#formativechat Archive
Discuss the implementation, impact of Formative and formative assessment.
Monday January 18, 2016
7:00 PM EST
Thanks Peter! We've got another weather related Q for you tonight!
So excited, just can't hide it
Welcome to everyone! I will be co-moderating
with !
Welcome Niko! I don't think tonight's intro Q will apply to you...you'll see!
We are going to be talking about how to without going crazy! learn strategies to save time!
Please start with your location and your current temp with windchill!
Peter Chicago suburbs, real is 4 degrees feels like -15...
I was super surprised until I saw the link!
Hey peeps. Shai from State College, PA. Math Teacher!
hi from Pittsburgh, I teach Spanish, wind chill -12
Hello, ! Angela from ATL. Real temp is 28, feels like 20. ⛄️
hasn't felt above 0 since Saturday!
what is your current temperature with windchill?
Weather...Well, it stinks! It is really cold. My ears don't like it. The weather...cold with a chance of being really cold!
Time for a quick science lesson! How do they determine the wind chill factor?
Hey Angela! Welcome to ! Holy cow! Is it snowing?
thanks for the ideas with the equations in !
does it not have something to do with the rate at which the body loses heat?
I think Maria is winning with "feels like -3"!
Just checked to be official. It is 10 degrees F with a real feel of -5 degrees. Brrrr. Snow expected tomorrow.
Hi Mary from CT 24 degrees feels like 10 degrees - sitting with blanket and dog to stay warm!
Also, Happy MLK day everyone!
No...that's just how I feel! Being a true Georgia Peach, any cold weather makes me into a snowman. 😂
You are more than welcomed!
I know what you mean being for Cali
We are going to go ahead and get started with Q1!
Don't forget the Q1 and A1 format!
Nope, I beat that! Although this is one time I would rather lose and let someone else win.
Kudos to@rdene915 for inspiring this topic!
Ummm...something to do with the humidity, wind speed?
A1: Students are able to work at their own pace.
Kudos to for inspiring this topic!
A1: all students are able to succeed! allows learners to learn at different paces and ability levels.
A1) Because all Ss learn differently & at different rates, Ts can maximize success by targeting their strengths & weaknesses
What's up Melanie from Indiana here.It's 10°, but feels like Siberia. Just home from Pulse class, now snuggling w/dachshund.
And kudos to as well for tonight's topic!
A1: Ss don't feel like they're competing, grades are no longer a competive thing, work at own pace, Ss see success faster
A1: really all about the S, Ind. Lear. helps keep that focus
Yes! individual pacing is how and why of individualized instruction!
A1 Ss indiv needs are met, Ts can provide opps for Ss to drive their learning, set goals, give meaningfl fdbk
Awesome to have you with us Mrs. Meyers!
Oh no, I just have some ideas for not going crazy :)
Also helps Ss measure personal growth, not in comp to rest of class. Good for both ends of spectrum
Is that ever important! Measure personal success. No more comparing!
We'll try to get some more ideas here as well!!
A1: Students who need extra help can actually GET IT.
love this! yes! it's about relative and not absolute growth
I no longer hear from S to S, "What did you get on...." It's not about the grade anymore.
Right on! I would have appreciated that extra help in school!
A1: Not being focused on "Keeping Up with the Jones's" is a great start!
That's awesome!how do you think they develop that mindset with ind. instruction? what's the key?
Question 2 coming up ..........
extra help is great/essential not always possible, biggest challenge not letting S fall through the cracks
we can help students get to this place by providing them with actionable rather than judgmental feedback!
Key has to be ind feedback! Point out what they did right, how to improve what they missed https://t.co/EdAATVMOKS
That's awesome!how do you think they develop that mindset with ind. instruction? what's the key?
A1 Depends greatly on Ss age and skillset, according to Vygotsky peer learning and social context more important
ahh! I definitely agree that ind. feedback drives personal reflection rather than comparison with peers!
I think once a Ss has an ILP, they just aren't focused on what others are doing. https://t.co/HRBfDGDcYe
That's awesome!how do you think they develop that mindset with ind. instruction? what's the key?
or guide them to errors and let them figure out what they missed!
I didn't think about it that way...
Also, I HATE grades, so I don't harp on them. I harp on the learning. https://t.co/HRBfDGDcYe
That's awesome!how do you think they develop that mindset with ind. instruction? what's the key?
A2: as HS teacher, I see the gaps, sometimes Ss think its to late to fix,
A2) Time - the prob that has so few solutions! :( Recycling throughout yr can help. Ss who didn't get 1st time may get 2nd
A2: Start with solid curriculum. If we don't have the "what" is taught, we cannot find a path to the "how" & understanding.
I am thinking that I might use painter's tape or duct tape, and just put them all over my walls.
A2: gaps in math/english really really build up. Ss realize by high school and it can be too late. No one can pass the buck
I second that! We need to let future teachers know student strengths and weaknesses based on our exp. withthem
Disagree. It's never too late as long as Ss are willing to keep trying & Ts don't give up.
Q2: having students choose goals for assignments forces them to self assess and be in charge of their learning
A2 need time to work w/Ss, ongoing fdbk, collab helps, set new goals, just cant give up
A2: You asked, I will state. allows for the individual time, f2f time with EVERY Ss. Strong believer in flipping.
Teachers, especially new, need to have the tools and training to be successful!
I sure hope that the Ss will spins their wheels and try to catch up. I have a S doing that right now.
love it Shai! I never got into flipping, but I can see how it would be great for ind. student pacing
Yes! Plus, provides library of res for ALL Ss to refer to at their own speed when THEY need
A2: I agree with ! A strong curriculum is key and knowing how it builds upon previous grades and future ones
I agree and disagree. Gaps CAN be shortened (maybe not disappear in everything). Needs to start in elem though
A2: we started a PBIS program at the E level; kids get noticed/helpif problems. interesting 2 see if change when get 2 me
A3: Give Ss choice in digital tool they might use to create an end product to demonstrate understanding.
The options afforded by are engaging for many students!
That has to be planned out ahead of time though, don't you think?
A3: it can be as simple as adding their name/knowing things they are interested in & develop conversation with those interest
A3) As a French T, I was able to allow Ss some freedom in how they chose to show mastery - choice of tool, focus of pres, etc
Not really. Ss will eventually know what tools they love to use. They just choose the one they want!
do you think they are mutually exclusive? are there ways to blend self pacing and collaboration?
i was just checking out NoRedInk and the app does a neat job of asking Ss their interests & adapting. can see this growing
A3: Build a question around a Ss interest and they know you and !
I often pose a problem statement or question and tell them to go!
A3 Let Ss have a choice in how to show learning, I like letting them choose & seeing variety
I love Ss choice, but it is very hard for me to offer choice if I don't plan for it ahead of time.
definitely! you have to set limits!
You would be surprised! I had Ss turn in an Assign this week. The variety and ideas were awesome!
A3: hour is all Ss interests also writers workshop where Ss choose the writing they want to do based on standards
or maybe a better word than limits, you need to have structure to help students act on choices
A3) Allowing students to pitch in their own ideas works wonders. Doing an arg. essay? Let them come up with a topic.
A3: As a former math teacher, in class discussions, I would draw from what I knew about students based on non academic diss.
Interesting. When I do the all I tell them my only stipulation is it has eyes and wearing clothes. 1/2
2/2 The variety of I get is absolutely amazing. So, I guess I might not be surprised.
Excellent! I'll have to try that!
A3: It feels silly 2 say (so simple!) I take things I know they like & use in word problems/story/examples. They like it. :)
Helpful2have honest,private convos w/Ss to discuss learning needs&skills gaps. Build relationships 1st, nothing matters more
You are absolutely correct!
I'm like a bull in a china shop. I just take off and go. The end result is unknown but I'm excited to see it. :-)
definitely! and with enough time to get to know your students, you can do this on the fly verbally!
I am excited to hear your ideas!
I used to create scenarios around the Ss, their prefs, what they did in/out of class. They always ❤️ it!
Key is to keep the different learners together and and let their own inquiries drive their learning
A4) Having students working on a separate activity while having one-on-one conferences is a strategy I really like.
A4: I use to do my FA so that I can watch live results and have immediate f2f convos to give feedback.
I tried this with Ss, we all are learning, the how we teach each other & I know where we need to be in the end.
A4: google docs have helped but I have to remind sometimes to look - hard copy more concrete for some; verbal feedback also
A4 (Jumping in a little late!) I use add on Form Mule to reply to student info Google Form responses. Kids like feedback.
A4: I taught students problem solving Q to ask themselves +checked in with them about these. Formulaic Q but unique responses
I agree-the comments ability is amazing!
Hey Lisa! Great to have you with us!
It sounds like I need to use Form Mule!
how does this help you give feedback?
A4: to give individual feedback, i like to be efficient with tools like & unleash Ss to give each other feedback
I agree and do this as well. I like the immediate, but with the bigger-whole class conversation as well!
"educators need to recognize the resilience they are showing already." *slow clap*
A4 I've found using formative assessments helps me group students so feedback is similar.I like the idea of peer feedback too
Also helps to teach Ss how to give peer feedback - sometimes comments from a peer sticks better than from a T
A4 For feedback on S writing, choose a target skill, offer feedback on THAT only. Ull find greater success, less stress
I ask Ss to "check in" or answer questions on Google Form. Form Mule allows me to reply to them individually.
As long as the Ss are taught how to give that feedback first. We can't assume Ss know how.
and they don't have to try and decipher my handwriting!
A4# Googles docs and Showbie help a lot with giving feedback; quick face2face convos while Ss are working
Agree! Quick think-pair-share/turn n talks are great for generating immediate feedback for Ss
Exactly! Each class reqs diff feedback, so class should start w/that lesson!
great "soft skill" to know how to give constructive feedback
If I keep seeing the same mistakes, I will have a large class convo as well. Sometimes very powerful.
Form Mule sounds like something I have to check out!
A5: My situation allows for such conversations but only 1X/Week. Interested to hear from others!
I'm stoked that is participating in Twitterchat w/me.She's not my teacherbaby anymore! I 💖connected Ts!
A5: That's why I LOVE . I don't worry about this. I have authentic convo with every Ss every class. No lecture!
A5 In 2016 (& upcoming new cycle) I will have Ss self assess at end of class,so if I missed them that day I catch them next
A5: 45 min, 20-30 Ss & instruction. Meaningful everyday is unrealistic. Find ways, I get them in the hall, lunchroom, gym...
A5: By doing an "In-Flip" Classroom I am able to walk around and provide more 1on1 help.
Q5: has to be priority not hopeful intention; the more you let Ss be in charge the more time you have for individual convos
Agreed! I meant more in the context of a week!
A5) Not in classroom anymore & my last classes had no more than 17 Ss. Made it easy to have those convos
I use this technique on reteaching skills often. Works well!
A5: another BIG challenge with classes of 20-25 Ss; every so often - check-in using I ask how things are and reply
Q6 coming up.............
I will stick with my answer! If I see them I have an opportunity for that conversation,
I love that absent kids can refer to old class lesson videos.
A5: EASY! Like good parenting,little chats matter.Get away from your desk&computer,make eye contact,greet/goodbye,show joy
A5: small groups, independent Ss, Ts groups or if age appropriate Ts can visit groups and mediate Ss https://t.co/yonvhFxd8j
A5: I used to keep track of who I talked to! Want to make sure regular basis meant once a week at least
I completely agree that convos can happen anywhere and should. Ss like it when you acknowledge them.
great idea. Will try to do that.
A5: Bc sometimes Ss just want to be noticed.Wait!ALL THE TIME they want to be noticed. So take time to notice your Ss
A6: Although I don't do it and would love to move toward it, but would be great for this.
A5 Greet them at the door, make it a point, building relatshps very imprtnt, move around CR a lot
I really would love to host a Even thought before/after school hours.
A6: I am not terribly good at this, and would love to hear/see responses.
an "In-Class Flip" Ss watch videos in class for instruction vs BEFORE class or at home in classic Flip.
A6: Students who feel empowered will climb all the mountains! A good T will show em the way, then get out of their way!
It's where you allow students to follow their own passions, explore, create, dive deeper. No limits.
I had a group of Ss working on continuous project numbers using diff base systems and binary! They quickly took over!
Kinda of scary though. (But were scary to me at first too!)
A6: In any subject, you can have them create their own assessments and assess each other
I enjoyed chatting tonight but now I've got to get my kids in bed & get ready for a new day tomorrow w/ students! Goodnight!
I create my own videos, but you can always post others from YouTube, etc.
I've done that, and the Ss try to make the assessments so terribly tough that it really is ends up meaningless.