The Breakfast Club – #BFC530 – is a 15 minute, 1 question Twitter chat every weekday. We chat in 4 timezones Mon-Fri – 5:30am Eastern, Central, Mountain, and Pacific Times. The mission of BFC is to empower participants to make a difference in education by engaging in consistent reflective practice in a supportive community that inspires and challenges one another.
What is one thing/activity your school does well when it comes to building school culture?
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Happy Tuesday! #bfc530 Back to school following the long Veterans Day weekend. A short week as we roll into the Thanksgiving Break. We are Thankful for short weeks and long weekends.
I often think about what a gift it is in coming together each weekday morning to share, to learn and to grow together! What a truly amazing community to continue to form and support here! #bfc530#gratefuledu
Good morning #bfc530.
Brian, HS principal from Massachusetts
Returning to school after three great days at an Army Symposium at Fort Leavenworth. #ArmyNASSP
#bfc530 Out guidance counselor has organized a Secret Snowman gift exchange for years. A great tradition that brings people together over the holidays.
One thing that builds culture ... IDK ... that is tough because culture is about everything ... culture is like climate ... one day of weather does not change the climate ... the weather over time makes the climate. #bfc530
What is one thing/activity your school does well when it comes to building school culture?
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What is one thing/activity your school does well when it comes to building school culture?
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Morning #bfc530 folks.
Tonight our local hosts a dinner for all area veterans. We usually get over 100 vets & guests. Great night! Ts & Ss all volunteer to serve those who served us:) Very proud to always participate:)
What is one thing/activity your school does well when it comes to building school culture?
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What is one thing/activity your school does well when it comes to building school culture?
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Our district is very large, 92 schools, and the majority of them implement PBIS, striving for a positive way to build a positive culture of community! #bfc530 😊 👍
What is one thing/activity your school does well when it comes to building school culture?
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This one is easy...the biggest impact on school culture at @TCECHS (my now former school) is the fact they are a @teacherpowered school. Sharing the leadership builds deep ownership for the entire school's operation & enables true student-centered teaching and learning. #bfc530
In reply to
@BFC_530, @DrKnicki, @TCECHS, @teacherpowered
Morning #bfc530 folks.
Tonight our local hosts a dinner for all area veterans. We usually get over 100 vets & guests. Great night! Ts & Ss all volunteer to serve those who served us:) Very proud to always participate:)
What is one thing/activity your school does well when it comes to building school culture?
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Good morning everyone! We do a walk of fame to celebrate Ss and Ts. Collaboration between classrooms. Plc time positive shareouts. Sunshine club is always celebrating or supporting. #bfc530
All of our activities are inclusive. We offer Unified Sports in addition to more traditional HS athletic offerings.
Connectivity to a positive culture is key. We had more than one-third of our school involved ib the fall musical last month!
One thing that builds culture ... IDK ... that is tough because culture is about everything ... culture is like climate ... one day of weather does not change the climate ... the weather over time makes the climate. #bfc530
Where do I even start? Everyone is in a house, including faculty & staff. There are tons of events, both academic and fun. Families are welcome always. Expectations are clear & high. There is a feeling of love in the entire building. #bfc530
Morning #bfc530 - sadly discovered that we lost another former S & a member of my XC family ( his sister ran & he was a constant presence). I'm taking solace that our other coach is up there joking around w/him but blah. Seems like many of us have this news too often as of late
Gm. We have a morning meeting that helps team us up for the day. That helps the climate. But it’s been said that school culture is formed and maintained in the staff parking lot. That is accurate to me. #BFC530
Good morning! This year we have focused on twice-monthly revised schedule to allow for an hour’s lesson on socio-emotional teaching. It’s been powerful. All kicked off with school exploration of the book Wonder. A team of teachers has combined to create the lessons #bfc530
One thing that builds culture is Fridays we donate $1 to wear jeans and school t-shirts/sweatshirts, then use money to support Ss in need with grocery gift cards, prom tix, yearbook. We don’t actually have a dress code anyway, so it’s more symbolic, and raised almost $4K #bfc530
Morning wake up is between 5:10 and 5:30 depending on number of times the snooze button is needed to music. On weekend sometimes 7 am can be reached. #BFC530
Culture is an essential element that impacts the success or failure of any initiative, etc.. The true culture is not what's written on a mission statement (that may be ignored) it's the underpinning of the organization (in a good or bad way) #bfc530
Not sure we have one activity in itself. We try to have many activities to reach all interest levels, from sports, to the arts, clubs, etc. It seems like there is something for any kid's interest. #bfc530
We are a large elementary school in our district and, yet, a large number of our staff gather for lunch almost every day...a culture of caring! #bfc530
What is one thing/activity your school does well when it comes to building school culture?
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Culture is an essential element that impacts the success or failure of any initiative, etc.. The true culture is not what's written on a mission statement (that may be ignored) it's the underpinning of the organization (in a good or bad way) #bfc530
On a non-SED note, our Veterans Day assembly and day of teaching is always fantastic. My hubby was the speaker yesterday and he hit the right touch as he talked about the importance of WWI and its impact on our lives today. After assembly all lessons tied into veterans #bfc530
Programming, like clubs and teams, is only as successful as the willingness of the people in charge to give of themselves & build relationships. Just having a club is not a magic bullet. Just like a school, a positive climate starts at the top #bfc530
Ok a bit nerdy—but I love book studies. I especially love them when you can involve students, parents, and staff. It feels like you create your own common language. #BFC530
School culture is an area that is rarely focused on but it makes all the difference. It’s also something everyone has a part in, like it or not. #bfc530
Actually I like this image better...ever had your school start something and it not stick? The root cause is the true culture (the one that @robinwellshick1 mentioned). Key is to make the real culture the one you want! #bfc530
So many teachers have the Machiavelli approach "rather be feared than loved" or in teachy terms "Dont smile until Christmas" I think you can be both loved & respected, and you dont have to act like a kid to receive either from your students #bfc530
So many teachers have the Machiavelli approach "rather be feared than loved" or in teachy terms "Dont smile until Christmas" I think you can be both loved & respected, and you dont have to act like a kid to receive either from your students #bfc530
It’s all about relationships, when schools value and focus on building relationships with all stakeholders, especially teachers and students, a positive culture emerges. Today I am grateful for being able to garden every day!#ThirtyDaysofGratitude 😊 #bfc530
Correct! @AICDirectors teach that mantra in almost every module. Culture of an organization has the capacity to direct priorities and in the process consume resources, time and money. A positive culture can really make a difference. #bfc530
In reply to
@engineerteacher, @robinwellshick1, @AICDirectors
I agree! A group of us are currently in a @Self_Reg book study and it's incredible- everyone is there voluntarily- just in the interest of helping our Ss. Such rich discussions- makes me grateful to work with such an amazing team #bfc530
I will push back a little and say that before that comes creating an environment in which those kids can naturally be “likable”. So much of the behaviors that drive us nuts are a result of poor experience architecture by us. Create a place where it’s enjoyable to learn #bfc530
Any student can find their niche, there are clubs that suit any need, D&D club, trust the process club (for fans of the Philadelphia 76ers), girls STEM club, and on and on #bfc530
So many teachers have the Machiavelli approach "rather be feared than loved" or in teachy terms "Dont smile until Christmas" I think you can be both loved & respected, and you dont have to act like a kid to receive either from your students #bfc530
How does one define “likable” ... there are many people who do not like me. I have a tendency to rub people the wrong way ... I dig the environment ... that is the culture we strive to attain. You don’t get there in day one. #bfc530
“Likable” for what I expect from kids is a willingness to come along for the ride. Work hard. Treat others the way you expect to be treated. To do great things we need cooperation not compliance. We all, Ts especially, must have empathy. #bfc530
I see the efforts of admin trying to get into classrooms more than just when they evaluate. I feel the support of my fellow Ts when @MrsUffelmann and I wanted a potluck on an in-service day and everyone joined a big Thanksgiving-ish feast. Thanks again #redbud132 ! #bfc530
Yes. The perfect reminder for our last week here in America before our Thanksgiving holiday- enjoy, celebrate and above all love every student- they know when we do and they will love you for it #bfc530#gratefuledu
Our Black History Festival (February) and International Fair (April) really gives the schools community time to celebrate each other and enjoy our personal cultures.
Educational culture is a more challenging question. I'll read others' responses.