Hello everyone! I am Desiree Alexander and I am the Founder CEO of Educator Alexander Consulting and a Regional Director with A+PEL in Louisiana! #laedchat
A1: I feel a huge responsibility to model proper #digcit for my students every day. I Google my name and let them see on our IWB my digital footprint. #LaEdChat
A1: I spend a lot of time at the beginning of each year teaching #digcit to my students before we start collaborating with others online. It sure pays off when they interact with others. #LaEdChat
A1: Digital citizenship as an educators means to teach our students how to be safe online, how to act and react online, and how to deal with technology being a part of their lives in productive ways. #laedchat
A1 I think digital citizenship is part of being a productive global citizen. It's important to be who you are online and offline and model that for students. #LaEdChat
This is a great place to start to teach #digcit to elem students - Scope & Sequence: Common Sense K-12 Digital Citizenship Curriculum | Common Sense Education https://t.co/TkCYNe3iRu#LaEdChat
A2: It is so important to teach digital citizenship because who else is teaching it. We can no longer assume that "others" are teaching it and we cannot assume that students know and understand what it means to be a good digital citizen! #laedchat
A2 Some parents are unaware of what's happening online with their kids. They may not know how to help them practically. It's our responsibility to teach them how to communicate effectively and kindly online. #LaEdChat
A1: Digital citizenship is each person's membership in this vast cyber frontier- where we have the ability to engage with lightening speed to people, ideas, and movements globally. I believe it is my job to teach Ss consume and contribute responsibly and safely. #LaEdChat
We need to be teaching digital citizenship in order to teach safe usage in the present and to prepare students for the future where technology will be constantly changing. #LaEdChat
Only if the 34 7th graders I'm on a class trip with right now can join in via video. We've been on a bus for four hours and they're a little bonkers. It'll be fun! 🤪🤪#laedchat
In reply to
@plnaugle, @Em_Swenson, @NatalieSChustz, @tdstech, @derikthompson, @nkellogg, @MsBisOnline
A2 Digital Citizenship is digital literacy, just as we teach literacy skills in core content, we should teach Digital literacy. It is a moral imparative #DigCit#LaEdchat
A1: Digital citizenship is each person's membership in this vast cyber frontier- where we have the ability to engage with lightening speed to people, ideas, and movements globally. I believe it is my job to teach Ss consume and contribute responsibly and safely. #LaEdChat
A1: Like real life citizenship, Digital Citizenship is about making sure we protect ourselves in a digital world but also making sure students treat others with respect and kindness in the digital world. #LaEdChat
A3: Some students don’t know how to protect their privacy and don’t realize they’re breaking TOS when they sign up for accounts on most social media sites. My students are under 13. #LaEdChat
A3 Time! I hear that its hard to find time to fit in these important skills into lessons. Or if they are not 1:1, they don't know how to manage it. #LaEdChat
A3: engaging in authentic ways...luckily we have @RWScholar’s #EdCorps and @neprisapp to give us a real purpose for communicating with others online. ❤️ #LaEdChat
A2: Words are POWERFUL, and our digital world amplifies this truth. Like fire, words spread and have the power to ignite or destroy. They can bridge and unite or divide and conquer. Just like any powerful tool, Ss need to be taught how to use it with utmost care. #LaEdChat
A3 Biggest challenge for my 4th graders is for them to know how serious it is. Just this week had someone like a tweet of mine. Was one of my 9 yr old students picture with a fake name. 9 yrs old!! #LaEdChat
This is a great place to start to teach #digcit to elem students - Scope & Sequence: Common Sense K-12 Digital Citizenship Curriculum | Common Sense Education https://t.co/TkCYNe3iRu#LaEdChat
A3 Not taking advantage of EVERY opportunity to practice digital citizenship! Blogs posts, responding to others in a thoughtful manner, online articles, curating information and so many more ways to contribute as a digital citizen #LaEdchat
A3: As K-6 Dist, parents don’t always see need to introduce topic yet. But for some students, middle/high school is too late. Bad decisions already made #LaEdChat
A3: engaging in authentic ways...luckily we have @RWScholar’s #EdCorps and @neprisapp to give us a real purpose for communicating with others online. ❤️ #LaEdChat
A3: Many students’ parents are usually unaware of their kids' online activity because a device is used as a baby sitter with too little supervision. Bad habits they establish now will follow them for a long time. #LaEdChat
A4: These skills do not have to be taught in isolation. Teach them during other assignments, teach them as the time arises..and if need be, teach them as lessons in isolation, but then connect them to real life and to content. #laedchat
#laedchat Thanks for the Shout Out @fmargret Hey Everyone, Bronwyn currently in the classroom would love you all to send a Harmony Day message to my kids here in Australia who are flipgridding right now https://t.co/IVsZG21Jm0
That is a great point and certainly a way to do it. The challenge here... getting our teachers to understand the importance of incorporating these skills! #LaEdChat
We give access to iPads and internet in kinder so even then there are some skills to be learned about surfing. Maybe plagiarism too in 1st, 2nd? #LaEdChat
At TCEA, I was part of a digital citizenship group and a littles teacher said she has students write comments (or say them is super little) and their comments are posted on the outside door for everyone to see and that is their intro to social media and dig cit. #laedchat
A4: As #digcit educators, we must make time to teach these lessons before we take our students online to interact with others. It can fit into other curriculum areas such as social studies, ELA, and even math. #LaEdChat
A2: this is how we cultivate #digcit in our classrooms and communities. Show the Ss that there is a big world out there, that people are just people, and that getting to know someone goes a long way. Thanks #OurGlobalClassroom ❤️ #LaEdChat
#laedchat Thanks for the Shout Out @fmargret Hey Everyone, Bronwyn currently in the classroom would love you all to send a Harmony Day message to my kids here in Australia who are flipgridding right now https://t.co/IVsZG21Jm0
A3: As a teacher of Ss age 14-15, the challenge I face is the collision of their natural developmental stage of questioning boundaries at the same time our digital society blurs lines where boundaries should be. It takes a great deal of trust to guide them through it. #LaEdChat
I think it's so important in the world of uncertainty that our future career landscape provides. Digital citezenship is the new "soft skill" that every employee must posess. #LaEdChat
A4: #DigCit needs to planned for the day, week, unit, ...?? Even if it's only having them do a weekly recap of their social presence and use that as a teachable moment. #LaEdChat
And I think it is all our responsibility to teach it... but, some of our teachers really need to learn to communicate online safely as well!! #LaEdChat
A4 maybe it's just me, but #digcit can be as infused as using a pencil to write with. The discussions are ongoing, throughout each lesson there are limitless teachable moments when we embrace tech and have ongoing converstions. It is not one and done #thinkPD#LaEdChat
A4 maybe it's just me, but #digcit can be as infused as using a pencil to write with. The discussions are ongoing, throughout each lesson there are limitless teachable moments when we embrace tech and have ongoing converstions. It is not one and done #thinkPD#LaEdChat
A4: a lot of people have said this, but integration into everything. Content should have some purpose. Authentic experiences are essential. See @neprisapp@RWScholars@NationalHistory. Just today, my Ss and @GrantLearns’s Ss emailed to Skype abt engineering literature. #LaEdChat
#LaEdChat mine do to Paula. For our weekly https://t.co/YW6fKaEjrG I use a writing session teaching the foundations of writing and digcit and then the class post videos etc
#LaEdChat I wish there were a few days scheduled in at the beginning of school that were allocated to classroom management, digital citizenship, pbis, where no curriculum was taught. I still think a back to school night or family night where parents and students can learn.
Important to realize many teachers aren’t comfortable w/social media, tech collab, etc so teaching #dog it is like asking to teach Latin. How to support them, too? #LaEdChat
A7: Keep teaching it and pushing it as important! It is one of those things that HAS to be done...not as an add-on or if we get time for it, but as a requirement for the world we live in today! I will keep being an advocate and teaching others! #laedchat
Do you not have control over your schedule? I used to tell my principal, “the days I invest in culture now will more than pay off in learning later!” #LaEdChat
A7: respond to @JoyceBronwyn’s grid and encourage my Ss to communicate with her Ss, as well. We want to continue to collaborate with other global citizens. ❤️ #LaEdChat
@Drtamssen if any of our #LaEdChat friends want to help us vet our new career readiness course they can inbox me. Digital Citizenship has it's own unit! I know we'd love the feedback!
A7: How about reminding others that #digitalcitizenship and #GlobalEd help create action driven students who use their knowledge in extraordinary ways. #LaEdChat
A7 Continue the conversation at @neprisapp to facilitate conversations, our Industry Chats, with professionals on the topic of #digcit for classrooms across the nation! #LaEdChat