#5thchat is for people interested in chatting about topics in education, especially as they relate to Grade 5. The goal is to connect people who enjoy learning & sharing, plus supporting & creating partnerships worldwide!
Good evening and welcome to #5thchat! I'm so excited to be with you tonight to discuss "Using Data to Drive Instruction." My name is Shari and I am a 5th grade Reading/ELA teacher for Comal ISD, right outside of New Braunfels, Texas. Please introduce yourself!
Good evening and welcome to #5thchat! I'm so excited to be with you tonight to discuss "Using Data to Drive Instruction." My name is Shari and I am a 5th grade Reading/ELA teacher for Comal ISD, right outside of New Braunfels, Texas. Please introduce yourself!
Good evening and welcome to #5thchat! I'm so excited to be with you tonight to discuss "Using Data to Drive Instruction." My name is Shari and I am a 5th grade Reading/ELA teacher for Comal ISD, right outside of New Braunfels, Texas. Please introduce yourself!
Hello all! I am Angela Grant, school principal and blogger for https://t.co/gcjNouf1pJ. Not sure if P's are welcome, but I am well versed in Data Driven Instruction and would love to chat if welcomed. #5thchat
As leaders and educators, let’s lead by making choices that are best for ALL students! Only then will our good choices show others who we truly are! Set the example 👊 #tlap#KidsDeserveIt#leadLAP#leadupchat#5thchat#ECEChat
A1: Relevant data that is used to further enhance student learning. Ts must have the end goal in mind. “What do we want our Ss to know?” In order to do that, we must know what they know & build from that knowledge.
A1: Data-driven Instruction: what is written, taught, and tested is based on multiple student data entries that reveal the Ss’ strength and needs. #5thchat
A1 - When I think of data-driven instruction, I think of using formative and summative assessments to drive my instruction. I am able to see where my students are, where they need to go, and misconceptions they may have! #5thchat
A2: Assessments are the starting point for instruction. It is important to align teaching to the rigor of assessment. If you design after teaching, you may limit the rigor.
A2: As a current student and a future teacher I believe assessments can be used at the beginning or end. Assessments are helpful in finding what students already know and what they need to improve on #5thchat
A2: Beginning, end, middle. Assessment shouldn't be a "gotcha", it should be meaningful checks with timely feedback and instruction, and Ss should have multiple attempts. #5thchat
A1 I think of using frequent (VERY frequent) formative assessments to flexibly group and regroup students for instruction according to their needs! #5thchat
A2: I see assessment as an ongoing process. Pre-assessment, formative check-ins, skills assessments (i.e. Build a parallel circuit), and a summation/post are all data points I can use when planning for my classes. #5thchat
.@yenneam How do you give students multiple attempts without being "unfair" to the students who studied or "got it" the first time? I was reading comments from a chat on this topic last night and it got quite involved to say the least. #5thchat
A2 - Assessments are both a beginning and an end. Assessments can tell us where we need to take our students to help them be successful. Assessments can also tell which students have mastered a concept and ready to move on. #5thchat
If your focus is learning, it doesn't matter when they get it. If your focus is on sorting kids into high, medium and and low then you focus on fairness. I prefer to focus on learning vs. sorting.
.@yenneam How do you give students multiple attempts without being "unfair" to the students who studied or "got it" the first time? I was reading comments from a chat on this topic last night and it got quite involved to say the least. #5thchat
A2 assessment is absolutely the beginning of instruction. Aren't all summative assessments truly formative? Does the intervention and enrichment ever stop? Should it?
Also, if I don't assess before and during instruction, how do I know where I an supposed to be going? #5thchat
A2: I think assessing goes beyond just the beginning, middle, & end. We are constantly assessing our Ss- even when we don’t intend to. Observations, conversations, & interactions all serve to collect info. #5thchat
.@lindafarringer I would agree. It also serves both academic and social/emotional areas of what we are called to do. So many kids struggle when they hear the word "test", that we can help in that area as well if we are recognizing the signs of what is happening. #5thchat
A3: I look for our lows and highs as a class to plan lessons, but then go back and look for students who struggled on other areas to work on in small groups. I also look for misconceptions that I can challenge through activities. #5thchat
A3 can be used for intervention groups, to see what standards other teachers are teaching better, if specific content is a problem across the board #5thchat
A3: I look at data with Ss so that they can set goals. We talk about what skills they need more help with and how they can best access that instruction. Tell me what you want for lunch and I'll make it! #5thchat
A2- assessment is neverending. Depending on the type, pre is before, formative assess should be done all the time! Summative "end" but that doesn't mean the teaching ends there #5thchat
.@kbreedlove1984 We do small group targeted instruction in my district (good practice) or guided reading as some may call it and you have to have really solid data to know where the gaps are in order to work with kids to try and fill them. #5thchat
Q3: At my school, we use aggressive monitoring to adjust instruction. Teachers use a checklist to grade independent work and pull groups afterwards. This helps them quickly see who does and does not have it! Simply amazing.
A3 Because I use a #masterylearning approach with @thegridmethod, formative assessment happens constantly. Data from these quick checks determine if Ss need reteaching, extra practice, or ready to move on. It happens throughout the class multiple ways as Ss are ready. #5thchat
Q4. Do you discuss your data with someone else on your campus or in your district for their feedback/input as to what next steps should be? What benefits could come from doing so? #5thchat
.@yenneam I do too! Just finished our MAP MOY screeners and conferenced with each student, went over where they were in the fall, where they ended up, talked about growth, set goals, and came up with an action plan together to get them where they want to be at the EOY. #5thchat
A3- I change my lessons daily, each class, hourly, etc. as I see fit. I usually use the information to help make interventions and do 1-on-1 or small group lessons #5thchat
A4: I am the only "science" T on my campus. Everyone else teaches math also and that tends to monopolize their time, but I do seek out our coach or even my reading T partner to talk data often. #5thchat
Q4. Do you discuss your data with someone else on your campus or in your district for their feedback/input as to what next steps should be? What benefits could come from doing so? #5thchat
A4: I most certainly would reach out to others for feedback, input, or future advice they may have to offer. I feel that all teachers should work as a team to better our students #5thchat
A5- I daily talk to my coteachers. We have weekly TBTs where we discuss and help each other, it also holds us all accountable. That data is shared out monthly to BLTs #5thchat
A3 - I look at my students' data daily to decide if we are ready to move on, need to revisit the topic, or if I need to present information in a new way. I cannot be the best teacher I can be if I don't look at where my students are. #5thchat
.@kkeiser I am on a team of 3 and we are departmentalized so I totally understand where you are coming from! I do talk with my teaching partners and we talk about how kids are doing across the board to see if it's something going on in all areas or its content specific. #5thchat
A4: Yes! Team planning was all about that today! We met with both admin, CICI’s, and Early Interventionist. Next week, our focus is small group instruction based on data/standards! #5thchat
A2. Assessments are ongoing. We have Ss take pretests to show us if they need to sit in large group instruction or if they need to just move and and prove their understanding. If less than 90%on protest they get instruction and then move through at their own pace. #5thchat
A4 - We hold monthly individual student data meetings & grade level content meetings. During both, we dig into the data to determine what practices are effective & which need to be improve #5thchat
.@rlvballcoach How do they move through at their own pace? Very interested in how you monitor their progress! I have several kids who could probably do this but I am scared to let go of the reins! #5thchat
A4 - I discuss my data with my co-teacher on a daily basis. With her being a special education teacher, she helps me see a different way to present things. Having someone to share ideas with allows me to branch out and try new things! #5thchat
A5: We have so much data it sometimes get overwhelming because it can be conflicting sometimes. We have district tests, screener data, last year's state testing data, all of our classroom data...when is it too much?
A5- We look at benchmarks for specific items (i.e. reading levels) but otherwise, we look at individual student growth. Celebrate every amount of growth, because the student learned something #morethanatestscore#5thchat
A5 - This depends on what you hope to learn from the data. At times it’s appropriate to understand where we, as a school, are performing in relation to the nation, state, & division; however, we often compare individual data to best understand our Ss’ needs. #5thchat
We have a map that the kids use. We have pretests all created and if they get 90 or better they then need to do assignment in @TenMarks followed by some task cards and then they prove it by @flipgrids, @bookcreator, @Imovie, @animoto, @voki, board games, websites.
In reply to
@lessonsinfifth, @TenMarks, @bookcreator, @iMovie, @Animoto, @voki
A5. Using MAP testing and meeting their median scores gives us a rough idea. Trying to find a better number to use to see if kids will be proficient on state tests. Any ideas?? #5thchat
A5: I look at the individual student growth. Test scores have their value, but they aren't the whole picture and it doesn't seem right to compare different groups of students. #5thchat
Q6 - numbers do not lie, people do! Data/statistics are FACTS. It is intriguing to be a part of a Percentage or not to be a part of one #5thchat#motivation
A6: It helps me see what works and what doesn't for that particular S, and then try a different method. Sometimes it's just that they need a smaller group to stay focused or to be able to talk through their thinking. #5thchat
A5: We have so much data it sometimes get overwhelming because it can be conflicting sometimes. We have district tests, screener data, last year's state testing data, all of our classroom data...when is it too much?
I have a lot to do, leaving early. Sorry everyone. Keep making a difference. “Do not give half an effort unless you are ohkay with half the results” #espechat#shifthis#5thchat
A6: I would see the data and see where it needed improvement. If most students struggled with one subject I would try to change how I taught it. #5thchat
A7 - Favorite- looking at data (qualitative & quantitative) is the only way to know that what we are doing is actually working. Least favorite- we sometimes over assess Ss bc we think we need more. #WeHaveEnough#WeJustNeedToUseItCorrectly#5thchat
A7: fav- it shows me my Ss needs and allows me to plan for their success, least fav- sometimes it is hard to find someone to look at the data with and truly compare #5thchat
A7: My favorite thing about data collection is that you can see the difference within time and you can look back on that data. My least favorite thing about data collection is you have to keep up with it or it isn’t accurate. #5thchat
.@kbreedlove1984 I would agree that the more the better but sometimes when it does not all show the same results it is harder to decipher what is really the issue so then you have to collect more to get to the bottom of it! #5thchat
A8: Living in the tension! I imagine their mom sitting at the back of the room and consider what she wants for the child she loves. Much more than a good test score, that's for sure! #5thchat
#5thchat This is probably the hardest one for me because I NEVER wanted to be a teacher that looked at a child as a number/percentage but sometimes I am forced to do that and it makes me very sad!
A8: by purposefully looking for their success. I have so many struggling readers this year who are not doing well on our mandated MC tests, but if I give them the actual tools, have them build a model, etc. They do know/understand. Then I can celebrate that with them. #5thchat
Hey, all! Just ended a great chat with #5thchat. Linda, AP from Winchester, VA. 2018 is off to an incredible start , & I’m optimistic this will continue. 👊🏼 #pln365
.@rlvballcoach Thanks for sharing! I love collaborating with teachers from all areas of our country. There is so much to learn from dedicated educators! #5thchat
Special thanks to @lessonsinfifth for moderating #5thchat this evening!
Please join us next week as @LindaFarringer moderates: "Promoting self-determination and fostering independence."
A8- set them up for success by building in lots of scaffolds. When they show success and you have a relationship. Growth is being made. Educating stakeholders on what these scores mean is also important #5thchat
So..... any of you interested in doing a mystery Skype or working collaboratively on a @bookcreator project about our hometowns. Let me know. Would love to connect. #5thchat