Meet and chat with colleagues about Universal Design for Learning (UDL) on Twitter! The best hour of professional learning you'll get in 30 minutes. Held the first and third Wednesdays of the month from 9-9:30PM ET.
Hey all! I'm Helen and I teach in NYC. Worst thing I ever ate was a sandwich a friend of mine's mom made me when I was 10. I don't even remember what kind it was, just that it was gross. #UDLchat
Hi #UDL party people! Jana from New Brunswick, Canada here. Worst thing I've eaten out of politeness was probably a questionable baked good from a well-meaning student #udlchat
Hi #udlchat! I'm Maya. I'm a history teacher from NY who's excited to be here! I think the worst thing I've eaten to be polite is burnt meatballs that were also somehow undercooked..
Kelley from Columbus, IN. Staying as a guest in a home in the Philippines and they served us tripe. We HAD to eat it, but dang! Better than balut though! #udlchat
Hey, #udlchat squad! I am Allie, an inclusion coach from WI. Out of respect for @flutteryoshi952’s love of bean boozled reactions, I have eaten SO many stinky cheese/barf/booger flavored jelly beans.
Kathy from WI here. Wish I could’ve been in Oconomowoc. I know I’ve eaten some bad stuff, but can’t think of one thing in particular.
A1: everyone is seen as having talents and gifts and options are provided for all not just some, learners are empowered #UDLchat
A1 when Ss start considering what options work best for them in the classroom, they begin to value and respect others with different needs. We all have different strengths and needs, and with UDL, everyone can have their strengths valued and their needs addressed #UDLchat
Q1: UDL creates a foundation of respect in the learning environment because it says, "We knew you were coming. We were planning on you being here." #UDLchat
Q1: UDL creates a foundation of respect in the learning environment because it says, "We knew you were coming. We were planning on you being here." #UDLchat
A1: I think when you offer choices in a classroom, you are showing kids that you respect them as individuals with their own thinking and needs. That you trust them to know themselves as learners and as humans. #udlchat
A1: allowing to generate individual and collective work spaces giving guided options and guidelines to empathize with others and promote respect for one's own space and other #udlchat
A1: By creating a culture where differences are celebrated, personal struggles are normalized and supported, and individual strengths and passions are leveraged and encouraged! #UDLChat
A1. We can believe that all kids are capable of greatness or not. You can’t call yourself a #UDL practitioner if you believe the latter. Period. #UDLchat
#UDLchat A1: UDL provides a great opportunity for Ss to be able to engage more effectively and have the opportunity to access the information. Ss can also use their strengths! Ss feel respected when they see they are valued for who they are!
A1. We build relationships with our students by getting to know and understand their knowledge. Engagement is supported through our understanding of all learners. #UDLchat
A1: UDL by nature is inclusive by its flexibility in design to meet learner needs and variances. It’s curriculum’s way of saying “I honor you.” #UDLchat
A1. We can believe that all kids are capable of greatness or not. You can’t call yourself a #UDL practitioner if you believe the latter. Period. #UDLchat
A1.5) from that permission the lens for the levels of what variability is, what roles &relationships are, and who we are as a community of learners can be built. #udlchat
A1 Everyone has something to contribute to the learning and with multiple paths for showing what you know we naturally get a chance to see each other's ideas, culture, and greatness! I love that the design empowers this!! #udlchat
A1: UDL creates a foundation of respect because there are options for Ss. These options let Ss demonstrate their learning by means of their own strengths, which creates respect amongst Ss in the classroom #udlchat
I am against any form of segregation because it’s a move to strip power. I will fight into all classrooms are inclusive because power is in equal opportunity. #UDLchat
Hi there #UDLchat Lizzie here from MA! I don't eat a lot anymore out of politeness but when I was younger basically any meat product was out of politeness #Vegan
Hi Robin from Pa! The worst thing I have ever eaten out of politeness was goulash! I was in in 2nd grade and I didn't want the sweet cafeteria cook to feel bad #UDLchat
A2 when I think of inclusion, I think of Ss of all ability levels and all backgrounds mixed together, learning together and from each other. Could anything else empower democracy in our communities and Ss in our schools? #UDLchat
A2. The connection between inclusion and empowerment lies in the message that communicates to students...we honor who and where you are...and sets the stage for growth, support, and voice. #UDLchat
A2: you can’t be empowered if you aren’t present. Inclusion is all learners present and engaged in authentic challenges, learning from each other in a safe community. #UDLchat
A2: I keep thinking abt Norman & Emma's points abt opportunity & ability. When we give all learners the opportunity to be included in the learning environment, we empower them to discover their own abilities. #udlchat#UDLPower
A2: inclusion is empowering because it invites all learners to believe they can learn from, with, alongside of, in spite of anyone and anything. There’s power in that 💜 #udlchat
A2. When we include and intentionally invite all learners into spaces through design of environments and access, learners feel empowered by feeling that intentionality. #UDLchat
A2 This is what I LOVE about UDL... Instead of seeing inclusion as just a moral imperative (which it is), we see it for what it also provides -- BETTER Design! UDL models that in a way that no other initiative can. #ifitswrongidontwantaberight#udlchat
#UDLchat A2: When all are included, truly included, all will feel they have value and feel safe. When that happens, Ss will believe they have the power to be successful!
Q2: What is the connection between inclusion and empowerment? #udlchat
A2: Fostering inclusion in the classroom creates a learning environment where students feel confident, inspired, and ultimately empowered #udlchat
A2) empowerment isn't just about what can I DO or I belong too but also about what can I contribute, build, create with others, etc. Inclusive practices allow us the openess of design to facilitate that contribution. They have to be hand in hand. #udlchat
A2: The act of including all learners, especially those who are traditionally left out, is empowering. Opportunities to collaborate gives all learners a chance to make meaningful contributions and to build relationships based on mutual respect #udlchat
When we plan to include everyone from the get go, when we create a classroom where differences are valued and respected, then that is empowerment. #udlchat
A2 If we practiced real inclusion of all learners, the day might come when we didn't have to talk to kids about tolerance. That feels like collective empowerment. #udlchat
When we plan to include everyone from the get go, when we create a classroom where differences are valued and respected, then that is empowerment. #udlchat
By including ALL, we give power back to groups that have been historically marginalized to have access to their right to make choices for themselves, make friends, and make a future where we don’t have to teach kids to accept and advocate because it will be the norm! #UDLchat
A3: I try to start the year off with collaboration - which is truly sharing in all ways and taking in all ways - not just "group work" (which sucks) through the use of QFT around rules/expectations and the course. Asking questions allows for real collab #UDLchat
A2: my 37 y/o brother has cerebral palsy (quad) and was the first inclusive graduate at my rural school. It’s not only empowering to say he graduated, but to see how significantly he taught others who thought they didn’t have anything to learn from him #udlchat
A3 design interdependent takes, with multiple ways of access and expressing; model and teach skills of collaboration; provide lots of feedback and be present to observe and recognize greatness
#udlchat Inclusion is empowerment. But mainstreaming (dressed up as "inclusion") is not. Maybe the back of the t-shirt should have the definition of inclusion. :)
A2 If we practiced real inclusion of all learners, the day might come when we didn't have to talk to kids about tolerance. That feels like collective empowerment. #udlchat
I also ask kids what collaboration looks like to them beyond "group work" so they can see what working with someone else and pushing ideas further actually looks like. #UDLchat
#UDLchat A3: I try to start off the year with a fun activity the requires team problem solving. This year I'm adding a BreakoutEDU, TED talks and the 7 Habits.
A3 I try to ask for feedback from Ss as often as possible, and ask for their suggestions on what should happen in class. Ss make and share personal, non-school-related goals, and periodically update each other on progress, celebrate successes together, & offer advice #UDLchat
A3: I find it’s often important to practice collaboration in different settings with learners (even adults). Modeling, protocols, lots of reflection, and permission to step back if the collaboration isn’t working. #UDLchat
A3: providing Ss the why of what we are working on together often helps the collaboration become more meaningful. Collaborating just to work together is just checking a box. (Gif of check mark in the box) #udlchat
A3: In math I start with the idea that the subject is a collaborative activity. Problem solvers work together, ask questions, debate about methods, etc. #udlchat
One of my favorite things to do with kids is our Trashion Show - we take recycled materials and they have to work together in a week and create a piece of fashion for a fashion show! They collaborate in ways I'm always in awe of! #UDLchat
A3 Have a broad view of communication! Voice, pictures, selecting from an array, sign language, drawing, videos! We communicate in a ton of ways, have the kids do the same! #udlchat
I also ask kids what collaboration looks like to them beyond "group work" so they can see what working with someone else and pushing ideas further actually looks like. #UDLchat
A3: Currently working with a school to make their UDL planning visible - posters in the classroom, sharing with Ss the checkpoints they're exploring and asking for S feedback. Next step - Ss telling Ts which checkpoint to work on! #udlchat
A3) 1 of the things I do is help ed. understand that the ocean is big and you can't boil it all (Joy Zaballa) meaning you cant be great at everything. So don't try instead build really strong skill teams that are balanced. This hold true for our Ss, our leaders, etc #udlchat
A3: I would love to be able to collaborate on a project where a variety of grades and disciplines, and staff all worked together researching and creating something together #udlchat
A4. Last year I intentionally had students teach things they felt they rocked at. I had a student teach 4 classes how to throw on the wheel, a student teach how to paint clouds... Those are obvious leading. #UDLchat
A3: In the coaching role I try to build in meaningful collaborative opportunities for the Ts I work with by having them share personal goals they have for their work. Sometimes their goals are similar & it becomes a great opportunity to collaborate & builds community. #udlchat
A3. Building a sense of community, trust and respect allows meaningful collaboration. Modeling also assists students in determining how collaboration will help them grow into expert learners. #UDLchat
A4 cont. But I also had students share their work in new ways through @Seesaw which led kids to discover leaders amongst themselves and take on new roles. #UDLchat
A4: Students will naturally lead when they are given the opportunity to do so. Create a culture of sharing and helping makes space for student leadership to grow #UDLchat
A4: This one is hard for me but one thing I've been thinking about is having student-run "study sessions" where my students get the opportunity to help their peers understand something more deeply. #udlchat
A3: Students in my class work in partners and small groups every day, in ever-changing groupings. Sometimes it's a simple pair and share, reading together, ot playing a math or word game... Other times it's a large project or science experiment #endlesspossibilities#udlchat
A3: Using SLC where student accountability is vital, creativity is celebrated, academic enriched conversation is encouraged, and higher level thinking is provoked. #UDLChat
A4: this year for Summer Reading activity Ss are working together to lead the daily discussions of the text. No topics must be covered, completely up to Ss in re direction and discussion strategies. We start it tomorrow! #udlchat
#UDLchat A4: One thing I've done is let the Ss chose what type of project they want to do to demonstrate their learning and which standards they are addressing. Then I can see if certain standards are still a concern and we can go from there!
A4: By getting to know learners really well + connecting their personal passions and interests with the content/materials/process of lessons. Ex: Asking a S who loves drawing Pokémon to identify character traits of Pokémon, teach to class, and create class anchor chart. #UDLchat
A4: One of the best ways we can help our learners lead is to welcome their expertise. We may be Chief Learners in our learning environments, but we’re not the only ones with knowledge to share. #UDLchat
Yes, modeling is so important! I work with younger students so we spend A LOT of time on this in the fall in order to have functional and productive groups #UDLchat
#UDLchat A4 cont: If students are struggling with a standard they can have individual or small group time to review, or they can work with me to create and then teach a lesson on that standard!
A4: Listen! Have been running student focus groups on assessment and using their feedback to support Ts to better understand S perspective and needs. #udlchat
A4) Redefine the parameters. Try identifying the type of thinker you are explaining why. Example: Are you a futurist? What does that mean. How do they lead others? how do they meet design challenges? What if you are an analyst? what if you're a combination? #udlchat
That's it for #udlchat! Thanks for joining us, and don't forget to go follow your new #udlfam from tonight's chat! Join @BGentilleGreen for the next #udlchat on Sept 5th!
Do you feel empowered? We certainly do. Thank you to @DegnerJoni for another amazing #UDLchat! Join @BGentilleGreen on September 5 for our next fast-paced live chat, and sign-up for reminders so you don't miss it: [GIF: A sparkly "THANK YOU"]
A4 design to the margins. Think about those Ss that don’t typically get to lead. What are their strengths? Incorporate those into the content. I had a student once that knew EVERYTHING about the Cold War. Decided to read Butter Battle Book in class for a lesson...1/2 #UDLchat
...2/2 on reading fict & nonfict account of same event because I knew how much he loved the content. This normally-quiet boy was the absolute star that day. The next challenge for me is finding an institutional way to tap into all student strengths. #UDLchat
Yes! I used to let my students choose the supplemental aids that would best support them during state testing. They loved choosing the things that would help them and make most sense to them #UDLchat
I think students should be at or presenting at as many PD and teacher oriented things. I bring students along with me now to as many committees and events because they ask such wonderful questions and push us all. #UDLchat
A4.5) it isn't about the leadership or the product but about the perspective, context and development of thinking. These are lens and we can develop, celebrate, explore nee lenses through different voices #udlchat
A4. Giving choice and having goals build leadership skills that begin to show in the class. Students become in charge of their learning and naturally begin to lead. #UDLchat
A4: Student -led "parent-teacher"conferences! I was moved emotionally when I participated with my son as the leader of his own empowering for students! #UDLchat
A4: One way my students lead is by taking the lead role in setting their own learning goals and when I check in they can show me how they are progressing toward meeting their personalized goals #udlchat
LOVE this!! When I was a special education teacher, I would often try to help students lead part of their IEP meetings (I was a HS teacher). It was challenging, but worth it when it worked. So empowering for the students and the adults in the room. #UDLchat
Had to drive but didn’t want to miss my favorite #udlchat tonight. So my son narrated and scribed for me. Think I can count it towards his summer reading!
RT UDL_Center: #UDLchat starts right now with DegnerJoni! Don't forget to put the hashtag in your tweets and follow new tweeps to grow your #UDLfam.
RT DegnerJoni: I don't wanna brag or anything, but I get to host #udlchat tonight! We're going to keep the empowerment conversation going. Check out tonight's questions and join me at 6pm PT/9pm ET! #udl#udlirn#bcscudl#oconudl18