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#UKEdChat Q1
Do you feel you have adequate time to reflect on your teaching and how can we make more time for reflection?
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#UKEdchat#A1 I nearly always reflect in class and after, but acting on the reflections & developing strategies and resources in light of findings is where time is tight.
#UKEdChat Q1 again
Do you feel you have adequate time to reflect on your teaching and how can we make more time for reflection?
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A1 I don't think there's enough time in the day to be reflective in real time, however, I like to try and be reflective about how the lesson went last time before teaching it again #ukedchat
Part 2 - #UKEdChat#A1
But I try to make time using my pedagogical and technological toolbox of strategies so I can react quickly; evolutionary approach not revolutionary.
A1 sometimes. If I get a free lesson in the day I try and take time to reflect on my lessons. This is a rarity. A way to achieve this better would be less classes - less is more. #ukedchat
A1 I think I reflect on my teaching at the end of a lesson (time permitting) or at the end of a day. I find talking to a colleague about my teaching helps me to reflect aloud. #UKEdChat
#UKEdChat#A2 Using time between classes to firefight and focus on administration and deadlines, instead of focusing on how to teach students so they learn.
A1 I have more time to reflect on KS3 lessons due to sensible timetabling i.e. my HOF would rather I was timetabled to teach 2 Y7 groups 1 x Y7 & 1 x Y8, so can try changes for the next group. Reflection on KS4 lessons I have less time for unless something's gone wrong! #UKEdChat
Darren from VA instructional coach, podcaster/blogger A2: Reflecting alone can magnify one's fears or ego. If a T beats themselves up, then reflection can end up as penance. Conversely, overconfidence can be magnified too. It works best to have a trusted partner. #ukedchat
#ukedchat A3: By observing, coteaching, and then discussing afterward. If they are able to pose solid questions that are non-judgmental, that can be the greatest help.
#UKEdchat#A3 I also used our mentoring programme. The mentor demos a lesson with my group and we reflect; then we team teach a lesson and reflect; finally I am observed and we reflect
A3 just by spending time together and discussing ideas. Could be in official meetings or over a cup of tea. I'm lucky in regards that myself and my hod have a chat everyday and use part of that time to reflect if things didn't go well in the day #ukedchat
A3 In the past we worked in 3s:one teacher taught a group of chn, two colleagues observed what the children were doing. We used an in-school model of evaluation based on 6 questions. Discussions following observations focusing on these questions promoted reflection. #UKEdChat
#UKEdChat#A4 Ask the students. If they didn’t learn what I planned or the lesson was confusing and didn't make sense, then I didn’t do my job and need to consider why
A4 it might be a little pragmatic but I judge how well things have worked by seeing how students answer questions on what they've been taught #ukedchat
#UKEdChat A1 Major issues are often easier to deal with in primary when you are teaching certain subjects each day. Also you can plan for 2/3 days then reflect before teaching the remaining lessons for the week.
It was and it is. Unfortunately in recent years it's not been possible because it requires release time. What I liked best was the focus was on what the children were doing and learning and the final question about what do I do next? #UKEdChat
#UKEdChat Q5
Do formal assessments processes, such as performance management, help or hinder reflection on your teaching?
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#UKEdChat Q5 again
Do formal assessments processes, such as performance management, help or hinder reflection on your teaching?
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A5 It depends heavily on the purpose of and form performance management takes. I've always found mine helpful as they are called professional development dialogues and the targets have been about improving teaching and learning (without % attached). #UKEdChat
#ukedchat A5: Without a blend of qualitative and quantitative feedback, then the picture is incomplete. Cold facts can be difficult, but pushing past the hard realities can often lead to important growth.
#UKEdChat#A5 Assessment for the sake of assessment? Hinder.
Assessments for student-focused reasons, help. We introduced two checks the year. Staff asking more specific questions about students’ progress and how they address concerns flagged during these two checks.
#UKEdChat#A6 In class as it progress. Afterwards, it depends on my mood.
I usually come out of a class wanting more, but after a cooling off period, I see the successes within the learning as well.
#UKEdChat Q7
What can the way we ask pupils to reflect on their learning teach us about how teachers can reflect on their teaching?
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A6: I like to be outside the room for reflection. A bench outside, a workroom, or the library suit me. That way, I'm not tempted to distract myself with other "urgent" business. #ukedchat
Immediate reflection will be in school. Often you can reflect more deeply at a later point in time. How much later can vary. Your thoughts may change between these two moments. #UKEdChat
#UKEdChat A2 Time can always be a barrier. Mindset can be another: I was once amazed when a student left the section 'What needs improving in your practice?' blank because they felt that there was actually nothing to improve. We can always learn and improve.
#UKEdChat Q7 again
What can the way we ask pupils to reflect on their learning teach us about how teachers can reflect on their teaching?
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A3 Observing colleagues in other departments can help reflect and enlighten my teaching. I get stuck in my own subject universe, especially being a practical subject that I like to look at English lessons and discover techniques when it comes to engaging written tasks #UKEdChat
#UKEdChat#A7 Yesterday I asked the students to score their ability on the subject before we started. Some scored themselves very low, so I asked them to re-score after activities were done & it helped all of us judge what worked, what didn’t and how we were progressing.
#UkEdChat A3 Using lesson study. Planning with other colleagues and then one teaching the lesson while others observe the learning rather than the teaching. The focus is all on the pupils' learning since all are responsible for the teaching due to joint planning.
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A7 I think if you are giving chn the opportunity to reflect you also need to show them how. Make what they are reflecting on specific. This can apply to teachers too. If we try to improve everything at once it can be a challenges. Have a focus for your reflection. #UKEdChat
A8 I'm always reflective just before new year and include in resolutions. Resolution for 2019 was to join Twitter to improve teaching, so joined a few days ago and loving it.
#ukedchat A8: Always at the end of units. Also, after a particularly difficult exercise/project/lesson that was either new, or a risk in some way, it helps to have a buddy. If possible, and it rarely is, a quick journal entry at the end of the day is good to review later.
#UKEdchat#A8 Good answers here, but I have semesterised classes, so also at the start of a new group. Taking longer to get to know students, build relationships and get buy-in. Immediate reflection means immediate reaction on my part, so everyone is included from the start
A8 At the start of a year you may reflect on the lessons you've learned from previous years and use that to enhance your practice. I think when you have a new class you reflect lots each day because you learn so much about the chn and their needs and adapt your teaching #UKEdChat
@ukedchat A5 so much of this has to do with the culture of feedback in the school. If the process is strengths based, clear on objectives & not linked in any way to pay/position appraisal they can provide invaluable reflection #ukedchat