A1: Kindness is important because it helps a person feel good about themselves. Today, I showed kindness by sending home two positive parent emails. @lauriesmcintosh is one of the kindest people I know. She is so supportive of my student teaching experience. #rethink_learning
A1: Kindness is important because it strengthens our relationships to other, and to our students as well. Kindness shows we care and we can be trusted. Someone this week showed me kindness by welcoming me into a new setting and genuinely wanted to get to know me #rethink_learning
A1: Kindness opens minds and hearts. Creates a value within the one you’re showing kindness to. Student took care of my 3yo daughter during class when she had to stay in my classroom with a bump on the head. #rethink_learning
A1: I'm so lucky to have the best people in my PLN - thanks @raspberryberet3 for being so kind #rethink_learning my computer crashed on Q1 - so running a little behind.
A1:My Admins have shown me kindness by leaving me notes of appreciation written in my door. They may think it’s no big thing but it means so much to me to know that I am appreciated. #rethink_learning
A1 Kindness is important because it can impact and influence lives. The smallest kind action can have a monumental effect on an individual. #rethink_learning
it is so important to make those positive phone calls home - I made them when I was in the classroom and parents really appreciated it. #rethink_learning
A1: Kindness is important because it helps a person feel good about themselves. Today, I showed kindness by sending home two positive parent emails. @lauriesmcintosh is one of the kindest people I know. She is so supportive of my student teaching experience. #rethink_learning
A1 So important! People show me kindness everyday. A specific example is when a person takes time out of their busy day to have a quick chat/Check-in that is sincere and authentic! #notalwayseasy#necessary#GKP18#rethink_learning
I think I always choose kindness as my favorite value because of its HUGE ripple effect. If you can show someone a kindness, no matter the size, then they, in turn, are more likely to pass that kindness on to someone else...and it keeps going on & on. #rethink_learning
Kindness makes the world go ‘round. Everyone needs a kindness champion in their life and the smallest acts of kindness can have a huge impact! I am showered with hugs and hellos of kindness from our students every day! #rethink_learning
A1: Kindness opens minds and hearts. Creates a value within the one you’re showing kindness to. Student took care of my 3yo daughter during class when she had to stay in my classroom with a bump on the head. #rethink_learning
A1 So important! People show me kindness everyday. A specific example is when a person takes time out of their busy day to have a quick chat/Check-in that is sincere and authentic! #notalwayseasy#necessary#GKP18#rethink_learning
A2: I would try to view negative situations with a more logical lens and think how can improve? Was I really at fault for something? What can I do in my power to fix this? #rethink_learning
A2 Showing kindness to myself is something I try to be vigilant about. It is too easy not 2B. s/t means saying no to someone else, in a kind way, of course! Always looking for ways to forgive myself, cheer myself on and allow myself to be Ok. #rethink_learning. #GKP18
A2: Self-care. On a more personal note, I have sought professional help in the last few months to become a better person. That was a huge step for me. I needed someone else's help to show me how to be kind to myself and get out of depression. #rethink_learning
A2: As a student teacher, I am oftentimes hard on myself. I am trying to focus more on the positive aspects of teaching and keep myself away from negativity. If I were kinder to myself, I would give myself more grace and realize that I am doing the best I can. #rethink_learning
A2: I would try to view negative situations with a more logical lens and think how can improve? Was I really at fault for something? What can I do in my power to fix this? #rethink_learning
A2: Acknowledge my successes as victories and not simply as accomplishments with room for more. I should stop being so hard on myself and give myself a genuine “atta boy”
from time-to-time. #rethink_learning
A2: I would take a step back and look at the big picture and not worry or feel discouraged about smaller matters. Rather, look at how I can adjust those smaller pieces with the overarching goal in mind. #rethink_learning
Yes, please be patient - it's a journey and none of us know it all - focus on a one or two things at a time and do it really well; then move onto something else :) #rethink_learning
A2: As a student teacher, I am oftentimes hard on myself. I am trying to focus more on the positive aspects of teaching and keep myself away from negativity. If I were kinder to myself, I would give myself more grace and realize that I am doing the best I can. #rethink_learning
A2: I would extend myself more grace for when I fall short. I have said in the past that I feel like a recovering perfectionist, and so anytime I feel like I fall short (even if everyone else says I didn't) then I still am hard on myself. Need to breathe. #rethink_learning
The second half of this is the hardest. I just read Finish & @JonAcuff says to cut your goals in half for stronger attainment of them #rethink_learning
A2: being kind is also about taking care of yourself - don't feel guilty. Remember on a plane, we are told to put the oxygen mask on ourselves first before helping someone else :) #rethink_learning
My Kindness page https://t.co/mZMX9a3YqZ "Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love." Lao Tzu
A2: I would take a step back and look at the big picture and not worry or feel discouraged about smaller matters. Rather, look at how I can adjust those smaller pieces with the overarching goal in mind. #rethink_learning
A2: Give myself credit & realize that I’m deserving of things. I have a very difficult time believing in myself like I believe in others! #rethink_learning
A2: being kind is also about taking care of yourself - don't feel guilty. Remember on a plane, we are told to put the oxygen mask on ourselves first before helping someone else :) #rethink_learning
1. I plan on smiling and giving high fives to my students as they enter and leave my classroom
2. I plan on sending an encouraging email to a staff member
3. I plan on holding the door for someone
A3: I need to stop, pause before jumping right into work. Need to look at the gratitude list and send a note each day to at least one person who has made a difference in my life. #rethink_learning
My Kindness page https://t.co/mZMX9a3YqZ "Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love." Lao Tzu
A2 I've been trying to activity stop myself from going down the rabbit-hole by using self-talk (OUTLOUD mind you!) to tell myself to focus on moving forward, keep working hard, & trying my best. It can be all too easy to get down on yourself-don't get stuck! #rethink_learning
A1 Kindness is calming; kindness invites conversation; kindness opens hearts and minds; a nod, a smile is a kindness that encourages the receiver #rethink_learning
A1 Kindness is calming; kindness invites conversation; kindness opens hearts and minds; a nod, a smile is a kindness that encourages the receiver #rethink_learning
A2 stop rushing to it all; focus; do better at “be here now.” always so much to do— remember “one does what one can” said the sparrow holding up the sky #rethink_learning
A3 OK tomorrow I can be present for those around me, hug people who are open to a hug, be aware of what my spouse needs(fill his coffee cup before he fills mine) &call my cousin who lost her mom recently #rethink_learning#GKP18
A4: Modeling kindness. I think of the golden rule "treat others the way you want to be treated." Making sure we have time for social-emotional curriculum and skills during the day! Why is this always the first to go?! #rethink_learning
A3: 1. Cookies & Cards are going in T mailboxes! 2. Mailing off several kindness packages to some AMAZING members of my PLN! 3. I have a little kindness surprise that my Ss are working on!! #rethink_learning
A3: 1. Cookies & Cards are going in T mailboxes! 2. Mailing off several kindness packages to some AMAZING members of my PLN! 3. I have a little kindness surprise that my Ss are working on!! #rethink_learning
A4 model model model ....don’t just say it, show it! Allow ss to practice kindness some don’t have role models at home ...educate the whole child #rethink_learning
A4 Help students understand that if they are kind, honest, and helpful, anything they want to do or be can become reality. Tell them, and tell them often. #rethink_learning
A4: We model kindness. We have conversations about kindness. Literature is a great entry point. We talk about and help Ss experience how giving and receiving kindness makes them feel. #rethink_learning#ssdpride#warriorscreate#JoinTogetherJanuary
A4: need to integrate thru the curriculum - what learning can we provide Ss rooted in the curriculum that develops kindness, empathy, and fair mindedness? #rethink_learning
A3 a phone call to check in; a pause in the hall to greet those passing; it’s winter: bring in some evergreen or flowers to brighten the room #rethink_learning
A4: We model kindness. We have conversations about kindness. Literature is a great entry point. We talk about and help Ss experience how giving and receiving kindness makes them feel. #rethink_learning#ssdpride#warriorscreate#JoinTogetherJanuary
Thank You for joining us today in #rethink_learning -- Now think about this question for a slow chat for a week:
What projects on #kindness are you doing with learners? Share the stories.
A4: Model it ALL the time! We also have a #kindness tree that Ts & Ss can write inspirational quotes or thank yous on, inspirational chalkboard walls in the hall that promote #growthmindset & kindness, positive word wall, Energy Bus for Kids #rethink_learning
Examples = being kind to other people, explicitly, in front of your kids and in front of the students we teach in schools. Showing kindness to complete strangers (safely, no stranger danger) to demonstrate and model the world we want for the future. #rethink_learning
A4: I think it’s important to model & practice showing kindness!! My Ss participate in kindness projects! It’s amazing to watch it become a passion of theirs! #rethink_learning
A4 Model, notice, look for opportunities to do kind things with our learners and others, set a challenge to be kind to someone specific, connect, reach out , #rethink_learning
Thank You for joining us today in #rethink_learning -- Now think about this question for a slow chat for a week:
What projects on #kindness are you doing with learners? Share the stories.
A4 teach it while in conversation and in daily activities; ask questions, “How could we…” about doing something kind. Instant replay when a mean retort or comment is made so can change to kind #rethink_learning
A4 We are not religious but we say grace before dinner each night-naming things we are grateful for. I think gratitude has a strong correlation to kindness-if you can identify the good things it helps to open that lense & you want to help others see it as well. #rethink_learning
Our 3rd grade ALPS class of @nolanelizabeth6 has been working on a #kindness#PBL project. They have painted and hidden kindness rocks, made kindness posters to hang in our halls and post a weekly kindness challenge in our cafeteria! #rethink_learning
Thank You for joining us today in #rethink_learning -- Now think about this question for a slow chat for a week:
What projects on #kindness are you doing with learners? Share the stories.
Please take some pictures @PrincipalHardin and share those for the slow chat about projects on #kindness. #rethink_learning - we'll share those on a post - how wonderful!!
Our 3rd grade ALPS class of @nolanelizabeth6 has been working on a #kindness#PBL project. They have painted and hidden kindness rocks, made kindness posters to hang in our halls and post a weekly kindness challenge in our cafeteria! #rethink_learning
Thank You for joining us today in #rethink_learning -- Now think about this question for a slow chat for a week:
What projects on #kindness are you doing with learners? Share the stories.
A4: I think it’s important to model & practice showing kindness!! My Ss participate in kindness projects! It’s amazing to watch it become a passion of theirs! #rethink_learning
Autism Fact: The CDC now estimates that 1 in every 68 children is affected by #autism . We are here to be an ally in your child's care. To learn more about our company please visit https://t.co/byQntHbDUB or give us a call at (814) 580-8260. #Fairbanks#rethink_learning
Glad that you were able to jump in at any time. @MrJSellen - this was a quick chat with 4 questions but we also have a slow chat on #rethink_learning for a week inviting people to share projects around #kindness
Apologies for missing #rethink_learning - Had to cook dinner & help w/HW. Will scroll through archive to see all the great things shared! @@bbray27 #kindnessmatters
Apologies for missing #rethink_learning - Had to cook dinner & help w/HW. Will scroll through archive to see all the great things shared! @@bbray27 #kindnessmatters
So bummed I ended up missing the #rethink_learning chat, but showing myself kindness by being in the moment, absorbing the amazing insights, and thinking of ways to spread kindness #Kindnessmatters
Just so you don't miss the twitter feed - the hashtag is #rethink_learning - hope I didn't write that wrong - but could have happened because the chat went by so fast