Times "Snow Fall" piece. Powerful. #TeachWriting
How much scaffolding do you offer prior to your first submission of writing? Perhaps they don't have enough figurative bricks with which to build. How much revision do you offer? Perhaps you haven't offered enough time to refine/improve. Perhaps. I could be wrong!
A7: Students seek the moves writers (digital or otherwise) make and then create their own set of rubrics, expectations, etc for what they want to see in their piece. #TeachWriting
Are you English, reading, history, science? What's your discipline? I don't mean to presume, but I have developed some amaaaazing graphic organizers and would like to share. #teachwriting
A8: Looks like @npr is the winner! What else do people use? I like to show student examples because it helps kids to realize they can do amazing work too. #TeachWriting
I tried to attach docs to message on TW but could not. Send email to & I'll pass on some great resources. (Not that I invented graphic organizers, but they're intended as both graph org & pre-writing prompts) #TeachWriting
Yes! Agreed. I also like how diverse forms of communication position students to consider audience differently. Persuasive essay v evidentiary argument...debate v podcast! #TeachWriting
In reply to
@lisahughes196, @kaleistern, @Radiolab, @TheMoth, @ThisAmerLife, @StoryCorps
Thanks to our founders, especially @lisahughes196 - who because of her awesome new promotion this fall hasn't been as available as she might like, but we're very happy to have her here with us! Thanks, Lisa! #TeachWriting