Sorry guys, out working on the city baseball fields tonight trying to get them ready for the season. Unfortunately I gotta miss the chat, but will check back in later and catch up. #PIAChat
Ryan, author of #BeTheOne For Kids, excited to co-moderate this chat. Looking forward to learning from all of you tonight and really excited that Be The One For Kids is now on @amazon
Welcome to tonight’s #PIAchat
I’m Kelley from Ks & lead learner of a PreK-6th grade building. My favorite college team is the University of Kansas! Rock Chalk, baby!!!
Danny currently in Belgium (but for how long ...) Favorite team is my alma mater ILL -- INI ...
But do we even still have a team? So I'll go for a Loyola Chicago champion!!! #piachat
Hey PIA peeps! It's Bobbie Lead Learner for PK-8 in MA and my favorite college team is OHIO- Buckeyes (thanks to the cousin!).. it's either that or Michigan
Hey #piachat! Melissa, elementary principal in Pensacola FL. Not a big sports fan, but my brother is the asst athletic director at K-State so always a fan there!
A1: The love I feel for March Madness is never ending! It’s all about the excitement. It’s all about the thrill of the unexpected win with a student or staff member. It’s about advancing! #piachat
Following some cool chats tonight! Please join us for the inaugural #APTeach chat on 4/4 at 8pm CST. Hope to see all those inside and out of the Advanced Placement community join. #worldgeochat#personalizedPD#PIAchat
A1: We all fall in love with the underdog. That's why I love @RyanBJackson1 brand #underdogsadvocate ... We need to tell more "Rags to riches" success stories. Forget about all the As and A+s, who are those kiddos and staff just making great strides. Cue music ... #PIAChat
A1: Gamify lessons. Create competitions...students love it. We should also celebrate student success and make it known to other students so there is something to strive for #PIAChat
A1: The love I feel for March Madness is never ending! It’s all about the excitement. It’s all about the thrill of the unexpected win with a student or staff member. It’s about advancing! #piachat
Hello #PIAChat! I’m Eli, Lead Learner/Principal from Abq., NM but tweeting tonight from Texas during Spring Break. Love me some March Madness no matter the team to be honest!
A1 March Madness is a huge showcase of school spirit and how that pride is a part of the culture win or lose. I think that spirit alone brings excitement to our schools when we emphasize the same spirit #PIAChat
A1: Celebrations and fun with some healthy competition on the side. I think this year it has shown a “don’t give up attitude” and anything is possible! #piachat
A1: That magic happens when you least expect it...and sometimes, the underdog triumphs through hard work, persistence, and a lot of determination! #PIAChat
A1: March Madness is a fantastic time of year to watch so many great teams play. So give our students "the ball" get out of their way, sit back, & enjoy what all they can do in a student-centered clssrm. #PIAChat
A1: a little friendly competition?! Each morning this week I book talk books and classes check their bingo board...winning class will get a basket of books for their classroom library! #piachat@Scholastic book fair week!
A1: Anytime we can add excitement to our daily work it is a plus. Competitions are a source of fun and are motivating, which are good for kids! #PIAchat
A1: That sense of pride and energy. Paint your faces, wear crazy wigs, song fight songs. Show the kids you are creating an environment that celebrates them. #PIAChat
A1b: We mirrored the competition, excitement, and need for new focus by creating a staff March Madness challenge in @GooseChase app! It has truly changed the month of March for my staff! #piachat
A1: That sense of pride and energy. Paint your faces, wear crazy wigs, song fight songs. Show the kids you are creating an environment that celebrates them. #PIAChat
Q1: Our district is very competitive and we are encouraged to be competitive among our schools and our colleagues in a friendly way. Our teachers are encouraged to be as competitive with other teachers from other campuses. #PIAChat
A1. I love the underdog student. Be the kind of school where you never count out any kid...even the ones that others might not have much hope for. #piachat
A2. The entire #PrincipalsInAction have helped me grow into who I am today. @awelcome is also someone who is always a sounding board and someone who pushes me to be better. #PIAChat
A1: We all fall in love with the underdog. That's why I love @RyanBJackson1 brand #underdogsadvocate ... We need to tell more "Rags to riches" success stories. Forget about all the As and A+s, who are those kiddos and staff just making great strides. Cue music ... #PIAChat
A2 I have a few “coaches” from some of my principal colleagues to PLN members. But I know my two main go-to’s are my former Principal and AP when I was teaching and I did my internship under. Even in their retirement I call/text them a lot to vent, seek advice, etc. #PIAChat
A2: My mentor/coach is @TamaraKonrade She centers me. She helps me look past the story or fear I’m telling myself. She helps me see the choices & power I have in any situation. #PIAchat
A2: I consider @AnnWeintrob a friend and mentor. Learn from her constantly. And I can’t forget my PIA tribe. You all push my thinking and actions on a regular basis. Thankful for you! #PIAchat
A2: Gotta be my former principal. Can always go to him with questions. He has encouraged me to take risks, always been honest with me, helped me see the big picture, & importance of relationships. #PIAChat
A2. I have a few coaches who sees things in me that I don’t always see. They push me to be better than I was the day before, share in successes and lifts me up when needed. #piachat
A2: one of my mentors is the Sup who first hired me to be a principal. He saw my potential, he believed in me & he let me learn to lead while being close enough for me to reach out to when I needed support! #piachat
A2- As a first year principal, I actually have a mentor, her name is Sue & she was an amazing ES principal for years. A coach shares wisdom, is a sounding board & give encouragement. #PIAchat
A2: @alienearbud and all the leaders in my MasterMind. They push to be better, they help me reflect on my practices, and they encourage me to be the best version of myself. #PIAChat#blbs
Q2: I have been blessed with many mentors in this journey. @AreaSupATB@DSISPrinMISD@skimbriel are just a few of the wonderful leaders that help me continue to grow. #PIAChat
A2: My @momsasprincipal PLN are some of my biggest mentors & coaches! They are encouraging, motivating, & challenge me to be the best I can be for me, my family & my school community! ❤️ #PIAChat#momsasprincipals
A2: I spent 10 years as a VP so I learned from three very different and experienced principals but when I became a principal the person I saw as a mentor was our former superintendent @drmarcusnelson. He was passionate, he inspired us, and he cared for our children. #PIAChat
A3: This is a difficult question being in rural KS. It takes a good sales pitch to get good teachers and beat my fellow principals in my district to the punch! It also takes a lot of luck and a great school climate. Oh! And a winning record! #piachat
A2. One of my greatest mentors has been Jack Heater. He taught me the importance of building a strong culture by loving and serving others. Also, living in a manner that is worthy of our profession. Living with a legacy mindset. #piachat
A2: I have been blessed with many mentors in this journey. @AreaSupATB@DSISPrinMISD@skimbriel are just a few of the wonderful leaders that help me continue to grow. #PIAChat
A3 In the past I’ve always leaned on my team first. They know the culture and our vision. If they know someone who may be a good fit that’s what I’ve trusted. #PIAChat
A1: This year we can take away that you can’t ever underestimate the underdog! We are always talking about pushing through and when you work together amazing things can happen @RamblersMBB#PIAChat
A3. Recruiting is one of our most important jobs as principals. Recruit folks who love to give more than take, are relational, willing to@sacrifice for the greater good, learners and those who want to lead. #piachat
A3: Depends on what I need. I look for experience, no experience. But most of all, I look for Ts who seek to continue to learn, grow, seek PD on their own. #piachat
A2: Gary form Illinois, former Supt, now a trainer for CE. My mentor has helped me to explore where I am at in my career, where I want to go, and how I might get there by supporting me in taking action to move toward my goal. #piachat
A3) I’ve maintained strong connections with a local state university and contact them if an opportunity arises...I work hard at improving school climate and appreciating the work they do and mistakes they make!#PIAChat
A3: Hopefully through positive word of mouth, telling our story through a variety of ways, being out and about, listening, and being clear with vision. #PIAChat
A3: Make it a place people want to the awesome...take care of your current players and let them be your spokespeople...walk your talk! #PIAchat
A3 If you build it, they will come. (I know it's a baseball reference.) Word of mouth, social media presence, and connecting at EdCamps and conferences can help recruit excellence. #PIAChat
A3: Great question! We work hard at creating an environment where all feel valued and appreciated. Word gets out and people want a fun place that feels like family. I’ve inherited and hired amazing people who happen to be amazing educators #PIAchat#MHJustImagine
A3: The simplest answer is study @YellowTuxJesse Be Different. Stand Out. People will be attracted to that. A million schools are out there. Why would I pick YOURS? #PIAchat
A3: My best and most reliable recruiters are my teachers and staff. When they can speak to the culture of our school and recruit people who want to be a part of that same culture, it’s a win! #piachat
A3: Haven't had a chance to do this, but through our social media I hope they see a strong and charismatic culture that shows we put all students first #PIAchat
A3 treating others the way you want to be treated. We are the same for subs and have a very high fill rate because we show we care for everyone. #PIAChat
A4: It’s all about communication, social media engagement, having fun and inviting them in whenever you can! We are doing great things and we need to tell our story! #PIAchat
A2: I have so many but my mom is my mentor! She is amazing and she always gives it to me straight (even when I don’t like it!). #amazingmom can’t forget my peeps @momsasprincipal#PIAChat
A4- Telling our story- social media, relationships, invite to events, Lots of videos! Show the great things happening in our school- Just invited Mystery Readers in! #PIAChat
A4 Our @mertonpto reaches out to our community and businesses. Can't thank them enough. We are working as a district to publicize the great things we offer students and their families. #PIAChat
A3: Keep sharing the story of your school. The team players will seek you out, but it is one the most important jobs we have. Find those who want to add to the story and lead in ways to serve others. #piachat
A4: When I think about recruiting the base I consider do I really understand their needs and once I do have an understanding -- am I serving them there? #PIAchat
Yes! Telling our school’s story can truly change the perspective our community has about our school. It is just part of what a 21st century leader should be doing! #PIAChat
A4: It’s all about communication, social media engagement, having fun and inviting them in whenever you can! We are doing great things and we need to tell our story! #PIAchat
A4: Twitter has been great for this. Smore was a game changer as well. So simple and professional looking. Face to face meetings never go out of style when dealing with the community. #PIAchat
A3: We have a partnership with our local university, @txamiu, that provides senior students an opportunity to teach at our campuses and we provide the hands on learning of teaching under the guidance of our teachers. From there we can select potential & future teachers.#PIAChat
A4) communication, being present, visible, fun, genuine, passionate. I have conversations at the grocery store, pharmacy, ball field, local pizza place or gym. I’m part of the community #piachat
Yes! Telling our school’s story can truly change the perspective our community has about our school. It is just part of what a 21st century leader should be doing! #PIAChat
A4: It’s all about communication, social media engagement, having fun and inviting them in whenever you can! We are doing great things and we need to tell our story! #PIAchat
A3: Communicate! Share our story daily via social media. Ensure the students go home happy and wanting to come back to school. Welcome parents and families daily. #piachat
A4 It’s about relationships. Communication, opportunities, respect, service... all of it centering around the WHY and that is our kids and their needs. #PIAChat
A4: Honesty and having nothing to hide. I show my community that we are working to serve them. No community, no school. Being transparent builds trust. #PIAchat
A4: I have found that social media is awesome, but in person matters, coffee w the principals...I also offer up current parents to our prospective parents to chat and answer questions... I am also big on giving swag away to our local businesses as thanks! #PIAChat
Exciting announcement for the next #PIAChat. Join us April 10 when @casas_jimmy will take part in a discussion of key ideas from Culturize. Save the date! You won't want to miss this #PIAChat!
A4: Communicate! Share our story daily via social media. Ensure the students go home happy and wanting to come back to school. Welcome parents and families daily. #piachat
A3: We recruit our players through recruitment fairs sponsored by our district, through other teachers/staff members, & via our social media presence. Only people with positive attitudes, a growth mindset, a strong work ethic, & relationship builders should apply. #PIAchat