#Kinderchat, glue, glitter, gogurt, bringing daily joy to twitter. Find us Mondays, 9 pm EST and 8:30PM London time when we talk all things Early Years!
Come out, come out wherever you are! It's #kinderchat time. Say hello, where you are, and the funniest part of your 1st day back at school after holidays.
Brett Winningham, Lamar, Mo., aspiring T. Mine: I volunteer with a youth ministry on Sunday evenings for 6-12 and I told a kid to stop kicking our foam dodgeballs and he wouldn't listen to me because he thought I was a teen and not an adult 😐🤦🏻♂️ #KinderChat
Faige from Los Angeles. This “retired” kinder teacher subbing in 1st grade most of this week. Sweetest thing was a hug from a young boy, just because #kinderchat Happy New Year
Kristin, Alexandria, VA (USA), funny part about being back is having to pack an entire classroom into 10 boxes. I've gotten more boxes so I'm good. #kinderchat
I'm always mistaken for either 15 or 18 .... which is not a bad thing for me except for when this comes up. I'm also surprised that I don't get stopped by the police when out n about during school hours. #Kinderchat
My husband was only 4 years older than his HS students when he first started teaching. But, he looked older because of his moustache. You may need to consider a 'stache. #kinderchat
A1: Hi! I'm Beth of @go2Science. Maine kinder teacher for 25 years turned world adventurer and nationwide k-2 teacher. I connect with Ss first time after break tomorrow. Can't wait! #kinderchat
Funny story: When the 2012 school year started in August 2012 (I graduated HS in May 2012) my neighbor saw me out walking and called the cops thinking I was skipping school. That's why I still carry my school I.D. from my Sr. year in my wallet. #Kinderchat
Tonight we are talking reflections, resolutions and self care for 2019. Let's start with a reflection Q for practicing teachers: How is your teaching different now than when you first started out? #kinderchat
I'm more aware of what is developmentally appropriate. Those who write the curriculums have no ideas as to what is developmentally appropriate for 5 and 6 year olds. #Kinderchat
A2: When I first started I just tried to survive the day, now I work to empower Ss to change the world! PBL was part of my practice then thought I did not know the term, now it is intentional and transformational! #kinderchat
Personal habit that I will continue FOR SURE: takeout Fridays, which are now mostly SkipTheDishes Fridays: I order for a 5:00pm delivery, so I HAVE to be home by then! #kinderchat
A2: My #oneword2019 was PLAY. So, besides playing on Monday nights with #kinderchat, I have a few new places to explore. I also love reading blogs. And talking about what I'm reading.
A2: Personal habit: start the day with yoga! Professional habit: identify my own weaknesses and find people who have those as their strengths so we can compliment each other! In other words keep building an amazing team! #kinderchat
A2: I like to be active. So perhaps when I teach I'll designate an evening during the week devoted to running, shooting hoops, swimming, etc. #KinderChat
Lately I've been taking out 30-45 minutes to shoot hoops and it's done wonders!
Q2- Personal habit I will continue is early morning walks with my four legged friends! Professional is to continue to learn all about tech. #kinderchat
A3: I resolve to share and connect MORE! I'm working to connect at least 300 new classrooms with @go2Science before the school year ends. We even have a free trial! Everyone likes FREE! https://t.co/AYnKIwo2Lr#kinderchat
A3 Personal life has taken strange turns recently so I’m grateful for a strong group of friends who have been here for me (and I for them) for years. #kinderchat
A3: I haven't made a resolution about my professional life but I would like to reach out to other teachers more who are not in my school community. #Kinderchat
A3: As an aspiring T, time management!!! I'm not overwhelmed but I get a little discombobulated and when I learn this -- I feel it'll help very much whenever I'm teaching, etc. #KinderChat
Q4: Before we move on to personal resolutions: "Self care" has become a bit of a catch phrase recently. What does it mean to you? What is your initial, gut-level response to this phrase? #kinderchat
A4: Self-care is doing something for me. It can be an errand or just sitting and reflecting but it can't involve anyone else. Sometimes I come home and if I get a text I ignore it. Prior to texting, we didn't respond to others right away. #kinderchat
Avivas blog is exemplary in the reflections of her classroom and kids- a must read for thoughtful, reflective educational practices #kinderchat Fabulous educator here.
I view self-care as anything that separates you from the everyday grind for a day or two. For me, that's being outdoors or at a sporting event. #KinderChat
A4: Taking care of yourself...it's important to do things that make you happy, refreshed and invigorated. This looks different for each person. BTW, I love prof rdg. It makes me happy. #kinderchat
A4 A biggie goal for me RELAX enjoy the now. So my goal to walk, go to movies and just hang out. AND not accept every sub date that comes my way. #kinderchat
In my exp, many teachers are disastrously terrible about self-care: poor physical health, inadequate sleep, no hobbies/interests beyond school. Decorating a classroom is NOT A HOBBY! #kinderchat
Q4 pt. 2: Teachers can be GOOD at self-care but it takes time. I stay after school only when necessary but I try to leave each day at the contracted time of 2:55 pm. I rarely bring work home unless it's the end of the quarter. It's about me time. #kinderchat
Whenever I went over to run on the HS track in the afternoon I would always see one of my HS teachers I had walking the track during his planning period.
We're good friends and one afternoon I mentioned to him that he's doing self-care and how the topic comes up here
And at the same time, I try to look at balance over THE COURSE OF THE (12 month) YEAR, not so much each day. Not sure if this is good or bad? #kinderchat
A4: It is too easy to put the rest of the world first. I like riding on airplanes because they remind me I need to put my own oxygen mask on first before helping others! I never regret self care...just need to remember I need that oxygen! #kinderchat
Q5: Tks to @jeffcouillard, I have recently been contemplating the phrase "pre-meditated self-care." What does this mean? How could we do this more/better, for ourselves and our professional communities? #kinderchat
I also think there is a link between poor self-care, poor self-advocacy, and teachers being majority women... but that may be a whole other chat! #kinderchat
In my exp, many teachers are disastrously terrible about self-care: poor physical health, inadequate sleep, no hobbies/interests beyond school. Decorating a classroom is NOT A HOBBY! #kinderchat
This is my 5th year in admin, and am trying to be more pro-active about planning self-care during times of year that are stressful. This, to me = pre-meditated self-care. Also trying to remind my teachers to do same. #kinderchat
We should be thinking bigger than "self" care...we should be building systems of care into our organizations and networks. It should be part of our ethical practice, not an optional one.
This might be of interest for you and some peeps: https://t.co/Iub0OwgCPs
A5 Hmm pre-meditated self care: look at what’s good for you. If you give all your energy taking care of others, you’ve emptied that cup and might find it hard to fill up. #kinderchat
I'm sure this probably isn't the chat topic to say this but I would even say self-care in the classroom is a great thing as well. Such as going outdoors to learn, scavenger hunt outside, walking a trail around the school, etc. #KinderChat