📣 Edcampers!
🤖 Falten dos mesos per a l'#EdcampSummit 2018! La 2a trobada anual d'edcampers serà el 6 D'OCTUBRE. Celebrarem els 2 anys del moviment edcamp i aprendrem noves estratègies per celebrar un #edcamp. No te la pots perdre!
👉 Inscriu-te aquí: https://t.co/1g5XVRigNV
I have been able to learn from @mrmatera over time at more than one #edcamp, through online webinars, and now in the #HiveSummit. I can say with confidence that first meeting changed the course of my career as an educator. Thank you @mrmatera 3/3
Hello! We are now over here @Kidblog and we would be happy to support your #EdCamp. Please email grace@kidblog.org with more details about your event. Thank you!
.@teachbetterteam Ready to share some magic at @EBEdCamp Oct 6th when I discuss communication with parents. Rae's magic video added some inspiration! #edcamp@EdcampNJ
Sabies que...
el mapa de sessions és el document on es comparteixen els aprenentatges i recursos d'un #edcamp?
Compartim l'exemple de l'@EdcampfamiliesLl, on les famílies parlaren de la seva implicació en la transformació educativa: https://t.co/FDBOLY7Mzh
Who are you?
Are you planning to ask your students to fill out a student interest survey?
We're taking a Teacher Interest Survey, Tuesday at 7 PM EDT on the #2PencilChat.