#1to1techat Archive
We discuss all aspects of the effective implementation of 1:1 programs in schools. We are comprised of teachers, tech coordinators,administrators, and school board members. All are welcome to attend and participate. We also welcome topic suggestions.
Wednesday April 27, 2016 9:00 PM EDT
Question 1 is around the corner..
Q1 When deciding whether to attend a conference, what factors do you consider? What are the "must haves" if you decide to attend
Please introduce yourself and share what your favorite old school game is. Welcome to
A1: Needs of our school and learners. Knowledge of presenters.
Caren, Media Coordinator, Clinton, NC....Tetris!
Dan, business teacher from St. Louis.
How can/do you check for "knowledge'' of presenters?
kyle - network admin from philly. i always liked a good game of uno.
A1: I typically look at what sessions are offered and how they can impact my learning as well as the Ss.
In the back of a station wagon? Facing semi's?
never had the station wagon
Welcome to We had one guy with a handheld Tetris game in college. He was SUPER cool.
Good evening Julie from Chattanooga, TN here
A1 I usually attend conference I present at and unconferences. I really can't stand regular conferences
A1 can I get a price break for speaking? Are there sessions on what I need more learning on? Location. https://t.co/YHbWTFfMT9
Q1 When deciding whether to attend a conference, what factors do you consider? What are the "must haves" if you decide to attend
Evening Dan. Want to join my 4 square team so we can take down ?
Kelly, teacher from upstate NY
I have a wicked overhand shot.
A1: depends on on topic and the presenter...has to applicable
A1 I'm currently looking for blended learning conf opps and ones that balance tech/curriculum well
a1: location. location. location. good session list.
I'm definitely looking for the unusual twist to a conference. definitely hit a home run there
Agreed on speaking. I was able to attend so many more conferences b/c of price break for speaking.
A1: When deciding to attend a conference, having good speakers is a must.
Can I get a price break please
Brian, Supt from Pontiac Elem, late arrival
A1: If I am giving a talk, then other factors come into play: location, schedule, etc.
Yes! I've learned to take advantage of this to further my learning and possibly take others with me https://t.co/L0RBj59ZXy
Agreed on speaking. I was able to attend so many more conferences b/c of price break for speaking.
A1: Really like hands on or make-n-take
A1-I want sessions with new ideas that can be used the first day back, plus location helps
Philly in February. Who's in? Location is huge. Easy sell on Miami Device next year.
Q2: Coming Up in 1 minute
A1 I go to edcamps for sure. Other conferences I take into account whether there is a big technology presence.
Me too! I like fast paced, lots of ideas, etc!
A1: Now it's also becoming more important any social media spaces that are linked with the association.
Q2: As compared to five or ten years ago, how do YOU approach conferences differently now? What do YOU do differently?
A1: It helps if there is WiFi connection during the conference as well.
A2 More involved. Helps that I know more area educators & can network through them. Discover more great stuff w/each conference
A1: has an amazing tech conference in the summer in IL for those willing to travel
Q2: I look for PD that appeals to me, my students, &staff! Prior years, only did required (usually the boring ones!)
Just attended EdCamp Chicago for the 3rd time. Every time it's something new & something awesome that I take away.
A2 I network more for sure because I see value of school visits much more these days. Twitter connects! https://t.co/RHzq3JdRVW
Q2: As compared to five or ten years ago, how do YOU approach conferences differently now? What do YOU do differently?
I try to see what kinds of talks have been given in the past before submitting proposals.
Exactly. You never know what might come up. The spontaneity is a draw itself.
A2: We went to ISTE in Atlanta over 7 years ago & spent all day on vendor floor. I know that's not how I'm doing
A2: Have to be proactive and look for opportunities! Get on all mailing list!
A2-I find ways to connect with ppl via Twitter to follow up with ideas. Social media has changed my approach attending things
and meet Nathan as an added bonus
A2: I look for more interactive sessions as opposed to "sit and gets"
a2: i share my experiences and opinions on twitter.
I'm not in the South, but when it's 40 degrees here - I'm thinking Road Trip.
A2 I'm more diligent in reflecting on my professional needs & classroom landscape prior to a conference. Also set up tweetdeck
A2: When submitting proposals I tried to discuss topics from a different perspective, or frame it in a new way.
A2: I look to connect and collaborate to extend the conference beyond those couple days.
I plan my ISTE attack out. It's overwhelming if you don't.
ISTE is on my bucket list!!
A2: If I know an educator will be attending the conference, I try to follow that person via social media if possible.
When I'm creating sessions to present, that's number one concern. How can I do this where everyone is engaged?
A2 I yell out during keynotes. Can't help it. Edcamps have ruined me
A2b I just went to learn and now I go and share as well. That's important To me now
Make it worth your while - come to Chicago for ISTE 2018. So excited for that one.
A2: I'm much more likely to leave a session that isn't working for me
I always worry what I'm presenting isn't relevant!
A2 For me, conferences are about lasting impressions. I look to build my PLN so my learning can continue well after the event.
Or my attendees will know more than I do!
Yeah, I'm sure it's just the EdCamps.
I will too! Hate to waste time when I can be learning something new!
That's not an issue - if you're the smartest person in the room... Best sessions include sharing
Q3 is coming up in 1 minute.
agreed! Always a fear for me.
A2: I try to connect with more educators during the conference so to add them to my PLN for future chats.
candy. That always livens up a shy crowd in participating.
Q3: As compared to five or ten years ago, how do CONFERENCES present themselves differently now? How have CONFERENCES evolved?
A3: The ones I've attended lately are more hands on! BYOD
check the ISTE closing videos for the last 2 years. 2 minutes are missing out of both
A3: Greater online presence before, during, and after the event.
A3 All the yrs blend & time is not what it used to be but conferences seem to be more hands-on, participatory. I like the trend.
a3: strong reliable wifi is a requirement
A3: Focus on adult learning...differentiation, fun, meaningful.
used Edmodo for sharing files, and connecting attendees with presenters!
More hands on, more choices, more voice in unconferences, more expense, more trial giveaways https://t.co/q8PPgj5NtL
Q3: As compared to five or ten years ago, how do CONFERENCES present themselves differently now? How have CONFERENCES evolved?
Shooting it out of a T-shirt canon? Bring your A game!
A3: w/more instantaneous responses, via Twitter & better e-surveys, conferences have to engage better, be the most relevant
A3-Solid conferences has ppl walk away with stronger PLN. Game changers for collaboration
A3: Greater opportunities for backchanneling during the conference. Greater engagement among attendees.
A3: conferences used to appeal to the masses, now they try and individualize the learning process instead.
think it comes with being at a private school. I'm with ya.
there are so many types of conferences. It is a great model for a school
did a team digital scavenger hunt. It was a great way to bond w/ new friends
A3: There is greater communication as to what attendees need and want.
oh just you wait until this year...
This adds depth to the conferences & allows experiences to be shared. We get to hear multiple viewpoints.
Actually our Admin promotes it & has PD money to pay for it. Ts need to shake old bad culture of isolation.
you know though I sometimes think there needs to be more balance- echo chambers don't challenge often
Great stuff. I'm presenting on at in June. Can't wait.
that is why you need to troll the group more often.
Try to align PD with at least one other school & then do EdCamp style would rock.
I appreciate when a certain someone trolls me. Keeps me sharp
Can't wait for Saturday, my first edcamp!
Same here-and location, location, location. No one wants to attend a conf. in say Wichita
Q4: Nitty Gritty. How do you choose which sessions to attend? If two are offered simultaneously, what makes you choose A not B?
no offense to the Wichita people
I went to 3 sessions & spent the 4th talking over ideas w/ a T who I met that day
A4: I usually choose the one I know the least about, the most interesting, and those that fit my needs!
None, just this CA girl is all about weather.
Are you doing it on a school day, so everyone will be there? Let me know the date so I can crash that party.
A4 I decide where I need growth before going, if it's A or B-I prefer smaller sized rooms, more connect. https://t.co/vxDyoE1o7B
Q4: Nitty Gritty. How do you choose which sessions to attend? If two are offered simultaneously, what makes you choose A not B?
a4: i google "flip a coin" because i never have change on me anymore.
Q4: I decide on sessions based on what I need as a teacher and learner. The person giving the talk is also key.
A4: I go based on the one I'd use the most/soonest. If it's still a tie, I've flipped a coin a time or two.
never been to Vegas and don't need to go
A4: I also will google the presenters and stalk their webpages or blogs. That helps me choose!
Hey Peeps. Shai from PA. HS Math T. Just a *tad* bit late. Was working on the proctor schedule for PA State Test in May.
YES YOU DO!!! At least once!
A4: Location of the session.Sometimes both are at the opposite end of the convention center so the one nearest to me wins.
I haven't been to a session in 2 years. I tend to camp out ant the session comes to me
A4: I need to feel that the session speaker is approaching a topic from a new perspective as well.
A4: If I can connect w/ people in the same dilemma we share Google Doc & talk about sessions at the bar later. Better that way
Just have to look at what I will use the most. I will skip if I know the presenter and can get resources.
A1: Money and who is paying is always a factor. I look at what the conference will focus on and decide from there. Love
A4b I like "this is what we are trying at our school- pros and cons" transparency sessions
OK - don't tell my principal, but I'll play golf during the day & then join your sessions in the afternoon.
A2: I approach conferences now as a family reunion, because I meet my peeps on twitter first. Excited to connect and network.
A4: I assess which session is most applicable to the immediate needs of my Ts or has the most cross-application
Great point. Talking w/ the presenter lets you get further into it anyway.
I think I would rather go to Wichita
That's why I can't wait for ISTE. I get to connect with so many people I talk to every week.
A4: if nothing is that applicable, I try to think which session will expand my mind or make me better at what I do
Vegas at least once! I'm a Southern North CAROLINA girl, and I saw some SIGHTS!!
A3: have changed/evolved conferences in such a way that more choices are offered. Technology is so much bigger too!
Q5: Tell us about your mindset at conferences? Your note taking & record keeping? What do you do before/during/after a session?
Got to figure out a way to get there!!!
That' why I love too. They are cheap way to network and collaborate.
I went to Kevin's session at NCTIES last year!
I went to a conference recently & presenters didn't get the engagement factor. I went to the bar. (yes there's a theme)
A5: I'm the person that writes/tweets everything I hear. I also make sure they have electronic handouts to doodle on.
A5 I choose sessions before if I can, try to gather resources for later during, &!go back to curate info https://t.co/UDtLNk7pya
Q5: Tell us about your mindset at conferences? Your note taking & record keeping? What do you do before/during/after a session?
A5: Take notes on my phone, tweet, save bookmarks, etc! Take pictures of everything!
I'm probably going next yr, but this year's funds running LOW
I'm a conference junkie. I like talking and networking. No notes. Just archive the materials.
A4: I choose the session that will give me the most immediate use in the classroom. If 2 simultaneous, I try to go to both.
I started doing more sketch noting during Keynotes, but can't do it during sessions. They're powerful.
OR, I put out on twitter asking anyone attending the other session to provide any resources. https://t.co/AgKZeDLhGC
A4: I choose the session that will give me the most immediate use in the classroom. If 2 simultaneous, I try to go to both.
I started my opening PD last yr with "I'm Sean and I go to Conferences" Ts Response: "Hi Sean..."
I use the 2-feet policy there. I get up and leave and find something else, or visit the vendors during that time.
I taught art for years and I suck at sketchnoting. Hoping my new iPad pro will improve my skills
Usually the conference puts up all the presentations...I'll scan through them and take what I need!
A5:Planning w/c sessions I'll go using the conference scheduler helps.In the session I live tweet like crazy.
Very true! I do the same. often provide google docs with resources being taken during session.
I'm terrible at it. Especially feel bad sitting next to when he's got MAD art skills
I had a great time tonight!! Thanks, but got to hit the hay! Field trip with kiddos in the morning!
A5: I usually have laptop open and as things are shared, open a tab for it. At end of session, use One Tab to condense to a file
Thanks for joining us. Watch for some great upcoming chats. We have some top notch talent GM's coming up.
It gives a whole new meaning to lifelong learner
Q6: Thinking back to the last few conferences you attended, what highlights do you still remember? WHY did those stick with you?
I do too, because that is also a resource to come back to.
works for me. Hopefully I can share some knowledge along the way and not just overload your feed.
For you to put my name in that list, maybe I'm not the only one at the bar.
A6: I saw a presentation on using google classroom for gamification. That alone was worth the registration costs.
A6 formative assessment options, future of edtech - both were on my radar https://t.co/U6HQkt71XN
Q6: Thinking back to the last few conferences you attended, what highlights do you still remember? WHY did those stick with you?
It stuck with me, because I specifically went to attend gamification sessions. https://t.co/jsTTTpPzag
A6: I saw a presentation on using google classroom for gamification. That alone was worth the registration costs.
A6 It's all about networking and the conversations I have with people that stays with me.
Best memory was spending hours talking to in N. Wisconsin Learned so much. Even more later at Launch Me
Yes, so true. I think that is absolute thing that stays with me longer than anything else.
The tools and data we have now with formative assessments are unreal. We need to implement them wisely to help Ss
I LOVE as my FA digital tool. So easy to use with many options. Can embed video as well.
A6: Presenters dancing out to their own theme songs to intro their sessions! Super fun!
My first CUE conference when I saw stands out-I knew I wanted to change the way I teach. She gets it
: What did you discover or consider during this evening's chat that will change how you approach your next conference?
I present on Tuesday to some of my colleagues about different FA tools. I picked about 8 to demonstrate.
In the data is the hidden gem. All other aspects rock, but the data Wow! Ts have instant access
I will always look for conferences that allow me to connect w/ others and grow as a teacher!
I love that - 'Stands Out'. There are a select few where you don't want them to stop preaching